Revista Diálogos com a Arte - revista de arte, cultura e educação, n. .... During the first part of the tour, the staff provides participants with a sleep mask for eyes and a white cane before ... October; 2014, 18th October) by offering one of this interactive training .... Centre Suisse de Service-Learning (2006; Zurich, Switzerland).
Innovation in education through Service-Learning projects: The "Día de la ONCE" Maria del Pilar Rovira Serrano María F. Abando Olaran
ABSTRACT Service-Learning is a pedagogical approach that encourages students learning by doing through an organized service; this is an innovative practice that develops an educational project and a social project simultaneously by combining academic learning, community service and continuous reflective practice into a single integrated project in a balanced holistic way. It is teaching methodology, a way to understand education, to meet the real needs of a collective, to involve participants along with the community and to foster civic responsibility. It helps for a deep understanding of cultural & social context and transforms the environment. The Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears participates, as actively as possible, in non-profit and cooperation activities with the third sector through the Learning-Service Projects, as with the Consejo Territorial “Illes Balears” de la Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles and the “Día de la ONCE” (every 3rd-4th Saturday of the month of October in Palma de Mallorca since 2005). Keywords: Design for all, Universal Design, Service-Learning, visual impairment and blindness.
A short introduction to the Service-Learning projects The history of Service-Learning (Community Service Learning or Learning through Civic Engagement), started in the United States of America in the very beginning of the 20th century with the “learn by doing” experiences by John Dewey (1859-1952) and community service experiences by William James (1842-1910). However the use of the term Service-Learning started in 1966-1967 to describe a local experience in Tennessee (USA) developed by the Oak Ridge Associated Universities and consolidated in 1969 during the first Service-Learning Conference (Atlanta, Georgia, USA). The Service-Learning Conference Report (1970) accepted that the Service-learning is a valuable element of the learning experience. It showed different research papers in the field of Service-Leaning and offered one of the very first definitions known for Service-Learning term that referred to "the integration of the accomplishment of a needed task with educational growth".
Revista Diálogos com a Arte - revista de arte, cultura e educação, n.º 5
Despite this initial background, during the turn of the century the Service-Learning focus area (theory research studies, case studies, impact of participation) expanded from north to south, particularly to Argentina and the works of the Centro Lationamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario (CLAYSS) and then to Europe. In fact, the Europe Engage Team, that leads KA2 Eramus+ project supported by the European Commission, provides in 2015 one of the last definitions of the term Service-Learning. This project define it as “an innovative pedagogical approach that integrates meaningful community service or engagement into the curriculum and offers students’ academic credit for the learning that derives from active engagement within community demands and work on a real world problem. Continuous reflection and experiential learning strategies underpin the learning process and the service is linked the academic discipline. Service-learning brings together students, academics and the community whereby all become teaching resources, problem solvers and partners. In addition to enhancing academic and real world learning, the overall purpose of service learning is to instil in students a sense of civic engagement and responsibility and work towards positive social change within society”.
The importance of Service-Learning projects in design studies The Escola d’Art i Superior de Disseny de les Illes Balears (EASDIB) is the only state higher education institution in the Balearic Island for design studies, in four specialities: Graphic Design, Interior Design, Fashion Design and Product Design. According to State and Regional Regulations that set the State Design Curriculum, it is compulsory to follow a course called “Community Activities” that rewards students’ participation in cultural, artistic, sporting, student representation, solidarity and cooperation activities with 4 ECTS credits (100 hours). The EASDIB participates, as actively as possible, in non-profit and cooperation activities with the third sector through Academic Learning-Service Projects. Third Sector is a representative platform which brings together associations, foundations and other groups demanding inclusive public policies in their fight to protect civil and social rights. Service-Learning projects allow students to acquire key professional competences, such as, social and civic competences, communication in the mother tongue and in a foreign language, personal development, theory into practice, teamwork, and, above all, responsibility and ethical commitment. It is important for students because this will help to improve students' employability and increase their professional opportunities.
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“Día de la ONCE”, the meaning of the experience Since 2005, the ONCE organizes every year a one-day social awareness’ journey to make visible the invisible (a disability such as visual impairment and blindness). It is held every year in each of the three Balearic capitals (Palma de Mallorca, Mahon and Ibiza) in a central location in the city, outdoors and under tents set up for this purpose.
Fig. 1: "Día de la ONCE" (20th October 2012), © EASDIB.
It is necessary to say that the ONCE and its Foundation work with visual impairment and blind people. According to the International Classification of Diseases 2006 (ICD-10) by the World Health Organization, there are 4 levels of visual function: normal vision, moderate visual impairment, severe visual impairment and blindness. The ONCE searches for greater social equality and non-discriminatory standards, in order to achieve its two main objectives, that are the self-reliance and the full social and labour-market integration of its members. The ONCE has built up a specialized social service model for its members that has no equivalent anywhere else in the world. It includes blindness and deaf-blindness prevention, rehabilitation, personal autonomy, educational care, training and employment, communication and access to information, sport and cultural activities, social well-being, etc.
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All activities programmed for the “Día de la ONCE” are aimed to social awareness about the everyday problems of ONCE members, and that’s the reason why participants use a sleep mask for eyes to experience visual impairment and blindness handicaps.
Fig. 2: "Día de la ONCE" (22nd October 2011), © EASDIB.
Throughout the journey, the ONCE offers a number of interactive training workshops open to people to all ages (Braille alphabet, identify different seasonings and spices with all senses except sight, identify objects by touch, etc.), so sighted people have the opportunity to experience by themselves their difficulties by touching, listening and, even, tasting.
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Fig. 3: "Día de la ONCE" (18th October 2014), © EASDIB.
There is also a mobility circuit to show up difficulties experienced by visual impairment and other disabled people. During the first part of the tour, the staff provides participants with a sleep mask for eyes and a white cane before starting a circuit in a real urban environment with barriers and obstacles in the way; no path information is given but the staff guide participants if they ask for help.
Fig. 4: "Día de la ONCE" (18th October 2014), © EASDIB.
On the second half of the mobility circuit, now without the sleep mask for eyes, participants have also the opportunity to use different types of wheel chairs and experience these handicaps from a different point of view. Revista Diálogos com a Arte - revista de arte, cultura e educação, n.º 5
Fig. 5: "Día de la ONCE" (18th October 2014), © EASDIB.
The EASDIB had participated in three of the “Día de la ONCE” editions (2011, 22nd October-2011; 2012, 20th October; 2014, 18th October) by offering one of this interactive training workshops focused on tactile perception by using three scale models of different unique spaces in Palma de Mallorca: Ses Quatre Campanes (1740-1783); Coliseo Balear (1928-1929, architect Gaspar Bennazar); Joan Miró’s Workshop (1954-1956, architect Josep Lluis Sert). The name of the building and the location were labelled in Braille.
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Fig. 6: "Día de la ONCE" (18th October 2014), © EASDIB.
The participation in the “Día de la ONCE” is a credit-bearing educational experience awarded with 0.25-0.5 ECTS (5-10 hours), structured as an Academic Service-Learning project, and is open to all EASDIB students and professors, no matter the speciality they have chosen or the subject they teach. Service is about people awareness (kids and adults); while learning is about developing a community-based activity with the third sector. 22nd October, 2011 Students % enrolled students repeating the experience Erasmus incoming students Graphic Design students Interior Design students Fashion Design students Product Design students 1st year students Men Women
20th October 2012
26 7.34% 0% 0% 0% 30.77% 7.69% 15.38% 46.15% 19.23% 80,77%
35 10.36% 11.43% 5.71% 20.00% 22.86% 11.43% 2.86% 37.14% 22.86% 77.14%
18th October, 2014 24 7.16% 0% 0% 29.17% 45.83% 4.17% 20.83% 58.33 37.50% 62.50%
Table 1: "Día de la ONCE" highlights and EASDIB students background, © EASDIB.
Revista Diálogos com a Arte - revista de arte, cultura e educação, n.º 5
In short, this is an activity to introduce people in the world of accessibility and universal design. Students guide participants that use their fingers to touch scale models and perceive volumes as in a typhlological museum (from the Greek word typhlos or blind, and logos or knowledge). Step by step, the experience is developed as shown below: 1. Professors and students distribute the scale models around the table. 2. Professors explain the dynamic of the tactile perception workshop offered by the EASDIB, give students some basic information about each scale model, comment on how to help the visual impaired to understand them, the key professional competences to acquire and the learning outcomes to achieve, that is to involve students into community. 3. Professors offer students a sleep mask for eyes and guide them in group around the table while explaining the scale models. 4. Students participate in the rest of interactive training workshops to experience by themselves the difficulties suffered by the visually impaired and other disabled people. 5. Students join the EASDIB stand, invite visitors, offer them a sleep mask for eyes and guide them around the table while giving detailed explanations of each scale model (location, history, architect, building elements, etc.).
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Fig. 7: "Día de la ONCE" (20th October 2012), © EASDIB.
The hidden purpose for students and participants is not only to learn by doing but also to learn by being aware of (people's needs, cultural and social context, environment, et cetera), and the main strengths in the use of scale models is to allow people to observe a three-dimensional architectonic model in detail from different points of view.
Revista Diálogos com a Arte - revista de arte, cultura e educação, n.º 5
Fig. 8: "Día de la ONCE" (20th October 2012), © EASDIB.
Conclusion Challenges for the 21st century society have changed. There are good opportunities, such as globalization and technology, but there are also threats such as inequality and social exclusion. It is important for students to create a culture where lifelong learning serves both personal fulfilment and social and professional integration, in order to use all these opportunities and reduce these threats. The EASDIB encourage students and professors’ participation in Service-Learning projects because their development, as in the “Día de la ONCE”, allows the EASDIB to collaborate with the community to which it belongs, build strong partnership with social actors, improve teaching and learning through this innovative practice and engage students actively in real world through task-oriented works focused on universal design and/or social design. This is a great opportunity for students to be the star at the teaching-learning process and be active and participate in the creation of products (goods and services) rather than being a passive element in that process as happens in a master class. It allows students to meet the real needs of a collective, order their commitments
Revista Diálogos com a Arte - revista de arte, cultura e educação, n.º 5
and responsibilities, monitor their own learning, increase their motivation, manage themselves, acquire and/or consolidate key professional competences and create a culture of lifelong learning. This is a social commitment that is implemented with the added value of academic learning that students achieve though structured continuous reflection on the service activity. Moreover, the use of service-learning projects allows non-profit organizations and the rest of the third sector to achieve their social objectives, disseminate the values they defend, offer students a direct experience and contribute to a committed European citizenship that will always benefit democracy.
Fig. 9: "Día de la ONCE" (20th October 2012), © EASDIB.
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Moura, Anabela da Silva - Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo; Almeida, Carlos - Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo; Vieira, Maria Helena - Universidade do Minho (eds.) ISSN: 2183-1726
revista de arte, cultura e educação
Diálogos com a arte
0- Preface Rachel Mason 1- Embodying Image: Working Imaginally in Art Education Linney Wix 2- Art and the Body Image: about Self and Stereotypes Anabela Moura • Susan Ogier • Manuela Cachadinha 3- Art and the Body Image: about Self and Stereotypes Mónica Oliveira 4- Performances of the body at International Art Events in Portugal and the Biennial of Cerveira Margarida Maria Moreira Barbosa Leão Pereira da Silva 5- Effects of Instructional Design on Analogy Teaching in Higher Education: Creative Atmosphere Tsui-lien Shen • Mei-Lan Lo 6- A study of drawings and interviews from Afghan children’s memories of their life in Afghanistan and their living experience in Germany Ava Serjouie-Scholz 7- Innovation in education through Service-Learning projects: The "Día de la ONCE" Maria del Pilar Rovira Serrano • María F. Abando Olaran 8- “Embodied in interactive art” – Art and Society in Community Rolf Laven 9- Archiving absence Raquel Moreira 10- The role of the teacher in the implementation of artistic experiences Adalgisa Pontes 11- Music Didactics. From Inside to Outside Pedro Filipe Cunha 12- On the significance of costumes in the experience of dance Juana Navarro • Ana Macara 13- (Mis-)Taken labels and multiplicity of identity Suparna Banerjee 14- The body play, the body in the play: an approach to Angel Vianna Methodology Laura Jamelli • Alda Romaguera 15- Scenes of Life: Study of the Theater Association of a Recreational and Cultural Group at Saint John of Rio Frio Margarida Dias 16- The art of radio communication Fernando Serrão 17- Identity, culture and social practices: the body of the soul and the soul of the body in a village of Minho-Portugal (1970-2004) António Cardoso
Diálogos com a arte revista de arte, cultura e educação
Escola Superior de Educação de Viana do Castelo - IPVC Centro de Estudos da Criança do Instituto de Educação - UM
EDITORS Anabela Moura, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal Carlos Almeida, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal Maria Helena Vieira, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
REVIEWERS & CONTRIBUTORS Adalgisa Pontes, Portugal Alda Regina Tognini Romaguera, Brazil Ana Camargo, Brazil Ana Faccioli Camargo, Brazil Ana Macara, Portugal Anabela Moura, Portugal Angelica Lima Cruz, Portugal António Cardoso, Portugal Ava Serjouie, Germany Carlos Almeida, Portugal Carlos Eduardo Viana, Portugal Carl-Peter Buschkuhle, Germany Célia Almeida, Brazil Dalila d‘ Alte Rodrigues, Portugal Dervil Jordan, Ireland Fernando Serrão, Portugal Hélder Dias, Portugal Henrique do Vale, Portugal João Cerqueira, Portugal João Moura Alves, Portugal João Pereira, Portugal Jorge Gumbe, Angola Juana Navarro, Brazil Juan-Ann Tai, Taiwan Laura Helena Jamelli de Almeida, Brazil Linney Wix, USA Manuel Gama, Portugal Manuela Cachadinha, Portugal Margarida Dias, Portugal Margarida Leão, Portugal Maria Alzira Pimenta, Brazil Maria Celeste Andrade, Brazil Maria del Pilar Rovira Serrano, Spain María F. Abando Olaran, Spain Maria Helena Vieira, Portugal Mary Richardson, UK Mei-Lan Lo, Taiwan Mónica Oliveira, Portugal Pedro Filipe Cunha, Portugal Rachel Mason, UK Raphael Vella, Malta Raquel Moreira, Portugal Rolf Laven, Austria Rui Ramos, Portugal Sônia de Almeida Pimenta, Brazil Suparna Banerjee, India Susan Ogier, UK Teresa Gonçalves, Portugal Teresa Tipton, USA Shu-Ying Liu, Taiwan Mei-Lan Lo, Taiwan Tsui-Lien Shen, Taiwan
ISSN 2183-1726
Summary Acknowledgements
4 Rachel Mason
1 Embodying Image: Working Imaginally in Art Education
Linney Wix
2 Art and the Body Image: about Self and Stereotypes
Anabela Moura Susan Ogier Manuela Cachadinha
3 Art and the Body Image: about Self and Stereotypes
Mónica Oliveira
4 Performances of the body at International Art Events in Portugal and the Biennial of Cerveira
Margarida Maria Moreira Barbosa Leão Pereira da Silva
5 Effects of Instructional Design on Analogy Teaching in Higher Education: Creative Atmosphere
Tsui-lien Shen Mei-Lan Lo
6 A study of drawings and interviews from Afghan children’s memories of their life in Afghanistan and their living experience in Germany
Ava Serjouie-Scholz
7 Innovation in education through Service-Learning projects: The "Día de la ONCE"
Maria del Pilar Rovira Serrano María F. Abando Olaran
8 “Embodied in interactive art” – Art and Society in Community
Rolf Laven
9 Archiving absence
Raquel Moreira
10 The role of the teacher in the implementation of artistic experiences
Adalgisa Pontes
11 Music Didactics. From Inside to Outside
Pedro Filipe Cunha
12 On the significance of costumes in the experience of dance
Juana Navarro Ana Macara
Revista Diálogos com a Arte - revista de arte, cultura e educação, n.º 5
13 (Mis-)Taken labels and multiplicity of identity
Suparna Banerjee
14 The body play, the body in the play: an approach to Angel Vianna Methodology
Laura Jamelli Alda Romaguera
15 Scenes of Life: Study of the Theater Association of a Recreational and Cultural Group at Saint John of Rio Frio
Margarida Dias
16 The art of radio communication
Fernando Serrão
17 Identity, culture and social practices: the body of the soul and the soul of the body in a village of Minho-Portugal (1970-2004)
António Cardoso
Revista Diálogos com a Arte - revista de arte, cultura e educação, n.º 5
Acknowledgements This journal, together with projects carried out at the Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo offer the students and staff the possibility of reflecting on both national and international theories and practices about art, culture and education in interdisciplinary, cooperative ways. The editorial board defines cooperation as a form of cultural activism that necessitates acting on problems and sharing actions and experiences. Cooperation is successfully accomplished when all the participants’ objectives are shared and the results are beneficial for everyone. In practice this requires constant dialogue and ensuring relations in educational programs, projects, community interventions, artistic and cultural training are transversal even in professional technical support. The editorial board wants to thank the professors, cultural organizations, research partners and community members who collaborated with them on undergraduate and post-graduate courses at the Institute in 2015; and attended the 4th International Conference of Cinema and 11th International Conference of Art on Arts and Creative Sustainability held in Viana from June 1-5 2015. The articles in this issue of the journal Dialogos, offer readers transnational perspectives on research projects, civic engagement, and service-learning activities arising out of these collaborations. The authors, who come from inside and outside Europe, engage with arts languages in diverse contexts and ways. The board made the decision to publish the journal in English to demonstrate that language is not a barrier to the Institute’s cross-cultural collaborative work.
Revista Diálogos com a Arte - revista de arte, cultura e educação, n.º 5