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Apr 20, 2018 - Pollinators are Cool by: Kieren, 2nd grade. By Ms. Last week, I went upstairs at. Llewellyn to do a clay
Volume 5, Issue 26 April 20, 2018

A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Wait, what was that thing in the sky this week? Yes, it is the sun! And, we have seen the sun for three consecutive days. I know this because the flowers are blooming, the grass is growing, and the landscapers from the District are cutting the grass on a regular basis. Our students have been able to use the field because the puddles have dried up. Everything changes with a little bit of sunshine. Watching the kids during lunch playing soccer, doing summersaults, and running around the track is so fun to see. This Sunday is Earth Day. So what is your plan to celebrate this day? You can plant a tree, pick up trash, take a hike, start a garden, or just hang out in the park and read a book. Earth Day is a celebration that I am excited to participate in and I hope you are too. We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful place and to have such lovely school grounds.

The Plant in the Balloon by: Ryan & Adelaide, 2nd grade

Last week, Ryan’s mom came and she helped with a science lesson on how to grow a plant inside of balloon. We got a balloon, a funnel, radish seeds, a cup of dirt, and 1/3 of a cup of water. We put the balloon on the funnel and filled it with dirt. Then we put the water and the seeds into it. We then carefully removed the balloon from the funnel and blew it up. Just remember that you have to be careful when you blow up the balloon so that you don’t pop the balloon, inhale the air, or get dirt on your face. In three to four weeks, if the plants grow, we will remove them from the balloon and then we will plant them in the school garden. Stay tuned and we will give you an update on the balloon plants.

by L

Tips for 4th Graders by Max, 5th grade

Important Dates: TONIGHT April 24 April 25 April 30 May 1

May 7-11 May 14-18 May 14 May 16 May 16-18 May 18 May 21-25

Llewellyn Talent Show 6:00PM Fifth Grade Concert 6:30PM Fifth Grade Visit to Sellwood MS CLASS PHOTO DAY – NEW DATE!! Run Llewellyn Fifth Grade Overnight Chaperone Meeting 6:00PM PTA Meeting 7:00PM Teacher Appreciation Week Book Fair Fifth Grade Science Fair LATE OPENING-School Starts 10AM Fifth Grade Overnight Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM Spirit Week

One thing that all fourth graders should know about getting ready for fifth grade is to always be prepared. That is, always having a good work ethic so that you can keep working through everything; make sure you know when things are due! And make sure you have the right supplies (paper, binder, folders, and pencils). On a more social note, be nice to your fellow classmates and teachers. The things you might face could be more difficult and your teachers and classmates can help you. Just remember, fifth grade is fun and exciting but you will be expected to do more. So keep working hard in fifth grade and remember next year will be a blast!!

April 20, 2018 – Page 2

Pollinators are Cool

The Importance of Trash Pick-up

by: Kieren, 2nd grade By Ms.

by: Gwen & Adeline, 4th grade

Last week, I went upstairs at Llewellyn to do a clay project making pollinators. I made a hummingbird that I really liked. My whole class made pollinators too. Right now we are learning about pollinators and our job is to do one of the following: write a book, make a puppet show, write a play, or make something out of clay. Pollinators are creatures, mostly insects or birds, that drink nectar from flowers. Pollen gets stuck on them and when they go to another flower, the pollen falls on that flower and it’s seeds grow. When the flower dies, the seeds will make new flowers. I like what we are studying because I really like pollinators.

Today at recess we picked up ten pieces of trash and litter just under the covered area. We are asking you guys to try your best to pick up at least one piece of trash every day so our playground can be super clean. If we can pick up one piece each I think with all of us, our school will be looking fantastic! When everyone in this school (496 kids) picks up our school properly, our school will be spotless! We are writing about this to inform you to go around and pick up litter. The students of Llewellyn can make a difference.

Earth Day Bags

How-To Stories

by: Olivia,



For the last week and a half, we have been working on “Earth Day” bags for New Seasons. Our goal is to decorate them with examples of nature or drawing a picture of a good place in or city that has nature. I have already decorated three bags. The one I am working on right now has earth on it and tress. Before it can be sent to New Seasons, you have to decorate both sides. So, the next time you go to New Seasons, look for our bags that we decorated from Llewellyn. Happy EARTH DAY!

by: Ryan & Andre, Kindergarten

Our How-To stories are about how to play games, how to entertain readers, how to swim, how to do cartwheels, and other things. We also do ending pages as part of our stories. Ending pages are the last page of the story. It is like a thank you page. We like doing the How-To stories, they entertain us a lot. We want to keep doing these stories for the rest of the year.

The Llewellyn Knights of April! This Month’s Theme: Responsible

April 20, 2018 – Page 3

At A Glance

This week we highlight Second and Third Grades

Second Grade: The second grade is beginning their pollinator research. We will be using books and on-line resources to collect information. Recently, we worked with an artist in residence to create the most amazing clay puppets of these pollinators. In math, we continue to work on story problems and multi-digit addition and subtraction problems. We are gearing up for a big field trip to Oxbow Regional Park to learn more about habitats and animals in the area. We will also be visiting Franz Bakery and a few other neighborhood businesses as part of our community social studies unit. We have a busy spring ahead of us! Third Grade: The sun is shining on Third Grade! We are excited for the coming weeks of school as we dive into Portland History, and all the other units in our curriculum. However, with spring comes state testing. Each Third Grade class has its own testing schedule for the Smarter Balanced Language Arts and Math assessments, so please don't be confused if children in different classes are testing on different days. Teachers will be suspending some of our regular homework during testing time. Please make sure that your student is rested and on time to school. This is a time to do their best, and that starts off with a good night’s sleep. Students are also preparing for Run Llewellyn as well. Stay tuned and in touch with your teacher for all the activities running up toward the year end. Finally, a congratulations and thank you to all our students for their wonderful Important Person Speech presentations. You all did a wonderful job!

The Counseling Corner by: Ms. Britany Sill-Turner, Counselor

Hello students and families! The counseling program will be offering lunch bunches as a counseling related service beginning the week of April 30th! Studies show that lunch bunches, also known as small counseling groups, are beneficial for students throughout their development. Lunch bunches are a time when children meet

with the school counselor to eat lunch, talk, and build upon developmental skills. Students will meet one day a week, during the child's assigned lunch period. Each student will sign-in when they come to our office and will be accompanied outside to join their classmates for recess. Please feel free to contact Brittany Sill-Turner, 503-916-6104 or Samantha Lannom, 503-916-6199, with any questions or concerns.

April 22, 2018 - Sellwood Middle School Foundation 5K Run/Walk for Education. All proceeds benefit the SELLWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL FOUNDATION which raises funds to support the amazing Elective Programs at Sellwood Middle School. Race registration is $25 and t-shirts will be available for purchase on-site. Raffle tickets for great prizes from local businesses are $5 each or 5/$20. To register online or for more information, please go to or contact Lemmy Cooper with questions at [email protected]

April 20, 2018 – Page 4

Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers

Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653

The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Carey Ruhl Guest Photographer: Brittany Turner E-mail: [email protected] Student Writers: Olivia Brown Andre Cabera Ryan Conrad Adelaide Cooley Max Copus Kieran Evans Ryan Loeb Adeline Satya Gwen VanOostrum

Run Llewellyn - Tuesday, May 1st Be on the lookout for pledge forms coming home with your student. Pledges can be made via the form or online at for family and friends living out of town. Get those pledges in and returned to school by Friday, April 27th! The school goal this year is $25,000 and there is a special surprise in store for our kids if they collectively meet that goal! Go Stars! Let's exceed our school goal this year! Eat pizza and support Llewellyn! May 1st, the Westmoreland Pizzicato will be donations 20% of proceeds to Llewellyn. You can eat at the restaurant or purchase gift cards for later purchases. To purchase gift cards please turn in the green flier that was sent home or pick out up outside the office by April 24th. GET INVOLVED We have a number of opportunities to get involved. Below are some of our current opportunities: RECESS HELP! We need parent volunteers to help out with recess each day. To sign-up please see the Llewellyn Elementary Parents page on Facebook or login to Konstella for a link to sign up. Please make sure your background check is current before volunteering. FOLLOW US To stay up to date on special events and ways to be involved at Llewellyn, follow us on social media: FACEBOOK - Llewellyn Elementary Parents INSTAGRAM - llewellynpta Do you need to reach the PTA? Please email us at [email protected], we look forward to hearing from you!

SPRING CLASS PHOTO DAY HAS MOVED!!!! Due to scheduling conflicts and field trips, Spring Class Photo Day has been moved to Monday, April 30th! We thank you for your flexibility!

Save the Date for the Llewellyn Camp-Out Friday, June 8th, 2018 Are you willing to lead "Flashlight" stories? Do you like to sing or play guitar? Do you want to be in charge of a fun lawn game or craft activity? If so, please contact Mary Rose Navarro at [email protected]!

Registration forms will be sent out in mid-May