Information Technology based Research at University ...

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Abstract We give a short overview of Information Technology based research in agriculture ... History,. •. Agriculture researches: o. Plant production o. Agrochemistry o ... 10 00 - 10 30 Wireless communication STANISLAV HOLY, ADAM SIDA.
Information Technology based Research at University of Veszprem, Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture József Berke University of Veszprém, Georgikon Faculty of Agronomy, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Information Technology H-8361 Keszthely, PO Box 71., Hungary, E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract We give a short overview of Information Technology based research in agriculture at University of Veszprém, Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture. We will presented: • History, • Agriculture researches: o Plant production o Agrochemistry o Potato research o Horticulture o Plant protection o Animal breeding and nutrition o Agricultural mechanization o Information technology o Biology in the Lake Balaton o Image processing and GIS o 3D simulation • Education and researches, • Ph.D. researches, • WirelessInfo WP14 objectives

WIRELESSINFO – extension Kick of meeting Project workshop Bratislava, 30th – 31st January 2002 Location:

Meeting room Slovensky vodohospodarsky podnik, s.p., OZ Hydromelioracie Vrakunska 29, 825 63 Bratislava, Slovakia In English: Slovak Water Management Authority, Branch Office Hydromelioration (VUMKI)

Registration (Local organizer): Boris Minarik, Jozef Takac Tel. (+421.2.) 4524.9414 Fax (+421.2.) 4524.8946 E-mail [email protected]

Kick of meeting 30/01/2002 Program schedule: 13 00 - 13 10 13 10 - 13 20

13 20 - 13 30 13 30 - 14 00 14 00 – 14 30 14 30 - 15 00 15 00 - 15 15 15 15 – 15 45 15 45 – 16 15 16 15 - 17 00 17 15 –17 30 17 30 - 18 00 evening:

Starting speech by representative of VUMKI Opening by Scientific co-ordinator KAREL.CHARVAT eventually speech of EU officer and then all will be 10 minutes shifted Information from Administrative co-ordinator Introduction of old partners Introduction of new partners Overview of status of project Coffee break New goals in WirelessInfo - extension DoW ( Description of Work) discussion Administrative topics (contract, financial topics, IPR) Coffee break Discussions common dinner

Project workshop 31/01/2002

Program schedule: 9 00 - 9 30 Opening (VUMKI representative, project co-ordinator, scientific officer) 9 30 - 10 00 Overview of project KAREL CHARVAT 10 00 - 10 30 Wireless communication STANISLAV HOLY, ADAM SIDA 10 00 - 11 00 GeoMedia FMI solutions ADAM SIDA, JOSEF FRYMLF 11 00 - 12 00 Mapserver solution STANISLA HOLY, STEPAN KAFKA 12 00 - 12 30 Precision farming PAVEL GNIP 12 30 - 13 30 Lunch break 13 30 - 14 30 Introduction of new partners and new goals 14 30 - 16 00 Practical demonstration 16 00 Closing



Location - Keszthely


Georgikon’s History 1797 – Founded by Count György Festetics


A Georgikon története

1970 – University of Agriculture 1989 – Pannon University of Agriculture Sciences 2000 – University of Veszprém, Georgikon Faculty

•  •  •  •  •  • 


Plant production Agrochemistry Potato research Horticulture Plant protection Animal breeding and nutrition •  Agricultural mechanisation •  Information technology •  Biology in the Lake Balaton


Ph.D. courses Ø Theory of integrated plant Ø  Improving the quality of animal products Ø  Nutrition and growing arable crops Ø  Economic foundation of new agricultural structures

Graduate courses •  general agriculture (MSc) •  agricultural chemistry (MSc) •  agricultural business management (MSc) •  informatics, statistics and economic planning (postsecondary diploma course) •  doctor of plant health (BSc and MSc)



More information à

WirelessInfo – extension Project workshop, Bratislava, 30th-31st January, 2002

WirelessInfo – extension Land management by Georgikon József Berke

[email protected]

University of Veszprém, Georgikon Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Information Technology, HUNGARY


Objectives 3D simulation some ecological process Develop objective methods of landscape changes based on wireless technologies Connection 3D database to wireless technologies Discussion and publication of the results New technology for transmission of raster data and videos will be tested