Nov 24, 2008 - ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March ..... WMO's Global Atmospheric Watch programme ...... the photochemical time difference between cloudy GOME-2 data and twilight measurements is handled.
GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up
reference / référence document type / type de document products / produits product version / version des données issue / édition revision / révision date of issue / date d’édition
TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 Technical Note / Validation Report OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 level-0-to-1 v4.0, level-1-to-2 GDP v4.2 ORR-B 1 24 November 2008
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 2 of 52
authors / auteurs
J.-C. Lambert, G. Pinardi, N. Hao, and P. Valks
contributeurs / contributors
V. Dorokhov, P. Eriksen, C. Fayt, P. Gerard, M. Gil, F. Goutail, J. Granville, C. Hermans, G. Held, P. V. Johnston, K. Kreher, E. Kyrö, J. Leveau, D. Loyola, A. Pazmino, J.-P. Pommereau, O. Puentedura, A. Richter, H. K. Roscoe, V. Semenov, M. Van Roozendael, G. Vaughan, F. Wittrock, and M. Yela
edited by / édité par
G. Pinardi and J.-C. Lambert
reference / référence issue / édition revision / révision status / état date of issue / date d’édition document type / type de document products / produits product version / version des données
TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 ORR-B 1 final 24 November 2008 Technical Note / Validation Report OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 level-0-to-1 v4.0, level-1-to-2 GDP v4.2
distribution / distribution
Function O3M-SAF GOME Team UPAS Team NDACC UVVIS Working Group
external contributors / contributions externes
NDACC teams contributing ground-based correlative measurements Acronym Organisation BAS-NERC British Antarctic Survey – National Environment Research Council BIRA-IASB Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy CAO Central Aerological Observatory CNRS/IPSL/SA Service d’Aéronomie du CNRS, Institut Pierre et Simon Laplace DMI Danish Meteorological Institute FMI-ARC Finnish Meteorological Institute – Arctic Research Centre IFE/IUP Institut für Umweltphysik/Fernerkundung, University of Bremen INTA Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial IPMet/UNESP Instituto de Pesquisas Meteorológicas, Universidade Estadual Paulista KSNU Geophysical Laboratory, Kyrgyz State National University NIWA National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research U. Manchester University of Manchester and University of Wales U. Réunion/LACY Université de la Réunion
Country United Kingdom Belgium Russia France Denmark Finland Germany Spain Brazil Kyrgyzstan New Zealand United Kingdom France
document change record / historique du document
Issue Rev. Date 0 20.03.2008 1 11.04.2008 ORR-A3 29.04.2008 ORR-B 0 17.09.2008 ORR-B 1 24.11.2008
Section all all B all A, B, C
Description of Change Creation of this document Provisional ORR-A3 validation report Implementation of ORR-A3 RIDs Update to 1.5 year of GOME-2 data + level-1B 3.9 to 4.0 + T-correction New Data Disclaimer; implementation of ORR-B RIDs; Section B.4 updated
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 3 of 52
GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up CONTENTS DATA DISCLAIMER FOR THE METOP-A GOME-2 TOTAL NO2 (NTO/OTO) AND TROPOSPHERIC NO2 (OTR) DATA PRODUCTS.............................................................................................................................................. 3 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS......................................................................................................................... 4 A. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 A.1. A.2. A.3.
SCOPE OF THIS DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................................. 7 PRELIMINARY REMARKS ...................................................................................................................................... 7 PLAN OF THIS DOCUMENT .................................................................................................................................... 7
B. END-TO-END VALIDATION OF GOME-2 NO2 COLUMN DATA..................................................................... 8 B.1. B.2. B.2.1 B.2.2 B.2.3 B.2.4 B.2.5 B.3 B.3.1 B.3.2 B.4. B.4.1 B.4.2
RATIONALE ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 COMPARISON OF DOAS ANALYSIS RESULTS ....................................................................................................... 8 SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS STUDIES .................................................................................................................... 8 TOTAL SLANT COLUMN DENSITY ..................................................................................................................... 9 DOAS FIT RESIDUALS ................................................................................................................................... 10 EFFECT OF LEVEL1B DATA CHANGES ON TOTAL AND TROPOSPHERIC NO2 COLUMNS .................................... 11 EFFECT OF NRT AND OFF-LINE ALGORITHM DIFFERENCES ON TROPOSPHERIC NO2....................................... 12 VALIDATION OF STRATOSPHERIC VERTICAL COLUMN DENSITY ......................................................................... 13 STRATOSPHERIC VALIDATION OVER UNPOLLUTED AREAS ............................................................................. 14 STRATOSPHERIC VALIDATION OVER POLLUTED AREAS: PILOT STUDY AT O.H.P. .......................................... 24 DIRECT COMPARISON OF TROPOSPHERIC VERTICAL COLUMN DENSITIES ........................................................... 29 COMPARISON WITH SCIAMACHY TEMIS .................................................................................................. 29 COMPARISON WITH MAXDOAS OBSERVATIONS AT OHP ............................................................................ 33
C. CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES.................................................................................................................. 47 D. REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................................................... 49 D.1. D.2.
PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES ................................................................................................................................ 49 TECHNICAL NOTES ............................................................................................................................................. 51
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 4 of 52
Air Mass Factor, or optical enhancement factor British Antarctic Survey – National Environment Research Council Belgisch Instituut voor Ruimte-Aëronomie Central Aerological Observatory Service d’Aéronomie du CNRS German Aerospace Centre Danish Meteorological Institute Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy German Processing and Archiving Facility Environmental Satellite European Remote Sensing Satellite -2 European Space Agency European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites Finnish Meteorological Institute – Arctic Research Centre WMO’s Global Atmospheric Watch programme GOME/SCIAMACHY WinDOAS prototype processor GOME Data Processor Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment Ghost Vertical Column water vapour Institut d’Aéronomie Spatiale de Belgique Institut für Fernerkundung/Institut für Umweltphysik Remote Sensing Technology Institute Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial Kyrgyzstan State National University Line Of Sight Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change Network for the Detection of Stratospheric Change National Institute for Water and Atmospheric research nitrogen dioxide ozone Ozone and Atmospheric Chemistry Monitoring Satellite Application Facility Optical Cloud Recognition Algorithm Ozone Monitoring Instrument Retrieval of Cloud Information using Neural Networks Rotational Raman Scattering RT Solutions Inc. Système d’Analyse par Observation Zénithale Slant Column Density Scanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartography Signal to Noise Ratio Solar Zenith Angle Tropospheric Emission Monitoring Internet Service Universidade Estadual Paulista Universal Processor for UV/VIS Atmospheric Spectrometers ground-based DOAS ultraviolet-visible spectrometer Vertical Column Density World Meteorological Organization
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 5 of 52
DATA DISCLAIMER FOR THE METOP-A GOME-2 TOTAL NO2 (NTO/OTO) AND TROPOSPHERIC NO2 (OTR) DATA PRODUCTS In the framework of EUMETSAT’s Satellite Application Facility on Ozone and Atmospheric Chemistry Monitoring (O3M-SAF), operational GOME-2 nitrogen dioxide (NO2) total column and pre-operational GOME-2 NO2 tropospheric column data products, as well as associated cloud observations, are delivered in near-real-time (NTO, within 2:30 hours after sensing) and off-line (OTO). Those ata products are generated at DLR from MetOp-A GOME-2 measurements using the UPAS environment version 1.2, the level-0-to-1 v4.0 processor and the level-1-to-2 GDP v4.2 DOAS retrieval processor (see TN-DLR-ATBD 2007 and TNDLR-PUM 2007). BIRA-IASB, DLR and RMI ensure continuous quality assessment of GOME-2 NO2 data products with a recurring geophysical validation using correlative measurements from ground-based networks and from other satellites, modelling support, and comparison with independent retrievals. This report updates the validation of MetOp-A GOME-2 NO2 column data (OTO/NTO) described in TNIASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_1_A, Iss./Rev. 1/A, dated 29 April 2008 (hereafter referred to as VAL_ORR-A3_2008). It also reports on progress made with the set up of a validation process for GOME-2 NO2 tropospheric column data (OTR), with validation results over the March 2007 – June 2008 time period. The stratospheric contribution to the NO2 total column is validated against NDACC/UV-Visible ground-based network observations. Those network measurements and independent retrievals are used to validate separately individual components of the tropospheric NO2 retrieval chain, namely, the total slant column density and the stratospheric vertical columns density. Tropospheric NO2 column data are compared to similar SCIAMACHY results, and to ground-based tropospheric columns retrieved from MAXDOAS measurements at the pilot station of O.H.P. (Southern France). The main results are summarized hereafter: •
The current quality of the MetOp-A GOME-2 radiance and irradiance spectra in the 425-445 nm spectral window enables stable DOAS retrievals. Resulting NO2 slant columns and fit residuals are comparable to those obtained from ERS-2 GOME-1 spectra. GOME-2 GDP 4.2 NO2 retrievals are consistent with independent retrievals within 0.5 1014² at nearly all latitudes.
The recent level-0-to-1B processor upgrade to version 4.0 impacts hardly resulting NO2 column data. Monthly average NO2 column differences in May 2008 are smaller than 2.1013 at all latitudes.
Qualitatively, GOME-2 NO2 column data products (total, stratospheric and tropospheric) are in excellent agreement with observations from the NDACC ground-based network and the GOME-1 and SCIAMACHY satellites. They all capture similarly global and finer structures of the NO2 field and its temporal variations at scales from days to months. In particular, GOME-2 GDP 4.2 and SCIAMACHY/TEMIS tropospheric NO2 data report similarly the geographical distribution of tropospheric NO2 and enhanced values over anthropogenic and natural emission regions.
Quantitatively, the estimated accuracy of GOME-2 NO2 column products – estimated at first order as the absolute difference between GOME-2 and correlative vertical column data – depends on the latitude and on the presence of tropospheric NO2. Expressed in percentage, it also varies – and significantly – with the amplitude of the vertical column, which is a direct function of the season. After rejection of stations and/or episodes with high tropospheric NO2, the quantitative agreement between GOME-2 and NDACC/UV-Visible network measurements in the Northern Hemisphere usually ranges from -0.4 to +0.6 1015, with a yearly mean of a few 1014 molec/cm2. Expressed in percentage, the agreement usually varies seasonally within the 10-20% range, which is close to the target accuracy requirement of about 8% for pollution-free conditions, and below the threshold requirement of 20%.
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 6 of 52
In the Southern Hemisphere, again after rejection of episodes with high tropospheric NO2, GOME-2 is found to report systematically smaller NO2 column values than SCIAMACHY, GOME-1 and NDACC/UV-Visible network measurements by 4-6⋅1014 molec/cm2 on an average. Expressed in percentage, the agreement is of the order of 10-25% depending on the season.
Quantitatively, GOME-2 tropospheric NO2 column data are systematically smaller than SCIAMACHY/TEMIS data over polluted areas. This is attributed mainly due to important differences between the two processors, including the way they deal with uncertainties on the air mass factor, on the absorption temperature, and due to clouds.
Ground-based MAXDOAS data retrieved at the OHP station have been used to test and set up a method for the comparison and end-to-end validation of tropospheric pre-operational GOME-2 NO2 results. Pollution episodes are well reproduced by GOME-2 and quantitative comparisons are encouraging, with a correlation coefficient of ~0.66 and a linear regression slope of ~0.98. Large scatter is observed in GOME-2 data in case of low tropospheric NO2 conditions, but similar behaviour is also found when looking at other satellite results, such as OMI data from AVDC, and also reported in literature for similar comparisons.
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 7 of 52
Scope of this document
In the present document, the validation of GOME-2 NO2 data described in TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAFNO2-02_1_A, Iss./Rev. 1/A, dated 29 April 2008, hereafter referred to as VAL_ORR-A3_2008, is updated to GOME-2 data acquired up to June 2008. The report addresses first the quality of total column data (OTO/NTO) produced operationally by the GOME Data Processor (GDP) version 4.2 operated at DLR on behalf of EUMETSAT, and of individual components of this processing. The effect of the new level-1B data (processor upgraded from version 3.x to 4.0) on the quality of the level-1B-to-2 data processing and of the level-2 data products is quantified. Validation of GOME-2 total NO2, as well as initial validation of MetOpA GOME-2 tropospheric NO2 column data, reported in VAL_ORR-A3_2008, are extended up to June 2008.
Preliminary remarks
Validation techniques for NO2 tropospheric column data derived from satellite measurements are still in their infancy. This document reports on the progress of tropospheric NO2 validation set-up. Detailed investigation of a validation framework for GOME-2 tropospheric NO2 data will be reported in the upcoming technical note TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-03, in preparation. Reported ground-based validations rely on the early delivery of provisional data by NDACC/UVVIS network affiliates. This early delivery is the result of personal agreements arranged in the framework of the joint ESA/EUMETSAT RAO on the calibration and validation of EPS/MetOp data. Results relying on earlydelivery data must always be considered as preliminary. It is timely to remember that consolidated data from all ground-based stations and with official NDACC endorsement will be available via the NDACC data archive (see within two years after acquisition, in accordance with the NDACC Data Protocols. Reported validation studies were carried out at the Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (IASB-BIRA, Brussels, Belgium) and at DLR Remote Sensing Technology Institute (DLR-IMF, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany) in the framework of EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Ozone and Atmospheric Chemistry Monitoring (O3M-SAF).
Plan of this document
After presentation of the GOME-2 Data Disclaimer for NO2 column products, the present document is divided into the following sections: A. This introduction B. Results of the validation of individual components of the DOAS analysis – namely, slant column densities and stratospheric vertical column densities. Update of ground-based validation of GOME-2 total NO2 using NDACC UVVIS spectrometers. Results of direct comparison of GOME-2 tropospheric NO2 with SCIAMACHY TEMIS tropospheric NO2 column data and with MAXDOAS ground-based observations at the pilot station of O.H.P. C. Conclusion of the present study D. References
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 8 of 52
Rationale and method
The validation of GOME2 tropospheric NO2 vertical column density (VCD) is still a matter of scientific research. Current limitations are the lack of correlative tropospheric (column) measurements and the lack of homogenisation of the validation methods and results. Only few direct comparisons of tropospheric quantities are possible up to now. One of those is presented in this Section B, using ground-based MAXDOAS observations carried out by BIRA-IASB at the NDACC station of OHP in Southern France. Considering these difficulties and the complexity of the satellite tropospheric NO2 retrieval process, an endto-end validation approach is proposed, which consists in performing a validation of critical individual components of the level-1-to-2 retrieval chain. In this validation report, we carry out: (a) an assessment of the quality of DOAS analysis results, by means of confrontation of GDP 4.2 retrievals to other established retrievals; (b) an assessment of the validity of the stratospheric reference, i.e. the stratospheric content which is subtracted from the retrieved total column in order to obtain the tropospheric contribution; stratospheric validation relies on comparisons with the ground-based network of UV-visible spectrometers affiliated with the international Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC); and (c) an assessment of the validity of the GOME-2 tropospheric NO2 column retrieved over OHP, by comparison with MAXDOAS observations.
Comparison of DOAS analysis results
B.2.1 Summary of previous studies In the aforementioned technical note VAL_ORR-A3_2008, the quality of the DOAS NO2 slant column fit performed by GDP 4.2 on version 3.X level-1B spectra was verified using complementary approaches: 1) by testing the operational slant column algorithm (GDP 4.2) on two datasets and 2) by comparing this algorithm to other state-of-the-art scientific algorithms. The GDP 4.2 algorithm was applied on two different spectra data sets, along a single orbit of GOME-2 (orbit #3202, June 2, 2007) and of GOME-1 (orbit #16290, June 2, 1998), covering more or less the same ground track. The scatter in the slant columns was found very similar for GOME-1 and GOME-2, and the fit residuals of GOME-2 were found smaller than for GOME-1, but somewhat noisier. The consistency of the GDP 4.2 DOAS analysis results was also confirmed by comparing its results to those obtained with its prototype algorithm GDOAS, on the same GOME-2 orbit #3202 of June 2, 2007. A more statistical analysis was also reported in VAL_ORR-A3_2008: when using same geometrical AMF for converting these SCD into VCD, the two retrievals were shown to be consistent within 0.5e14 molec/cm² at nearly all latitudes (GDP 4.2 yielding slightly lower values than GDOAS) and both algorithms giving the same level of scatter in the SCD and in the residuals of the fit.
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 9 of 52
B.2.2 Total slant column density To test the quality of the DOAS NO2 slant column fit on two different sources of spectra, GDP 4.2 has been used to retrieve NO2 slant column amounts from spectra recorded along a single orbit of GOME-2 (orbit #9524, August 20, 2008) and GOME-1 (orbit #17421, August 20, 1998). The GOME-2 orbit is based on level1B-v4.0. The present subsection shows illustrative comparisons of the retrieved slant columns and of the associated DOAS fit residuals. Both orbits are over East Asia and have more or less the same ground track. However, the pollution over China is much larger for the GOME-2 day in 2008 than for the GOME-1 day in 1998, which can be seen in the slant column picture. Differences in the cloud patterns are expected, however, cloud effects should not have a significant impact on the observed differences between the GOME-1 and GOME-2 DOAS residuals and SCDs, at least along an entire orbit. Figure 2.2.1 shows the retrieved slant columns for GOME-2 and GOME-1 for the two individual orbits. If the GOME-2 swath is reduced to (approximately) the GOME-1 swath width (line-of-slight angle 70 degrees): NO2_Trop and NO2_Corr not available (fill-values). • NO2 contains the total column density based on an unpolluted AMF 16 NO2 column data not available: NO2, NO2_Trop and NO2_Corr contain fill-values Table 4.4 - GOME-2 Tropospheric Flag Value Description, reported from the Product User Manual, (TN-DLR-PUM 2007)
Both datasets have been corrected for the NO2 temperature dependence (while in version 1.0, for VAL-ORRA3-2008, the GOME-2 data were not corrected for the temperature, so both corrected and non corrected plots were shown.) Figure 4.2.9 shows the same results by means of a scatter plot, adding some statistical information as the correlation coefficient R and the slope of a linear regression analysis. A relatively large scatter is found in the correlation plot, with a correlation coefficient of about 0.65 and a slope of 1±0.09 for a linear regression fit. Compared to the version 1_0, tested in VAL_ORR-A3_2008, now with a whole one year dataset (June 2007June 2008), and with the implemented NO2 temperature correction, the results of the comparisons are almost unchanged, with correlation coefficient from 0.66 to 0.65 and slopes within error bars (from 0.98 to 1±0.09).
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 43 of 52
Figure 4.2.8 - Time series of the MAXDOAS and the GOME-2 DLR tropospheric NO2 VCD (mean value of all the pixels within 100km around OHP, after flag selection). The error bars correspond to the estimation of the error done on the MAXDOAS when using the geometrical approximation (as described in section 2.2.1) and to the “vcd_trop_error” field furnished in the GOME-2 hdf data (which do not contain error estimation based on Boersma et al. 2004).
Figure 4.2.9 - Scatter plot of the MAXDOAS and the GOME-2 DLR tropospheric NO2 VCD (mean value of all the pixels within 100km around OHP, after flag selection). Information about the correlation coefficient and the slope of the linear regression line are given in the legend. The error bars are estimated from the radiative transfer modelling at 30° elevation and assuming an aerosol load determined by the aerosols optical depth at 440nm, as measured by the CIMEL.
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 44 of 52
Averaging the ground-based data instead of performing an interpolation at the time of the satellite overpass has been tested, and no significant statistical difference is found over the whole time period studied (correlation of 0.64 and slope of 1±0.09). The impact of the choice of the GOME-2 pixels selection has also been investigated, by looking to the closest pixel or by taking the mean value of all the pixels within 100km (both for pixels having a tropospheric flag of zero). The influence of including or not the back scan pixels in the comparison has also been studied, and the correlation and slope results are given in Table 4.5.
Interpolation of ground-based data Average of groundbased data within 2h Mean of pixels Interpolation of ground-based data
Closest pixel within flagged data around 100km R = 0.58 S = 0.86±0.09 R = 0.57 S = 0.85±0.09 All pixels R = 0.65 S = 1±0.09
Mean of pixels within flagged data around 100km R = 0.65 S = 1±0.09 R = 0.64 S = 1±0.09 Back Scan pixels excluded R = 0.63 S = 0.98±0.09
Table 4.5: Correlation and slope information for different choices of ground-based and GOME-2 pixels selections.
The distribution of the satellite minus ground-based tropospheric differences is also investigated in order to verify the behaviour with respect to cloud fraction and height. The results are presented in figure 4.2.10; as in version 1_0, tested in VAL_ORR-A3_2008, no anomaly is highlighted, giving confidence in the GOME-2 DLR tropospheric NO2 retrieval performed up to a cloud fraction of ~35%.
Figure 4.2.10: plot of the differences between GOME-2 DLR VCD (mean value of all the pixels within 100km around OHP, after flag selection) and MAXDOAS tropospheric NO2, with respect to GOME-2 cloud fraction and cloud top pressure. It has to be noted that several pixels with a cloud top pressure of -1 has been previously removed from the selection.
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 45 of 52
For illustration, the same kind of comparison has been computed using OMI NASA/KNMI (AVDC) data (Bucsela et al., 2006) above OHP. Results of this comparison are presented in figure 4.2.11: a similar dispersion in the comparison between the ground-based MAXDOAS and the satellite data is found (especially in the first comparison period, up to day 205, the 7th September 2007), even with larger scatter in the OMI data compared to GOME-2 results. It has to be remembered that OMI do not measure at the same moment of the day than GOME-2, so the two satellite datasets can not be compared directly. However the MAXDOAS is a good link between them as it measures all along the day, and the data are interpolated at each satellite overpass time (the MAXDOAS time series in figure 4.2.8 and 4.2.11 are thus not identical neither).
This additional illustration shows that GOME-2 can reproduce the tropospheric NO2 content at OHP, at least as well as other operational products as OMI NASA/KNMI (AVDC).
Figure 4.2.11: Time series of the MAXDOAS and the OMI NASA/KNMI (AVDC) tropospheric NO2 VCD (closest point within 50km around OHP, for cloud free data). MAXDOAS data have not been corrected for the NO2 temperature dependence. As in figure 2.2.8, the error bars correspond to the estimation of the error done on the MAXDOAS when using the geometrical approximation (the errors are estimated from the radiative transfer modelling at 30° elevation and assuming an aerosol load determined by the aerosols optical depth at 440nm, as measured by the Cimel) while no errors are provided by AVDC, so no error bars are plotted for OMI data.
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 46 of 52
Figure 4.2.12: Scatter plot of the MAXDOAS and the OMI NASA/KNMI (AVDC) tropospheric NO2 VCD (closest point within 50km around OHP, for cloud free data). Information about the correlation coefficient and the slope of the linear regression line are given in the legend.
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 47 of 52
C. CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVES The very small number of validation sources for tropospheric NO2 and the “residual principle” of the tropospheric NO2 retrieval algorithm necessitate the adoption of an end-to-end validation approach, including separate validation of the individual components of the retrieval chain. An update of studies already presented in VAL_INITIAL_2007 and VAL_ORR-A3_2008 concludes that: -
GOME-2 slant columns: GDP 4.2 DOAS fit results match requirements. Reprocessed GOME-2 level1B-R1 data based on level-0-to-1B processor version 4.0 modify total NO2 results by 2 1013 or a few percent, that is, within the error bars of the correlative measurements. GOME-2 stratospheric columns: for unpolluted conditions, the validation update to one and half year of data confirms the good agreement with ground-based NDACC observations in the Northern Hemisphere, where GOME-2 data meet target requirements, and the systematic underestimation by about 0.6 1015 molec/cm2 at the Southern middle latitudes.
Stratospheric validation reported in VAL_INITIAL_2007 for clean-air areas only, was extended in VAL_ORR-A3_2008 to polluted areas by filtering out by cloud screening GOME-2 data obviously affected by tropospheric pollution. Using this method, the tentative quantitative assessment of the agreement between GOME-2 and provisional NDACC UVVIS observations (of stratospheric/total NO2) at the OHP pilot station confirms that the agreement ranges from -0.6 to +0.9 1015 molec/cm2, that is, within the 10% range, with a yearly mean of a few 1014 molec/cm2. The total column over sites with a tropospheric NO2 background but for unpolluted conditions also meets target requirements. Direct comparison of GOME-2 tropospheric NO2 with SCIAMACHY/TEMIS tropospheric NO2 shows a good qualitative agreement with similar spatial variations and enhanced tropospheric NO2 over anthropogenic and natural emission regions. Quantitatively the GOME-2 tropospheric NO2 columns are systematically smaller than SCIAMACHY/TEMIS for polluted areas. This is attributed mainly to important differences between the two retrieval schemes. The development and set-up of appropriate tropospheric NO2 validation framework has progressed. Comparisons of the GOME-2 DLR product to tropospheric columns obtained at the Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP) by a MAXDOAS instrument operated by BIRA-IASB have been reported. OHP is a primary station of the international Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC), and usually alternates between clear conditions with low NO2 content, and some pollution episodes (mainly transport from polluted European regions). This location provides thus an interesting test case for GOME-2 sensitivity to tropospheric NO2. In addition the station also reports the stratospheric column amount of ozone and NO2 (SAOZ operated by CNRS/SA since 1992), as well as several ancillary data as vertical distribution of pressure/temperature (radio-sondes and temperature LIDAR), ozone (electrochemical ozone sondes, LIDAR, SAOZ and Dobson), and aerosols information (CIMEL instrument operated by Lille University in the AERONET network context), very useful for the MAXDOAS analysis and for the interpretation of the results. The MAXDOAS data at OHP have been used to test and set up a method for the comparison/validation of tropospheric GOME-2 NO2 results, showing that the pollution episodes are reproduced by GOME-2 and the quantitative comparison are very encouraging, with a correlation coefficient of ~0.65 and a linear regression slope of ~1. As before, a large scatter is observed in GOME-2 data in case of low tropospheric NO2 conditions, but similar behaviour is also found when looking at other satellite results, such as OMI data from AVDC. That has also been observed in other recent comparisons of satellite tropospheric NO2 with ground-based MAXDOAS results (Brinksma et al., 2008) pointing to the large differences in the NO2 field sampled by the satellite and by the ground-based instrument.
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 48 of 52
Additional comparisons have been performed changing the way the satellite and the ground-based data are selected. Spatial and temporal averages have been tested; the temporal average of the ground-based data over a time period of 2 hours instead of a temporal interpolation, do not globally change the scatter results. On the other hand, taking the closest pixel value instead of the spatial average of all the satellite pixels within 100km is giving a smaller correlation coefficient and slope, sign that over the studied time period, the average value within 100km is more representative of the air masses measured by the MAXDOAS that the closest pixel. To reduce this air-masses difference, the use of trajectory analysis and local AQ modelling to analyse the impact of NO2 field gradients on the comparisons is envisaged for the future (using CHIMERE model), in collaboration with RMI. A deeper investigation of the comparison errors is also envisaged for the future, including a detailed analysis of the different error sources. These should enclose errors related to each technique (errors specific to MAXDOAS retrieval and errors specific to satellite retrieval) as well as errors purely related to the comparison. The first type of errors includes i.e. errors on the SCD fitting, errors on the stratospheric separation, errors on the NO2 temperature correction, and errors on the AMF calculations (including the errors on the different clouds, albedo and NO2 profiles assumptions for the satellite retrieval and including the error on the geometrical approximation, as partially pointed out in Sect. B.4, for the MAXDOAS retrieval). The second type of errors includes the errors done when comparing different techniques, which do not measure exactly at the same time and which sample differently the NO2 air-masses, and can be referred as a vertical and horizontal smoothing error. A revision of the errors provided with the GOME-2 tropospheric NO2 columns is advised, as the current errors provided seem very small. It probably includes only the fitting error contribution and not the errors on the AMF calculation (as described in Boersma et al., 2004). To conclude, as a first tentative of GOME-2 tropospheric NO2 “direct” validation, the results at OHP are very encouraging. In a close future, we hope to extend this first validation to a recent BIRA-IASB MAXDOAS instrument installed in Beijing, China, where continuous measurements are performed since June 2008 in the context of the AMFIC project ( Additional ground-based MAXDOAS instruments are necessary to evaluate, if not on the global scale, at least under sufficiently different geophysical states of interest the quality of the GOME-2 tropospheric NO2 VCD. Better distribution of MAXDOAS instruments worldwide and harmonisation among the different retrieval methods are part of the goals of the GEOMon project ( Between others, the key objective of WP 2.3 is to sustain and optimise existing ground-based remote sensing networks and develop associated methodologies enabling validation of tropospheric satellite measurements and their integration with surface in-situ data. A link and a collaboration with the institutes associated with this project is thus probably to be envisaged for a future global scale validation of GOME-2 tropospheric NO2.
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 49 of 52
Peer-reviewed articles
Balis, D., J-C. Lambert, M. Van Roozendael, D. Loyola, R. Spurr, Y. Livschitz, P. Valks, V. Amiridis, P. Gerard, and J. Granville, Ten years of GOME/ERS-2 total ozone data – The new GOME Data Processor (GDP) Version 4: II Ground-based validation and comparisons with TOMS V7/V8, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere, Vol. 112, D07307, doi:10.1029/2005JD006376, 2007. Blond, N., Boersma, K. F., Eskes, H. J., van der A, R. J., Van Roozendael, M., De Smedt, I., Bergametti, G., and Vautard, R. (2007), Intercomparison of SCIAMACHY nitrogen dioxide observations, in-situ measurements and air quality modeling results over Western Europe, doi:10.1029/2006JD007277, J. Geophys. Res., 2007 Boersma, K. F., E. Bucsela, E. Brinksma, and J. F. Gleason (2002), NO2, in OMI Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document, Volume IV: Trace Gas Algorithms, edited by K. Chance, pp. 15–36, KNMI, NASA/GSFC, FMI Boersma K. F., H. J. Eskes, and E. J. Brinksma (2004), Error analysis for tropospheric NO2 retrieval from space, J. Geophys. Res., vol. 109, D04311, doi:10.1029/2003JD003962, 2004 Boersma, K. F., Eskes, H. J, Veefkind, J. P., Brinksma, E. J.,van der A, R. J., Sneep, M., van den Oord, G. H. J., Levelt, P. F., Stammes, P., Gleason, J. F., and Bucsela, E. J (2007), Near-real time retrieval of tropospheric NO2 from OMI, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 7, 2103–2118, Brinksma, E., G. Pinardi, R. Braak, H. Volten, A. Richter, A. Schonhardt, M. Van Roozendael, C. Fayt, C. Hermans, R. Dirksen, T. Vlemmix, A.J.C Berkhout, D.P.J. Swart, H. Oetjen, F. Wittrock, T. Wagner, O. W. Ibrahim, G. de Leeuw, M. Moerman, L. Curier, E. A. Celarier, W. H. Knap, J. P. Veefkind, H.J. Eskes, M. Allaart, R. Rothe, A. J. M Piters, and P. Levelt (2008), The 2005 and 2006 DANDELIONS NO2 and Aerosol Intercomparison Campaigns, J. Geophys. Res, vol. 113, D16S46, doi:10.1029/2007JD008808, 2008. Bucsela, E. J., Celarier, E. A., Wenig, M. O., Gleason, J. F., Veefkind, J. P., Boersma, K. F., and Brinksma, E. J. (2006), Algorithm for NO2 vertical column retrieval from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument, IEEE trans. on Geosci. Rem. Sens., 44(5), doi:10.1109/TGRS.2005.863715, 2006. Celarier, E. A., E. J. Brinksma, J. F. Gleason, J. P. Veefkind, A. Cede, J. R. Herman, D. Ionov, F. Goutail, JP. Pommereau, J.-C. Lambert, M. van Roozendael, G. Pinardi, F. Wittrock, A. Schönhardt, A. Richter, O. W. Ibrahim, T. Wagner, B. Bojkov, G. Mount, E. Spinei, C. M. Chen, T. J. Pongetti, S. P. Sander, E. J. Bucsela, M. O. Wenig, D. P. J. Swart, H. Volten, M. Kroon, and P. F. Levelt, Validation of Ozone Monitoring Instrument Nitrogen Dioxide Columns, J. Geophys. Res, vol. 113, D15S15, doi:10.1029/2007JD008908, 2008 Chipperfield, M. P., (1999), Multiannual simulations with a three-dimensional chemical transport model, J. Geophys. Res., 104 (D1), 1,781-1,805, 1999. Errera, Q., and D. Fonteyn, (2001), Four-dimensional variational chemical assimilation of CRISTA stratospheric measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 106 (D11), 12,253-12,265, 2001. Eskes H. J. and Boersma K. F. (2003), Averaging kernels for DOAS total-column satellite retrievals, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 3, 1285–1291, 2003, Friedeburg, T.Wagner, F. Wittrock, D. Fonteyn, and M. De Maziere (2006), Intercomparison exercise between different radiative transfer models used for the interpretation of ground-based zenith-sky and multi-axis DOAS observations, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 6, 93–108, 2006.
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Technical notes
TN-DLR 2003: Design Document for the GOME-2 Universal Processor for Atmospheric Spectrometers, DLR Technical Note SAF/O3M/DLR/DD/001, Issue 2.0, October 2003. TN-DLR-ATBD 2007: Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for GOME-2 Total Columns of Ozone, Minor Trace Gases, and Cloud Properties (GDP 4.2 for O3M-SAF OTO and NTO), DLR Technical Note DLR/GOME-2/ATBD/01, 34 pp., Issue/Revision 1/B, 12 October 2007. TN-DLR-PUM 2007: Product User Manual for GOME Total Columns of Ozone, Minor Trace Gases, and Cloud Properties, DLR Technical Note DLR/GOME/PUM/01, 44 pp., Issue 1 Revision D, 6 March
ORR B – GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 validation update (March 2007 – July 2008) and tropospheric NO2 validation set-up Validation report for O3M-SAF data products OTO/NO2, NTO/NO2, OTR/NO2 and NTR/NO2 TN-IASB-GOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-B_1 issue ORR-B, revision 1, 24 November 2008 page 52 of 52
2007. Nuss et al. 2006: Nüß H., A. Richter, P. Valks, J.P. Burrows, Improvements of the NO2 Total Column Retrieval for GOME-2, O3M SAF Visiting Scientist Activity Final Report, 11 November 2006, [] Gür et al., 2005: Gür, B., P. Spietz, J. Orphal and J. Burrows (2005), Absorption Spectra Measurements with the GOME-2 FMs using the IUP/IFE-UB´s Calibration Apparatus for Trace Gas Absorption Spectroscopy CATGAS, Final Report, IUP University of Bremen, Oct. 2005. ESA 2002: ERS-2 GOME GDP3.0 Implementation and Validation, ESA Technical Note ERSE-DTEXEOAD-TN-02-0006, Ed. by J.-C. Lambert (IASB), 138 pp., Issue 1.0, November 2002. [] ESA 2004a: Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document for GOME Total Column Densities of Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide, UPAS/GDOAS: GDP 4.0, ESA Technical Note ERSE-DTEX-EOPG-TN-04-0007, Ed. By DLR, Iss./Rev. 1/A, 15 December 2004. [] ESA 2004b: UPAS / GDOAS 4.0 Upgrade of the GOME Data Processor for Improved Total Ozone Columns – Delta Validation Report, ESA Technical Note ERSE-CLVL-EOPG-TN-04-0001, Ed. by J.-C. Lambert (IASB) and D. Balis (AUTH), 15 December 2004. VAL_INITIAL_2007: Initial Validation of GOME-2 Nitrogen Dioxide Columns (GDP 4.2 OTO/NO2 and NTO/NO2): March – June 2007, IASB-BIRA Technical Note, IASB-BIRA Technical Note TN-IASBGOME2-O3MSAF-NO2-01, 40 pp., Issue 1, Revision B, 22 October 2007. VAL_ORR-A3_2008: ORR-A3 - GOME-2 GDP 4.2 total NO2 (NTO/OTO) validation update and initial validation of tropospheric NO2, EUMETSAT/IASB-BIRA Technical Note, TN-IASB-GOME2O3MSAF-NO2-02_ORR-A3, 47 pp., Issue ORR-A3, 29 April 2008.