Feb 24, 2017 - kindergarten parents become eager and ready to get ... We appreciate your help in getting the word ... Re
Volume 4, Issue 20 February 24, 2017
A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Each year we have our Kindergarten Connect night. It at this event that the parents of our new K kids come to learn more about Llewellyn and how we serve, support, and nurture all learners. For me, this is a night of excitement and joy. Some of our current parents who will have kindergarten children help us even more. Their testimonies help ease those first day jitters for parents and help the new kindergarten parents become eager and ready to get involved. This year, Kindergarten Connect in on February 27th. Monday night is a time of celebration, initiation, and of course, building new relationships. This year we will be adjusting the format. Our kindergarten teachers will be talking to our parents, sharing with them what kindergarten is, what the students will be learning, and most of all how they will be creating a community of learners. I feel fortunate to work with this cohesive group that truly gives their time, energy, and love. So, if you have a child entering kindergarten, if you know a parent that has an incoming kindergartener or if you have a neighbor considering kindergarten, invite them to this evening. It will be informational and fun. I look forward to seeing our new kindergarten parents on Monday, February 27, 6:00-7:30 pm.
Important Dates: February 25 February 27 March 7 March 14 March 15 March 17 March 18 March 22 March 27-31
Foundation Scavenger Hunt 4:00-7:30PM Vision Screenings Kindergarten Connect 6:00-7:30PM 3rd Grade Music Concert 6:30PM PTA Meeting 7:00PM Foundation Meeting 8:00PM NO LATE START School Begins at 8:00AM Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM Llewellyn Auction 5th Grade Play 6:00-8:30PM NO SCHOOL – Spring Break
Our Fourth Grade Field Trip to the Art Museum by: Madelyn, 4th grade On Valentine's Day my class and Mr. Reardon's class went on a field trip to the art museum. We went to look at their Native American exhibit. To get there, we walked to the Max station, then rode the Max all the way to downtown (where the art museum is).
When we got there, we met our docent. Then, we went inside and went to the Native American exhibit. First, we did a small craft were we weave beads together on a piece of cloth. Next, we started looking around. We looked at a lot of beautiful things and actually saw some art work by Lillian Pit, a Native American who is the artist we’re studying for parent led art. My favorite art piece we saw was a large potlatch dish that was bigger than my bed. We saw masks, stone carvings, Native American clothes and much more! I had fun and hope to go back to the art museum soon!
Connect to Kindergarten, our community open house for incoming kindergartners and their families, will be held this Monday, February 27th from 6:007:30PM. We appreciate your help in getting the word out to interested friends and neighbors. If you are able to help out at the event, please check out our sign up site at http://signup.com/go/XbqCh4. Our strongest need is for a few more Childcare Volunteers to play games with the kids in the Gym. Please direct any questions to Stacey Linke (
[email protected]).
February 24, 2017 – Page 2
by: Solomon, 5th grade
Do you know what Lifeskills are? Which ones are your strengths and which one are your weaknesses? Personally I need to work on my patience because I often rush on assignments. There are many other Lifeskills such as: effort, initiative, sense of humor, integrity, friendship, caring, and flexibility that others may need to work on. This year in Mr. Crouser's class we made and presented speeches about the Lifeskills we need to work on. Our speeches were in the time frame of one to three minutes; no more, no less. Patience and initiative were probably the most common Lifeskills mentioned. The way we found out what we need to work on is by looking at the list right above the doorway entering Z003 and selecting the ones that we struggle with. This was a very fun project that helped me and, hopefully, the rest of my class figure out the things we need to improve at during 2017. By Ms.
Google Slides by: Mattie & Octavia, 4th grade
This past week in Ms. Streano’s class, we’ve been doing Google Slides for Native American Studies. We are doing this to learn more about Native American Tribes in Oregon. The slides show food, shelter, clothing, environment and culture. I’m doing the Takelma tribe, Mattie is doing the Nezperce tribe. We have been studying the Native Americans for about a month and we have enjoyed using Google Slides. Just recently, we made Dioramas on each of our tribes.
TAG Update
Oregon’s Birthday by: Sofia, 2nd grade
Do by Lyou know that Oregon was 158 years old on Valentines’ Day? Oregon is the only state in America to have designs on both sides of the flag. Grocery stores let you have five cents only if you bring back the bottle or can and we were the first ones in the United States to do this! Amazing, right? I hope you learned some amazing facts about Oregon today.
by: Amy, 4th grade
Fantastic Really Awesome Incredible Excellent Noble Diligent Super
by: Ms. Pam Gwynn, Assistant Principal
A lot has been going on in TAG at Llewellyn lately! In the classroom, teachers have been challenging and motivating students to dig deeper into what they are learning using Quality Questioning strategies learned in monthly professional development sessions. In January, two after school classes began: Draw & Code (K-2) and Marine Biology (3-5). Both have been received with great success! To hear students “oohs” and “ahs” when they create a character that moves or when they dissect a squid or clam, is rewarding. Touching my heart has been the excited feedback and thank-you’s from students who can’t wait to go to the next class. We hope to offer another session of after school classes beginning after Spring Break. TAG testing was recently completed, and we should learn the results very soon! A TAG committee will be meeting to review scores and student work samples. Under Oregon Administrative Rules, “No single test, measure or score shall be the sole criterion.” Our goal is to have decisions made by Spring Break! Did you take advantage of the most recent OMSI night on February 13th? Remember, OMSI Nights are free for all TAG students AND their families. The last OMSI Night will be on April 24th! Don’t miss it!
February 24, 2017 – Page 3
Llewellyn Elementary
by: Ruby & Nyah, 3rd grade
Here at Llewellyn Elementary, we are safe, kind responsible, and we build community! We have expectations for the hallway, bathroom, playground, and a couple other ones too. We are Stars, and we are all nice to each other and when we make a mess, we clean it up! We also have safety for the morning and at the end of the day. The safety people go outside and stop the cars for students who are getting to school.
Small – Tall Ball is Fun for All! by: Ellie & Julia, 4th grade
Two weeks ago was the annual Small-Tall Ball at Llewellyn. If you could describe The Ball in three words, you would say it was loud, fun and happy because you were surrounded by your loving family. There was lots of food and drinks, including sweethearts, cupcakes, and juice. We danced like no one was watching; hard during the crazy songs and slow to the calm songs. There were big balloons spelling out LOVE and other pink, white and red decorations. Our favorite decorations were the lights that were strung up all around the gym. The dance lasted for two hours, but they were definitely some amazing hours!
3rd Grade Music Concert is Coming Up!
Our gym teacher is awesome! She has units for the whole year. There is soccer, volleyball, basketball and lots of other sports. Our music teacher is awesome too! She likes us to call her “Zee duh Bee” and she wants us to say it in sort of a rap way. She teaches us ukulele, marimba, and so many other instruments! Our library teacher is fun too. She lets us get two books and then she checks them out. When we are in the library, our teacher gives us a choice of either computer or just reading on the floor. Our whole point is: LLEWELLYN ELEMENTARY IS AWESOME!!!
The Small-Tall Ball was four days before Valentine’s Day, and it definitely got us all pumped and ready! Our favorite part of The Ball was dancing to the song Thriller. Because all of the parents were singing along which made us feel special. We also loved exchanging sweethearts with our dads to make conversations. They usually turned out pretty funky! We used lots of props in the photo booth to take lots of funny photos. Every year The Ball gets better and better. We love the Small-Tall Ball and go every year. We can’t wait until next year!
Our 3rd grade is putting the finishing touches on their music program which is scheduled for Tuesday, March 7th at 6:30pm in the Cafetorium. Students are to arrive at 6:15pm and line up in the hallway with Mr. Galati as parents find their seats. We will be video recording the performance for your personal family viewing. You can purchase a DVD-R copy for $5 the evening of the performance. All proceeds go to our Music fund to provide more instruments and music materials for our Llewellyn students.
February 24, 2017 – Page 4
Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings!
Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653 www.pps.net/schools/llewellyn
The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Sarah Erickson E-mail:
[email protected] Student Writers: Solomon Barnett Mattie Cross Octavia Dalia Amy Erickson Madelyn Joe Ruby Koehler Nyah L’Allier Sofia Mauro-LeVelle Ellie Usher Julia Vogel
The Project Second Wind Food Drive is back! Starting Monday, February 27th we will be collecting packaged food for the Oregon Food Bank to help decrease food insecurity within our Portland community. Money will also be collected as $1.00 = 5 lbs. of food. Every time a student brings in an item to donate, their name will be entered in the drawings. We will have drawings during lunch for small prizes, and one grand prize drawing on Wednesday, March 8th!
Enhance Learning: CONNECT TO KINDERGARTEN! Monday, February 27th 6:00-7:30pm at Llewellyn. All parents and incoming Kindergartners welcome! If you have an incoming Kinder or have neighbors or friends with incoming kindergartners, please spread the word. Come hear all the wonderful things Llewellyn has to offer and get your child registered! Any questions contact: Stacey Linke
[email protected] Save the DATE: Tuesday, March14th-7:00pm Friday, March 17th- 8:00am Saturday, March 18th
Monthly PTA Meeting in Cafeteria Cup of joe with JOE! In the Library Llewellyn Auction- BOOK YOUR SITTERS Now! You won't want to miss this!