Information Literacy Skills Training

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Nov 30, 2017 - Syllabus Summary. Welcome to the research teaching series, Shuzhen Zhao (Head,. Acquisitions and Bibliogr

Associate Professor Shuzhen Zhao 趙淑珍副教授 Head, Acquisitions/Bibliographic Services Department Bibliographic Services Librarian, Leddy Library, University of Windsor

Target Audience

Librarians and Library Staff

Medium of Instruction


Syllabus Summary

Welcome to the research teaching series, Shuzhen Zhao (Head, Acquisitions and Bibliographic Services) from the University of Windsor, Windsor Ontario has reached out to Macao Polytechnic Institute, to give a teaching series to their students and librarians. Shuzhen Zhao has been sought out for her deep knowledge of information literacy skills under the electronic resources environment and her programming expertise with international students. Together with Macao Polytechnic Institute teaching and learning needs, she has developed the following plan.

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The teaching series will come as a series of 4 lectures, each lasting approximately 3 hours each. They will be broken down in the following way: Teaching lecture 1

Canadian academics and the emphasis on “critical thinking” Goal

To understand and gain an awareness of the Canadian academic system and build a narrative around critical thinking and its importance in the classroom and beyond.

Presentation (1 hour)

Critical thinking – an introduction.

Activity (30 minutes)

Building cups (getting to know you and co-operation).

Break (30 minutes) Discussion (1 hour)

Give a topic to the class and discuss in groups using critical thinking skills, debrief/ discussion together.


Do you like this style of teaching? How is this different from what you are used to? What other feedback would you like to give us?

Teaching lecture 2

The resource problem – searching, finding, evaluating and using Goal

To understand and gain an awareness of what is required of students when asked to look for critical information to use in their assignments and each of the process to organize this work correctly.

Presentation (1 hour)

Information literacy skills: searching, finding, evaluating, using and ethics of information.

Activity (30 minutes)

How would WE do it? Take an example from the class and show how to put it into a question and search.

Break (30 minutes) Discussion (1 hour)

Let the students choose a topic and a research question based on this topic (in groups) Use the IL standards to search, find, evaluate, and use to create a framework for your research topic, discuss and debrief.

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Teaching lecture 3

Team building through academics, research and the team approach Goal

To gain awareness of what effective team building looks like when working on a research project. Also to avoid common pitfalls along with research strategies and communication.

Presentation (1 hour)

Search strategies - evaluating websites and using references.

Activity (30 minutes)

We put up a website (FOX news or something?) Would this be reputable?

Break (30 minutes) Discussion (1 hour)

Students choose their favorite website and let them evaluate whether or not they would be good to use for a research project. Use the CRAPP test criteria. Discuss and debrief.

Teaching lecture 4

Using research skills outside the classroom – using the evidence based approach to shift thinking and transform organizations Goal

To learn how to think about how to solve challenges using research based knowledge, to widen the comfort zone of being an “influencer” in a place of work to shift thinking.

Presentation (1 hour)

Critical thinking and influence through evidence based practices

Activity (30 minutes)

Lego build activity

Break (30 minutes) Discussion (1 hour)

Give students in a team a scenario with two possible outcomes. The team needs to discuss which outcome they think is best and then go find evidence to support their position. Present it to the class.

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圖書館 LIBRARY 《文獻信息素養技能的培養》課程報名表 《Information Literacy Skills Training》Course Registration Form 報名請填妥下列報名表格,傳真至 2870-2076 或電郵至,截止報名日期:2017 年 11 月 30 日(星期四)。 在收到 閣下之報名表後,將以電子郵件通知確認報名。如有疑問,歡迎致電 8599-6748(胡先生)/ 8599-6715(區小姐)或電郵 / 查詢。 To register, please complete this form and email it to, or fax it to 2870-2076 on or before November 30, 2017 (Thursday). Once you submit this registration form, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you. For enquiries, please contact Mr. Rex Wu at 8599-6748 / Ms. Louise Ao at 8599-6715 or email to /

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