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Feb 17, 2017 - why we are so successful in this mission. acknowledge is Martin Luther King, Jr. I think ... by: Kathi Appelt. Princess Academy by: Shannon Hale.
Volume 4, Issue 1 9 February 17, 2017

A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Last Friday night will be one that I will not forget for a long time. The Small Tall Ball was epic. Over the past three years The Ball has been well attended. This year we doubled our turnout. Parents with their sons and daughters danced all evening, took photos together and, most of all, had fun. Kids were giggling, parents were smiling, and everyone had a great experience. The evening was about a single moment in time in which a parent and their child were truly present for one another. The fun they had and the happiness they shared was beautiful. Thank you to Mr. and Mrs. Buck and your team of parents and middle school students who stepped up and made this event sensational. Our school is about helping the whole child to thrive and community events such as this an integral part of why we are so successful in this mission.

Small Tall Valentines Ball by: Atlas, 3rd grade

Last Friday me and my dad went to the Small Tall Valentine's Ball. We had the time of our lives! We danced to about 15 songs and the rest of the songs I danced with my friends. One of my best friends double-dog dared me to go up to the vice principal, she was taking pictures, and get up really close to the camera so she would take a picture of me and my dad. I said yes, but she left the gym before I could get to her. There were tons of snacks and treats. I got a paper flower from my friend Mia. After the ball was over, me and my dad went to Nectar. That was probably the best Valentine's Day Ball ever!

Black History Month by: Zeamarea, 5th grade

This month is Black History Month. It celebrates black rights. An example and role model that stood up for his rights that I would like to acknowledge is Martin Luther King, Jr. I think we should learn more about black people that changed something in the world and we should do this more than just in February.

by L

Our Pen Pal

by: Hazel, 4th grade

Have you ever heard of Timor Leste? My class is learning about this new country in Indonesia from our pen pal, Joe. Joe is a Peace Corps volunteer who is going to live there for at least two years! His job is to teach the kids and grown-ups in his village English. We learn about Joe, his English class, and what it is like to live in Timor Leste by emailing him. Here are a couple of interesting facts that we learned. His village has no electricity and kids have to walk a long way to get to school. The kids also don’t have many books, but most of them like to read. If you have a question about Timor Leste ask me or Ms. Stelter!

Important Dates: February 20 February 25 February 27 March 7 March 14 March 15 March 17 March 18 March 22 March 27-31

NO SCHOOL – President’s Day Foundation Scavenger Hunt 4:00-7:30pm Vision Screenings Kindergarten Connect 6:00-7:30pm 3rd Grade Music Concert 6:30pm PTA Meeting 7:00PM Foundation Meeting 8:00pm NO LATE START School begins 8:00am Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00am Llewellyn Auction 5th Grade Play 6:00-8:30pm NO SCHOOL – Spring Break

February 17, 2017 – Page 2

Valentine’s Day

Math Art

by: Solomon, 5th grade

by: Mattie & Octavia, 4th grade

As most of you know, February 14th is a nationally recognized holiday known as Valentine’s Day on which special someone’s send each other letters signed From Your Valentine, but do you know how Valentine’s Day actually came into being? If you don't this is how the story goes. During the reign of Rome, the emperor Claudius the Second, began to get worried that his soldiers were getting to soft because they wanted to settle down, get married and have a family. To fix this problem he made a law preventing any of his soldiers from getting married. One minister, named Valentine, rebelled and let soldiers secretly get married in his church but as you know he couldn't keep it secret forever and when Claudius the Second found out he sentenced Valentine to execution on February 14th. While Valentine was in jail, the jailor's daughter brought him his food. Soon they fell in love. On the 13th, Valentines last day on earth, he wrote her a last letter signed, From Your Valentine.

A of days ago we did bycouple L math art. We had a lot of fun even though we messed it up! What we did was we made arrays that were between a certain length. Then we picked colors. Then we built colorful arrays out of our neon strips. Then we glued out colorful arrays to a piece of black paper. Finally we signed our name.

Jenna’s 3D Art Class by: Clara, 1st grade

I go to Jenna’s art class after school. I have made a Doctor’s office and a clay sculpture. My favorite was the clay sculpture because it is a cat. Cats are my favorite animals!

Tess’ Book Recommendations by: Tess, 5th grade

Looking for a good book, here are some of the books that I would recommend to 4th and 5th graders:

By Ms.

Last of the really great Whangdoodles by: Julie Andrews Edwards Harry Potter by: JK Rowling Percey Jackson by: Rick Riordian The Underneath by: Kathi Appelt Princess Academy by: Shannon Hale

Fly Guy Play

by: Ibi, 1st grade

My class went on a field trip to a play. It was a Fly Guy play. It was cool. It had all the characters, it had Lizz, it had Buzz, it had Fly Girl and of course, Fly Guy. It was very, very, very awesome. I think the Kindergarten should see it when they are in 1st grade.

The Rangers Apprentice by: Jhon Flanagan Up and Down the Scratchey Mountains by: Laurel Snyder Justian Morgan had a House by: Margurite Henry Gabby Lost and Found by: Angela Cervantes Hideout by: Gordan Korman I hope that you will read and enjoy some of these books. And one more book that I would recommend to all ages is Goodnight Stories to Rebel Girls by: Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavillo.

February 17, 2017 – Page 3

The newest Llewellyn Knights for January! Congratulations! At A Glance

This week we highlight Kindergarten and 1st grade

Kindergarten is busy! We're moving along with how-to writing: choosing a topic, telling what to do in steps, numbering the steps, and making a picture for each. In our reading, we're learning how to tackle more challenging books and what to do when the pattern changes! In math, we're beginning to act out and create our own sea creature story problems. Our new science unit is an exploration of balls, ramps, and motion! In our social-emotional work, we're learning how to be "bucket-fillers" by doing kind things for others - let's keep that Kindness Challenge going! The first grade classes had a fantastic time at their Valentines Party. A huge thank you to all the parents who donated, decorated and came to help out at our parties. The students had so much fun reading all their valentines. We have also started writing opinion papers during Writer’s Workshop. We have learned that first graders do have many opinions on different subjects. In math we are focusing on learning our addition and subtraction facts to 10. Coming up on March 2nd we will be having a pajama day that goes along with Dr. Seuss' Read Across America Day and on Monday March 6th we will be starting our penguin unit where we take a journey to Antarctica.


Black Labs

by: Finley, 2nd grade

Today I am going to tell you all about Black Labradors. They are very protective. These dogs could be a service dog, because they guide and are very helpful. They are good climbers and swimmers. They love the water! Black Labs are found mainly in the USA, but are also found in some other countries. They make a great pet, and I have a black lab.

Congratulation to Ms. Pagenstecher’s class who has the Most Improved Attendance for the month of February. An over a 20% increase!

January 27, 2017 – Page 4

Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings!

Llewellyn School 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653

The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Sarah Erickson E-mail: [email protected] Student Writers: Solomon Barnett Tess Belden Hazel Burke Ibi Cooper Mattie Cross Octavia Dalia Zeamarea Nelson Finley Sager Atlas Schulman Clara Steckler Heim

Enhance Learning: CONNECT TO KINDERGARTEN! Monday, February 27th from 6:00-7:30pm at Llewellyn. All parents and future Kindergartners welcome! If you have an incoming Kindergartener or have neighbors or friends with incoming Kindergartners, please spread the word. Come hear all the wonderful things Llewellyn has to offer and get your child registered! Any questions contact: Stacey Linke [email protected] Save the DATE: Saturday, March 18th- Llewellyn Auction BOOK YOUR SITTERS Now! You won't want to miss this!

Save the Date and get a babysitter! Saturday, February 25th Scavenger Hunt Are you over-due for date night? Then come out and have fun with friends at the Llewellyn Foundation Scavenger Hunt! Saturday, February 25, 4:00pm to 7:30pm. Create a team ($15 per person early bird, $20 per person late registration), gather items around the neighborhood, and win prizes, and have fun with other Llewellyn parents. Registration opens next week.

We hope to see you there!

Portland Public Schools is an equal opportunity employer and recognizes the diversity and worth of all individuals and groups and their roles in society. It is the policy of the Portland Public Schools Board of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment of individuals or groups on the grounds of age, color, creed, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sex or sexual orientation in any educational programs, activities or employment.