Innovative EOR technologies

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Combined EOR recovery mechanisms applying dual injection of Steam/Water and Gun Powder Energy (GPE) without stopping current oil production.

Research &Development Centre

Innovative EOR technologies

GPESCO, KOC, Kuwait, October 2014

Popcorn innovative EOR technology for heavy oil extraction

EOR POPCORN tech. GPE - Gunpowder Energy injection into oil reservoir 1

All rights reserved.

Exclusive Agency Agreement with GPESCO, Kuwait

GPESCO - GPE technology at Middle East official promoter.

GPE Russian Patent #2224099


How Does It Work • Combined EOR recovery mechanisms applying dual injection of Steam/Water and Gun Powder Energy (GPE) without stopping current oil production. • Gun Powder Energy injection is the cheapest and the easiest transportable technology. • GPE is injected into oil reservoir through perforated intervals of idle watered wells by shooting crew using standard geophysical equipment. • Effective treatment coverage around the chosen injected well is up to 2 km.

Source: Patent RU 2224099 C1

1. Shooting crew. Logging truck hoist 2. Perforated interval of watered idle well – zone of the cyclic shock-waves treatments 3. Additional oil production with reduced Water /Oil Ratio (WOR)


GPE physics is based on Energy Conservation Law . Abnormal heavy oil properties utilized in EOR by cavitation effects.

• Heavy oil is non-Newtonian viscousplastic structure with Apparent Viscosity (AV) and its mobility in reservoir depends heavily on AV. • AV can be reduced not only by heat treatment but by increasing Pressure Gradient as well. • Shockwaves and turbulent flows increasing Pressure Gradient.

Turbulent flows after shockwave’s impact

• GPE stimulates cavitation effects inside oil reservoir.

• Heat treatment and shock waves reduce AV, thus increase the fluidity of heavy oil in the reservoir.

• Well-known that cavitation effects increase temperature of ambient.

• There is a need of cyclic GPE stimulations due to heavy oil recovery factor enhance.

Source A. Mirzadjanzade and others. Features of deposits development with abnormal oil properties. Moscow , USSR, 1972. 4

GPE basic physics. Energy transformation inside reservoir after GPE

←By cavitations effects, unrecovered oil displaced water in filtering channels

→ By turbulent effects residual oil involved into filtration


GPE EOR Project logic i. GPE oil afterproduction calculation

h. GPE field EOR results monitoring g. GPE field data collection f. GPE field operations

e. GPE well equipment manufacturing and shipping

d. Field operations program composition

c. PC simulations, lab and fieldwork (if necessary)

b. Oil field test area selection

a. Data collection and analyzing for main oil extraction problems determination 6

EOR Project #1. GPE is initial EOR. EOR Project #2. GPE joint with steam injection EOR. Oilfield characteristics:

Oilfield scheme placing of wells

Reservoir rock –carbonate, limestone, dolomites.

Proved oil reserves – 3 billion bbl.

Deposit type –massive arched.

Bed thickness – 1000 ft.

Reservoir porosity – 0,16.

Well depth – 4264 ft.

GPE field

Oil properties – 8 API.

tests area

Oil viscosity in-situ – 0,8 Pa·sec

Well stock - 2200 sidetracks.

Applied EOR – steam injection, SAGDI, hot water flooding, in-situ combustion.

Final development stage, water cut – 88%.

Achieved oil recovery factor – 0,07.

Reservoir (limestone) microscopically photo 7

EOR Project #1. Heavy oil in carbonate reservoir, GPE with natural drive. Field test area scheme placing of production wells

• Field test area – 1,7 sq. miles. • Total well producers stock – 113. • Active oil wells – 30. Idle wells are 73% of well stock due to high water cut (up to 100%).


• Wells sidetracks depth – 4264 ft. GPE – 2GJ GPE – 2GJ

• Average well oil output – 30 bbl. per day. • Average water cut – 80%.


• Formation pressure – 10 MPa. • Formation temperature – 22 C0. • Oil extraction method - by submersible screw pumping. • Injected energy of 8 GJ through 4 injected wells.


EOR Project #1. Super permeability layers determination in each production well .

• Super permeability layers determination by log data analyzing for efficient energy injection. • The result is injection wells localization for GPE technology application.

Bottom of oil horizon of the field test area GPE Injection well

GPE Injection well

GPE Injection well GPE Injection well


EOR Project #1. Injected energy calculation for each welloperation.

• Injection energy calculation by special monograms' using reservoir and oil properties, perforated interval and reservoir permeability. • The result is quantity of gun powder charged weight for each well-operation.


EOR Project #1. GPE downhole equipment design.

Downhole equipment consist of:


The gunpowder cartridge combustion on surface.

Combustion products are safe for staff and environment.

Shock waves are created by gas pulsations.


EOR Project #1. GPE downhole equipment design. Shockwave reflector (SWR) is located above gunpowder.

SWR - for well casing protection.

SWR is made from intercalated graphite and after rapid heating transformed into nano-graphite with it’s volume increasing more than 700 times.

Nano-graphite has abnormal energy absorption properties and immediately packer gunpowder burning area. 12

EOR Project #1. GPE equipment selection for injection wells construction.

• Powder cartridges are available in different modifications for any hole size and well construction. • The equipment is duly certified. • All required downhole operations are simple with cheap equipment.



• There is no need of high skilled personnel for GPE field operations.

In the transportation box


EOR Project #1. Field operations. GPE equipment assembling before tool running.

• GPE powder cartridges assembling on well logging cable according standard procedure. Garland of powder cartridges is ready for well-operation 14

EOR Project #1. Field operations. GPE injection wellhead connections.

• Wellhead must be connected with tank by manifold for safe GPE execution. Pipeline between wellhead and tank for excess water collection


EOR Project #1. GPE execution moment, injection well. field operations.

• Moment of energy injection into reservoir.

Ignition moment and water hammer


EOR Project #1. GPE injection well casing and cement sheath diagnostics. Before GPE

Results of GPE cyclic injections

• No any negative impact on injection well casing and seal

After GPE

Contact status

Legend Casing column seal

Solid with casing column and reservoir rock Solid with casing column, not complete with reservoir rock Not complete with casing column, indeterminate with reservoir rock

Satisfactory Decreased Low


EOR Project #1. Reservoir research during GPE by cross borehole geophysics survey using downhole manometers. Pressure impulses

GPE research results:  Data for Injected water map distribution

recording inside oil reservoir after GPE

by downhole manometers

 Data for residual oil zones localizations.

Piezoconductvity map

Residual oil zones map


EOR Project #1. Long-time GPE results monitoring. Cyclic GPE treatments

Field test observation time – 4 years.


Average daily crude production, bpd


• Initial EOR – none. • Operation conditions – natural drive.

• Tested technique – Cyclic GP Energy Injection. • Injected Energy – 8 GJ.

• Oil afterproduction 301 931 bbl. • EOR effect - 26% of total extracted oil.





Oil afterproduction




0 Feb-02






Diagrams of oil production and

oil afterproduction effect


EOR Project #2. Heavy oil in carbonate reservoir, GPE joint with steam injection. Field test area scheme placing of production wells GPE – 3 GJ

GPE – 3 GJ

• Field test area – 5,8 sq. miles -

Steam injection with T=330 C0, V=400 m3 per hour.


Average water cut - 77%.


Average well oil output – 30 bbl/day.


Injected energy – 12 GJ into 4 injected wells

GPE – 3 GJ

GPE – 3 GJ


GPE execution through production string


EOR Project #2. GPE effect monitoring. Field test observation time – 8 months.


• Initial EOR – conventional heat treatment by steam.


• Tested technique - Dual Injection: Steam + GP Energy.


Average daily crude production bbl

40 30

10 0

• Injected energy – 12 GJ. • Oil after production 89 124 bbl.

GPE effect 1,90

WOR 1,85

• Using the dual injection allowed to save more than 10% of steam comparing to the single steam flooding. • Oil afterproduction effect duration – 7 months.

1,80 1,75 1,70

Diagrams of oil production and water/oil ratio during EOR project #2 21

GPE technology conclusions.

• The GPE injection technology has proved its advantages. • The EOR effect by dual injection is significant without any additional oil watering. • Low lead time for GPE project development and implementation without extra CAPEX. • The economic benefits are quite attractive: cost of heavy oil afterproduction from 3 up to 7 $/bbl. 22

EOR technology at final oilfield development stage

«Smart water»


«Smart water» (SW) EOR technology. How does it work. SW EOR technology is consisting of multi-tracers survey before and after SiXell polymers injecting into oil reservoir. Mission - Correction flows inside reservoir for EOR.

• SiXell chemical component was elaborated by Russian State Oil & Gas University named by I. M. Gubkin: • SiXell chemicals are injected into oil reservoir on predetermined distance. • SIXell component polymerizes in high-permeability and most watered layers changing flow directions to stagnant and opportunity zones for residual oil displacement. • SiXell chemicals are elaborated with controlled gelation time and viscosity properties individually for each oilfield using original core samples, formation oil and water with creation real reservoir conditions in special laboratories. • SiXell polymers living time inside reservoir is able to program from 6 to 20 months. 24

Lab equipment for polymers experiments and investigations Oil displacement

Formation fluids rheology

Core permeability

Interfacial tension

Core residual oil saturation

Filtration devices


High pressure device


EOR Project #3. Smart Water, Karakuduk oilfield, Kazakhstan

Oilfield characteristics: • Well depth – 9000 ft. • Reservoir type – sandstone.

• Bed thickness – 33 ft. • Reservoir porosity – 0,16 • Formation temperature – 112 C0 • Formation pressure – 30 MPa. • Oil viscosity in-situ – 0,97 mPa·s • EOR – water flooding.

Oilfield development map

• Injected wells – 27

• Water cut – 77%.

• Oil production wells - 135

• Oil production – 476 000 bbl/month 26

«Smart Water» EOR Project #3 logic j. GPE oil afterproduction calculation i. Control tracers investigations for real flows changes determination after EOR h. GPE field data collection g. SiXell field EOR results monitoring f. SiXell field operations e. SiXell polymers manufacturing and shipping

d. Field operations program composition with SIXell polymers consumption c. Primary multi-tracers investigations fieldworks for real flows determination b. Lab investigations for SiXell polymers with necessary properties elaboration a. Data collection and analyzing for main oil extraction problems determination 27

EOR Project #3. Oil displacement characteristics by multi-tracers survey data Distribution indicators map.

Tracers injection map. 7 indicators together. Tracers survey duration from 90 up to 120 days.

Stagnant zones with low recovery factor Opportunity zones to improve

recovery factor Zones with optimum recovery factor Oil displacement map for effective EOR application


EOR Project #3. Additional tracers survey data. Real permeability map

Real transmissibility map

Tracers survey data can be used for: •

Operation decision-making of priority EOR areas selection.

• Refinement and adaptation of existing oilfields filtration models. 29

EOR Project #3. «Smart water» injected into oil reservoir. Field operations. • For SW technology field operation it is necessary to use standard cementing unit with dispenser. Injection tracers and polymers components are produced according standard manipulations by oilfield staff under supervising qualified engineer. • Injecting time for one well is not more 3 hours without well shutoff.

• yyy View of field operator’s control panel

• Sampling of fluids from controlled production wells for tracers survey executed by instructed oilfield staff according to approved schedule. Samples for analyses are carrying out to special laboratory. Such laboratories is possible to organize directly on oilfields. 30

Lab equipment and facilities for multi-tracers survey • Full cycle of multi-tracers survey is 120 days. Spectrophotometer UVmini-1240 UV-Vis

• Determination of tracer-marker presence and its concentration.


• Using lab data interpretation and plotting maps by special patented software.


Standard Gas ChromatographMass Spectrometer GCMS-QP2010 SE

• Field fluids samples collecting in plastic bottles and delivering to laboratory for study.

• If it will be necessary we are ready to equip local laboratory and stuff train for multitracers research.


IRAffinity-1 FTIR

A wide range of accessories


EOR Project #3. Effect «Smart water» monitoring by multi-tracers survey 2011-2013 on each well.

Conclusions: • Directions and speed of filtration flows around injection well has been changed after EOR.

• Significant residual oil reserves were involved in extraction after EOR. • Water cut of crude were reduced after EOR. 32

EOR Project #3. Flows directions monitoring during «Smart water» EOR applying 2011-2013.



of the main flows directions

of the main flows directions

before EOR, 2011

after EOR, 2013

Not developed flows before EOR

More intensive flows after EOR

Conclusions: •

Main filtration flows inside oilfield have been changed after SW EOR technology application.

Average water cut was reduced on 5%.

Afterproduction by residual oil - 1 855 000 bbl.

EOR effect is 16% of all extracted oil volume.


Our proposals

• Joint elaboration EOR technologies for KOC oilfields conditions. • Adapt GPE and «Smart Water» technologies for KOC oilfield conditions and carry out field tests operations. 34


• Facilities Drilling of oil and gas wells

WSWO and cementing.

73 well servicing and workover crews;

2 well cementing crews.

25 drilling rigs with capacity from 80 to 320 tons;

70% of the fleet are equipped with top drives;

Average age of drilling rigs is 3.5 years. Geophysical surveys


96 hydrodynamic crews;

production of chemicals up to 15 thousand tons/year;

34 mud logging parties;

46 integrated parties;

construction and maintenance of 10,000 km of oilfield pipelines per year;

3 MWD crews;

over 1 200 vehicles;

2 seismic exploration (2D/3D) parties.

3 ESP, SRP and tubing repair shops;

repair and maintenance of surface and downhole oil production equipment; 35

Thank you for attention Dr. K. Fedin contacts:

E-mail: [email protected] 36