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Sep 22, 2017 - A website that can ... ...
Volume 5, Issue 3 September 22, 2017

A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Fall has certainly arrived this week!! With the cold weather we also see an uptick in misplaced jackets, gloves and hats. Just as a reminder, the lost and found is in the hallway near the Cafetorium. Please check it if you are missing items. We also will have indoor recess on days with very heavy rain or other weather issues. We realize that movement is important for young people, but acknowledge that, at times, our Oregon weather just won’t cooperate. Recess is a great time to volunteer too. It is truly a gift having extra adults outside to encourage our students as they play together and to be an extra set of eyes. To sign up to volunteer, please check in at the office to see if you have a current background check on file. Background checks are good for three years. One of the things that I love most about recess is talking to our children about their days, their friendships, what they are learning and what they like most. Thank you to everyone who cares for our outdoor spaces so that our kids can have this much needed break each day so they might thrive as learners.

Help Hurricane Irma Victims Donate empty bottles and cans at school! Last week, you read about how we are collecting cans for money for the victims of Hurricane Irma. Students are picking these up on the playground after school on Mondays and Fridays from 2:20 to 2:30. Can you help?

Our New PE Teacher Ms. Bernardo by: Emma, 3rd grade by L you know that we have a Did

new PE teacher? I was sad to see Ms. Williams go, but I am happy we have someone new who teaches PE a little bit different with different games. This year instead of sitting on dots, we go to the red circle in the middle. This way, we can sit next to our friends but also see each other. This year instead of using vests, we use sashes and they are easier to move around in. Also, sashes are easier to put on than vests are. Some of the games we play in class are very interesting and we play hard. When we are playing games we are moving but it is fun at the same time. Ms. Bernardo is sweet, kind, and loving. Playing different games is so much fun because we are not playing the same games that we did last year.

Important Dates: Sept. 26 Oct. 6 Oct. 7 Oct. 13 Oct. 16-20 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 3 Nov.8-9 Nov. 10 Nov. 13

Fall Photo Day Gift Wrap Sales Begin Gift Wrap Sales End Foundation Scavenger Hunt NO SCHOOL-Teacher In-Service Day YMCA CLOSED Book Fair Reading Night 6:00-7:30PM LATE OPENING-School Starts @ 10 Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM Fall Photo Re-takes Monster March Pumpkin Carving Contest Wreath Sales Begin NO SCHOOL-Teacher Planning Day NO SCHOOL – Conferences NO SCHOOL – Veterans Day Wreath Sales End

September 22, 2017 – Page 2

New to Llewellyn

by: Eli, 4th grade

4-Square Poll

by: Ben, 5th grade

By Ms.

I am a new student at Llewelyn and I want to write about how much different it is compared to my old school. I am transfer student from a different school. Some things that are different: students come to school excited to learn, teachers and staff are more available for students and parents, the school is overall run better. Now as a new student others treated me with great respect and kindness. As I said I am a transfer from another school and last year I was bullied constantly and couldn’t get a break. But at Llewelyn there aren’t really any bullies which is a big change. The best part about Llewelyn is the feeling of community in the school. I feel right at home at Llewelyn and the school has welcomed me greatly; so thank you!

Hello star flyer readers! Today I will be doing a poll about a rule in 4-square. The rule is: you may not step in someone else’s square to hit the ball. I do not agree with this because what if the ball flies into the opponent’s square in such a way that you can't hit it without going into an opponent's square? Anyways, if you agree or disagree with me, the poll information is down below. Note: this is not supposed to be offensive to the principal, gym teacher, students or staff. The poll information: If you would like to participate in the poll, please make a google doc telling me yes or no and send it to [email protected].

Traveling to Space by: Link & Ryan, 2nd grade

In Ms. Cronen’s class we were learning about space. Well, we know that it never ends and that the sun is a star. The international space station is floating around in low earth orbit—outside the Earth’s atmosphere. We also learned that astronauts wear spacesuits. So, the spacesuits help them breath and keep them warm. The Americans were the first to land on the moon. NASA is sending astronauts to space in 2018 to explore more about space.

Making Our Self Portraits by: Riley & Natalie, 3rd grade

In Ms. Coholan’s class, we made self-portraits of us falling into space, the ocean, or even the sun set. Some of the kids even falling into the sky. We made our hands the same size as our feet. It was fun but challenging because we had to mix paint for the skin color. We are all different shades. It was also hard to do our face, but it was fun getting to paint almost every day and talk to people about our portraits. Also, people

Balloon Art

by: Finley & Piper, 3rd grade

Today we are going to tell you all about balloon art. This is a project we did in class. This is a very cool project. We even get to write a little paragraph and the best part is, you can draw your own picture. Then your teacher will take a picture. Now your beautiful art is done!

made great expressions. Everybody worked hard and even though some did the same background, they were all “one of a kind’.

September 22, 2017 – Page 3

At A Glance

This week we highlight Fourth & Fifth Grades

Fourth Grade: 4th grade has gotten off to a great start! Classrooms have been working on building their communities and getting to know one another. This is one way we become prepared to support each other during our year together. Parents, thank you for coming to our classrooms on Curriculum Night. It is always a pleasure to see you and get a chance to connect with you. If you were unable to make it, please remember to contact your teacher to set up your conference time to meet about your child’s progress in November. The year has started quickly and students are working on different Language Arts Skills in Reading and Writing. Students are practicing different reading skills such as sequence and author’s purpose. We are assessing your children’s reading skills and looking at the data so that we are better able to support them. Your children are working on a Narrative Story with the Launching Unit in writing. In math the students are learning or relearning how to use the array model to learn their math facts and to better understand concepts and vocabulary like area, product, quotient, factor, dimension and much more. The array model will help students with larger multiplication and division problems later in the year. 5th Grade: Fifth grade is off to an amazing start this year! All classes are getting Your children learning about Oregon Geography this September and will continue to learn about Oregon to know eachare other and building bonds as classroom communities. Students are throughout the year. We will study about Pacific Native Americans, Lewis & Clark, and the Oregon Trail throughout studying geography and map making in social studies and will begin our Earth, the year. We will be going on an Oregon Trail overnight trip this year. If you are interested in helping the 4th grade Moon,fundraise and Stars unit soon. has been focused class for science this event please letMath you child’s teacher know.on symmetry and factors in addition to prime and composite numbers. We have started spelling tests and grammar as well as each class beginning a classroom novel. Fifth graders have begun to step up to the plate with Safety Patrol, loyally helping students cross on their ways to and from school. We are looking forward to seeing what this year will bring!

TAG News

by: Ms. Loren Herrmann, TAG Coordinator

Come and Join us as we talk about this year’s Talented and Gifted (TAG) program on October 26th at 6:00pm in the library. This year's new TAG Coordinator, Loren Herrmann will give you an overview about the nomination process and testing involved. We will also be discussing the budget for this 20172018 school year, after school courses for TAG students, and any new information. If you are interested in finding out more about what TAG is and if your child is a candidate, or if you already have a child in TAG, please come join us. If you find that you are very busy, or unable to join us, here is a little bit of information for you: If your child is already a TAG candidate or is a future candidate, TAG, can bring about more opportunities for your child. Although many TAG students are supported and served primarily within their classrooms, we will be offering afterschool classes exclusively offered to TAG students as well. These classes have not been scheduled as of now. Both in the classrooms and in the afterschool classes, your child will challenged to think critically and creatively, to build upon their strengths and be provided with opportunities to explore their unique talents. This could be in the form of project based learning, alternative assignments, flexible groupings, accelerated rate of learning, and open-ended assignments. Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up… take the time to discuss your child's learning with their teachers. If you feel that your child should be a candidate for TAG then begin discussing this with your child’s teacher and begin filling out the IDPF form that is located on the TAG bulletin board next to the Llewellyn Office. Please turn this form in to your child’s teacher by November 13th, 2017. A website that can help guide your conversations is: CONTINUED ON PAGE 4

September 22, 2017 – Page 4

Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow)

Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653

This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings! Get Involved: Become a class rep. Each class needs a communication point person to make sure important information gets out to parents. You will receive information from your teacher or other people participating in your classroom about volunteer opportunities, projects, events, etc. Your job is to make sure that information gets out to the other parents in your classroom. And I'm not gonna lie, you kinda get first dibs on the things you are interested in. Interested? Contact Sarah Mahaley [email protected] Join the PTA today. Just turn in the PTA envelope with $15 to the office. Registration fees help support some of the extra activities that make Llewellyn a close community. Need more information, email us at [email protected]. It's time to buy your Chinook Book! Order your copy from a 5th grader today! The money raised with for this fundraiser helps support overnight trips.

The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb E-mail: [email protected] Student Writers: Natalie Bouldin Emma Burns Ryan Conrad Link Drewlo Eli Gindraux Riley Grant Finley Sager Ben Steckler-Heim Piper Woodworth

The Annual Gift Wrap sale starts September 25th. Watch your child's backpack for more information! Get your team ready because it's almost time for the 2 nd Annual (adult only) Scavenger Hunt, supporting the Foundation. The event take place October 7th at 4:00pm, starting at Llewellyn. Don't miss it! Join Konstella! You should have received an email invitation for Konstella. This program will help you connect with other parents and keep tabs on volunteer commitments. If you didn't receive your email invitation please email [email protected]. Do you need to reach the PTA? Please email us at [email protected], we look forward to hearing from you!


If your child recently took the SBAC assessment and their scores qualify them for TAG in the areas of reading or math. Your child’s teacher and parent should have received this information recently or by the end of September. An IDPF form should be started if their scores showed they qualify. If you have any further questions, prior to parent night presentation, please contact TAG Coordinator at [email protected], or take a peek at parent night presentation Power Point link that is located on Llewellyn’s Homepage. IMPORTANT DATES: Sept. 25th - Oct 22nd October 26th Nov. 2017-Feb. 2018 Nov. 7th Nov. 13th

(depending on 2nd grade team) 2nd Grade Testing Dates TAG Presentation in the Library @ 6:00 pm TAG Nomination Testing TAG District Parent Night 6:00-8:00pm, Location: TBD 2017 TAG forms are due back to the school