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Jan 27, 2017 - check the electives that you want, then Mrs. Jones the Assistant Principal makes schedules for everyone.
Volume 4, Issue 16

Januar y 27, 2017

A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati The other day, I was visiting a classroom and I saw the magic that happens during a lesson. Students were asked to research a topic that they would be writing about. They were required to gather facts about their chosen topic and build their evidence. As I walked around and looked over their shoulders, I noticed two things: one, the students were excited to research and two, the teacher was right there supporting them. The longer I stayed, the more the students talked about their subjects. In this time of uncertainty and anxiety, it is wonderful to be able to step into a classroom and, just for a moment, be consumed in the passion and enthusiasm of children. It is refreshing to be present in the moment where both instruction and excitement is present. The best part of my job is just these times. Kudos to our teachers and kudos to our students. I am fortunate to be a part of our community.

Important Dates: Jan. 31 Feb. 3 Feb. 7 Feb. 10 Feb. 15 Feb. 17 Feb. 20 Feb. 27 March 7 March 18 March 22 March 27-31

2nd Grade Music Concert 6:30PM NO SCHOOL – Teacher Planning PTA Meeting 7:00PM Small-Tall Ball 6:00-8:00PM Medical (Shots) Exclusion Day Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM NO SCHOOL – President’s Day Holiday Vision Screenings Kindergarten Connect 6:00-7:30PM 3rd Grade Music Concert 6:30PM Llewellyn Auction 5th Grade Play 6:00-8:30PM NO SCHOOL – Spring Break

Feb. 17

Cup of Joe with Joe

Feb. 20


Crabs and Sea Stars by: Lily, 1st grade

A Campai gn for Kindnes s

In 1st grade we are learning about crabs and sea stars. Crabs have ten legs. Sea stars have five legs. Sea stars have half of ten legs. Half of ten is five and five plus five is ten. Two sea stars equals one crab.

Sellwood Middle School by: Mason, 5th grade

Do you know where the science hall is in Sellwood Middle School? If you’re in the 5th grade, you may or may not. If you don’t, don’t worry. I didn’t until orientation night. On January 25th, lots of 5th graders, about 200, went to meet teachers and tour the school. The big jump that seems giant, isn’t super large. We have locks on lockers, you change classes in four minutes, and you have electives. The lockers for 6th graders are on the second floor, along with the office. The main gym is on the first floor. The third floor is as large as our school. Each class is 55 minutes long, then you have four minutes to get from class to class. You have to take things like Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts. Language Arts and Social Studies are called Block because you have two periods with the same teacher. There are also electives. Electives include Marimba, Band, Spanish and PE. Marimba is taught by Mr. Beck. Band is taught by Mr. O’ryan. The rest I can’t remember. How electives work is you get a forecasting sheet. On the forecasting sheet, you check the electives that you want, then Mrs. Jones the Assistant Principal makes schedules for everyone. Overall I’m excited for Middle School, but also a little bit nervous.

January 27, 2017 – Page 2

King Lexicon by: Solomon,


by: Jade & Sophia, 1st grade


Do you have kakorrhaphiophobia? Maybe you’re macrosmatic? What did you do nudiustertian? If you don't know how to answer some or all of these questions, don’t worry. In fifth grade you will learn what many strange words mean during the King Lexicon unit as well as how to navigate a dictionary quickly. In King Lexicon you and your team move around on a game board and try to win answers to the King Lexicon crossword. You get prizes like letters and words to fill in the crossword by completing challenges, activities and quests. In these you do things like alphabetizing, proofreading, pronouncing, determining multiple meanings, recognizing inflected forms of words, and studying word origins. As complicated as this may seem, in my opinion it is the most enjoyable unit we have done all year.

Nurse Notes

The Art Article by L

This week in Parent Led Art we made fish art. We made it out of clay and then we glazed them. It was fun because we like to paint and do art. We also made selfportraits for Ms. Ronyak and Sophie made one for Jade. These are really cool and we really like glazing.


by: Milo, 5th grade

Do you know who Christopher Columbus is? by L He is one of the many explorers from all around Europe to sail to the USA and Latin America. In Ms. Mininger’s and Mr. Crouser’s class we are studying these early explorers. They mainly sailed from the 1400’s to the 1600’s. Many of them came from Spain like Christopher Columbus, but some came from France, England, and Holland. These people might not have been explorers before they went on their journey. For example one sailor from Spain named Juan Ponce De Leon was a soldier before he became a sailor and explored.

by: Nurse Summer, RN

Hi! A little about myself.... I’m a Portland native and grew up mountain climbing, surfing and hiking all over the world. Lately I've been skiing a lot (sledding in all this snow) and I paddleboard, kayak and hike with my family. Because of my traveling I am fluent in Spanish and have been able to use this extensively in my nursing career. I have been a nurse for 20 years specializing in emergency surgery for heart attacks and strokes and after too many weekends on call (and too many 18 hour shifts) I am happy to have transitioned to school nursing last year with MESD! I will be at Llewellyn Tuesdays and every 2nd & 4th Wednesday. Please let me know if there is anything your family needs so I can help keep your kiddos healthy and safe continuing this successful school year. My email is: [email protected]

We have a few students who are still missing vaccination information. Letters will be sent out to your homes from MESD on February 1st for any students that need more info. Immunization exclusion day is February 15th - your child will not be able to attend from that day forward until they are up to date on vaccinations. If you would like to do a non-medical exemption for vaccinations please go to: Watch the video online for each vaccination needed. Print the completion form and bring it to the school. (There will be a check mark in a box for each vaccine completed. If there is a line it is incomplete). You will also need to see the secretary to sign the CIS form and check the box labeled 'non-medical' exemption. If you have more than one child, each child will need a separate completion form and CIS form. -Thanks!

January 27, 2017 – Page 3

At A Glance

(This week we highlight 3rd grade)

3rd Grade: Welcome back, Happy New Year and Happy February! Third Grade moves forward focusing on Multiplication, Perimeter, Area for Math, continuing with Expository Writing, and various Reader's Workshop activities. We are working through our Changes Science Unit, and about to start a short but always fun unit on Mapping. This unit concentrates on basic map properties-directions, compass rose, legends, longitude/lattitude etc. and learning basic geographical features of land and water. We thank our Parent Led Art volunteers for their continued preparation and teaching of our Faith Ringgold art lessons! Finally, look for information regarding Valentine's Day celebrations. As always, continue to contact your student's teacher with any questions or concerns.

Mr. Galati the Snow Plow by: Hazel, 3rd grade

Students Remind Everyone What Llewellyn is All About!

Remember how much snow and By Ms. ice slush was all over the ground when we came back to school from the big snow storm? We were all sloshing and stomping through it, getting our feet wet until Mr. G came to the rescue! He was out there shoveling away the ice and sloshy snow so that it would be safe for us to walk. Next time it snows, if you need your sidewalk cleared remember Mr. Galati makes a great snow plow!!

What I Should Say to Myself by: Ben, 4th grade Snowflake, snowflake falling from the sky. Sledding down a hill. Weeeeeee!! Let's go inside and have hot cocoa. Slurp! Yum! Let's go outside and have a snowball fight! Let's go inside and watch a movie!

When we enter Llewellyn we enter to learn. We also spend time with each other showing love, kindness, laughter, and we have a lot of fun. Thanks Amelia and Amy for the reminder when we enter the building.


27, 2017 – Page 4

Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings! Create Community: Small Tall Valentine’s Ball 2016: (Friday, February

Llewellyn School 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653

The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Brittany Sill-Turner E-mail: [email protected] Student Writers: Lily Andres-Notley Solomon Barnett Mason Bregoli Sophia Brownlow Hazel Burke Jade McGibbon Ben Steckler Heim Milo Wray

10th) Students and their respective parent/guardian are invited to the third annual Small Tall Valentine’s Ball! The ball will be held from 6:00-8:00pm in the Llewellyn gym. Come dressed in your Valentine’s best and dance the night away! Tickets are $20 per family and will only be sold at the door this year. (cash, card or check made out to Llewellyn PTA) All proceeds go to support student overnight field trips. Any questions contact Amanda [email protected]

We have seen a lot of children with stomach issues this week. Please take note of the following tips from Nurse Summer:      

Wash hands or use sanitizer Clean any surface kids touch (doorknobs, desks, pencils, etc.) Open windows for fresh air Don’t touch faces Don’t touch others CONTACT is how this spreads.