Innovation in Food and Beverage Packaging - SAAFoST

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9 Oct 2013 ... Innovation in Food and Beverage. Packaging. 20th SAAFoST Biennial International. Congress and Exhibition 2013. Presented by: Morongwa ...
Innovation in Food and Beverage Packaging 20th SAAFoST Biennial International Congress and Exhibition 2013

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Packaging Overview

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Global Packaging Sales by Type: 2010 vs. 2016


Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Global Packaging Sales by Region: 2010 vs. 2016


Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Global Packaging Sales by End Use: 2010 vs. 2016


Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

SA: Total Packaging Market Volume – 3 030 000 Tons (Ex Converter 2012)

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

SA: Total Packaging Market Value – R48.92bn (Ex Converter 2012)

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

SA: Major Packaging Converters’ Financial Results – 2012

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

New Packaging Technologies

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

You promise this won’t kill me?

Getting consumers to accept the idea of eating not just what's on their plate but the packaging it came in as well will take a bit of work …

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Edible Food Packaging for Fast Food - Eat your wrapper

Brazilian chain Bob's : created edible paper wrappers for their burgers

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Edible Food Packaging for Fast Food - Eat your wrapper

Brazilian chain Bob's : created edible paper wrappers for their burgers

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

How instant is your cup of instant coffee?

• MonoSol LLC developed technology for water soluble polymer films • The company is working to produce edible packaging for items like hot chocolate, drink sticks, etc. • This will reduce dependency on plastic as well as overall food waste

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

How instant is your cup of instant coffee?

• MonoSol LLC introduces Vivos™ Water Soluble Edible Film

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

How instant is your cup of instant coffee?

• MonoSol LLC introduces Vivos™ Water Soluble Edible Film

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Incredible edibles: Wikicells • • • •

Eco-friendly food wrap - half way between science and art The inspiration came from fruit – orange & peach have their own convenient built-in edible package. Invented by David Edwards (a French-American Harvard engineer) Not only do they reduce wrap wasting, they also enhance the eating experience.

But what are they – these Wikicells? • •

Soft skin is made from plant elements Can be made from natural particles of chocolate, fruit, nuts and grains etc., small amounts of chitosan (biochemical polymer) or alginate (algae extract). – These particles carry an electrostatic charge and – can be gelatinised with ions of calcium, magnesium, etc., in order to create the skin

A yoghurt can now have a skin (of WikiCells) which - like a peel - is a sort of durable, biodegradable packaging Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Wikicells: Have your bottle and eat it too

Incredible edibles: Wikicells

• The shells of WikiCells are made from bagasse (the fibrous residue from sugar cane) or Isomalt (a sweetener), to which food particles are added. • Endless potential for combinations of flavours, tastes and recipes ! • WikiCells won a special prize for innovation at the last SIAL - the world’s leading food exhibition and marketplace, in Paris

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Wikicells: Have your bottle and eat it too - Summary •

WikiCells are edible containers of food or drink. A soft membrane holds the liquid, foam or solid inside. WikiCells consist of a natural food membrane held together by electrostatic forces and containing a liquid, emulsion, Presented by: Morongwa Themba | foam, or solid food substance possibly Wednesday, within an edible orDate: biodegradable shell.9 October 2013 They can be produced by consumers with a WikiCell Machine in a practically inexhaustible variety of membranes and forms and with a wide range of food and drinks. WikiCells use special membrane technology that permits the making of thin delicious membranes with significant water diffusional resistance and adjoined shells that allow for stability of the WikiCells over long periods of time. Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Thermochromic Inks – Brand Power!

Thermochromic inks change colour as the temperature changes

They are increasingly being used as a way for consumer goods manufacturers to get their customers to interact more with their products than they would have done otherwise

This strengthens brands and helps them differentiate themselves from similar products.

The ink can be used as an integral part of the design, rather than just a mechanism on the back of pack to tell the consumer when the product is at the ideal temperature.

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Castle Lite’s Innovative 2-Stage Cold Indicator •

Castle Lite’s new packaging: the new 2-Stage Cold Indicator Technology tells consumers when their beer is Extra Extra Cold

This innovative development incorporates thermo chromic technology, which contains microencapsulated thermo chromic pigment that changes from no colour to full colour as the temperature drops

The Snow Castle continues to take a brighter hue as it gets colder, whilst the additional outer circle will be a darker shade of blue. When fully activated and the text “Drink Extra Extra Cold” is clearly visible

This “Extra Extra Cold” technology is available in cans (300ml & 440ml) and glass bottles (340ml, 440ml & 600ml) Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Easy-to-open Packaging for All •

Crown Holdings have developed an easy-to-open lid for glass jars. The Orbit closure is: – X2 as easy to open as a standard twist-off closure – made of two parts: a central, floating panel, vacuum-sealed to the jar: and an outer ring the consumer uses to open and close the jar. Duerrs (UK preserves manufacturer ) were the first company to use the new closures.

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Easy-to-open Packaging for All - Video •

Crown Holdings have developed an easy-to-open lid for glass jars. The Orbit closure is: – X2 as easy to open as a standard twist-off closure – made of two parts: a central, floating panel, vacuum-sealed to the jar: and an outer ring the consumer uses to open and close the jar. Duerrs (UK preserves manufacturer ) were the first company to use the new closures.

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

A wise man once said:

“In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water there is bacteria.” ….but what about water with some oomph ?

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Functional Drinks

• 2-component packaging system • Liquid concentrate - contained in the rigid tube within the closure. • When the top part of the closure is unscrewed, tube containing liquid concentrate is lifted above the inner part of the closure, sealing it off and causing the concentrate to pour down into the water. • Active ingredients are preserved separately until the moment of consumption, so that consumer gets a 'fresh' drink every time. • Liquid concentrates contained in the cap are still relatively rare, powders and tablets are more common. Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Functional Drinks

• 2-component packaging system • Liquid concentrate - contained in the rigid tube within the closure. • When top part of the closure is unscrewed, tube containing liquid concentrate is lifted above the inner part of the closure, sealing it off and causing the concentrate to pour down into the water. • Active ingredients are preserved separately until the moment of consumption, so that consumer gets a 'fresh' drink every time. • Liquid concentrates contained in the cap are still relatively rare, powders and tablets are more common.

If you must eat boiled eggs in the office…. •

Eggs, like some packaged meats, suffer from confinement odour – which can be off-putting

The Snack Egg – launched by The Original Egg Company – a single portion shelled hard-boiled egg

Sirane developed an absorbency patch which is wrapped around individual BRC standard free range eggs within minutes of cooking – offering the best possible shelf life for the consumer and – “on-the-go” convenience

Waitrose the first to put it on their shelves. Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Pump Action - Do I need to pound the ketchup out of this bottle?

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

LiquiGlide • •

Packaging for items such as ketchup, toothpaste and lotions - can never get everything out of the packaging! Every (cash-strapped) consumer’s frustration! LiquiGlide is a technology engineered to give super slippery surfaces for liquids and highly viscous materials such as gels and pastes. – LiquiGlide coatings are a breakthrough technology for solid-liquid interfaces. The concept is relatively simple. – LiquiGlide packaging prompts the contents to slip easily across the surface and out of the packaging – as this video, which went viral after its release, illustrates.

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013


• •

Packaging for items such as ketchup, toothpaste and lotions - can never get everything out of the packaging! Every (cash-strapped) consumer’s frustration! LiquiGlide is a technology engineered to give super slippery surfaces for liquids and highly viscous materials such as gels and pastes. – LiquiGlide coatings are a breakthrough technology for solid-liquid interfaces. The concept is relatively simple. – LiquiGlide packaging prompts the contents to slip easily across the surface and out of the packaging – as this video, which went viral after its release, illustrates.

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Intelligent packaging [1] •

Indicator packaging gives consumers assurance about their products and avoids waste

3M, provides MonitorMark for measuring ambient temperatures during transport for product protection

The product has been in use in a variety of product shipment applications

So why is it not used more widely?

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Intelligent packaging [2] • The Insignia embedded colour changing labels - the world's first embedded intelligent label that lets you know how long your cooked meat has been open • Watch the dot on the bottom right hand side of the pack and the countdown!

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Intelligent packaging [2] • The Insignia embedded colour changing labels - the world's first embedded intelligent label that lets you know how long your cooked meat has been open

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Intelligent Packaging [3]: Interactive packaging…………. This is not a cereal box! ….

• Nestlé France launched it’s Chocapic and Nesquik cereals in packaging that does more than simply contain and protect the contents… • but also enhances the shelf appeal in a crowded marketplace, using augmented reality • The Nestlé game involves a character leaping between platforms and running across the top of the cereal packet • The cereal box contains a motion sensor so that the character responds to every movement of the packet

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Intelligent Packaging [3]: Interactive packaging…………. This is not a cereal box! ….

• Nestlé France launched it’s Chocapic and Nesquik cereals in packaging that does more than simply contain and protect the contents… • but also enhance the shelf appeal in a crowded marketplace, using augmented reality • The Nestlé game involves a character leaping between platforms and running across the top of the cereal packet • The cereal box contains a motion sensor so that the character responds to every movement of the packet

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Pimp My Porridge

Re-closeable / re-sealabel cereal packs • Nestle baby cereal with patented injection molded white plastic slide-action open-reclose device

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Easier, Easy-To-Open Packaging •

With the number of elderly consumers increasing each year manufacturers must meet the needs of this sector of the population, including the provision of easy-to-open packaging.

The elderly find it hard to open certain forms of packaging, such as metal ring pulls on cans.

Sonoco has developed a range of peelable metal membranes that require a low opening force (compared with traditional ring pulls) under the Ultraseal and Ultrapeel brands.

Use thumb and forefinger to open the product:

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Easier, Easy-To-Open Packaging (cont.)

The move away from opening metal cans with manual can openers to ring pulls or easy open lids are meant to be more convenient for consumers, but the tab is often flat and difficult to open

Crown Holdings have launched the Easylift can end. This is similar to traditional ring pulls on metal cans, but the tab is slightly raised so that it is easier to access

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Beverage Pouches seen as untapped opportunity •

• •

Packaging expert Andrew Streeter believes flexible beverage packaging has huge beverage potential given – added functionality – demands for sustainability and cost reduction have pushed for material reduction There’s been an increase in toddler pouch products, juices, gels and sports drinks Pouches are ideal for products like cocktails because they can be frozen, whereas cans and glass cannot. Younger people are more likely to favour pouches when experimenting with new alcoholic drinks Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sustainability / Lightweighting

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Super Light Glass Bottles •

Nampak Glass launched the lightest of all 750ml glass wine bottles made in South Africa yet

The ultra lightweight 750 ml glass bottle weighs only 340g – compared to the standard 450g bottle

Manufactured through a Narrow Neck press and blow process, which – enables the glass to be distributed more evenly during the manufacturing process, resulting in – less glass needed to ensure acceptable strength and durability

Douglas Green Bellingham’s (DGB) high volume Culemborg range was the first brand to benefit from the ultra lightweight bottle’s raw material, supply chain and environmental savings

Exported – UK Market Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Nampak Plastics’ Europe famous Infini Bottle •

In 2013, Nampak has achieved two global firsts with Infini

The company trialled, tested and supplied the first four-pint milk bottle containing up to 30% recycled High Density Polyethylene (rHDPE)

This breakthrough came just weeks after Nampak created a four-pint Infini bottle weighing in at just 32g, representing up to a 20% material saving on the standard fourpint version found in most supermarkets today

The Infini design is fully protected by relevant patents and design registration.

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Nampak Plastics’ Europe famous Infini Bottle: Awards • Best Dairy Packaging Innovation – top award at the Dairy Innovation Awards 2012 • WorldStar Awards 2013 (held in May in Sydney, Australia): Won silver in the Sustainability Award Category beating the Mount Franklin Easy Crush bottle of Coca-Cola Amatil (Australia)

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sky Fall – Nampak All Blue

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Sky Fall – Nampak All Blue

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Thank you! Kealeboga! Enkosi! Kealeboha! Dankie! Asante! Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

References Printed matter • • • •

BMI. 2013. Overview of the South African packaging industry. Datamonitor. 2013. Innovation in packaging design and functionality : new developments in closing mechanisms and labeling design and technology. Harrod, S. 2011. The future of global packaging: market forecasts to 2016. London: Pira. Smithers Pira. 2013. Advanced packaging technology world. Vol. 1, Issue 16, Aug.

Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013

References Internet • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Presented by: Morongwa Themba | Date: Wednesday, 9 October 2013