Lymantria monacha. (Linnaeus, 1758) nun moth. Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae. Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Larix decidua and occasionally also broadleaf ...
To my father, who showed me the way… Milan Zúbrik
Insects and Diseases DAMAGING TREES AND SHRUBS OF Europe
Insects and Diseases DAMAGING TREES AND SHRUBS OF Europe
Edited by Milan Zúbrik Andrej Kunca György Csóka
Lymantria monacha
Macaria (= Semiothisa) liturata
nun moth Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies, Larix decidua and occasionally also broadleaf species
tawny-barred angle Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Ennominae Pinus spp.
Males have a 30–40 mm wingspan, females are slightly larger (45–55 mm), having white wings with numerous dark stripes and wavy lines (A, B). Swarming begins towards the end of summer. Active males seek out females who spend hours sitting on tree trunks. Females lay eggs in groups of about 100–150, usually in lower parts of tree trunks (C). Eggs overwinter and young larvae hatch out in spring. They are grayish brown, with six blue and red warts on each segment (D). They are 40 mm long when they pupate (E). They feed on young and later also on older spruce needles. Important pest in many Central European countries.
Ground colour of wings is grey, hindwings darker at marginal area, with light-brown stripe in external submarginal area. Wingspan is 22–27 mm. The caterpillar, 25–30 mm in length, is green in colour, dorsal line dark, bordered by paler lines and subdorsal and lateral almost white lines (A, B). Pinnacles are dark, setae inconspicuous, spiracles yellow in white line. Head is grey-whitish with extensive brown-red spots in shape of zigzag line. Larva feeds on Pinaceae spp., mainly on Pinus sylvestris. Hibernates as pupa. It flies usually in June and July, but in the south there is a second brood in August. In coniferous, mainly pine forests, often abundant.
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Text by: Milan Zúbrik Photo by: Hannes Lemme (A–C), György Csóka (D), Lidia Sukovata (E)
(Clerck, 1759)
Text by: Petr Šrůtka Photo by: Marek Turčáni (A, B)
Rhyacionia buoliana
Zeiraphera griseana (= diniana)
pine shoot moth Lepidoptera, Tortricidae Pinus spp.
larch bud moth Lepidoptera, Tortricidae Larix spp., Pinus spp., Picea spp.
A tiny moth with a 15–16 mm wingspan, adults have light orange-yellow heads and thoraces, grey abdomens and light reddish orange forewings mottled with silvery cross lines (A). Larvae hatch from the middle of June until the beginning of July (B, C). They bore into needle cases closest to buds. Later, they bore into the bud itself, causing damage overwintering there. In early spring, often as early as April, they move into new buds where they pupate (D, E). There is always only one larva per bud. Infested buds gradually dry out and result in deformed compensatory pipe-shaped bent sprouts (bayonets) (F). This insect is a pest mainly in the production of lumber, and nursery and Christmas trees that are long needled pines. The pine buds are damaged commonly also by feeding of Exoteleia dodecella, Rhyacionia pinivorana, Coccyx posticana, C. (= Pseudococcyx) turionella and Retinia resinella.
The univoltine population overwinters in the egg stage mostly under lichens on older branches. In spring the newly-hatched larvae feed on young needles. The larvae damage the needles (A). When fully-grown the larvae enter the litter layer on the ground for pupation. The adult moths appear in July–October. The preferred host plant is larch, but occasional defoliations can also occur on pine (B). It prefers coniferous forests, particularly at higher altitudes.
(Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
Text by: Milan Zúbrik Photo by: György Csóka (A, C, D), Milan Zúbrik (B, E), András Koltay (F)
(Hübner, 1799)
Text by: Beat Wermelinger Photo by: Beat Forster (A, B)
Bupalus piniaria
Retinia resinella
bordered white Lepidoptera, Geometridae Pinus spp.
pine resin-gall moth Lepidoptera, Tortricidae Pinus spp.
Also known as the pine looper. The wingspan is 35–40 mm (A). The adults fly in May and June, sometimes later in the northern part of Central Europe. The female lays eggs in rows on pine needles (B). Greyish green larvae have brownish stripes on their sides and greenish ones on their back (C, D). The head is green. Larvae feed on older needles starting in the second half of July (E). Their development finishes in November, when they descend to the ground and pupate in the litter. Pupae overwinter. This species can be a serious pest in conifer plantations. During outbreaks they cause total defoliation.
The pine resin-gall moth is a small moth with 16–20 mm wingspan. In June and July, it flies in young pine stands, where the female lays eggs on the bottom side of buds. At first the larva feeds around the bud on the bark surface, later underneath. Resin flows out of the feeding spot (A, B) forming a pea-sized lump by autumn. After overwintering the larva continues feeding (C, D). The small lump grows reaching the size of a smaller plum. The larva overwinters once more and pupates inside the resin lump. Before hatching, the cocoon moves out of the lump. It infests mostly 10–15-year-old pines. Although a common species, it does not have a tendency to outbreak, and the damage it causes is very limited.
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Text by: Milan Zúbrik Photo by: György Csóka (A, C), Milan Zúbrik (B, D), Marek Turčáni (E)
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Text by: Milan Zúbrik Photo by: György Csóka (A, D), Milan Zúbrik (B, C)
Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
pine processionary moth Lepidoptera, Thaumetopoeidae Pinus spp., Pinus nigra, P. sylvestris, P. halepensis, P. radiata This moth has cream coloured forewings with brown markings and white hindwings. The females lay egg masses (A) on the pine needles. Larvae aggregate in colonies and spin silken nests (B) which enlarge until the 4th instar when the definitive winter nest is built (C) The larvae change colour at each moult and at the 3rd instar urticating hair patches appear (D). When mature, they constitute a procession on the ground, moving one after another in a row formation (E, F) before pupating in the soil. Larvae of Thaumetopoea pityocampa are as dangerous for humans as larvae of T. processionea. Their hair is very fragile and if it penetrates the skin, it can cause severe allergic reactions (G). In the Mediterranean region, it is considered one of the most important forest pests. The population of the species spread from the South to the North during the last 10 years. Defoliation of forest trees is not rare (H). Text by: Milan Zúbrik Photo by: Boris Hrasovec (A, D, F, G), György Csóka (B), Alain Roques (C, E), Fabio Stergulc (H)