Information Technology Focused Training in Logistics Andrejs Romanovs
Oksana Soshko
Yuri Merkuryev
Department of Modelling and Simulation Riga Technical University Riga, Latvia
[email protected]
Department of Modelling and Simulation Riga Technical University Riga, Latvia
[email protected]
Department of Modelling and Simulation Riga Technical University Riga, Latvia
[email protected]
Automated Information Management in Harbors by Using Advanced IT – Solutions”. The project’s results showed a great lack of logistics specialists having efficient knowledge in information technology [1]. The course was first run for the postgraduate students in 1998. Since then, its enhancement has a continuous nature in both directions, course content and teaching methods.
Abstract— Recent developments in information technology and telecommunications call for a serious reconsideration of the actual training methods and offer wide opportunities for developing active teaching/training methods. This paper shares the empirical study on developing information technology focused training laboratory for the course Logistics Information Systems. The descriptions of the three implemented laboratories are presented, as well as didactical comments about the outcomes of investigation of the above-mentioned labs are discussed. The developed laboratories give students a new impulse for both understanding of logistics from a technical point of view and developing their hands-on skills. The paper could be considered as experience sharing with colleagues teaching the subject of Logistics.
The paper is aimed at sharing the practical experience of developing the course Logistics Information Systems (LIS) supported by information technology focused active training. The rest of the paper is structured as follows. DMS pedagogical experience in using active teaching methods is briefly discussed in Section 2. Business simulation games and simulation-based case studies are considered as methods of active teaching, and labs are named as a component of active training. An overview of the LIS course is given in Section 3 describing its structure and audience. In Section 4, the focus is put on the labs as a method of active training. The motivation for implemented information technologies is explained. Students’ feedback about the labs is presented as well. Conclusions and future direction of the course enhancement are provided in Section 5.
Keywords— active teaching, labs, logistics, information technology
The term “logistics” is usually defined as a set of activities aimed at getting the right product to the right place in the right quantity at the right time in the right condition and at the right costs. Logistics management has proved its business efficiency for long years. However, despite a variety of courses on Logistics, they are still more focused on the economic part of it, as the main goal of effective logistics management is to decrease the overall costs of the system by providing better customer service.
Recent developments in information technologies and telecommunications facilitate development of new training and educational methods and tools making them available for a wider scope of concerned persons. This provides possibilities for organizing educational processes not only in the traditional way, but also by means of distance learning, exploring elearning and m-training approaches.
The most frequently mentioned information technologies, like Electronic Date Interchange, Global Position Systems, geographic information systems, or object identification technologies such as bar-coding, radiofrequency identification and biometrics are usually named in logistics courses, but not considered extensively. Nevertheless, the role of information technologies in supporting logistic effective functionality is significant. Logistics planning and operations has been an early and extensive customer of information technology solutions due to their dependency on information for efficient operations.
DMS was founded at the RTU Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology in 1993 on the basis of wide experience in both education and research in the area of modeling and simulation of complex systems, already accumulated at the faculty by that time. The main directions of DMS research activities are related to application of discreteevent simulation in different industries, mainly manufacturing and logistics.
At the Department of Modelling and Simulation (DMS) of Riga Technical University (RTU), the intention of elaborating a curriculum focused on a variety of information technology solutions in logistics was pointed out during the participation in the European project “Application of Modern Concepts in the
978-1-4244-5792-210/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE
To improve the efficiency of teaching, DMS is currently working on the development of a simulation-supported
understanding of the theoretical principles of the studied technology is not enough for applying it to real life problem solving. Therefore, practical laboratories aimed at developing hands-on skills should be an essential part of the educational process. In the context of the current paper, we consider them as a component of active training methods. The empirical study shows the demand of students to “show us what you teach us”. In the context of Logistics, this can be realized by using both (1) simulation models of logistics networks and (2) information technologies applied in logistics management. The rest of the paper describes application of information technologies for active hands-on skills training in the course Logistics Information Systems.
teaching methodology. The main objective of the methodology is the development and practical implementation of simulationsupported teaching and training in the area of logistics management, based on the use of active teaching methods and information technology in order to promote professional knowledge and skills in the logistics sector in Latvia. The main expected result is training methodology that will integrate simulation, case studies and business games-based approaches, as well as information technologies into teaching logistics. Active teaching methods as part of educational teaching methodology are widely used at the universities of the European community, also at the Department of Modelling and Simulation of RTU. As an illustration of it, a case book “Cases in Industrial Logistics Management” can be mentioned [2].
At the moment, three directions in developing active teaching methodology for the students of DMS are in the focus, namely business games, simulation-based case studies and information technologies.
Since 1995, the importance of Information Technology in Logistics is enunciated clearly with an outcome of the course of Logistics Information Systems (LIS) developed for the postgraduate students in 1998. The course curriculum became the outcome of the project LOGIS LV-PP-138.003 “Longdistance tutorial network in “Logistics Information Systems” based on WEB technologies” (2000-2002). The book “Logistics Information Systems” was published as the outcome of the project covering the main topics of the LIS course [7]. Since 2007 the description of the course has been located at the ELA-Log Net website, which is logistics education network of universities and non-academic training organizations interested and involved in initial and further education and training in logistics to promote all types and levels of logistics learning by means of all new technologies in European collaboration. In 2009, the course curriculum was re-viewed and some critical improvements were made. The current syllabus of the course is presented in this section.
Business gaming is business-oriented and highly motivated teaching method when participants/trainees make decisions to manage business operations that are simulated physically or on the computer. Computer simulation game may be interpreted as a sequential decision-making experience with a reality, which is simulated and animated on a computer. Trainees can see the impact of their decisions on the problem situation and future events and can react to these effects and make new decisions [3]. Currently, four business games are used for teaching logistics at DMS, namely LOGDIS and its computerized version Beer Game, as well as ECLIPS board game and ILMG International Logistics Management game [4]. DMS has been involved in aiding in the development of two of them, i.e., ECLIPS and ILMG. Case studies are a well-known pedagogical method. Nowadays, case studies are complemented to fit different goals. Illustratively, in [5] business case studies are considered versus humanitarian case studies, both aimed at preparing “global engineer” with ability to understand social ramifications surrounding engineering work.
A. LIS syllabus The course is aimed at providing students with high level knowledge, skills and competencies in Logistics Information Systems through the integration of theory and practice. The course focuses on the application of information technologies to logistics management. It is divided into two parts: Logistics Information Technologies and Logistics Information Systems. Due to the high correlation between both of them, information technology applications in logistics management should be first explored before going deeply into the subject of Logistics Information Systems, which in turn are applications of appropriate information technology to the realization and support of logistics functions. However, the important point is to observe information technologies in the context of logistics management.
During the pedagogical and professional experience in simulation field, the benefit of simulation for the teaching purposes became obvious. Enhancing classical case studies to the so-called simulation-based case studies allow students to understand potential impact of various decisions on the logistics network performance under various market conditions change. The simulation in such case studies represents a model of a system. As an example, the developed simulation-based case study “Locating a Distribution Centre” [6] can be mentioned.
As shown in Fig. 1, the course is structured in several blocks. It starts with a course overview block. According to the first principle of adult learning which states that, as the learner's need to know why learning is important and how learning will be conducted, the course structure, goals, outcomes and requirements should be discussed first. Moreover, a response to IT professional standards should be provided emphasizing the role of the LIS for getting a Master Professional Diploma in Information Technology. This is normally done in interactive discussion sessions, if the number of students is not too great.
The above-considered methods, i.e., business (simulation) games and simulation-based case studies, as part of active teaching are aimed at developing such skills as critical thinking, problem solving and exploration of solutions to complex problems. Working in groups, sometimes with roleplaying, they promote collaborative learning skills as well. Both business games and (simulation-based) case studies could be related to active teaching. However, the focus can be missed on developing hands-on skills abilities of students. The
partners as well) presentations, students make their own presentations of different logistics information systems. This task is performed as team-work and is aimed at enhancing both students’ professional competence and their group working skills. The block is finalized by evaluation tasks.
Finally, the lecturer outlines the course structure, its goals and outcomes.
B. Course audience The understanding of the course audience is an essential point in any educational process. Prior experience of the learner undoubtedly impacts on the process of learning and teaching. It is partly related to the fact that university is not the only the source of the information and knowledge for students. The LIS course is developed for postgraduate students doing Masters Studies in the field of Information Technology, so there is no doubt about their prior knowledge in information technologies and computer science. The average age of students is 22-24 (however, some exceptions exist). Almost 90% of LIS students are employed and their job is mostly related to IT field, which makes them to be extremely high demanded for qualitative teaching processes. For that reason, lecturers need to be able to adjust course material to suit both students’ experiences and prior knowledge. Following are some characteristic features of LIS students. They
Figure 1. Course components.
The second block of the LIS course covers the main topics in Logistics Information Technologies, such as Cargo Tracking Systems, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Methods of Automotive Identification (Bar codes, RFID, Biometrics), Industrial Networks, Electronic Data Interchange and Mobile Technologies in Logistics. In fact, they all are sub-blocks within the main Logistics Information Technology block. Along with this theoretical block, students should enhance their practical hands-on skills performing several tasks during three labs. Descriptions of the labs will be provided in next section. The evaluation test finalizes the block of Logistics Information Technologies and allows students to summarize and analyze it during preparation for the final evaluation.
ask for concise information;
demand for more practical illustrations;
share their own experience about subject;
prefer debriefing sessions and labs to lessons.
C. Assessment The student assessment process is a critical challenge for every academic course. It should be realized in a way which allows adequate evaluation of student knowledge. It should also be effective for teaching and be a part of teaching. During the course enhancement, the evaluation of students was changed from the form of written examination to the evaluation portfolio which encourages students to work continually as the course progress. At the moment portfolio consists of following components:
The next block of the LIS course is aimed at both exploring and introducing the variety of information systems in the context of logistics management. Several solutions are discussed in the fields of transportation logistics, inventory management, warehouse logistics, production etc. In each case the focus is on the functionality of the system for supporting related logistics functions. However, despite exploring the functionality, technical solutions are also discussed in order to underline the correlation between information technologies and information system. For example, when discussing every logistics information system, the following questions are debriefed: hardware (not only the common use like CPU, fax, printer, but also GPS tracker, or RFID scanner), software, data transmission solutions (local network, Wi-Fi, mobile network, EDI etc.), and information technology (GPS, GIS, Biometrics, RFID, etc.). In parallel with lecturer’s (and invited industrial
an on-line test which covers the block of Logistics Information Technologies (assessment 1 in Table 1);
written essays on the content of block Logistics Information Systems (assessment 2);
team-work on Logistics presentation (assessment 3).
The evaluation portfolio components may have differential weights which can be easily up-dated by the lecturer before the course is started. The final grade is calculated by a weighted average across the various partial grades of all three evaluations. D. Information technology in teaching Despite plenty of traditional didactical teaching aids, the actual focus now is on improving the quality of educational process applying different IT solutions. Illustratively, [8, 9, 10] describe research on application of variety of IT solutions in developing effective e-learning and evaluation methods.
till implementing first labs. The first one is related to the lack of funds at the moment of the course beginning in 1998.
In fact, information technologies within the LIS course are considered to be more than the subject of teaching, but rather a component of didactical aid aimed at demonstrating the power of IT in every field of application, such as logistics, education, entertainment and others. The opportunity to learn information technologies by applying them practically in studies allows students (1) to understand the basic principles of IT in Logistics (which is the aim of the course), and (2) to evaluate the variety of its applications for different solutions (which is the outcome of the course). This, according to Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, can be explained as student growth through development of their intellectual skills and abilities.
The second reason for postponing labs’ implementation is related to the necessity of accumulation of information about what kind of labs should be implemented. Logistics includes a wide range of information technologies, so making a decision on labs content should be well argued to fulfil requirements of potential employers from industry. The budget of the labs is also a challenge. The decision on topicality of labs was made during collaboration with industrial partners and according to the main trends in Latvian national economy.
However, before going deep into the description of application of IT in enhancing hands-on skills, another essential role of IT should be mentioned. This is an application of modern information technologies as teaching platform, i.e. Learning management system (LMS). In the context of LIS, the beginning of applying LMS components started firstly with using on-line evaluation test in 2004. Blackboard as first LMS was run in 2004, providing access to all LIS course materials. In 2005 the platform was changed to Moodle. Since 2008 ORTUS learning environment created on the basis of Moodle as a centralized electronic educational environment of RTU has been utilized. Despite plenty of benefits on providing highquality support for an educational process (mostly related to the possibility of using it in distance learning), there are still some shortcomings related to its limited functionality for active teaching. The requirements for modern LMS and WEB 2.0 benefits for LIS are discussed in [11]. IV.
Latvia’s geographic location historically provides great opportunities for transit. Transport sector is fundamental part of business. Nowadays a lot of resources are invested in order to make the country an attractive international transit centre for railway and road transportation, as well as that of the air transport. Another logistics function as warehousing has essential role within any logistics network. Warehousing and material management systems have become highly sophisticated to maintain the flow of products to the end customer. All the above-mentioned led to the conclusion about benefits of object identification technologies in developing students’ hands-on skills. Namely, the following information technologies applied in logistics have been chosen:
Labs are traditional method of active learning. Labs can be used to facilitate the exploration and illumination of difficult concepts. Most importantly, labs can enhance the cognitive learning process, which is often related to the integration of theory and practice. Although there are many different modern approaches to enhance learning by students through e-learning and m-training, the lab-based approach has gained more popularity in recent years. It is recommended that labs should form an integral part of the undergraduate engineer curriculum. The organization of labs, however, can be performed in different ways. If implementing labs with a focus on developing hands-on skills, this active learning method can be considered as active training.
Global positioning systems;
Monitoring systems;
Radio frequency identification.
First, lab assignment “GPS and GIS application for object positioning” was run in 2003. Later, in 2006 “Cargo Tracking Systems Analysis” was implemented to the course, and finally in 2009 a new lab on “Radio Frequency Technology applications in Logistics” was added to the LIS course. At the time of preparation of this paper, the course consists of three lab assignments aimed to develop and enhance students’ practical skills and competences in LIS. Labs are scheduled for three weeks; duration of each lab is four academic hours (i.e., four sessions of 45min., three hours in total). At the moment, none of labs is assessed to be included in final evaluation of students. It is assumed that satisfaction of internal motivation of students for enhancing their hands-on skills working with information technologies should be dominant over performing labs for passing the course successfully. The description of the labs as well as the outcomes is discussed below.
Important is to remind that there are different methods covered under the term of active training. The decision regarding which one should be applied for any certain course depends on (1) audience, (2) studied subject and (3) goals of the course. The financial limitations of educational institution available for settling laboratory infrastructure are highly important. Especially now it is topical for state universities which should provide good quality teaching with decreased funds caused by global economic crisis.
B. GPS and GIS application for object positioning GPS and GIS are technologies which start IT focused training in LIS course. The “Seven Rights” of Logistics define logistics as the transportation of the right goods, in the right amount, under the right conditions (in the right quality) to the right place, at the right time, to the right client, at the right price. GPS allows support at least two rights, i.e. right place
A. Background Developing students’ practical skills is the main goal of LIS course. However, first labs were started in 2003, and there were two main reasons for this five year gap from starting the course
and right time. To aid them in making their job more effective, logistics companies typically invest in global positioning system devices. With GPS navigators, it is easy to track and monitor deliveries, as well as to find the shortest and best directions for faster shipments. The goal of the first lab is aimed at the understanding the fundamentals of GPS. Students learn GPS and GIS basics with a focus on the accuracy of GPS receivers. Classical experiments on testing GPS receiver’s accuracy require iterative collecting data at known location. Due to the static nature of such test and time limits of students’ schedule, another, more dynamic way was implemented. The lab has three stages: data collecting, data visualization and data analysis. First, students use GPS receivers to collect data (i.e., geographical coordinates) of the pre-defined route nearby the university campus. The number of collected points should not be less than 30. Among those predefined points, there are few defined by an instructor. They are selected for the purpose of producing some noise to GPS signals (there are few tall buildings and tunnels nearby the campus). The rest of the points are up to students’ choice. After collecting the data, students return to the laboratory and the second stage begins. Students work with GIS software learning map calibration and uploading collected data (see Fig. 2).
GIS software for data visualization. Fuwagi software is selected in stage two of the labs. It has user-friendly interface and is easy to use.
The map. A scanned JPG file of the area nearby campus can be used for this purpose. Students can scan the map by themselves using scanners, or they can use JPG file if time is challenging to finish the lab.
Arena Input Analyzer software is used to find a statistical distribution which describes errors in data collecting.
The evaluation of the first lab is presented in Section 5; however, the overall evaluation of students’ feedback during labs should be the following. The first positive feedback is related to the necessity of performing the lab outdoors without instructor supervision. Even considering the walk fun, students should schedule their time and plan their tasks to finish the lab in time. Another interest peak is demonstrated during collecting signal errors. Students try to guess reasons for signal corruptions. Usually, they do not meet any problem in finding out real reasons for that. Usually, while debriefing the results of the lab, some related theoretical questions are discussed, for instance, benefits of differential GPS systems. Below are listed the main outcomes of the first lab: •
understanding the principles of GPS;
understanding GPS accuracy and its challenges;
map calibrating skills;
GPS data importing skills;
GPS data analysis skills.
After performing the first lab, students are prepared to check their practical skills working with Cargo tracking system. C. Cargo Tracking System Tracking the location and status of vehicles, trailers and their freight through GPS and cellular technology is a strategic approach to fleet, vehicle and freight management in logistics networks. To enhance theoretical knowledge on cargo tracking system, the second lab is aimed to introduce students to the functionality of such systems. The lab is organized in three stages. First, students get introduced to technical equipment of the cargo tracking system. Their task is to assemble car board equipment which consists of object module, GPS antenna and GSM antenna. Object module is a device, which is mounted on a vehicle for distant control of its systems and for locating vehicle's position. Object's location is determined with the help of GPS. This information, together with information about guarded systems and object's parameters status is transmitted to user through transmission system. To provide data transfer, cellular network is used with SIM cards installed in each object module. This stimulates students to better understand functionality of mobile networks in cargo monitoring systems.
Figure 2. Map calibration.
The third stage is aimed at analyzing accuracy. Using calibrated map, students compare the difference between coordinates of GPS receiver and a digital map. Students usually notice by themselves that among observations there are points with a high error rate (noisy points defined by instructor), usually more than 20-25 meters (note, that the accuracy of usual civil GPS receiver is 15 meters). Those data are eliminated before starting the last stage when statistical analysis is conducted in order to find a statistical distribution best describing empirical data. Students then draw a conclusion about tested accuracy and point out the sources of damaged signal (building, atmosphere, tunnels etc.).
Once the board equipment is ready for work, an instructor introduces students to tracking software which consists of Tracking Server installed on instructor computer and Tracking view installed on students’ computers.
For this lab, the following equipment is used: •
GPS receivers. Usual Garmin E-Trex GPS navigators are available to be used during labs.
the tremendous gains derived from RFID technology and its application throughout the retailer/supplier distribution chain. The developed lab is focused on exploring the main principles of RFID technology. The goal of the lab is aimed at understanding basics of RFID for object identification and developing hands-on skills at using RFID. The lab is intended for students who are new to RFID. After completing this lab, students are to be able to explain the fundamentals of RFID system, understand RF propagation and antenna principle, as well as describe and understand a broad spectrum of tags.
The installation of software is done by an instructor before the lab starts. However, the second stage of the lab is aimed at explaining how it was done, as well as explaining how to run monitoring system. Divided into two teams, one plays the role of vehicle moving outside (however, there is frequently a student among team who is ready to use his/her own car for the lab), the rest of the students perform dispatching functions. The third stage begins with SMS message sending to each object module to activate the system. Then dispatching the walking team starts allowing students at computers to follow the route of their peers at tracking monitor, as well as examine the settings of tracking server. Tracking View is a clients' application and provides visualization of received data in convenient format for user. The coordinates of the object are transformed into its location on the map, but commands and signals are transformed into a textual format, adjustable by the user. Tracking server provides collection of the information, its classification, archiving and providing it to the clients' applications.
The lab includes three stages, namely, preparation, data recording and experiments with tags. The logistic label is one of the basic tools used to mark the cargo and monitor its flow in logistics network. During the preparation, the task is to design a coding system for product coding according to code structure defined by an instructor. When a code is ready, students start working on writing information to RFID tag. Doing this, with an assistant instructor the different types of RFID tags are discussed, pointing out its main characteristics, such as type (RO, WORM, RW), frequency diapason (LW, HW, UHW, MW), and capacity. At the moment, students operate RW tags (1024 bits; frequency 13,56MHz).
Usually, having 20 students at each lab, three walking teams (three students per team) can be observed at tracking monitor by the rest of the students. Interesting is observation about student communication during the lab by using mobiles phones. This communication is usually within the context of “where are you? Are you at the corner?” or bidirectional questions from walking team like “Can you see us?”. These communications are part of the lab and provide a good atmosphere. Later, students change their roles. During the third stage, some theoretical questions related to the topic are briefly discussed in a way of debriefing. Most often, the benefit of mobile satellite connection as compared to mobile networks for example, INMARSAT systems, is discussed.
After the information is recorded into tags by means of RFID printer, students perform some activities aimed at testing tags characteristics. This part of the lab asks for creativity and physic knowledge among team workers to identify what can disturb RF signal and what can be used to check this. As this lab was started in 2009, there is only one year experience with six teams. So, solutions of aid materials for testing RFID tag are the following: mobile phone, water, natural amethyst (decoration of instructor desk), foil piece of eaten chocolate and some others (see Fig. 3.).
Following are components of lab infrastructure: •
RS Global monitoring system, including object modules (processor, GPS and GSM antennas), tracking server and tracking monitor;
SIM cards (cellular networks’ prepayment SIM cards can be used);
Accumulator as a power supply for object modules.
The described lab provides the following outcomes for students. They are equipped with a practical understanding of cargo monitoring systems’ components and their functionality. Students become able to utilize, run and set up cargo monitoring systems as well as they get experience in cargo monitoring and control. D. Radio Frequency Identification RFID provides broad solutions for logistics network and supply chain management and could be used to support such functions as transportation, warehousing, inventory management. The promotion of this technology in logistics is related firstly to goods identifications and could be considered as a technology which will replace the well-known bar-coding. In 2003, Wal-Mart, the global retailer, made the retail industry's initial steps with RFID supplier requirement when it announced a pallet and case level tagging initiative. Currently, a lot of suppliers are participating in the initiative and realize
Figure 3. Experiments with RFID tag.
the statement. This moment should be further examined in detail, as it does not provide any information, whether it should be more theoretical or practical.
Students also check multiple tags reading, as this is among RFID benefits comparing with bar-coding. As well, they check signal reading within different distances and compare empirical data with the specification of used tag. At the end of the lab, a debriefing session discusses related questions such as: How RFID can benefit to warehousing and logistics industry? What are latest RFID products and innovations designed specifically for use in the logistics industry? What are RFID standards? Following is the equipment used in the lab: •
RFID printer (Zebra Pro printer is used);
USB 13.56 MHz Hand-held Reader;
RW tags;
RFID software.
Next section will briefly discuss the results of the course evaluation by students.
Figure 5.
The ratio of lectures and practical classes is good.
One of the main purposes of developing labs focused on application of information technologies for developing handson skills is aimed at facilitating of understanding the fundamentals of the course. Figure 6 provides student’s answers on question: Do labs provide an essential input for understanding fundamentals of studied technologies?
E. Evaluation To evaluate the quality of contributions invested to the LIS course as well as students’ feedback, students were welcomed to express their opinion by means of a questionnaire. The questionnaire is anonymous, and at the moment it consists of 15 questions related to course organization issues, quality of labs, and outcomes. The collected data covers the period of two years, i.e., 2008 and 2009 with 16 and 22 respondents, respectively (which in both cases is about 76% of enrolled students). Presented below, graphical chart gives an overview of some important to the content of the paper student’s feedback (note, that there is no data for the third lab in 2008, because it was started in 2009). The overall evaluation of the course is very positive. More than 80% of responders liked labs, however with different distributions between “liked very much” and “liked” answers, see Fig. 4.
Figure 6.
Labs give an essential input for understanding the fundamentals of studied technologies.
Even providing the positive response, there still are 23% of students who disagree with the statement with regard to RFID lab. This, however, can be explained by the lack of experience in running the RFID based lab, as it was firstly given in 2009. This assumption can also be confirmed by charts in Fig. 7. Evaluating the time limitation required for performing labs, 36% of students show that they need more time to complete RFID lab, whereas the response for other labs during two years does not exceed 25%.
Figure 4.
Finally, the evaluation of the labs equipment is provided. As figure 8 shows, the overall assessment of the equipment used is positive. However, some students give a negative response to the first lab which is focused on GPS technology. At the moment, it is explained in a way that students prior knowledge of GPS as today’s common technology implemented almost in every mobile phone, allows offering more complex and technical lab assignment than that provided at the moment. However, this needs additional examination.
What is your opinion about labs?
Going towards of redesign the course from theory- based to training based, essential is a concern about the ratio of lectures and labs. As figure 5 shows, 70% of students find the ratio as good, however 30% for both 2008 and 2009 do not agree on
elaboration of annual evaluation of the course based on students’ feedback by means of on-line questionnaires. The content of an evaluation form should be elaborated so as to cover all possible dimensions describing the course, and not to be abusive and time consuming for students.
Recent developments in information technologies and telecommunications facilitate the development of new training and educational methods and tools. This provides possibilities for organizing educational processes not only in the traditional way, but also by means of active learning, combining IT with modern pedagogical approaches.
Figure 7.
Current enhancement of LIS course from theory- based passive teaching to information technology focused active training is going in accordance with overall trends of harmonization of European system of higher education. The applications of information technologies in teaching allow developing students’ hands-on skills, as well as make the course’s outcomes more industry-oriented.
Evaluate the time limitation for performing labs.
Figure 8.
Y. Merkuryev, J. Tolujev, E. Blumel et al., “A modelling and simulation methodology for managing the Riga Harbour Container Terminal,” Simulation, vol.71, no.2, 1998, pp.84—95. [2] Cases in Industrial Logistics Management. Henri Muller(-Malek), Yuri Merkuryev, Irena Silinevicha, Gert Zülch (Edts.). European Series in Industrial Management, vol.2, 1999, Shaker Verlag, 284 p. [3] Y. Merkuryev, G. Merkuryeva, “Education in logistics – experiences and further development,” TransBaltica 2002: Conference Materials. Riga Managers School, 2002, pp.137-142. [4] G. Merkuryeva, Y. Merkuryev, J. Bikovska, J. Pecherska, J. Petuhova, “Active Learning Logistics Management through Business Gaming”, 4th International Conference on Interdisciplinarity in Education, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2009 May 21-22, pp.30-36. [5] A. Berndt, C. Paterson, “Complementing Business Case Studies with Humanitarian Case Studies: A Means of Preparing Global Engineers”, Professional Communication, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, vol.52 issue 4, 2009, pp.398 – 410. [6] O. Soshko, Y. Merkuryev, M. Chakste, ”Application in Retail: Locating a Distribution Center” in “Supply Chain Configuration: Concepts, Solutions, and Applications.” Charu Chandra, Janis Grabis. Springer, 2007, pp. 303-333. [7] E. Ginters, A. Bruzzone, A. Gutmaniset al., “LOGIS project – network for knowledge consolidation and training in logistics information systems,” TransBaltica 2002: Conference Materials. Riga Managers School, 2002, pp.129-135. [8] A. Anohina, J. Grundspenkis, “Learner's Support in the Concept Map Based Knowledge Assessment System,” Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on e-Learning, November 6-7, 2008, Agia Napa, Cyprus, vol.1, pp.38-45 [9] T. Rikure, L. Novickis, “Quality evaluation methodologies for e-learning systems (in frame of the EC Project UNITE),” EC Project IST4Balt News Journal, vol.2., 2006 [10] E. Ginters, O. Soshko, Y. Merkuryev, “The Development of Mobile Onsite Training in Logistics Information Systems,” IST4Balt News Journal, vol. 2, September 2005 – August 2006, pp.35-39. [11] A. Romanovs, O. Soshko, A. Lektauers, Y. Merkuryev. ”Application of Information Technologies to Active Teaching in Logistic Information Systems” in “Advances in Databases and Information Systems. Associated Workshops and Doctoral Consortium of the 13th East European Conference, ADBIS 2009, Riga, Latvia, September 7-10, 2009. Revised Selected Papers”, Springer, 2010, pp. 23-30.
I find the equipment used in labs essential for the understanding of studied technologies.
In overall, based on student evaluation of the labs, as well as taking into account empirical studies on the course redesign, the course grade statistics, it is assumed that an enhancement of the course to the industry-oriented information technology based training is going successfully in accordance with the Bologna declaration. V.
The paper discusses the enhancement of the course Logistics Information System with shifting the focus from theory to information technology based training. The empirical study on the student activity after implementing labs shows that interest among students grows up dramatically. Moreover, it compels usual lectures to be more interactive and studentoriented with debriefing sessions at the end of every lesson. Following are the main directions of further enhancement of the course: •
elaboration of new labs assignments by utilizing the existing equipment; it is especially important for the cargo monitoring and RFID labs because the functionality of the used system is very wide;