Jan 26, 2018 - google drive accounts. Are you participating in Llewellyn's OBOB tournament on February 22nd? Mrs. McDona
Volume 5, Issue 17 January 26, 2018
A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Did you get a chance to come to the Arts and Crafts night this past Friday? If you did, you were able to participate in an amazing night filled with so many different arts and craft activities. If you were unable to join us, make sure you book your calendar for next year because you will be pleasantly surprised. This event left me with such a positive feeling because kids and parents had an incredible time. Kids laughed, showed off their work, and left grinning. The Arts and Crafts night includes activities such as: painting papier mâche’ figurines, making leather key chains, crafting fairy/Pixie houses, and creating papier mâche’ candle holders. This list could go on. Our parents who shared their talents by hosting an activity gave our kids a night of adventure with art. BRAVO to our parent Art leaders, BRAVO to our students and parents who were able to join us. And BRAVO to the great community of Llewellyn School. This event is etched in my heart as one of the wonderful times of this school.
Important Dates: Jan. 29 Feb. 3 Feb. 5 Feb. 5-6 Feb. 9 Feb. 16 Feb. 19 Feb. 21 Feb. 26
NO SCHOOL – Teacher Planning Day Foundation Bingo Night Scrip Orders Due! TAG Testing Small-Tall Ball 6:00-8:00PM Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM NO SCHOOL – President’s Day MEDICAL EXCLUSION DAY LATE OPENING-School starts 10AM Kindergarten Connect 6:00-7:30PM
Mary Loos, KATU Meteorologist by: Vivan & Ruby (not pictured), 2nd grade
Mary Loos, a meteorologist from KATU News, came in to Mrs. Cronen's class to teach all of the second grade classes about weather. Do you know anything about Mary Loos? She wakes up at 1:30 AM to go to work because her show starts at 4:30 AM! She is a meteorologist on the news. Sometimes she brings her dog Willis to work with her and he is on her show! They call him the "weather dog". She taught us about weather instruments, tornados and how they form, and freezing rain. You can watch her on the news Saturday or Sunday at 7:00 AM on KATU. I hope you learned about Mary Loos and the weather.
by L
Our Class by: Ryan, 4th grade
In Mrs. Bivens’ class we are learning about Native American tribes in social studies. We were all assigned to a tribe. Emma and I were assigned the Siletz tribe. The Siletz tribe lives in sugar cane or cedar plank structures in the winter and move into portable straw huts near their hunting sites. Well, I hoped you enjoyed the short summary of Mrs. Bivens’ class social studies!
January 26, 2018 – Page 2
Craft Night
by: Hazel, 4th grade
On Friday, January 19th, Llewellyn had its family craft night. This event happens one a year. Volunteers set up tables with all kinds of crafty projects. Some of these projects were portable fairy gardens, troll hair tops for pencils, toilet paper
A Winged Wonder
by: Eideann, 5th grade
roll dragons and nectar frozen yogurt cups to paint. I liked all of the crafts but I did have a favorite one. I loved decorating figurines and painted a "lady with a broom." Lots of families were there and it looked like everyone was having a great time.
Game Club Munchkin by: Ben, 5th grade
A whistling sound, Of wings soaring about the ground, A great head of white, That is silent through the night, Dipping and diving, A beak made from bright gold, With eyes catching prey, Diving for the moving catch, It glides and dips, As the kids gawk at the show, A moving wonder, Of brown rustling wings, Swift and steady, Diver, dipper, and catcher, A bald eagle wonder.
New Year’s Resolutions by: Sammy & Scarlett, 4th grade
Scarlett: I want to work out more. I want to improve my looks. I want my hair to become longer. I want to speak up for myself more. Last, be kind, safe, responsible and build community. Sammy: First, I am going to not talk in class. I am also going to take better care of my garden and be more committed to basketball. Last, I am going to be kind, safe, and responsible and build community.
Tuesdays are my favorite day of the week. Why? Well, because of my after school class. On Tuesdays, I have Game Club, hosted by Cloud Cap, James (our instructor) brings in a variety of games to play, then we choose which game to do out of that. Last Tuesday, we played Munchkin, which is an extremely fun game in which you form alliances, survive betrayals, and make bitter enemies (of course, they are only your enemies for the game). The first Munchkin to level ten wins. In my game, since ended up winning, but everyone else thought Brooks would all along. Vince and Brooks are both other students in my grade. I certainly hope you will play it too, as it would increase your morale.
Waiting for Spring by: Hazel & Nina, 5th grade By Ms.
I am waiting Still waiting Waiting for the winter to end For the warmth to create an opening In the grey skies And to bring some color into Our lives The buds will open we will take Off our coats and welcome the sun But not yet Because we are still waiting Waiting for spring Waiting for winter to end.
January 26, 2018– Page 3
At A Glance
This week we highlight Kindergarten and First Grades
Kindergarten: It's hard to believe that we are almost half way through the Kindergarten year. We have been busy doing our mid-year assessments and it is exciting to see how much the kids have learned. This month we also have started our investigation of Solids and Liquids. We are looking forward to our field trip to OMSI in early February. First Grade: First grade is currently working on opinion writing and learning that a good opinion includes stating your opinion and providing multiple reasons and examples for your thoughts. In reading, we are working on long vowel spelling patterns, including "ee" and "y" as a vowel. Next week students will be diving into our new penguin math unit! We will be using our measurement and data collection skills while learning about several different types of penguins. First graders would like to thank the PTA for our visits from Young Audiences. We learned about engineering, robotics, and art. Students put all of their knowledge to the test by building dancing robots and art robots.
Library News
by: Ms. Robertson, Media Specialist
forward to seeing the map get covered with stars In the library 3rd-5th grade students from our students’ reading journeys. are “Reading Around the World!” In the computer lab all second grade students are Every student who chooses to completing their first Google slideshows. participate in this reading Slideshows are a great way for students to create adventure fills in a “passport” after each book Music:their We have been learning some exciting things in Music in this new presentations displaying what they’ve learned they read. Students who complete year! Our 3rd, 4th and 5th graders have been learning about the composer, about a topic. Your child can show you their passport by reading a book from each of the Johann Sebastian Bach and what heatcontributed to they music the their past and of slideshow home when logofinto seven continents will have their name added today. Our 2nd graders are putting the finishing touches on their program google drive accounts. to our “Reading Around the World Hall of which is this coming Tuesday, January 23rd at 6:30pm. Kindergarten Are you participating in Llewellyn’s OBOBand 1st Fame” list and be entered into a drawing for grade have been learningtournament songs abouton snow and have been creating February 22nd? Mrs. McDonald free books at our book fair this spring. Be sure rhythms using words related to snow activities. and I are excited about seeing you there. Thank to look at our world map on the bulletin board you to Karen Blecha and all the amazing parent outside the library. As students complete a volunteers for planning the tournament. I know book for their passport they place stars on the it will be a memorable event for our students. country where their book took place. We look LEAGUE OF HEROES / DEN OF VILLAINS
January 26, 2018– Page 4
Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers 2/3 BINGO NIGHT - Grab your friends and get ready to play Bingo at The Manor on February 3rd. Watch for more details.
Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653 www.pps.net/schools/llewellyn
The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb & Carey Ruhl E-mail:
[email protected] Student Writers: Hazel Alperin Hazel Burke Vivian Denton Ruby Kalina Sammy Liptan Eideann O’Riordan Scarlett Patton Nina Read Ryan Stauffer Ben Steckler-Heim
Small-Tall Ball February 9th
2/9 Small Tall Ball - Students and parent/guardians are invited to the Small Tall Valentines Ball, an evening of enchantment Friday, February 9th. Come dressed in your Valentines best and dance the night away! Tickets are $25 per family with free tickets available for students on free or reduced lunch. All proceeds go to benefit the 4th and 5th grade overnight experience. Please note that parents/guardians are expected to participate with their student throughout the evening. GET INVOLVED - RECESS HELP! We need parent volunteers to help out with recess each day. To sign-up please see the Llewellyn Elementary Parents page on Facebook or login to Konstella for a link to sign up. Please make sure your background check is current before volunteering. FOLLOW US To stay up to date on special events and ways to be involved at Llewellyn, follow us on social media: FACEBOOK - Llewellyn Elementary Parents INSTAGRAM - llewellynpta Do you need to reach the PTA? Please email us at llewellynpta@gmaiil com, we look forward to hearing from you!