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Mar 3, 2017 - by: Ruby, 3rd grade. Timbers' Day by: Solomon .... Ruby Koehler. Jade McGibbion. Zeamarea ... Editor: Joe
Volume 4, Issue 21 March 3, 2017

A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Oh my goodness it is March already! Where has all the time gone? As I am writing this I see the sun coming out ever so briefly. I can hear the voices of our students laughing and playing outside. Each day, I pinch myself realizing how lucky I am to be working here at Llewellyn. It is such a joy getting the chance to see your kids every day. I get to hear about the fun things they are learning in class. I am fortunate to have quite a collection on my door of the pictures I get from them and I deeply appreciate the articles they write for me in the Star Flier. This is the season where we have settled in to the school year and things are really moving briskly. As a result, more events start occurring more frequently in the spring, so please be sure to watch the calendar on our webpage, on the Llewellyn Elementary School Facebook page, and in the Star Flier. One of the first events of the spring, and to be honest one of my favorites, happened this past Monday at Kindergarten Connect. If you know of any families that were not able to attend, let Brittany and Sarah know in the main office so that we can get them a packet and begin the registration process. Before long those kiddos will be the ones laughing in the halls and sharing the wonderful things they are learning in the classrooms. It is such a joy to have their new energy with us each year. Speaking of new energy, I would like to welcome back our Counselor Ms. Lannom who is returning from maternity leave. We are excited to once again work with her.

Project Second Wind by: Lily, 5th grade

Project Second Wind is called Project by L Second Wind because in the wintertime like Christmas, and Thanksgiving is usually when drives

happen. But what about the rest of the year? That is where Project Second Wind comes in. Only some schools do Second Wind, unlike during the holidays. Last year, we gathered 1,957 pounds of food! That is why this year, we need to kick last year’s records butt! If every student was to bring three pounds of food, 3 x 500 is 1,500 pounds, which is close to last year’s record. That means that if every kids was to bring four or five pounds of food, we could beat last year’s record!! I know that this week there was quite a lot of announcements about the food drive but one last reminder wouldn’t hurt!

Important Dates: March 7 March 14 March 15 March 17 March 18 March 22 March 27-31

3rd Grade Music Concert 6:30PM PTA Meeting 7:00PM Foundation Meeting 8:00PM NO LATE START School Begins at 8:00AM Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM Llewellyn Auction 5th Grade Play 6:00-8:30PM NO SCHOOL – Spring Break th

th The Other Team is Llewellyn's 4th Annual OBOB Champions! They will represent Llewellyn at th. Regionals on March 18th

March 3, 2017 – Page 2

Timbers’ Day

Dr. Seuss’ Birthday

by: Solomon, 5th grade

by: Sophia & Jade, 1st grade

When I root I root for the Timbers! We all know how the chant goes, but did you know that the Timbers actually have a holiday, and on that day all Portlanders recognize them? This Thursday is Timbers Day. To celebrate, we welcomed former Timbers captain Jack Jewsbury to Llewellyn. Timber Joey also come for the day. To celebrate the Timbers and honor our guests many of us wore our Timbers attire. I love and support our city's soccer team and hope you all do as well.

This by L Thursday was Dr.

Seuss' birthday! All 1st grade had a chance to wear their P.J.'s on his birthday. He wrote lots of books. I can't wait until his birthday next year. I like Dr. Seuss!

Navigator Jacques Cartier by: Zeamarea, 5th grade


by: Ruby, 3rd grade

I think games are fun! My favorite kind of game is a board game. I like to play games with my friends and family. I just want to play them. I win or lose them, I just want to lay them. Some games are about competition, but I don’t really like competition. I try to make up games, but it usually doesn’t work. First I try to think it in my head and that works, but since I don’t write it down, I don’t remember some of it. So, I just go on with what I’m doing and forget that it happened. I love to play games but when I lose I get mad and say “Seriously?” in a jokey way. I like to win but I don’t love it so much that I brag or anything. I just say “Good Game” and move on. I don’t hate to lose, but I don’t really like to lose. My point is… I LOVE GAMES!

In 1534, France’s King Francis authorized the navigator Jacques Cartier to lead a voyage to the New World in order to seek gold and other riches, as well as a new route to Asia. Cartier’s three expeditions along the St. Lawrence River would later enable France to lay claim to lands that would become Canada. This French Canadian explorer was born in 1492, coincidentally on the day that Columbus left on his first voyage. He became known as a great navigator early in his career. He sailed with great explorers such as Henry Hudson, Lewis & Clark, and John Glenn, guiding them on their journeys. This is important for school to hear because this is history!

Valentines’ Day Party by: Clara & Vivian 1st grade

We had a fun Valentine's Day party! We had yummy cookies! We played fun games! We passed out Valentine's! I love Valentine's Day parties. We had a fun time! I like to give out Valentines! We also had fruit. I can't wait until next year’s Valentine's Day party!

March 3, 2017 – Page 3

At A Glance

(This week we highlight 4th and 5th Grades)

The fourth graders had a wonderful trip to the Portland Art Museum in February. Thank you to the parent chaperones that helped. The students learned more about the Pacific Northwest Native American cultures on their trip. As classrooms are finishing their studies of the past cultures they are beginning a science unit on electricity (Circuits & Pathways). In Math, students are finishing Unit 4 on Geometry. They have learned a lot about angles, symmetry, graphing and coordinates and more. Then they will be starting Unit 5 (larger multiplication). The students will learn strategies and the overall concept of multiplying 2 digit x 2 digit numbers and larger. Students have been writing reports on the Native Americans they were studying either in groups or independently. Some were using the Google slide platform to write their reports. Many classrooms will be learning how to write persuasive or opinion essays soon. After Spring Break the students will begin their studies of the Oregon Trail and how it relates to Oregon history. We are all looking forward to our overnight trip on Tuesday & Wednesday, May 16th & 17th. Forms that need to be filled out will be coming home after Spring Break. More information will be coming about how well the fundraising has gone and what students and their families can contribute to finish raising the final monies for the trip. The fifth grade classes are wading into the formation of our country and government. They have started preparations for the annual Fourth of July Carol that tells us why the date is so important to our country. The play performance will be Wednesday, March 22nd at 6:00 pm. Students will do a dress rehearsal during the school day. In addition to learning our civic principles, the fifth grade classes are beginning to finalize and prepare for the 3 day 2 night OMSI overnight in Newport, Oregon on April 17th, 18th & 19th. It is an exciting and busy time of year for our students.

Project Second Wind!

by: Hazel & Nina, 4th grade

Project Second Wind is here again! Project Second Wind is a food drive that donates shelf-stable food to the Oregon Food Bank to help people in need. How would you feel if you came home to an empty kitchen? If it is possible for you to donate canned food, it would help many people in our community. Also, if you donate canned food or checks, you can receive a coupon from your teacher and bring it to (a box in) the office for a chance to win prizes. Project Second Wind doesn’t last long, so donate today! By Ms.

Helen Keller

by: Vivian, 1st grade

Do you know about Helen Keller? Helen got an illness when she was a baby. The illness made her blind and deaf and mute. She learned a couple different languages when she was blind, deaf and mute. Her teacher’s name was Anna Smith. Helen was a beautiful girl. She could smell roses but she couldn't see how beautiful roses would be.

March 3, 2017 – Page 4

Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings!

Llewellyn School 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653

The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Sarah Erickson E-mail: [email protected] Student Writers: Hazel Alperin Solomon Barnett Sophia Brownlow Clara Chittum Vivian Denton Lily Koehler Ruby Koehler Jade McGibbion Zeamarea Nelson Nina Read

Be sure to stop by the Cafeteria and welcome Olivia and Laura, the newest additions to the Llewellyn Staff!

Create Community: Monthly PTA Meeting! Tuesday, March 14th at 7:00pm in the cafeteria. We hope you can come join us! Any questions, contact us! [email protected] Enhance Learning: A Mad Hatter's Auction - Saturday, March 18th 5:30-10:30pm at The Historic Dance Pavilion at Oaks Park. Buy your tickets now and book your sitters! Copy and paste the following link: ( If you purchase tickets before Monday, March 6th you will receive something special on the night of the auction! Proceeds support student education at Llewellyn Elementary School. Save the DATE: Friday, March 17th

Cup of Joe with JOE! 8:00am in library