Inhibition of digestive enzymes in rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton ...

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Inhibition of digestive enzymes in rohu, Labeo rohita. (Hamilton), fingerlings by tannin: an in vitro study. S Maitra & A K Ray. Fisheries Laboratory, Department of ...
Aquaculture Research, 2003, 34, 93±95


Inhibition of digestive enzymes in rohu, Labeo rohita (Hamilton), fingerlings by tannin: an in vitro study S Maitra & A K Ray Fisheries Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan, West Bengal, India

Correspondence: Arun Kumar Ray, Fisheries Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan 731 235, West Bengal, India. E-mail: [email protected]

Fish meal prices have risen in real terms in the past three decades and are likely to increase further with continued growth in demand (Naylor, Goldburg, Primavera, Kautsky, Beveridge, Clay, Folke, Lubchenco, Mooney & Troell 2000). Increases in fish meal and fish oil prices could undermine the profitability of many aquaculture enterprises (Tacon 1998). Research to develop substitutes for fish meal is therefore now focused on microbial (brewer's yeast, single-cell protein), animal (krill, insect larvae) and vegetable (soy meal, leaf protein, oilseed meal) sources. However, the presence of large amounts of carbohydrates, insoluble fibre, tannin (both soluble and insoluble) and other organic molecules such as glucosides, phytates and cyclopropenes in the feedstuffs of vegetable origin has limited their use in aquafeed and, if incorporated in the diet without proper pretreatment, can severely affect the nutritional status and growth of fish. Nonetheless, all of them are being used to some extent in commercial aquaculture diets. Tannin is a phenolic derivative of flavone and occurs as glycosides in the natural state. Tannins, present in various leaf meal and oil seed meals, interfere with protein and dry matter digestibility, probably by inhibiting protease activity (Krogdahl 1989). However, there are hardly any data available to fish nutritionists about the interaction between fish digestive enzymes in the presence of tannin. In the present study, an attempt has been made to study the effect of tannin from vegetable origin (from the ß 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

leaf meal of Acacia auriculiformis) on protease, amylase and lipase activities (in vitro) in Labeo rohita (Hamilton) fingerlings. Acacia leaves were oven dried (at 50 + 5 8C) and finely powdered. Tannin content in raw and soaked (for 24, 48, 96, 144 h) Acacia leaves was determined using Folin±Denis reagent (Schanderi 1970). Tannin extracted by soaking the leaf meal in water was not purified further. Labeo rohita fingerlings (mean weight 11.25 + 0.26 g) were collected from a local hatchery and stocked in glass aquaria (20 L) for 7 days for acclimatization, during which fish were fed ad libitum once daily with a reference diet containing approximately 35% crude protein and having fish meal as the chief protein source. The experimental fish were weighed to the nearest gram on a single-pan top-loading balance and the anterior and middle intestinal parts were dissected out and placed in prechilled Petri dishes. Blood and other debris was washed out with chilled phosphate buffer (0.1 molL 1, pH 7.4) containing 0.9% sodium chloride (phosphate-buffered saline, PBS). A 10% homogenate was prepared in the same buffer and centrifuged at 10 000 rpm. for 10 min at 4 8C. The supernatant was separated and used as the enzyme source. Changes in the activity of principal digestive enzymes were studied in vitro by adding graded levels of tannin (extracted from A. auriculiformis leaf meal) to the test tubes containing enzyme 93

Inhibition of digestive enzymes in rohu, Labeo rohita S Maitra & A K Ray

(intestinal homogenate), substrate and PBS and incubated at 37 8C for the optimal time period. Any minor change in pH of reaction mixture was corrected by adding PBS. A concurrent control set without any tannin was maintained for each experimental set. Protease activity was measured using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as substrate and the liberated amino acids measured by Moore & Stein (1948). aAmylase was determined following the method as described by Bernfeld (1955). Lipase was measured following the method described by Jose & Kurup (1999) using olive oil as substrate. Any decrease in enzyme activity following addition of tannin was expressed as per cent reduction as compared to control set without tannin (100% activity). Tannin content in raw Acacia leaf meal was 2.23 mg 100 mg 1 leaf meal. Nearly 50% of the tannin leached out in soluble fraction from 24 hsoaked Acacia leaf meal (Table 1). When graded levels of tannin were added and incubated with the enzyme extract and substrate in test tubes and activity compared in comparison with the control set without any tannin, protease activity was reduced in a dose-dependent manner between 90.21% and 24.07%, and a-amylase by 9.3% and 34.2%, when 6.25±200 mg of tannin was added (Table 2). In addition, lipase activity was reduced uniformly by 80% when 200, 100 and 50 mg of tannin was added to 2.5 mL of 25% olive oil suspension. However, when 25 mg of tannin was added, 70% inhibition of lipase activity was noticed (Table 2). The results clearly indicate that tannin, even at very low concentration, can inhibit and/or lower the activities of protease, amylase and lipase. How-

Table 1 Tannin content in raw and soaked Acacia auriculiformis leaf meal

Plant material Acacia leaf meal, raw Acacia leaf meal, soaked for 24 h for 48 h for 96 h for 144 h

Tannin (mg 100 mg21 dry weight) 2.23 + 0.05 1.03 + 0.04 1.386 + 0.02 1.326 + 0.01 1.33 + 0.01

Values are means + SE of five determinations.


Aquaculture Research, 2003, 34, 93±95

Table 2 Per cent reduction of intestinal protease, aamylase and lipase activities in vitro by graded levels of tannin extracted from Acacia auriculiformis leaf meal % reduction in enzyme activity (control, without tannin at 100% activity) Tannin added (mg)




6.25 12.5 25 50 100 200

24.07 29.4 45.27 69.96 88.46 90.21

9.3 19.9 21.57 25.4 29.64 34.2

± ± 70 80 80 80

Values are means of five determinations.

ever, protease and lipase activities were reduced more compared with a-amylase activity. Such inhibitory effects of tannin pose a great concern for aquaculture industry as the presence of tannin and other antinutrients in unconventional feed ingredients of plant origin restricts their use as a fish meal replacer. It has been postulated that tannins interfere with protein and dry matter digestibility by inhibiting protease and also forming indigestible complexes with dietary protein (Krogdahl 1989). Reduced protein digestion may lead to pancreatic enlargement and cytopathological changes in pancreas and intestine (Sell & Rogler 1984; Huisman, Poel & Liener 1989). Vohra, Kratzer & Joslyn (1966) reported that, at levels as low as 0.5%, dietary tannins caused growth depression in chickens. Thus, apart from a few isolated studies, information regarding the intensity of loss inflicted by such a common antinutrient is far from satisfactory. Hossain & Jauncey (1989) observed poor growth response in common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Linnaeus), fed diets containing 0.57% and 1.14% tannins. Further, Mondal & Ray (1999) showed that Acacia leafmeal could be incorporated up to a level of 20% by reducing tannin content through composting and sun drying without sacrificing growth and feed efficiency. It is evident from the results of the present study that tannin not only affects protease activity, but also inhibits amylase and lipase activities even at very low concentration, which in turn, may affect feed utilization efficiency and digestibility and weight gain of the livestock. Moreover, it stresses the need for eliminating tannin from feedstuffs of plant origin for successfully replacing fishmeal. ß 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 34, 93±95

Aquaculture Research, 2003, 34, 93±95

Inhibition of digestive enzymes in rohu, Labeo rohita S Maitra & A K Ray

However, the results obtained from such in vitro studies should not be extrapolated directly to in vivo conditions as several other factors there may regulate the adversity of dietary tannin. Further, the decrease in enzyme activity may not be entirely due to change in pH or to the formation of insoluble complexes with dietary protein as any change in pH after addition of tannin was adjusted by adding buffer to the test tubes, and enzyme extract was added afterwards. Moreover, at such low concentration, tannin forms no, or very little, insoluble complex with the substrate, thus ruling out the possibility of non-availability of substrate for enzymatic degradation. Obviously, such factors may play a vital role in in vivo condition. This inhibition may be a result of some non-specific binding of tannin with enzyme or substrate or both. Work is in progress to find out the mechanism of tannin-mediated inhibition of digestive enzymes in fish and its effect at the physiological level.

Acknowledgment This research work was supported by a Special Assistance Program of University Grants Commission, Government of India, New Delhi, to the Department of Zoology, Visva-Bharati University, Santiniketan.

References Bernfeld P. (1955) Amylase [alpha] and [beta]. In: Methods in Enzymology, Vol. I (ed. by S.P. Colowick & N.O. Kaplan), p. 149. Academic Press, New York. Hossain M.A. & Jauncey K. (1989) Nutritional evaluation of some Bangladeshi oilseed meals as partial substitutes for fish meal in the diet of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management. 20, 255±268. Huisman J., Poel T.F.B., van der & Liener I.E. (eds) (1989) Recent Advances of Research in Antinutritional Factors in

ß 2003 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 34, 93±95

Legume Seeds, p. 389. Pudoc, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Jose J. & Kurup M.G. (1999) Purification and characterization of an extracellular lipase from a newly isolated thermophilic Bacillus pumilus. Indian Journal of Experimental Biology. 37, 1213±1217. Krogdahl A. (1989) Alternative protein sources from plants contain anti-nutrients affecting digestion insalmonids. In: The Current Status of Fish Nutrition in Aquaculture. Proceedings of the Third International, Symposium on Feeding and Nutrition in Fish. Toba, August 28±September 1, Japan, 1989 (ed. by M. Takeda & T. Watanabe), pp. 253±261. Tokyo University of Fisheries, Tokyo, Japan. Mondal T.K. & Ray A.K. (1999) The Nutritive Value of Acacia Auriculiformes Leaf Meal in Compound Diets for Labeo rohita. Fingerlings. The Fourth Indian Fisheries Forum Proceedings, pp. 295±298. Asian Fisheries Society, Indian Branch, Mangalore, India. Moore S. & Stein W.W. (1948) Photometric ninhydrin method for use in the chromatography of amino acids. Journal of Biological Chemistry 176, 367±388. Naylor R.L., Goldburg R.J., Primavera J.H., Kautsky N., Beveridge M.C.M., Clay J., Folke C., Lubchenco J., Mooney H. & Troell M. (2000) Effect of aquaculture on world fish supplies. Nature 405, 1017±1024. Schanderi S.H. (1970) Methods in Food Analysis. Academic Press, New York. Sell D.R. & Rogler S.C. (1984) The effect of sorghum tannin and methionine level on the performance of laying hens maintained in two temperature environments. Poultry Science 63, 109±116. Tacon A.G.J. (1998) Global trends in aquaculture and aquafeed production 1984±1985. In: International Aquafeed Directory (ed. by S. Fraser), pp. 5±37. Turret, Uxbridge, UK. Vohra P., Kratzer F.H. & Joslyn M.A. (1966) The growth depressing and toxic effects of tannins to chicks. Poultry Science 46, 135±142.

Keywords: a-amylase, in vitro, Labeo rohita, lipase, protease, tannin