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Nov 18, 2016 - assistant is a student who gets to help our teacher with the projector and computer, doing things like tu
Volume 4, Issue 12

November 18, 2016

A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati This week, I am thankful for our students. They are the ones that put a bounce in my step, a smile on my face, and they are the inspirations that highlight my day. Our students say the most amazing things; they have the biggest hearts filled with empathy and compassion, and they are the first to try something new. At Llewellyn our students do so much for our school. A day doesn’t go by that I am not able to watch important acts of kindness or see a student help another student in class. They are resilient and a “do over” can happen within seconds and they rebound quickly. When my job is challenging I am buoyed by the drawings that surround my office or the memories of a moment when I saw a student shine. I am thankful that this job allows me to tie shoes on the playground or celebrate a lost tooth during recess. Those little interactions never fail to bring a smile to my face. Our students bring me hope and pride every day and it is the greatest gift to me that I get to work with, and for, them.

Important Dates: TOMORROW Nov. 23-25 Dec. 2 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 16

Holiday Market 10:00AM - 5:00PM NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break Wreath Delivery Day K-1 Music Concert 6:30PM PTA Meeting 7:00PM Cops & Candy Canes – Before School Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM(ish) Dec. 19-Jan. 2 NO SCHOOL - Winter Break Jan. 3 SCHOOL RESUMES Jan. 16 NO SCHOOL – MLK Holiday Jan. 17 2nd grade Music Concert 6:30pm Jan. 18 LATE OPENING – 10:00AM Start Jan. 20 Family Craft Night 5:30 - 7:30PM Jan. 27 NO SCHOOL – Teacher Planning Day

Star Cards

by: Lily, 5th grade

Star Cards are like little tickets that get put into a jar. On the late start day of a new month every grade has an assembly where people get Knighted. At the end of the assembly, your teacher takes their jar and pulls a couple names out. Those names get a prize. If your name wasn’t pulled, it goes into a school-wide drawing! You can get Star Cards in many different ways. At recess you can sing the Llewellyn Stars Song to Mr. Galati and he will give you a Star Card. You could also be nice or do something extra for a friend or a teacher. I think the Star Cards are a great idea because they encourage more kids to do good things. When you do good things, you get rewarded!

No-School November by: Solomon, 5th grade

Have you noticed how many days off we have this month? Some people call it no-school November. We will have a total of seven days off in November. Three of those days are for Thanksgiving, two are for parent/teacher conferences, one is for Veterans Day, and one more is a teacher planning day. On top of all that, next month we have two weeks off for winter break. I like having lots of school off, but the downside is you don't get to see your friends every day and you have more work to catch-up on when the break is over.

November 18, 2016 – Page 2

Classroom Jobs by: Madelyn, 4th grade

In Ms. Engstroms class we all have By Ms. jobs. For example, paper passers, pencil sharpeners and the teacher’s assistant are just a few of the jobs we do. Some of the most popular jobs are secretary and technology assistant. The secretary’s job is to answer the phone so the teacher doesn’t have to stop the lesson to answer. The technology assistant is a student who gets to help our teacher with the projector and computer, doing things like turning on the projector when needed. Some of the least popular jobs are number corner assistant and art helpers. Being the number corner assistant is pretty much where you help with the calendar and find out the patterns. Art helpers help with keeping track of art supplies and cleaning up after art. I hope you liked learning a little bit about my classroom!

Final Map Project


by: Eideann, 4th grade

Do you know what Saturn’s largest moon is? It is a moon whose air is mostly nitrogen, like Earth’s air. This moon is called Titan. Titan is the second biggest moon in our solar system next to Jupiter’s moon Ganymede. Titan was discovered in 1655 by Dutchman Christian Huygens. Titan is the only moon with clouds and it is about half the size of Earth, and almost as large as Mars. Titan is the second place in our solar system that has liquid rain, and lakes of liquid methane. This moon is the most Earth-like world we have found to date.


by: Hazel, 3rd grade

by L

Pretty little flowers dancing in the sun, Oh, how beautiful you are. I wish I could be one.

by: Max, 5th grade

In the wonderful class of Mr. Crouser the students have just finished a special project they were working on. It is a giant map project that took three days. After that the students have made amazing maps. But what is on the maps? Well on the back of the maps there are definitions of the word isthmus and strait. Both of which have to do with geographical landforms. On the front are landforms, cities, states and more! I hope that this article showed you what some of our maps are like.


by: Madelyn, 4th grade

Cool Learning experience Amazing Rhythm Interesting New to it Exciting Tempo As you can probably guess, I am learning to play the clarinet. I mentioned a few things that are required to play, but I forgot to add that while it’s frustrating at times, if you stick to it, it gets better!

November 18, 2016 – Page 3

At A Glance

This week we highlight 4th and 5th grades

Fourth Grade: The fourth grade teachers would like to extend a big shout out to our wonderful families for your participation in our conferences and for your support overall! Some of us are going on our first official Oaks Bottom field trip this week to study riparian plants and to engage in some caretaking of the environment. We are also learning from our parent volunteers in Parent Led Art. Our second study of Lillian Pitt is a Pendleton blanket design. We are completing our study of land and water through our stream table simulations. This has been very engaging for our students and has coincided with our Oaks Bottom trips and a lot of weather events, which have been terrific fodder for classroom discussions. In math, we are completing our exploration of multiplication strategies for big numbers and moving into a study of fractions and division. Many classes are starting or will soon start, novel studies of historical fiction or fiction and will use these as a framework for deeper comprehension. We have learned more about our students’ lives through our personal narrative writing unit, and will dive into expository, researchbased writing, and imaginative writing in the next quarter. Our classrooms continue to focus on building a trusting and respectful community of learners. We are looking forward to some special days between now and winter break! Fifth Grade: Our 5th graders' spooky story shindig was a success with all students getting the opportunity to share their story with peers from other classes. Eight students were asked to share with the entire 5th grade in the cafetorium and all seemed to get a thrill or a chill out of the living doll theme. In terms of math, 5th graders met the challenge of multiplication and division arrays. As we move into division, the process looks similar to the older algorithm, but is more focused on "menus". The menu is built for any divisor using groups of 2, 5, 10 and 20 to find solutions to any problem. In the end, students should see that division is not that much harder than multiplication. Last, the big news on the science front is that our OMSI camp will be happening Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in mid-April this year. While the days and months are not what we've chosen in the past, it is still an opportunity for all 5th graders to learn more about marine science.

Why We Need More Basketball Hoops Hi there! We are here to talk to you about getting more basketball hoops for our playground. Our studies show that more people want more basketball hoops. We think that if you are playing 4-square or scramble, you probably don’t want to get hit in the head by and basketball. And it has happened to many of us. We were thinking that we could split the covered area in half. So basically there would be half of it being 4square and scramble and the other half would be basketball hoops. The way that we would get money would be that we would have a few fundraisers. One of the fundraisers would be a basketball shoot off. The way that would work is that we would have a

by: Kennedy, Violet & Stella, 5th grade

few kids come and get sponsored for each shot they make. Then we would get all of the money together and that would be at least $150-$200 dollars. So if you are willing to come and shoot hoops then just come and find us. This past Tuesday, we talked about our idea at the PTA meeting. They listened to our presentation regarding changes to the covered area and the PTA board approved moving forward. YES!!

Presenting at the PTA Meeting!

November 18, 2016 – Page 4

Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings!

Llewellyn School 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653

The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Brittany Sill E-mail: [email protected]

Create Community: Llewellyn Holiday Market - This Saturday at Llewellyn from 10:00am – 5:00pm. You won't want to miss this! There will be local vendors with amazing products plus kid vendors with amazing homemade goodies. Come and get your holiday shopping done early. There will be a photographer doing mini sessions, book reading at 11:00am, and a performance at 1:00pm in the cafeteria by the Sellwood Middle School Marimba Band! Any questions contact: Tammy Dean: [email protected] Organize Volunteers: Recess Volunteers Needed! Although the Llewellyn staff takes turns at recess, there's a lot of kids outside and more adults on hand helps keep recess fun and safe for everyone. Please remember to sign in at the office and put on a "recess vest" found in the ball bucket. Also, review the posted playground rules. Please note: all volunteers must have filled out a background check and passed in order to volunteer. Copy and paste the following link to sign up!

Student Writers: Solomon Barnett Hazel Burke Madelyn Joe Max Keyser Lily Koehler Eideann O’Riordan Stella Page Violet Sheehan Kennedy Withycombe The Star Flier is taking next week off. We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

REMINDER!!! NO After School Classes ALL NEXT WEEK! Please be reminded that there are NO after school classes at all next week (November 21st -25th). This includes Monday and Tuesday, even though there is school on those days. After that, classes will run right up until Winter Break (through December 16th). Any questions about After School Classes, please contact Tori Harms at [email protected].

The Llewellyn Holiday Market is TOMORROW - Saturday, November 19th from 10:00am - 5:00pm. Come start your holiday shopping, check family portraits off your list, listen to Peter Mortola at 11:00am read his children's book "The Bear Inside" and enjoy a concert put on by The Sellwood Middle School Marimba Band from 1:00 - 2:00pm.