Worksheet 1: Quotes on History 23. Worksheet 2: Album ... Worksheet 3: Quiz:
Historic Places and Sights 28 ... Hugh Williams: The Battle of Hastings, 1066 34.
Inhaltsverzeichnis Die didaktische Konzeption 4 Tabellarische Textübersicht 5 Getting started 8 Introduction and Overview
Historical Landmarks
Political Landmarks
Social, Economic and Cultural Landmarks
British Identity: Britain and the Others
Timeline of British History 10 Seán Lang: Ten Major Documents 16 Seán Lang: Eight Top Turning Points 18 Worksheet 1: Quotes on History 23 Worksheet 2: Album Covers 25 Worksheet 3: Quiz: Historic Places and Sights
René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo: How the Romans Conquered Britain Bill Bryson: My Trip to Salisbury and Stonehenge 30 Hugh Williams: The Battle of Hastings, 1066 34 William Shakespeare: St. Crispin’s Day Speech from Henry V 36 Kenneth Morgan: Henry VIII and the Act of Supremacy, 1534 40 Abigail Dunn: An Overview of the British Empire 42 Wilfred Owen: Dulce et Decorum Est 45 Clive Uptton: Churchill Takes the Lead 48 Zadie Smith: A Wall Was Coming down 51 Worksheet 4: (Un)successful Invasions of GB 54 Worksheet 5: War Propaganda 56 Worksheet 6: Nightmares on Wax: 70s/80s 59 Hugh Williams: Magna Carta, 1215 62 Kenneth Morgan: The Birth of Parliament in 1295 64 Young Tiger: I Was There (at the Coronation) 66 Worksheet 7: The British Political System and its Historical Context
Richard Hill: The Slave Trade 72 Charlotte Brontë: ‘We’ve Smashed ’Em!’ 75 Joe Hicks and Grahame Allen: UK Coal Production and Mining Employment Seán Lang: Ten Things the British Have Given the World (Whether the World Wanted Them or Not) 80 Worksheet 8: The Industrial Revolution – Made in Britain 83 Worksheet 9: Quiz: Customs and Food 85 Worksheet 10: Women in British History 87 English and British 89 A.G. Eyre: The Story of Wales and Scotland 90 Hugh Williams: Britain Joins the EEC, 1973 92 Worksheet 11: Candidates for a New National Day Glossary of Important Historical Terms
Klausur 1: Tom Geoghegan: The Heroes Britain Accidentally Forgot Klausur 2: Gordon Brown: We Need a United Kingdom 101