something you love. ⢠Credit toward high school graduation. ⢠College credit for many programs. ⢠industry certifi
Information Guide Central & North Campuses
2 016
Career and Technical High School for Jefferson County Public Schools
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To prepare students for the changing work place. To provide quality training in a variety of job-specific skills, related problemsolving techniques and professional work ethics. The instruction is appropriate for the student and is directly applicable to employment, further job training, and/or post secondary education.
WarrenTech will be the premier career center, widely recognized as an educational and technological leader, with students who competitively meet the challenges of the global community.
your Future at
WarrenTech Central WarrenTech and Red Rocks Community College Credit
Red Rocks Community College Course Offerings
Optional Red Rocks Community College credits can be earned by high school students in the following programs: Auto Collision Repair Auto Customization Automotive Technology Computer Science Cosmetology: Esthetics Nail Technology Hairstyling Culinary Arts Cybersecurity Dental Assisting Fire Science/First Responder Game & App Development Graphic Design & Digital Photography Outdoor Leadership Power Equipment & Motorcycle Technology Precision Machining Technology S2TEM: X-TREME Engineering TV/Video Production Welding
Adults may be accepted into the following WarrenTech AAS Degree/Certificate programs:
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Auto Collision Repair Auto Customization Auto Parts Management Automotive Service Technology Cosmetology Esthetics Hairstyling Nail Technology Power Equipment & Motorcycle Technology Precision Machining Technology Welding Adults may also be accepted into the following WarrenTech program for Coursework only: Dental Assisting
Creating Quality Futures Since 1973
Career-focused learning doing something you love Credit toward high school graduation College credit for many programs Industry certification Internships, apprenticeships, on-thejob experience Participation in state and national contests A head start on your career Jeffco Schools does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity or race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability and expects its cooperating employers will also not discriminate in recruitment, hiring, placement, assignment to work tasks, hours of employment, levels of responsibility, and in pay and in its programs and activities against any student with protected status in the work-based learning programs. To that end, if a student feels that he or she has been discriminated against, he or she should report the alleged discrimination to: Equal Opportunity/ADA Compliance Officer Employee Relations Department (303) 982-6544 1829 Denver West Drive Building 27, 4th Floor P.O. Box 4001 Golden, Colorado 80401-0001
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Auto Collision Repair 303.982.8624
2–4 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $130
CREDIT: 1st Sem: 1.5 Auto Body Repair Comprehensive 2nd Sem: 0.5 Conceptual Chemistry (LBSC**) and 1.0 Auto Body Repair Comprehensive 3rd Sem: 1.5 Auto Body Repair Comprehensive 4th Sem: 0.5 Conceptual Physics (LBSC**) and 1.0 Auto Body Repair Comprehensive College Credit available
I-Car Training Alliance Member NATEF Certified Program Non-Structural / Structural Refinishing Estimating Detailing Prepare for ASE Certification Internships
Auto Customization 303.982.8573
2–4 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $130
Credit: 1st Sem: 1.5 Auto Body Repair Customizing 2nd Sem: 0.5 Conceptual Chemistry (LBSC**) and 1.0 Auto Body Repair Customizing 3rd Sem: 1.5 Auto Body Repair Customizing 4th Sem: 0.5 Conceptual Physics (LBSC**) and 1.0 Auto Body Repair Customizing College Credit available
Custom Metal Fabrication Welding, MIG, TIG, and OXY Refinishing and Custom Paint Finishing Body Work Primers and Custom Paint Airbrushing and Pinstriping
Automotive Technology 303.982.8572
2 – 4 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $140
Credit: : 1st Sem: 1.5 Auto Mech Comprehensive Adv. 2nd Sem: 0.5 Conceptual Chemistry (LBSC**) and 1.0 Auto Mech Comprehensive Adv. 3rd Sem: 1.5 Auto Mech Comprehensive Adv. 4th Sem: 0.5 Conceptual Physics (LBSC**) and 1.0 Auto Mech Comprehensive Adv. College Credit available
Electrical Systems Engine Performance Suspension and Steering Brakes Manual Drive Train Prepare for ASE Certification Internship Opportunities through AYES NATEF Certified Program Engine Repair* Heating/Air Conditioning* Automatic Transmission/Transaxle* Auto Parts Specialist* Auto Parts Management II* Light Duty Diesel Fuel Theory* * 3rd & 4th Semester Options
Computer Science 303.982.8534
2 – 4 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $101
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Computer Programming (Alg. I or higher math credit) and 1.0 Comp Prog Other Language (elective) 2nd Sem: 0.5 Computer Programming (Alg. I or higher math credit) and 1.0 Comp Prog Other Language (elective) 3rd Sem: 1.5 Comp Prog Other Language (elective) 4th Sem: 1.5 Comp Prog Other Language (elective) College Credit available
A+, Linux+, Network+ or Security+ Certification Preparation Introduction to Networking Introduction to Programming • C++/C# • Web Programming — HTML5, CSS3, Javascript Operating Systems Database Design/SQL Programming Windows/Linux Flash Development Dreamweaver Robotics • Electronics/Microcontrollers • Engineering Topics Credits and Fees are subject to change | ** LBSC = Lab-based Science Credit
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Cosmetology: Esthetics 303.982.8544
2 Semesters AM 7:15-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $276
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Anatomy (LBSC**) and 1.0 Cosmetology Facial Specialization 2nd Sem: 0.5 Anatomy (LBSC**) and 1.5 Cosmetology Facial Specialization College Credit available Massage, Skin Care, Make-Up and Waxing Microdermabrasion Certification Chemical Peel Certification Sanitation, Disinfection, Safety Salon Management and Salesmanship Professional Salon Conduct and Ethics State Board Exam Preparation for Colorado Licensure Additional hours required in June
Cosmetology: Hairstyling
4 SEMESTERS AM 7:15-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $291
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Anatomy (LBSC**) and 1.0 Hairstyling 2nd Sem: 0.5 Anatomy (LBSC**) and 1.5 Hairstyling 3rd Sem: 1.5 Hairstyling 4th Sem: 2.0 Hairstyling College Credit available
Additional hours required in June
Cosmetology: Hairstyling
2 Semesters All day 7:15-3:45 MTWRF New Student Fee: $333
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Anatomy (LBSC**) and 3.0 Hairstyling 2nd Sem: 0.5 Anatomy (LBSC**) and 3.0 Hairstyling College Credit available Actual Work on Clients Shampooing, Styling, Hair Cutting Chemical Texturizing, Hair Coloring Sanitation, Disinfection, Safety Professional Salon Conduct and Ethics State Board Exam Preparation for Colorado Licensure Additional hours required in June
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Cosmetology: Nail Technology 303.982.8544
2 Semesters AM 7:15-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $255
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Anatomy (LBSC**) and 1.0 Cosmetology Nail Specialization 2nd Sem: 0.5 Anatomy (LBSC**) and 1.5 Cosmetology Nail Specialization College Credit available
Manicuring and Pedicuring Artificial Nail Enhancements, Nail Art Nail and Skin Diseases and Disorders, with Advanced Training in Spa Techniques Sanitation, Disinfection, and Safety Professional Salon Conduct and Ethics State Board Exam Preparation for Colorado Licensure Additional hours required in June
Culinary Arts 303.982.8556 or 303-982-8555 2 – 3 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR All Day 7:30-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $202
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Food Science (LBSC**), and 1.0 Restaurant Services Comprehensive 2nd Sem: 0.5 Food Science (LBSC**), and 1.0 Restaurant Services Comprehensive 3rd Sem: 3.0 Restaurant Services Comprehensive (all day schedule) Pre-requisite for all-day 3rd semester session: Successful completion of Culinary Arts Semesters 1 & 2, application and instructor approval NOTE: If student takes AM session 1st semester, it is recommended they take PM session 2nd semester. OR If student takes PM session 1st semester, it is recommended they take AM session 2nd semester College Credit available
All Phases of Food Preparation & Service Catering, Line Cooking, Deli Service Baking and Pastry Preparation Wait Staff/Maitre D’ Customer Service Table Side Service
4 InfoGuideCentral-NorthCombo-01204 4
Cybersecurity 303.982.8534
2 – 4 semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $101
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Computer Programming (Alg. I or higher math credit) or Algebra II (hybrid) and 1.0 Cybersecurity (elective) 2nd Sem 0.5 Computer Programming (Alg. I or higher math credit) or Algebra II (hybrid) and 1.0 Cybersecurity (elective) 3rd Sem: 1.5 Cybersecurity (elective) 4th Sem: 1.5 Cybersecurity (elective) Pre-requisite: Algebra I with a “C” or better College Credit available Cisco Academy Oracle Academy Operating systems - heavy Linux Symmetric and public key cryptography Digital signature hashes Intro to networking - TCP/IP, build-out of wired and wireless networks Digital forensics Reverse engineering Access control Firewalls, Intrusion detection system (IDS) and monitoring Build-out of a DMZ Network attacks Network reconnaissance Secure Socket Layer (SSL) & IPSec Wireless security Steganography Information gathering & social engineering
Fire Science / First Responder 303.982.8567
2 semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $200
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Anatomy & Physiology (LBSC**), 0.5 Lifetime Fitness Ed. and 0.5 Fire Science (elective) 2nd Sem: 0.5 Conceptual Chemistry (LBSC**), 0.5 Lifetime Fitness Ed. and 0.5 Fire Science (elective) Pre-requisite: Final program acceptance is contingent upon completion of liability waiver and doctor’s release College Credit available Drill-ground Activities Ride-alongs Fire Chemistry Fire Prevention Public Education and Information Marketing, Public and Media Relations Equipment and Systems Tactics and Strategy First Responder/CPR Anatomy and Physiology Medical and Behavioral Emergencies Medical Terminology Legal and Ethical Issues
Dental Assisting 303.982.8540
2 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $286
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Anatomy (LBSC**), 0.5 English/Lang Arts 12, and 0.5 Dental Science (elective) 2nd Sem: 0.5 Anatomy (LBSC**), 0.5 English/Lang Arts 12, and 0.5 Dental Science (elective) College Credit available
Dental Anatomy Dental Procedures Laboratory Techniques X-Ray Techniques Patient Care Chair-side Techniques Sterilization and Disinfection Internship Required
Credits and Fees are subject to change | ** LBSC = Lab-based Science Credit
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Game & App Development 303.982.8534 and 303.982-9354 2 – 4 semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $101
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Computer Programming (Alg. I or higher math credit) or Algebra II (hybrid) and 1.0 Game Programming (elective) 2nd Sem 0.5 Computer Programming (Alg. I or higher math credit) or Algebra II (hybrid) and 1.0 Game Programming (elective) 3rd Sem: 1.5 Game Programming (elective) 4th Sem: 1.5 Game Programming (elective) Pre-requisite: Algebra I with a “C” or better College Credit available 2-D and 3-D Modeling and Animation Industry-standard Programming Languages: C++, C#, AS3, Java Script Trigonometry/Physics-based Programming Interactive Development Environment (Visual Studio and Flash Professional, Dreamweaver) Agile Development Teams Team-centered, Problem-solving Approach Game Design and Development Lighting Story Development Character Development and Rigging App Development Web Development (HTML5, CSS3, Javascript) Game Development Environment Unity 3D
Graphic Design & Digital Photography 303.982.8468
2 – 4 semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $100
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 English/Lang Arts 12 and 1.0 Graphic Design* 2nd Sem: 0.5 English/Lang Arts 12 and 1.0 Graphic Design* 3rd Sem: 1.5 Graphic Design Intermediate 4th Sem: 1.5 Graphic Design Intermediate
College Credit available Digital Photography Screen Printing *AP Studio Art, 2-D Design Option Design Theory and Methods Typography Basic Design Theory Digital Publishing and Graphics Production Design Advertising Design Multimedia Design Hand and Digital Illustration Large-Format Vinyl Printing Graphic & Embroidery Design Digital Portfolio Development Credits and FeesReview are subject to change | ** LBSC = Lab-based Science Credit Portfolio
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Outdoor Leadership 303.982.8584
2 – 4 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $170
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 English/Lang Arts 12, 0.5 Integrated Science (LBSC**) and 0.5 Lifetime Fitness Education 2nd Sem: 0.5 English/Lang Arts 12, 0.5 Integrated Science (LBSC**) and 0.5 Lifetime Fitness Education 3rd Sem: 1.0 Outdoor Leadership elective 0.5 Environmental Science 4th Sem: 1.0 Outdoor Leadership elective 0.5 Environmental Science
College Credit available Environmental Science Option (2nd year only) Backpacking Challenge Course Facilitation Backcountry Cooking Wilderness First Aid / CPR Leadership Styles and Strategies Environmental Education Orienteering Wilderness Survival Rock Climbing Leave No Trace Trainer Course Pre-requisite: Final program acceptance is contingent upon physical/doctor’s release
Power Equipment & Motorcycle Technology
Precision Machining Technology 303.982.8563
2 – 4 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $146
Credit: 1st Sem: 1.5 Machining 2nd Sem: 1.5 Machining 3rd Sem: 1.5 Machining 4th Sem: 1.5 Machining Pre-requisite: Completion of Algebra I College Credit available Conventional Machine Tool Blueprint Reading Computer Aided Manufacturing Precision Measuring Systems CNC Machining Plastic Injection Molding Computer Aided Design Injection Mold Theory Introduction to Energy Engineering: Introduction, Principles Sustainable Building Community Outreach and Education Sustainable Energy Mechanical Drafting Fundamentals of Blueprint Reading Work-Place Safety Solidworks Certification Test
2 – 4 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $80
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Conceptual Physics (LBSC**) and 1.0 Small Vehicle Mechanics (Motorcycle) 2nd Sem: 0.5 Conceptual Physics (LBSC**) and 1.0 Small Vehicle Mechanics (Motorcycle) 3rd Sem: 1.5 Small Vehicle Mechanics (Motorcycle) 4th Sem: 1.5 Small Vehicle Mechanics (Motorcycle) College Credit available
Engine Repair Engine Performance Transmission/Transaxle Electrical Systems Parts Merchandising Customer Relations Compact Diesel Engines Hydraulics/Hydrostats Motorcycle Brakes and Suspension Carburetor and Injected Fuel Systems Internships
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S2TEM: X-TREME Engineering 303.982.0690
2 – 4 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $120
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Engineering, 0.5 Algebra II and 0.5 Sustainable Energy I (LBSC**) 2nd Sem: 0.5 Engineering, 0.5 Algebra II and 0.5 Sustainable Energy I (LBSC**) 3rd Sem: 0.5 Engineering, 0.5 STEM and 0.5 Sustainable Energy II (LBSC**) 4th Sem: 0.5 Engineering, 0.5 STEM and 0.5 Sustainable Energy II (LBSC**) College Credit available Environmental Science Option (2nd year only) 3-D Modeling Architectural Design and Green Methods Solar and Wind Systems Technology Design for Manufacturing Biomass, Hydrogen, Geothermal and Hydroelectric Systems Research and Design Final Project Creative Design and Construction Green Design and Building Architectural /Engineering Drafting Materials Science Introduction to Energy Engineering: Introduction, Principles Sustainable Building Community Outreach and Education Sustainable Energy Mechanical Drafting Fundamentals of Blueprint Reading Work-Place Safety Solidworks Certification Test
TV / Video Production 303.982.8499
2 – 4 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $81
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 English/Lang Arts 12 and 1.0 Audio/Visual Production 2nd Sem: 0.5 English/Lang Arts 12 and 1.0 Audio/Visual Production 3rd Sem: 1.5 Audio/Visual Production 4th Sem: 1.5 Audio/Visual Production College Credit available Digital Storytelling Editing Techniques Sound Storyboarding Television Broadcast Camera Techniques Lighting Script Writing Motion and Graphic Effects for Video Professional Portfolio Development
Welding 303.982.8562
2 – 4 Semesters AM 7:30-10:30 MTWRF PM 12:00-3:45 MTWR New Student Fee: $150
College Credit available
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Executive High School Internship 303.982.8539
1 Semester; Seniors only Schedule: Variable (100 hours required) New Student Fee: $15 Location: Varies
Credit: .5 elective credit
GPA of 3.5 or Higher Required Minimum of 17 Credits Work with Career Professionals Gain Real-World Experience Prepare for Your Future Career Research Must Provide Own Transportation to Internship Site Internet/E-mail Access Required Separate Application & Interview Required
Steps to Success
Additional costs for leathers and steel-toed boots and other personal welding items Credit: 1st Sem: 1.5 Welding 2nd Sem: 0.5 Algebra Inter (Alg. I or higher math credit) and 1.0 Welding 3rd Sem: 0.5 Algebra Inter (Alg. I or higher math credit) and 1.0 Welding 4th Sem: 1.5 Welding
Ox-Fuel Welding and Cutting Gas Metal Arc Welding Gas Tungsten Arc Welding Flux-Core Arc Welding Shielded Metal Arc Welding Blueprint Reading/Welding Symbols Plasma Cutting (Manual and CNC) American Welding Society National Certification Apprenticeship Opportunities American Welding Society S.E.N.S.E. Certified Program
Step 1: Explore your interests Review the WarrenTech website, view by cluster areas, and view Program Pathways for specific details about program offerings.
Step 2: See your high school counselor. (Adults see Red Rocks Community College Admissions). Discuss your interests, look at possible schedules, meeting graduation requirements, and post-secondary plans. Decide on a single program and get an application from your high school counselor. Step 3: Complete an application.
Step 4: Return completed application to your high school counselor prior to March 1st. Your counselor will forward your application to WarrenTech with a current transcript. Step 5: Wait. If accepted, a registration packet will be sent to you. Step 6: Complete and return registration packet.
Step 7: Attend program orientation. Step 8: Pay Warren Tech fees for the accepted program prior to the first day of class.
Step 9: Go! Start classes on the first day of school. Credits and Fees are subject to change | ** LBSC = Lab-based Science Credit
1/20/2015 4:25:17 PM
Information Guide North Campus
2 016
Career and Technical High School for Jefferson County Public Schools
InfoGuideCentral-NorthCombo-01207 7
1/20/2015 4:25:37 PM
To prepare students for the changing work place. To provide quality training in a variety of job-specific skills, related problemsolving techniques and professional work ethics. The instruction is appropriate for the student and is directly applicable to employment, further job training, and/or post secondary education.
WarrenTech will be the premier career center, widely recognized as an educational and technological leader, with students who competitively meet the challenges of the global community.
your Future at
WarrenTech North PWR In addition to the Career & Academic Skills in each program, all students at WarrenTech acquire the following PostSecondary & Workforce Readiness Skills (PWR): • Problem Solving • Critical Thinking • Teamwork • Adaptability • Communication
8 InfoGuideCentral-NorthCombo-01208 8
WarrenTech North and Red Rocks Community College Credit Optional Red Rocks Community College credits can be earned by high school students in the following programs: College Credit available
Criminal Justice Digital Audio Production Emergency Medical Services Forensic Science Healthcare & Medical Sciences I Healthcare & Medical Sciences II Sports Medicine
Creating Quality Futures Since 1973
Career-focused learning doing something you love
Credit toward high school graduation College credit for many programs Industry certification Internships, apprenticeships, onthe-job experience Participation in state and national contests A head start on your career
Credits and Fees are subject to change | ** LBSC = Lab-based Science Credit
1/20/2015 4:25:44 PM
Criminal Justice 303.982.9366
2 Semesters AM 7:35-10:30 MTWRF PM 11:45-3:30 MTWR New Student Fee: $46
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 English/Lang Arts Grade 12 and 1.0 Criminal Justice 2nd Sem: 0.5 English/Lang Arts Grade 12 and 1.0 Criminal Justice Students should be aware this course includes sensitive and/or graphic material. College Credit available
Types of Law Agencies and Processes involved in the Criminal Justice System: Pre-Trial, Probation, Community Corrections, and Parole Criminal Law Procedures and Due Process Criminal Investigation Procedures Evidence Collection Process Judicial Process and Courtroom Personnel Law Enforcement Procedures Juvenile Justice Criminal Profiles and Characteristics Handcuffing and Arrest Procedures Patrol and Traffic Accident Investigations Crime Victimization and Victim Advocacy Prison System Drugs and Addiction
Digital Audio Production 303.982.9370
2 Semesters AM 7:35-10:30 MTWRF PM 11:45-3:30 MTWR New Student Fee: $95
Emergency Medical Services 303.982.8567
SENIORS ONLY 2 semesters AM 7:35-10:30 MTWRF PM 11:45-3:30 MTWR New Student Fee: $200
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Emergency Response 1.0 Emergency Medical Services 2nd Sem: 0.5 Emergency Response 1.0 Emergency Medical Services
Pre-requisites: Separate application, essay, and interview required. Students should be aware this course includes sensitive and/or graphic material. College Credit available
Anatomy & Physiology Emergency Medical Services System Emergency Medical Careers Roles and Responsibilities of EMRs Legal and Ethical Issues Medical Terminology Medical Math Cadaver Lab Trauma Care Overview of Patient Assessment Emergency Medical Responder Certification Emergency Medical Technician Basic** * 2nd Semester enrollment is not guaranteed. Students will be admitted based upon a grade of 75% or better, exhibiting quality postsecondary workforce readiness skills, interview, and instructor recommendation. ** Students must pass EMT curriculum with an 80% or better, complete clinical hours and pass the National Registry Exam (additional cost) in order to become EMT-Basic Certified.
Credit: 1st Sem: 1.0 Digital Audio Production 0.5 Physics, Waves & Oscillations (LBSC**) 2nd Sem: 1.5 Digital Audio Production
Forensic Science 303.982.8664
2 semesters AM 7:35-10:30 MTWRF PM 11:45-3:30 MTWR New Student Fee: $125
Credit: 1st Sem: 1.0 Forensic Chemistry (LBSC**) 0.5 Forensic Science Adv. (LBSC**) 2nd Sem: 1.0 Anatomy (LBSC**), 0.5 Forensic Science Adv. (LBSC**) Pre-requisite: Completion of Biology.
Students should be aware this course includes sensitive and/or graphic material. College Credit available
Serology and DNA Toxicology Crime Scene Analysis and Reconstruction Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Forensic Pathology Forensic Anthropology and Odontology Fingerprinting Ballistics, Firearms and Toolmarks Trace Evidence Chain of Custody and Court Procedures Documents, Voice Analysis and Polygraphs
We Are WarrenTech North “Through my experiences at WarrenTech I learned to be a strong leader, an accepting friend and a prepared adult. The teachers at WarrenTech are not only willing to help me, but they push me to succeed. In addition, WarrenTech teaches career skills and also skills for life.”
College Credit available
The Physics of Sound Computer Music Applications: Recording, Editing & Mixing “MIDI-Based” Audio Production Audio Production: Recording, Editing, Mixing Sounds/Instruments captured with microphones using industry professional standard Pro Tools software Operation of professional studio equipment, including: Microphones, Preamps, Interfaces, Equalizers, Compressors, Effects, etc. Production Strategies & Techniques in the Studio Environment Basic Music Theory Live Sound Engineering for Concerts & Events Post Workforce Readiness Skills Employability Skills & Professional Behaviors Credits and Fees are subject to change | ** LBSC = Lab-based Science Credit
InfoGuideCentral-NorthCombo-01209 9
Credits and Fees are subject to change | ** LBSC = Lab-based Science Credit
9 1/20/2015 4:26:10 PM
Healthcare & Medical Sciences I
Healthcare & Medical Sciences II
2 Semesters AM 7:35-10:30 MTWRF PM 11:45-3:30 MTWR New Student Fee: $200
2 Semesters PM 11:45-3:30 MTWR New Student Fee: $130
Credit: 3rd Sem: 1.5 Healthcare & Medical Sciences Advanced 4th Sem: 1.5 Healthcare & Medical Sciences Advanced
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Anatomy & Physiology (LBSC**) 0.5 English/Lang Arts 12 and 0.5 Healthcare & Medical Sciences 2nd Sem: 0.5 Anatomy & Physiology (LBSC**) 0.5 English/Lang Arts 12 and 0.5 Healthcare & Medical Sciences
Pre-requisite for Level II: Successful completion of Healthcare & Medical Sciences I, application, supplemental essay, instructor recommendation, and student/parent orientation.
College Credit available Direct Patient Care Cadaver Lab/SERI CPR/First Aid Certification Leadership in Healthcare History of Healthcare Systems and Reform Introduction to Human Growth and Development Medical Terminology Law and Ethics for Health Professions Psychology Anatomy and Physiology Medical Math Healthcare Professions HOSA Student Organization
College Credit available Clinical Experience: St. Anthony Hospital Ambassador Program Nurse Aide Leadership in Healthcare Direct Patient Care Healthcare Professions Medical Ethics Health-Illness Continuum Abnormal Psychology Human Growth and Development HOSA Student Organization
Sports Medicine 303.982.5099
2 Semesters AM 7:35-10:30 MTWRF PM 11:45-3:30 MTWR New Student Fee: $200
Credit: 1st Sem: 0.5 Anatomy & Physiology (LBSC**), 0.5 Language Arts Grade 12 and 0.5 Care of Athletes 2nd Sem: 0.5 Anatomy & Physiology (LBSC**), 0.5 Language Arts Grade 12 and 0.5 Care of Athletes
10 InfoGuideCentral-NorthCombo-012010 10
College Credit available Understanding and Identification of Athletic Injuries Techniques in Prevention, Care and Basic Rehabilitation of Athletic Injury Emergency Care and Medical Management of Athletic Injury Nutritional Aspects of Health and Performance Career Options Within the Field of Sports Medicine Use of Therapeutic Exercise and Modalities Bandaging and Taping Techniques Clinical Opportunities
Credits and Fees are subject to change | ** LBSC = Lab-based Science Credit
1/20/2015 4:26:32 PM
Credits and Fees are subject to change | ** LBSC = Lab-based Science Credit
InfoGuideCentral-NorthCombo-012011 11
1/20/2015 4:26:34 PM
WarrenTech CENTRAL
NORTH Campus Programs:
Criminal Justice Digital Audio Production Emergency Medical Services Forensic Science Healthcare & Medical Sciences I Healthcare & Medical Sciences II Sports Medicine
WarrenTech North
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• Meet with your home high school counselor to start the application process • Complete an application including parent and student signatures • Attach a copy of a current transcript • Provide your home high school counselor with a completed application • Adult students please contact the WarrenTech/ Red Rocks Community College liaison at 303.982.0695 for additional information
Selection Process
W. 58TH AVE.
13300 West 2nd Place Lakewood, CO 80228 303.982.8600 Counselors’ Phones: 303.982.1900 303.982.5614 303.982.0695
W. 60TH AVE.
WarrenTech Central
How to Apply
N x
Who May Apply • Students who are 16 or older and in their junior or senior year of high school • Currently enrolled in a Jeffco Public High School • Students from Platte Canyon, Gilpin or Clear Creek High School may also apply to WarrenTech • Anyone who has graduated from high school, received a GED, or is 21 or older may apply for approved WarrenTech programs by enrolling through Red Rocks Community College • High school students attending a private accredited academic program or pursuing a GED are also eligible to apply
on the Arvada West High School Campus 11325 Allendale Drive Arvada, CO 80004 303.982.9360 Counselors’ Phones: 303.982.0692 303.982.8603
Auto Collision Repair Auto Customization Automotive Technology Computer Science Cosmetology: Esthetics Cosmetology: Hairstyling Cosmetology: Nail Technology Culinary Arts Cybersecurity Dental Assisting Executive High School Internship Fire Science/First Responder Game & App Development Graphic Design & Digital Photography Outdoor Leadership Power Equipment/Motorcycle Technology Precision Machining Technology S2TEM: X-TREME Engineering TV/Video Production Welding
Campus Programs:
Career and Technical High School for Jefferson County Public Schools
Jeffco Schools does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity or race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability and expects its cooperating employers will also not discriminate in recruitment, hiring, placement, assignment to work tasks, hours of employment, levels of responsibility, and in pay and in its programs and activities against any student with protected status in the work-based learning programs. To that end, if a student feels that he or she has been discriminated against, he or she should report the alleged discrimination to: Equal Opportunity/ADA Compliance Officer Employee Relations Department • (303) 982-6544 1829 Denver West Drive Building 27, 4th Floor P.O. Box 4001 Golden, Colorado 80401-0001
Students are selected based upon a variety of critera, including: • Credits earned toward graduation requirements • Attendance • GPA / current grades • Test scores (State Assessments, ACT)
• Grade level • Fee payments to WarrenTech are in addition to home high school fees • Adult students must pay WarrenTech fees and Red Rocks Community College tuition • Fees are subject to change Credits and Fees are subject to change | ** LBSC = Lab-based Science Credit
1/20/2015 4:26:37 PM