Oct 12, 2017 - math, and a little social studies. Our fifth grader .... investigating Balance and Motion through hands-o
Volume 5, Issue 6 October 12, 2017
A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati My week started out a little differently this time around. On Monday, I had the opportunity to be the substitute in one of our fifth grade classrooms. After spending a day with our kids, I realized that my level of respect for our teachers went even higher than it previously was, and, my respect went up even higher for our resourceful and kind students. During my experience, I taught reading, writing, math, and a little social studies. Our fifth grader students were so helpful and so bright. I watched how they helped one another, how they rose to the challenges of the assignments/tasks that were given and how productive they were with their individual projects they were assigned. However, the best part of the day was getting to work with our kids. I heard about their stories through their writing, I watched their level of understanding with math and how factors and variables play into their answers, and I also observed their incredible skills which they showed when analyzing text with the piece of literature they were reading. I salute our teachers for the passion they bring to their work and how education comes alive in a classroom each day. I had a great day and a lot of fun. Who knows, maybe I will be subbing in your child’s classroom next.
Important Dates: Oct. 13 Oct. 16-20 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 20 Oct. 25 Oct. 27 Oct. 29
NO SCHOOL – Teacher In-Service Day Book Fair Reading Night 6:00-7:30PM LATE OPENING – School Starts 10AM Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM OBOB Information Night 7:00 p.m. Fall Photo Re-takes Monster March – Starting at Llewellyn
The Twenty Dollar Bill by: Lola, 5th grade
The entire fifth grade is working by on La writing assignment Miss Mininger made. We all go a prompt telling us what to do. It told us to write a story about a twenty dollar bill, but it has a message on it. Now you have to be creative and write the rest of the story. This assignment is only three days. Day one, we have to write a rough draft. Day two, we have to edit, check for spelling, capitals, punctuation, etc. Then on the final day, we re-write it as a final draft. If you have time, you type it! This project was fun, but it was also very stressful.
Oregon Battle of the Books by: Hattie, 3rd grade
At Llewellyn we get to join the Battle of the Books. It is a statewide reading competition. You have six people on your team. Each person reads between five and sixteen books by February. You then have a “battle”. You have to answer questions about the books you read. Your answers earn you points. So this means, you want to get your answers correct. It is open to 3rd through 5th graders. OBOB is awesome and you should join.
Join us for OBOB Info Night! October 25th at 7:00PM!
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Line Plots for Sports by: Holden & Vivian,
In Ms. Cronen’s class, we did a line plot of favorite sports teams. A line plot helps us see how much people like certain things. We chose our favorite team and if they weren’t there, we used “other”. Our line plot showed peoples favorite teams of sports was the Ducks and the Timbers. There were three teams that tied: Beavers, the Georgia Bulldogs and the Transformers got no votes. We did the line plots for math class (see picture below to see the results). I think we are going to do another line plot and that will make three.
In the last few weeks we have been studying Oregon in class. We have made many maps representing Oregon and its many cities, rivers, and mountains. We have made a map out of salt dough that represents Oregon’s geography. We have also had a homework assignment to make a poster about Oregon. On the poster, we had to write ten facts about Oregon and some pictures related to the facts. Oregon is a cool state and I am excited to keep learning about it.
Book Talk
The Pledge
by: Eli, 4th grade
by: Atlas, 4th grade
This past Tuesday, I was going into the office with my friend to get something from Mark. I heard on the speaker the Pledge of Allegiance that fifth graders lead us in each week. When we hear the Pledge, we put our right hand over our heart and begin to say the Pledge of Allegiance looking at the flag. See, every Tuesday at school, our class stops what they are doing, they stand up, put their right hand over our heart and we all start to say the Pledge that begins: “I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag…” That is what I do every Tuesday Morning.
by: Julia, 5th grade
In Miss Mininger’s class, each month we have a book talk. Basically, Miss Mininger choses a genre of book (mystery, fantasy, etc.) and we get to choose a book from that genre. At the end of the month, we rate the book on a scale of one to ten and then say if we recommend it to the class. For book talk, we also give a short summary to our class but we DO NOT GIVE AWAY THE ENDING!!! I mean, the whole point is to get more people to read the book. I really like book talk because it gets students to read a variety of books! The book I’m reading is called Number the Stars by Lois Lowry and so far, I would definitely recommend it!
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At A Glance
This week we highlight Second and Third Grades
Second Grade: The weather is cooling, leaves are changing and second grade is in full swing. Students are working hard on writing personal narratives; a well-elaborated event with a clear beginning, middle and ending. Second graders are focusing on incorporating details, descriptions, personal feelings and reactions to describe their story. Our science investigations are keeping us busy in second grade! Students are investigating Balance and Motion through hands-on science experiments. We are exploring the concepts of balance and stability as well as rotational motion. Ask your child how they were able to balance their pencil or get their trick crawfish into a stable position. We are looking forward to our field trip to the Oregon Children's Theater for the Judy Moody play on October 26th. Third Grade: Our third grade communities continue to grow and thrive through class meetings and getting to know you activities, class games and lately, field trips! On beautiful fall days, third grade classes kicked off their first field trips of the year with walking tours on the history and art of Portland. In Reading, all classes are delving deeper into comprehension skills and being reading detectives to find the evidence in the text. In math, we have completed our first unit on graphing and are digging into addition and subtraction strategies, and learning how to solve a problem using multiple strategies. We are practicing the writing craft through writer’s workshop, focusing on topic sentence structure with descriptive details and “juicy” or amazing words. Science and social studies units are also underway, through studies of plants in some classes and Portland history in others. We want to thank our families for partnering with us to ready your kids for a year of growth and discovery!
by: Amy, 5th grade
Buddies in Miss Mininger’s class is different than other classes. Miss Mininger’s class does buddies on Monday with Mrs. Kanz’s class. The two classes read with their buddy. Every person has one buddy. The kids got to choose their buddy. Sometimes the classes will do art together, the buddies are in kindergarten so they are new to school. So we help them with the computer lab. Buddies are so much fun!
Soccer Kicks
by: Dell, 1st grade
I am happy when I play soccer. On Saturdays, I have soccer games and on Wednesdays, we have practice. Soccer is pretty good and I feel that I would like to play soccer every day and every year because it is so fun to play. Soccer has my friends on it and it is really fun to play with my friends. The best thing that I like to do when I play soccer is that I like to win. We played one game against the Dragons and we won 10-0. Sometimes we lose but it is still fun. When I shoot a ball into the goal, I feel happy because I just shot a goal. Soccer is so much, much, much, so, so, so, so fun.
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Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings!
LAST CHANCE! Become a member of the PTA! Membership dues help fund field trips, technology, books and more! Please see the office to sign-up.
Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653 www.pps.net/schools/llewellyn
The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editor: Mark Robb E-mail:
[email protected] Student Writers: Vivian Denton Amy Erickson Eli Penkin Lola Pierce Hattie Schauermann Atlas Schulman Holden Thomas Julia Vogel Dell Whitting
The Book Fair is NEXT WEEK! Are you ready? October 16th-20th in the Llewellyn Library
ARTISTS WANTED! The Llewellyn Holiday Market will take place November 18th. We have some amazing vendors lined up this year. There is still space left for both child ($20 registration) and adult ($75 registration) booths. For more information email
[email protected]. You can also follow Llewellyn Holiday Market on Facebook for more information. Join Konstella! You should have received an email invitation for Konstella. This program program will help you connect with other parents and keep tabs on volunteer commitments. If you didn't receive your email invitation please email
[email protected]. Do you need to reach the PTA? Please email us at
[email protected], we look forward to hearing from you!