Modern education does not only use methods active students, encouraging .... links between educations and also assist th
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Innovative approaches in high school physics lesson in Romania Teacher Liliana Violeta Constantin, Romania, High School “Dimitrie Gusti”, Bucharest Abstract – This paper presents the results of original and trans-disciplinary approach of physical issues. This approach reflects the innovative lesson in how to design the teaching strategies used in the evaluation but especially in the integration of new technologies in the lesson. It presents and analyzes the critical elements of modern and classical elements used in this teaching approach to highlight the positive and negative aspects of such an approach on the actors in education. Thus to achieve a quality education that give our youth the opportunity to meet the challenges of life, to develop cultural skills, artistic and scientific at the same time.
Introduction Modern education does not only use methods active students, encouraging them and turning them into participative agents, but also prepare them to act in a company located in constant evolution. Current teaching role is therefore to form creative personalities able to integrate complex dynamic in a world subject to constant change. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach is "a fundamental problem of contemporary science" (I. Radu). The complexity of current social life, the extraordinary development of science and technology, rapid movement of information require interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective in all fields. "The student will be an explorer of the future" - Marshall Mc Luhan said. "For this he must realize the importance of learning through research, the importance of making connections between different disciplines. The emphasis on creativity, flexibility, adaptability, interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity will prepare definitely for the future information society. "Basarab Nicolescu solutions world today come from collaboration and cooperation, not the ivory towers of silence. Modern education must take into account the student's emotional intelligence not only of academic intelligence. Degree of academic intelligence and emotional intelligence are complementary, but separate skills simply are mutually supportive. Emotional intelligence is the meta-skill that determines how well using skills available to a person, including intellect. Encouraging students to develop a wide range of skills that will be based in adult life, the school provides life skills education. Such education focuses not so much on learning experience but rather on making the student learning experience. Thus creating an appropriate learning environment is crucial for students to live learning experiences so that they become prerequisites for solving problems of everyday life. The teacher must take into account students' individual learning styles: auditory, visual, practical. During the activities students should be given the opportunity to ask questions, and manifested as curiosity, perplexity, interests. Their ideas are respected and are revealing their value. The teacher guides students when they have problems; they offer additional explanations or new tasks employed. It is open to interaction with students, listens and accepts the judgments, criticisms or counter. This will establish a permissive atmosphere based on mutual respect, and students actively participate in class.
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Teaching strategies to meet individual learning styles 2.1 Organizing time At this stage of the lesson the teacher checks the presence of students, organizing class lesson, and check homework. 2.2 Update knowledge The teacher asks students to look at the image formed in a flat mirror and then a spoon, are asked to note the paper comments on the images they have seen and what they know about the mirror, what I think will longer know. This completed the first two columns of Table I know, I know, I learned. Majority is visual style and practical style. Such students will find the difference between the created image in the mirror plane, concave and convex mirrors remembered acquired notions about previous classes. 2.3 Capturing the attention The teacher presents a discussion with students, the mythological story of Narcissus and the mirror story. Auditory style predominates. The physical notions blend harmoniously with mythology and history notions. The main purpose of this discussion is motivating students, raising awareness for the lesson. 2.4 Communication objectives of the new lessons and lesson title The teacher announces a simple theme and purpose of the lesson. Students record the lesson and find the title to them, learn to perceive the scientific and artistic world, learn for life, not school. Here predominant auditory style and practicality. 2.5 Introducing new content and learning tasks Students will learn what is the mirror, what types of mirrors, how to build an object image in the mirror and it is characterized as physically, how to obtain the mirror, which mirrors formulas. These students will use their knowledge in life, but also in solving problems. Students noted that the image of an object-oriented will be left facing right.
Fig. 1- The cube.
At this stage of the lesson to meet all styles: auditory, visual, and practical. You can use the cube method. This method involves exploring a theme, a situation from multiple perspectives, allowing comprehensive and inclusive approach to a subject. Method Steps: Development of a cube whose sides are the key words: describe, compare, analyze, relate, apply, and argue. Announcement basis, the matter raised Dividing the class into six groups, each examining the topic from the perspective requirement on one side of the cube Describe: Examine carefully the subject and describe what you see (colours, shapes, sizes, etc.).
Simpozion Internaional "Challenges and Opportunities of the New Information and Communication Technologies for Education” (May 14, 2011)
Compare: What do you think is similar? How different? Associates: Let your imagination run free. What combinations of ideas you suggest? Analysis: How is made? What are the components? Apply: What can you do with it? How it can be used subject (topic)? Arguments: Take an attitude, pro or con, to this object (subject) or its applications. Use this end any arguments. After the group activity, each team presented the result of work performed. Way also leads to "bridge" between the knowledge that students already have or think they have and what follows to study. Undoubtedly, this technique takes place through the development of imagination, creativity and critical thinking. It’s respected the principle of the teaching: the notions are presented from simple to complex. Learning is done as a genuine and lasting through the assimilation of new knowledge and upgrading schemes active mental capacity develops oral expression, students are placed in a position to communicate, to present information, to be tolerant attitude the views of others. Alternative methods, interactive group has some advantages: If satisfied are simple tasks, group work is stimulating; Develop students' capacity for teamwork; Work in groups stimulates competitiveness among groups of students; Stimulates each member of the group effort; Students work in teams learns to apply and synthesize knowledge in different ways; Stimulate the negotiating process, dialogue, cooperation and mutual support; If more complex tasks are fulfilled, these methods may also have a number of disadvantages: There is a risk that weaker student not to get involved in solving problems, the workload; Not reach the right solution to make too many mistakes in the process. Students also have available written material, photographs, and films. The teacher provides support. Describe: The mirror is a surface that reflects light. The report form reflecting surfaces, mirrors are flat mirrors or spherical mirrors, the latter being concave or convex. Compare: The concave mirror focus is real because they get to the intersection of rays reflected negative focal length. For convex mirror is virtual because the focus is obtained at the intersection of extensions rays reflected positive focal length. Assigns: The mirror image is our own outer marker, a tangible reflection of virtual reality. Mirror is a measure of the human dimension. Mirror ceases to be a simple object that reflects the image, often a gateway to parallel worlds and dimensions. Creating illusions, distorting or distorts images, endlessly doubling or enhancing spaces and dimensions, remains one way mirror reflection of reality and truth, perfectly summarized in the phrase "eyes are windows to the soul." Analyze: Image obtained with a mirror may be true if the intersection is formed by light rays or virtual extensions that are formed at the intersection of light rays. Image can also be increased, decreased or equal to the object; the image is oriented right side up or upside down when the image is oriented vertically downward. Apply: An object is at x1 =- 15cm of a concave mirror with focal length f =- 10cm. Calculate: a) Radius mirror b) How far is the image formed? c) Increase cross A spherical concave mirror has a radius equal to R =- 1.5 m. The larger picture of a linear object placed perpendicular to the main optical axis is caught on a screen located at a distance of x2 =-3m from the optical centre of the mirror. Determine: a) Object to the top of the mirror position
Simpozion Internaional "Challenges and Opportunities of the New Information and Communication Technologies for Education” (May 14, 2011)
b) Increasing cross c) Fully filled cavity mirror with a transparent substance with refractive index n = 1.6. Formed to determine the convergence system. Argues: How to explain that we can look at a mirror of a motorcycle or a lighthouse located in bright sunlight nickel, but hate the light reflected from a flat window or a mirror? Students are also located symbols are the mirror and superstitions about mirrors. Mirror can induce psychological effects. In this lesson uses a worksheet "Mirror Image" which features three famous paintings that students analyze the scientific and artistic. Used by self-teaching files have a double role: As a tool for individual work (in hand students) As a tool for management of student activity, checking his progress of diagnosis and the method used (in the hands of the teacher). Its independence from the teacher learner is at a high level without a break to occur between them. It manifests itself through initiatives and searches from student and teacher concern to organize the most appropriate conditions didactic methods in this respect. And the one hand and the other are allowed a dose of risk, uncertainty and unpredictability. 2.6 Determining knowledge, achievement feed-back At this stage of the lesson to meet all styles: auditory, visual, and practical. Applying concepts learned to new situations is achieved by solving problems. Solutions are checked using a test made in Excel. Fixing is done with knowledge of a puzzle. Students then complete the last column of the table knows, I know, I learned, along with professor talking about the concepts taught. Assessment is carried 3-2-1 method. Students are divided pieces of colour paper that are required to record three concepts that they learned, two ideas that would like to know more, a skill they obtain during the lesson. This is a form of assessment and evaluation. Evaluation is also achieved by observing students during the lesson. In conducting this lesson is planned appearance following difficulties: Difficulty understanding how the conventions of signs and imaging an object in mirror image characterization Possible inconsistency with the time because it is not known exactly during the reaction of the class Technical advantages in March, two, one used in the evaluation are that students become aware of the consequences of the educational approach and responsible performance. This technique can be regarded as a good way of self-training effects on learning plan completed in class. Is there a way to quickly and efficiently were the effects of teaching and learning, with observant and value feedback. Based on external reverse connection, the teacher can adjust future teaching, improving their compensation programs and may develop if the results are below expectations. The purpose of this method of assessment is improvement, not the penalty. 2.7 Making transfer The teacher announces homework: solving all problems in the worksheet with problems and future theme lessons. Auditory style predominates. Conclusions The approach mirrors the study of physical, literary and artistic disciplines to create strong links between educations and also assist the student to develop their culture, creativity, observation, divergent thinking, and reflection and verify skills to express their opinions. Also, by associating concepts, reasoning, learning mechanical avoid demonstrations and ensure a greater degree of knowledge retention. Such an approach leads to understanding and addressing
Simpozion Internaional "Challenges and Opportunities of the New Information and Communication Technologies for Education” (May 14, 2011)
the many and complex challenges of the present world, because the skills, values and attitudes that students need for success in the context of personal and social dynamics of contemporary society can not be fully formed through conventional school subjects. Learning across the disciplines of classical, traditional academic canons of stiffness can be more profitable in terms of contemporary human needs. Such approaches are true challenges of understanding and contribute to widening the horizon of knowledge. Certainly not led inter or transdisciplinarity and probably never will lead to "abolish" classic disciplines, they will continue to exist in curricula but "permeable and interconnected. Interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity will therefore become increasingly not just a new way of restructuring the content but also a way of organizing learning. Will join the increasingly closely with the principle of lifelong learning, the preparation of students for lifelong learning and self realistic. "Great things are made of pulse, but a series of small things put together" (Vincent Van Gogh). Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach so that the concepts of physics are required as a necessity in preparing quality of student education and its integration into society. A quality education is one in which all students, regardless of their background and level of intellectual development are supported and encouraged in their development. Contemporary education must therefore rely on a distinguished intellectual education. The lack of differentiation may result in failure, school failure, because the act occurred that adapting the educational requirements and opportunities of different students. Therefore, school activity involves the organized framework of a suitable climate, use of methods of working with students to ensure academic progress. Psycho-pedagogical knowledge of the student is provided an activity based on differentiated and individualized. We must therefore take into account the learning styles of students. References 1. Liliana Ciascai, Didactica fizicii, Editura Corint, Bucureşti, 2001 2. Miron Ionescu, Ioan Radu, Didactica modernă, Editura Dacia, Cluj Napoca, 2004 3. Viorel Malinovschi, Didactica fizicii, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică R-A, Bucureşti, 2003 4. Simona Alexandrina Ioan, Elena Pascu, Metodica predării fizicii, Editura Victor, Bucureşti 5. Cristina Miron, Didactica fizicii, Editura Universităţii Bucureşti, Bucureşti, 2008 6. Crenguţa Lăcrămioara Oprea, Strategii didactice interactive, Editura Didactică şi Pedagogică R-A, Bucureşti, 2008 7. Andrei Cosmovici, Teodor Cozma, Carmen Creţu, Constantin Cucoş, Ion Dafinoiu, Ioan Grigoraş, Mihaela Luminiţa Iacob, Mihaela Ianaş, Cristina Neamţu, Adrian Neculau, Tiberiu Rudică, Liliana Stan, Psihopedagogie, Editura Spiru Haret, Iaşi, 1995 8. Otilia Păcurari, Anca Târcă, Ligia Sarivan, Strategii didactice inovative, Suport de curs, Editura Centrul Educaţia 2000+, Bucureşti, 2003 9. Constantin Mantea, Mihaela Garabet, Fizică clasa a IX-a, Editura All, Bucureşti, 2004 10.