Innovative data processing methods for gradient airborne geophysical data sets DESMOND J. FITZGERALD, Intrepid Geophysics, Melbourne, Australia HORST HOLSTEIN, University of Wales, Aberystwyth
ave you ever wondered whether the data you have collected, or have had collected for you, have been distorted or contain misrepresentations due to poor software algorithms? Next-generation potential field data sets are arriving fast, yet few software providers have redesigned their code to deal properly and formally with the vector and tensor nature of these data. We present several informative examples to demonstrate how and why “noise” in the data may not be all due to the hardware and why radical “rethinking” of the software can aid in exploration efforts. We have adapted existing object-oriented software to include a new series of classes that can be used when processing gradient data sets. These have the purpose of hiding the details (abstraction) of exactly what components of a field have been observed in a survey data set. This avoids the problem of doing a general rewrite of processing software from the ground up for each special case. Historically, codes have mostly been written to filter, level, and grid “scalar” line data (e.g., total magnetic intensity), so the change is a dramatic shift to the world of vectors and tensors. The new family of classes in this adapted software is designed to honor all the commonly available airborne geophysical observation packages. Specifically, for magnetic gradiometry systems, the magnetic intensity plus: • • • • • •
vertical gradient only transverse gradient (wingtip sensors) transverse and longitudinal gradient (wingtip and tail stinger) all gradients (full triaxial system) all components of a field full second-order tensor gradients
For moving platform gravity, the vertical component (if available) plus: • • • •
vertical component plus motion monitors (L&R/ZLS) horizontal curvature tensor (Falcon system) gravity components (Sander) full second-tensor gradients (Bell)
With this approach, each derived class is delegated the task of enforcing any appropriate invariant relationships (e.g., tensor symmetry, trace invariance, physical invariance) to changes in the coordinate system, and boost symmetry. This innate behavior can be relied upon to carry through in any process involving a manipulation of a measurement with another reading. This greatly assists the development of algorithms that work with all the various systems in a physically consistent way. This modified software uses vectors and tensors in an object-oriented design where the details are mostly hidden to the application software and exposed only where required. The aim has been to see how traditional workflow patterns need to be modified and to examine what has been done by our peers working in the same area. Test data sources. Survey areas used to test the new soft-
Figure 1. Object-oriented design used by the adapted software to hide details of the actual data collected. This design example shows gravity gradiometry as the base class.
ware functions were the 2002 African airborne gravity data set collected using the Bell system; the 2003 Timmins airborne gravity data set collected using the Sander system, and the 2004 Baker airborne magnetic gradient data set collected by Firefly for Tanqueray Resources. Models were both from the new tensor Holstein codes and from Potent. The list of core functionality for a vector/tensor processing system includes: • • • • • • • • • •
database support for new data types residual anomaly calculation mimic graphics interpretation group statistics aircraft compensation interpolation leveling filtering terrain correction
Object-oriented design elements. The initial object-oriented design used by the adapted software to hide details of the actual data collected is shown below in Figure 1. Refinement of this design, once the base class (e.g., gravity gradiometry) is established, progresses with minimum impact on applications and other libraries. Five variations on the vector class are immediately required for service, namely magnetic and gravity gradients, magnetic and gravity components, and a directional cosine vector. Visualization. Patterns in measured field data and their gradients are more easily grasped if graphical representaJANUARY 2006
tions or mimics are used. Also, traditional relationship between tensor components image processing methods may be adapted is accomplished using a Mohr (1900) circle provided the resampling keeps the data diagram, as shown in Figure 6. Engineers coherent. developed this graphical technique as a Tensor. Several new techniques are means of solving for the principal comneeded in geophysics to aid in assessing the ponents before computers were invented. quality and meaning of a tensor gradient In the context of a processing system, a signal. The simplest methods use the invarispreadsheet editor has been adapted to ants. We recommend the adoption of a grid show Mohr’s circles for an observed series of tensors, with the new spherical interpoof tensor readings. lation scheme (see below) working in real In the case of gravity and magnetic gratime to honor the data during zoom and diometry, the first invariant of the tensor is pan. Alternatively, a grid of the cube root supposed to be zero, and so a vertical axis of the second invariant can be used as it has is shown at this point. It would be expected the units of Eötvös, shows edges where that the raw gravity gradients major radius they should be, and does not have “lobes.” be approximately 3086 Eötvös, the normal An RGB representation of the eigenvalues free air vertical gravity gradient term. The also shows promise (Figure 2). tensors are symmetric, so only the top half The profile view of each independent needs to be shown. The horizontal axis repcomponent of a tensor can be useful for resents the normal or principal components, seeing inadmissible long-wave length Figure 2. A QC plot showing the cube and the vertical axis represents the rotatrends and also spikes. An alternative to root of the second invariant of a raw tional gradients. this is to reconstitute the tensor into its tensor line data set. Flight-based Each tensor has its principal compoleveling problems in the acquired data geological signal strength and its rotational are clearly visible. A similar display nents solved and used as a basis for drawparts (quaternion vector) and show pro- can also be generated from a tensor ing each circle scaled to the maximum files of the tensor expressed this way. grid with the display doing an on-the- difference in components for the current Figure 3 shows profiles of tensor data com- fly calculation. group. In addition, the rotational compoponents with the traditional and alternanent of the field tensor can be expressed tive expression. most economically in its quaternion representation. This is a Vector mimic. For gravity components, as measured by a 4D space that allows the successive angular changes to be system such as Sander, the predominant signal is the tradi- shown in the standard three views of plan, long, and cross. tional vertical component. The maximum horizontal comFigure 7 shows a snapshot of the Intrepid Geophysics ponent swings around all points of the compass, reflecting spreadsheet tool displaying each individual tensor before and the lower signal-to-noise ratio as much as the density varia- after two filtering processes. This data is from a 2002 African tion. The graphical mimic proposed for this case is shown in airborne gravity data set collected using the Bell system. Figure 4. The Grav_Lev channel is as delivered from Bell, the Figure 5 shows a sample of the 2003 Timmins data set from Grav_2k2d channel is the tensor filtered by a low pass on each Sander showing the gravity component displayed in a mimic individual component separately and finally, the Grav_RC is of the above form. an RC filter applied to the tensor as a whole. Subtle changes Tensor mimic. A traditional means of understanding the are seen here. These are more obvious as one scrolls through
Figure 3. (a) Tensor represented by components XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, ZX. (b) Tensor represented by eigenvalues and rotations.
Figure 4. Gravity components mimic display. (a) A “compass needle” in plan with the north component vector having the arrow. (b) The residual vertical after the mean for each line is subtracted.
Figure 5. 2003 Timmins gravity data set displayed using a gravity components mimic.
Table 1. 2002 African gravity gradiometry data set—tensor statistics (eigenvectors). Maximum Mean Minimum 1724 -148 -1537 Magnitude Eötvös 17 -9 53 Declination degrees 73 13 -13 Inclination degrees Std. deviation degrees 3.5 12 3.5
Figure 6. Tensor mimic Mohr (1900) circle diagram showing the relationship between tensor components.
Figure 7. 2002 African gravity tensor gradients mimic display, showing original and filtered gravity data.
the records. One possible critical approach is to examine the preserved ratios of the invariants using the Mohr circles. If the tensor signal has been compromised either during the acquisition or in processing, it is immediately obvious when displaying the data in a Mohr circle—the characteristic relationships between the circles are not present and all you see are the axes. 90
Statistical quantities. Another immediate challenge is to create summary statistics for these data types. There is a very large and well-established set of methods for directional field vector data that is used in palaeomagnetism. Fisher (1953) and McFadden (1980) suggested that the Figure 8. 2003 Timmins gravity data distribution of vectors on set statistics calculated using the a unit circle is analogous Fisher (1953) and McFadden (1980) to a normal distribution. techniques. If one plots the azimuth and dip of the potential field vectors onto a Steroplot, the center of the cluster of points is the mean angular inclination and declination. The standard deviation or angular dispersion is indicative of the radius of the cluster of points. For tensor gradient data, the three principal components are assessed and reported as maximum, minimum, and mean eigenvalues. The 2003 Timmins data set and 2002 African data set are used to illustrate this enhanced statistical reporting, as shown in Figure 8 and Table 1. Signal quality measures. The quest for simple measures of signal quality for each of the vector and tensor possibilities continues. For airborne gravity, vertical acceleration is often used as a trigger for reflights. This is not convincing, and an alternative of looking at signal rotational variations is proposed. Gravity gradient corrections. Taking a similar approach to the scalar field, a theoretical gravity gradiometer component should be subtracted from the observed gravity tensor to calculate the free air tensor.
The theoretical first-order tensor correction at any elevation can be derived. For sea level it is approximately
assuming a downward vertical direction for the third Cartesian measurement axis. Terrain corrections. This is a very computation-intensive operation. The availability of analytic gravity gradient formulae (Holstein 2004) as opposed to local differencing of fields makes this operation more efficient. An existing terrain correction implementation has been extended to compute the potential, the field components, and the gradient tensor for both magnetic and gravity terrain effects.
Figure 9. Sample magnetic data gridded with a missing observation line—(a) before and (b) after gradient enhancement.
Gridding. Typical interpolation schemes in potential field algorithms are: 1. 2. 3.
Akima spline (use observed gradient transformed to be along direction of spline) Minimum curvature (Briggs, 1974, and O’Connell et al., 2005) Nearest neighbors (blend gradient contribution with field estimate)
The key question is how gradient information can be used to create a superior representation of the field during interpolation. Each multiplication, addition, and division involved is examined to see how this should be implemented when vector or tensor components or gradients are involved. Having looked at each case, it proved possible to define “appropriate overloaded operator rules” for each case, and so in the preexisting application codes, there was very little change evident. Figure 9a shows an image of standard gridding, while Figure 9b shows gradient-enhanced gridding. The missing observation line is used to stress-test the algorithm. Figures 10a and 10b show a magnetic gradient data set before and after gradient enhancement. The improvement is most evident in the shape of the lineaments at acute angles to the flight line direction. The maximum improvement occurs on lines subparallel to the line direction. Note that the higher gradient portion of the signal helps define the dykes into tighter-thinner bodies. The above gradient enhancement is produced by an enhanced Akima spline technique. Tensor interpolation. The recommended method to interpolate between two observed tensors involves more than just linear interpolation of each component. The current accepted practice of linear manipulation of tensor components rapidly compromises the observed signal. There are not only magnitude changes, but also angular variations. It is recommended that the eigenvalues, together with the associated quaternion of the tensor, be used for the filtering and interpolation processes, as this will more correctly handle both the magnitudes and angular variations. After an interpolation, a “normalization” of the tensor reconstitutes the components. The term spherical interpolation is used to describe the above process. With the “observed data” object-oriented implementation, all of these details are hidden from the applications. This idea is pursued in the appendix. Examples of these methods in action are very encouraging. Figure 11 is a schematic prismatic body model that has been adapted to simulate a coal seam 100 m thick, buried 200 92
Figure 10. Magnetic gradient grid (a) before and (b) after gradient enhancement.
Figure 11. Schematic of model of simulated coal seam. Vertical and horizontal scales are units of 10 m and 100 m, respectively.
m below the surface, with sharp angular fault-like edges. To compare spherical interpolation against linear interpolation the theoretical full tensor signal of the model is first sampled along simulated flight lines 120 m above the surface at 400-m spacings with 100-m sample intervals down each line. Using only this simulated flight data, the full response at a regular grid of points is then interpolated using both spherical and linear interpolation. Figure 12 shows the comparison of the two methods. The two very encouraging improvements using the spherical interpolation are the sharpness of the edges and the tighter dynamic range of the regional (less dispersion of the signal strength). The green in Figure 12b, away from the edges of the body, is an indicator of less dispersion during the interpolation process. The top left edge in 12a has a waviness, com-
Filtering. For profile data, the signal-to-noise ratio of measured gradients can be low, and there are classical problems of enhancing the signal while damping down the noise as resampling from say 100 Hz to 2 Hz. Consequently, innovative noise reduction using IIR Figure 12. (a) Linear interpolated cube root of second invariant of tensor. (b) Spherical interpolated (recursive techniques) is suggested. version. The spherical interpolation gives a result much closer to the theoretical response. A tensor Tensor interpolation should be grid in “semi” format of the model response is available upon request. avoided at this stage so this probably precludes FFT methods. Aspatial convolution, using an odd operational length (e.g., 5), is used in the filtering of vector and tensor components. Filters currently tested include a moving average, median, LaCoste RC and Laplace curvature (damped). An attempt is made to honor the invariants of a tensor while a noise or spike-filtering operation Figure 13. (a) Model grid of free air. (b) Computed free air by integration of TXZ-TYZ-TZZ. is performed. The LaCoste RC filter code is used as a test on observed Bell tensor data to Table 2. 2002 African gravity gradiometry data set misclosure explore the possibilities. This filter is recursive and dampens tensor statistics based on 1200 crossovers. the noise. The Laplace filter is adapted from the LaCoste filMaximum Mean Minimum ter for curvature calculation and filtering. It uses a stack of original and transformed or filtered observed values and uses Magnitude Eötvös 489 3.41 -490 the time in seconds (sampling time say 1 s or 10 s). It is sim31 Declination degrees 68 27 ilar in operation to the RC and a Kalman filter but works on 76 Inclination degrees 55 13 the whole tensor/vector.
Std. deviation
pared to the same point in 12b, that is characteristic of linear versus spherical interpolation. Nearest-neighbor techniques are used to produce the above. The data range and color clipping are near enough to be considered the same for both images. Extensions to minimum curvature methods are now in place. It appears that for tensor data, the use of minimum curvature is not as necessary, as you know a lot more about the gradients. Tensor integration. Vassiliou (1986) showed how to create a transfer function in Fourier space to calculate the TZ (or say an equivalent gravity free air grid) from up to three tensor components (TXZ - TYZ - TZZ). Getting a satisfactory result from the process has had to wait until the process of properly resampling onto a grid was sorted out, otherwise the “signal noise” in the final product is unacceptable. Proof of the method is illustrated for the model above. Figure 13 shows on the left, the modelled free air grid and on the right, the computed free air from the TXZ, TYZ, and TZZ component grids. The dynamic range is almost identical, but the DC component for the computed product is unknown. Leveling. This process along with aircraft compensation, presents some of the biggest challenges. Magnetic gradient field data. Misclosure at a crossover point for a field becomes the vector difference. Some questions to ask would be, does the observation instrumentation’s calibration drift in time? If so, how? Tensor gradients. The misclosure tensor has a much lower signal/noise ratio than the signal down each profile. For example, compare the direction statistics shown in Table 1 with the direction statistics for their misclosures, as shown in Table 2. For the eigenvector of the maximum eigenvalue, the angular standard deviation goes from 3 to 56º.
Workflows. Due to the newness of tensor data sets we observe that groups may have a workflow for gravity gradient tensor processing that appears to be distorted by the limitations of the tools available to them. As a result of the work above, the authors urge that more conventional workflows for the newer data types be adopted using appropriate tools. The classical example of this is the disregard for a Nettletonstyle gravity reduction workflow when dealing with gravity tensor data. It is recommended that the workflow follow an observed, theoretical earth model correction, free air correction, Bouguer, and terrain correction path. This will also aid the users of this data. To illustrate this point, consider the following list of tools the authors have updated to support the tensor and vector data being acquired: • • • • • • • • • • •
gridding profile editing of the complete tensor for damping noise loop leveling spreadsheet editor—mimic displays project manager support visualization—support for tensor grids and dynamic resampling import into new persistent database types (including gdbs) statistical improvements free air corrections—integration of T XZ-T YZ-T ZZ to estimate TZ terrain corrections forward and inverse geology constrained 3D modeling
Conclusions. Smarter computational support for new generation geophysical data sets is here to stay. A greater use of object-oriented methods can contribute to controlling the software complexity of each process. Processing the “observed” JANUARY 2006
package as an object can be achieved. This helps to hide details from processes that do not need to know them and thereby presents field physics issues in a more natural manner. Instrumentation engineers should be encouraged to gather still more real-time characteristics and to report them, to help in extracting the most value from the data post-mission. Aircraft compensation can now be rethought in order to take the field nature of the signal and its rotational parts into account. The current practice of manipulating gravity tensor components independently during filtering, leveling, gridding, etc., is flawed. A blurring and dispersion of the geological signal content results. Having collected either a full tensor or more than one component, it makes sense to use all the data collected in the interpretation phase. The distortion being introduced by poor interpolation is generally close to the wavelengths of most interest to the diamond explorers. With full-tensor data, the opportunity to adjust/level and grid a more reliable representation of your field is enhanced as you have all the gradients. If you do not have full-tensor data, you are better off using profile interpretation methods as there is less distortion in the signal due to interpolation errors. This supports collecting full tensor even at a lesser resolution over collecting just one or two components. Suggested reading. “Machine Contouring Using Minimum Curvature” by Briggs (GEOPHYSICS, 1974). “Dispersion on a sphere” by Fisher (Proceedings of the Royal Society, 1953). “Gravimagnetic field tensor gradiometry formulas for uniform polyhedra” by Holstein et al. (SEG 2004 Expanded Abstracts). “The best estimate of Fisher's precision parameter k” by McFadden (Geophysical Journal International, 1980). “Welche Umstände bedingen die Elastizitätsgrenze und den Bruch eines Materials?” by Mohr (Z. Ver. Dt. Ing., 1900). “Gridding aeromagnetic data using longitudinal and transverse horizontal gradients with minimum curvature operation” by O’Connell et al. (TLE, 2005). “Comparison of methods for the processing of gravity gradiometer data” by Vassiliou (Proceedings of Gravity Gradiometer Conference, 1986). TLE Acknowledgment: This project is proudly supported by the International Science Linkage programme established under the Australian Government’s innovation statement, Backing Australia’s Ability. Corresponding author:
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Appendix—Eigen-representation of gravimagnetic field gradient tensors for interpolation and filtering purposes. Gravity and magnetic field gradient tensors are known to be symmetric and of zero trace (sum of diagonal components). This admits five degrees of freedom among the nine components present in the full 3D tensor of rank 2. Interpolation and filtering processes must honor these dependencies. Analogously to vectors, tensor components depend on the choice of measurement coordinate system. It is, however, possible to describe the tensor in terms of disjoint structural and orientational properties. The structural properties are independent of the choice of coordinate system, while the orientational properties depend only on the choice of coordinate system. This gives rise to the possibility of
interpolating these two properties separately, in a manner that allows reconstruction of an interpolated tensor at an “in between” field measurement point. These remarks similarly extend to filtering. Let T be the 3ǂ3 matrix associated with a field gradient tensor in a given Cartesian coordinate system. The matrix T will be symmetric and satisfy trace (T)=0. For such a matrix, there exists a 3ǂ3 rotation matrix R satisfying RTT R = Ǽ
where Ǽ is a 3ǂ3 diagonal matrix containing the three eigenvalues of T, all real. This is a result from standard eigensystem construction. Moreover, the three eigenvalues sum to zero on account of the preserved trace, trace(T) = trace(Ǽ) = 0
and the columns of R form three orthonormal vectors that define the unit axes of an orthogonal coordinate system. In this coordinate system, the tensor has the diagonal matrix representation Ǽ. Standard mathematical software can determine matrices R and Ǽ. The structural information of the target that gives rise to the field gradient anomaly is contained in the matrix Ǽ. This information can be conveniently interpolated or filtered in terms of operations on each of the three diagonal components, subject to the trace condition. The orientation information is contained in the rotation matrix R. It is known from the theory of rotation operators that matrix R has a unit 4-vector representation, (strictly speaking, a unit quaternion). Thus, the sequence of observed field gradient tensors can be associated with a path traced out on the surface of a unit 4-sphere. Interpolation is to be carried out in this manifold, to yield a new unit 4-vector interpolant. This interpolant allows the corresponding rotation matrix to be reconstructed. Effectively, we have an interpolation process for rotation matrices that yields only rotation matrices. Similar remarks hold for the filtering operation. The decomposition into structural and rotational parts yields 2 plus 3 independent quantities respectively, conforming to the five degrees of freedom of the original formulation. The decomposed form, however, allows interpolation or filtering processes to admit only consistent matrix representations of the underlying tensors with regard to their structural and rotational field gradient information content. Thus, an interpolated rotation matrix Rint and an interpolated diagonal matrix Ǽ int together determine the reconstructed matrix Tint of the tensor via Tint = Rint Ǽ int RintT
By way of simple illustration, consider the effect of orientation error in the measurement system for a constant geology. Tensor eigen-interpolation as proposed above will preserve the geology, while tensor component linear interpolation will not. To demonstrate this another way, imagine two tensor observations made close to each other where the eigenvalues are identical, but there is a slight offset in the rotations by 5°. The spherical interpolation method allows you to continuously estimate intermediate tensors that yield correct eigenvalues, while linear interpolation does not.