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Jun 9, 2017 - Streano's class are sad to leave school ... Stelter's third grade class just went on a ... actually can fl
Volume 4, Issue 33 June 9, 2017

A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati

Pajama Day was a great day to be Principal! I started off the day passing out stickers and fist bumps. It was fun to welcome kids and teachers to school in their pajamas. It was sort of crazy but cool! I did lots of things as Principal. I blew the whistle at recess, helped collect star coupons, and walked all around the school. I called in an order for more ties, reviewed the sticker budget with Mark, and had Mrs. Gwynn’s help telling Mr. Reardon that there wasn’t enough days in the week to add Mustache Day to Spirit Week. I also took a trip to meet the Superintendent and other important school people. They all had big smiles and we shook hands. We went for hot chocolate after! My favorite thing about the day was excusing lunch tables with the microphone. Kids were very respectful at lunch. That day I learned how busy (and exhausting) being Principal is. I felt the love that Llewellyn School had to share, and really, really liked hanging out with Mr. Galati. Thanks to all for making the day very special!

Important Dates: TONIGHT June 13 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 23 July 1 August 30 September 5

Campout Under the Stars Field Day 5th Grade Continuation 12:45PM LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Kindergarten Continuation 9:00AM 5th Grade Party 12:30PM LAST DAY TO PICK UP LOST & FOUND Office Closed Office Closes for Summer FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Grades 1-5 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL Kindergarten

Portland History by: Hazel, 3rd grade

One by L of the best things about school

is taking field trips and Miss Stelter’s third grade class just went on a field trip to downtown Portland. The purpose of the field trip was to learn about the history of Portland. We learned that Pioneer Courthouse Square used to have a hotel in it and several U. S. Presidents went to this hotel. The hotel burned down in a fire, but the original gate still remains. And speaking of fires, did you know that in the 1800’s a fire ruined many streets in early Portland? After that, the people decided they would need buildings that would not burn down so they built buildings out of bricks. Now you know a little more Portland history.

End of the Year by: Octavia & Mattie, 4th grade

Almost everyone in Ms. Streano’s class are sad to leave school for three months. But some are also happy about vacation and summer, but I don’t blame them. Although summer is fun, school is more important. But school can be fun too! One reason why is because you get to make new friends every year. Every year you learn something new and interesting. Good-bye fifth graders!

June 9, 2017 – Page 2

Field Day

by: Clara & Jade, 1st grade

Farewell Fifth Grade by: Sophia & Vivian, 1st grade

By Ms.

Field day is in just a few school days. We are so excited because there is all sorts of fun games and fun things to do outside. Here are some games that we play: shoe kicks, frisbee throw, dice stack, nut stack and more! Last year, field day was very fun so this year we think it will be very fun again!


by: Natasha, 5th grade

You have probably seen a pigeon before, those funny gray birds with red eyes who eat the food that you drop on the ground. If that was all to these birds then why would I be writing about them? Well, pigeons are actually quite interesting. Though pigeons may look fat they actually can fly an average of 78 miles per hour. They have been recorded to fly up to 92.5 miles per hour! Pigeons also have great stamina, they can fly between 600-700 miles per day with their longest flight lasting 55 days and 7000 miles! Another amazing quality of the pigeon is their ability to find their way home from miles away. Homing pigeons are specially bred for this ability. Scientist are still not sure how they do it. Some think they use landmarks, but what if they are in an unfamiliar environment? Others think they use the sun or earth's magnetic pull to get a sense of direction, but what good is a sense of direction if you don’t know what direction is home? Still others think they use their sense of smell to smell their way home, but can they really smell that well? Other people, like my dad think they use magic. What do you think? I think they have a sixth sense. Both pigeons parents feed their squabs (baby pigeon's) “milk”. Pigeon milk is regurgitated and stored in their crop. Squabs double in weight each day but it takes three days for their heart to start beating and four days for their eyes to open, now that's magic!

In a few days all 5th graders are going to graduate to middle school. We hope they will like it there. They will make new friends at the middle school that they are going to go to. We bet in middle school you guys will be doing a lot of homework. Like a whole binder full. We will miss you! Have fun in middle school! Bye-bye!

Float Parade

by: Lily, 5th grade

Last year, there was a fifth grade float parade. The fifth graders made awesome floats about different states. Those floats were colorful, creative and informative. This year, as a fifth grader, I am very excited to see what fellow fifth graders have thought up. I believe, even though I got kind of a boring state (Arkansas), I can make it interesting. I am very excited for Monday to see all of the creative ideas that the fifth graders will do. Come join us for the States Parade 10:15-10:45 under the cover area this Monday, June 12th!

Goodbye Llewellyn by: Sadie, 4th grade

I won't be here for 5th grade. I'm moving to North Carolina because my Dad got a job as a professor at East Carolina University. I will always remember this school and the people in it. Goodbye and thank you to friends who share my silly sense of humor. People who made me laugh, talking about potatoes, code numbers, and video games. Goodbye to friends who share my love for Gravity Falls, coding, and skateboarding. Goodbye to my OBOB team and my favorite teacher, Mrs. Coholan. Goodbye and thank you to Llewellyn Elementary. I will miss you a lot!

June 9, 2017 – Page 3

At A Glance

This week we highlight Physical Education, Music and Counseling

Physical Education: Thank you Llewellyn for being the best school I have taught at, I love the students and staff here, the parents are kind of great as well. Thanks again. Last bit of news for PE is our big event of Field Day on Tuesday, June 13th. If you have signed up for volunteering thank you, if not and still want to, just let me know. There is always room for more. Classes participating in the morning from 9:00 to 10:30 are as follows: McIntyre, Revay, Ronyak, Cronen, Gilkey/Bass, Stelter, Reardon, Engstrom, Crouser, Clark, and Herrmann. Classes participating in the afternoon from 12:30 to 2:00 are as follows: Kanz, Pagenstecher, Frisby, Hopkins, Cranley, Coholan, Rizzo, Streano, Mininger, and Rozell. Have a great summer and thanks for being you! Music: To wrap up this entire year in Music in a short little blurb is not so easy. We have sung, laughed, created, played, learned and listened and so much more. I would like to think that the students have enjoyed it. I can certainly say that I have. As we approach summer, I would like to encourage the students to LISTEN. Whether it is listening to music or even the sounds of the world around them, I would like to hear next fall about the incredible things they got to listen to. Have a very musical summer! Counseling: A year of counseling lessons in the classroom has just rounded out as we head into our snowday makeup week. We’ve finished up focusing on the different ways bullying tends to creep into our social circles at Llewellyn. Fortunately, physical bullying is a rarity at our school, but we still do find ourselves challenged by inadvertent excluding and gossiping. We’ve worked out that both of these forms of bullying creep in when we have problems with others we need to work out more directly by listening to our conscience and a bit of courage. Grades 3, 4 & 5 especially should remember to use “I-messages” when they need to communicate feelings, and to keep themselves de-escalated through deep breathing while they negotiate towards a win-win. All vocabulary from this year! Stay active this summer and enjoy the sunshine.

The Last Word (for this year) from Principal Galati I find myself a little melancholy as a write my last Star Flier article of the year. As I look back there have been so many special moments we have had with our students ranging from our award assemblies, to our Portland Timbers visit, to the wonderful projects our kids have created, presented and shared. I also tip my hat to the incredible and heroic efforts our teachers have put into a most unusual year in which we experienced a record snow fall, missed school days, and navigated an extended school year. I say thank you to you as parents for the patience, involvement, and care you give to each of your children. Thank you for sending us such fabulous young people. Our students fill my bucket every day. It is always a little sad to come to the end of the

school year, especially as we say goodbye to a few members of our staff that are leaving us. We give special thanks to Laurie McIntyre, Christie Hopkins and Kathy Williams for their dedicated service for our Llewellyn Students. We wish them the very best with retirement and we hope that they come and visit once in a while. Lastly, I say goodbye to Pam Gwynn who has been such a positive, patient, and giving assistant principal. We wish her the very best with her new assignment in the district. While the year is ending, many folks will still be working to get ready for our next great school year. I encourage you to periodically check the Llewellyn website over the summer for updates. Incidentally, next year’s supply lists are up if you’d like to start shopping! HAVE A SAFE AND HAPPY SUMMER!

The Last Lost & Found Cleanout will happen on June 16th!! Please be sure to check Lost & Found before the school year ends!

June 9, 2017 – Page 4

Thank You…

Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653

The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Brittany Turner E-mail: [email protected] Student Writers: Sophia Brownlow Hazel Burke Clara Chittum Mattie Cross Octavia Dalia Vivian Denton Sadie Erickson Lily Koehler Jade McGibbon Natasha Tomlinson

We bid a fond farewell to Christine Hopkins, Laurie McIntyre and Kathy Williams at the end of this school year. Between them, they have served the students and families of Portland Public School for over 65 years! We thank you for your kindness and dedication to your students, and wish you the very best and happiest of retirements!

Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings! FINAL PTA meeting of the year! Tuesday, June 13th from 7:00-8:00pm. We hope to see you there! Yearbooks will be distributed to students Monday, June 12th Last day of school is Thursday, June 15th Have a safe and wonderful Summer!!