Oct 6, 2017 - projects. Each week we have a classroom. Instagram photographer. They will get to ... Bonnie Tyler release
Volume 5, Issue 5 October 6, 2017
A Few Thoughts from Mr. Galati Being a leader is not an easy job. Every day you are presented with concerns and needs that are not easily addressed. There are often conflicting opinions about what should happen. At Llewellyn, there are about 300 families. That means that there are about 300 different ideas about how well things are running at any given time. No matter how hard I or the administrative team may try, we cannot please everyone – all the time. To add to that, the policies of the district or the realities of confidentiality often limit options at my disposal. Does this mean that I do not want to hear your concerns and ideas? NO! There is no way we can make our school better or work together for our students if you aren’t telling me what you are thinking or the problems you are encountering. Awareness of issues allows us to grow and improve. That being said, I also appreciate when you notice what is going right here at school. There are so many amazing things that are happening at Llewellyn each and every day. I find that what I look for, I often find, and I hope you always see the success and joy that lives within these walls. I, and all of us here, believe in Llewellyn. We believe in our community and we consider your kids our number one priority.
by: Reina, 5th grade
Hi! I’m going to tell you about by L OBOB. If you don’t know what that is, it’s the Oregon Battle Of the Books. First, you grab a couple of friends so that you have a team of four or five people. Our team got together for meetings every other Sunday. During our meetings we discussed the books we had been reading. After we read all the books we would have our coach quiz us about the details of the story. At my first OBOB meeting we decided on our team name, The Other Team. And yes, that is our real name. To get ready for the real battle, our coach set up mock battles with other teams. I recommend doing mock battles so that when you are really battling you already know what it’s going to be like. The real battles take place at the school you go to. (For all of us, that’s Llewellyn) During the battle you are asked questions with your team about the books you read. After your first battle, you are guaranteed at least one more battle. If you make it past that round this process goes on eliminating players until the last battle which determines which team goes on to regionals. Last year that happened to be me and my team. In my opinion OBOB is really super fun. I hope you consider doing OBOB this year. I hope to see you there!
Important Dates: Oct. 7 Oct. 9 Oct. 13 Oct. 16-20 Oct. 17 Oct. 18 sConferences Oct. 20
Foundation Scavenger Hunt Gift Wrap Sales End NO SCHOOL – Teacher In-Service YMCA CLOSED Book Fair Reading Night 6:00-7:30PM LATE OPENING – School Starts 10AM Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM
Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Nov. 1 Nov. 3 Nov. 8-9
Cup of Joe with Joe 8:00AM Fall Photo Re-takes Monster March – Starting at 3:00PM Pumpkin Carving Contest Wreath Sales Begin NO SCHOOL-Teacher Planning Day NO SCHOOL – Conferences
October 6, 2017 – Page 2
October Days
by: Eli, 4th grade
Classroom 209 Instagram
By Ms.
by: Gigi, 5th grade
In Miss Mininger’s classroom we have a classroom Instagram. It’s basically an ordinary Instagram except we have rules. You can’t have anyone’s face in the pictures. The pictures are of classroom projects. Each week we have a classroom Instagram photographer. They will get to take a picture of a project we did that week. If they see a project they want to take a picture of they just have to go up to Miss Mininger and say “Miss Mininger can I take a picture of this project?” and she’ll say “Yes.” Well, usually she will. Then she’ll post it on the Instagram and you’ll be done. That’s how our classroom Instagram works. If you want to you can follow at @classroom209.
Last Sunday, was the first day of October. October is the month of: American cheese, caramel, pizza Squirrel Appreciation & Awareness, and many others. The October Gemstone is an opal, and the October flower is the calendula. October has two main holidays: Halloween, and Columbus Day. Did you know Halloween is only an American holiday? This Sunday, 34 years ago, Bonnie Tyler released the song Total eclipse of the heart. October is an all around interesting month that is filled with a lot of interesting things. That is why I decided to write about it.
by: Lola, 5th grade
Knighting is a special tradition our school has every month. Every teacher in the school choses one or more students, that have been doing what a teacher is looking for in a student. After they choose these students they go down to the office and choose a tie to keep. Then we have an assembly where we get to recognize all these students. I love knighting! I love it because we get to be recognized for being respectful. Also to see our friends get recognized. The assembly is a chance to scream and clap as loud as you want, without getting in trouble, to all the people being kind. It’s an amazing feeling to get, or see your best friends, get patted on the shoulder by Mr. Galati’s special, sparkly wand! I love knowing that the kids in the school are acting just like their teacher’s expectations! I couldn’t ask for a better school.
REMINDER!! The YMCA will be CLOSED Friday, October 13th. If you have not already done so, please make alternative childcare arrangements!
I look like a masterpiece by: Gino, 5th grade
I look like me, nothing much. But really I am a painting, Something to admire on the wall, Everyone can be. I look like a box, taking up space. But truly I am a sentence. Put together to make sense. When you see me, You see a normal person. That goes to a normal school. With normal friends. But nobody is normal. Everyone is special in their own way.
The Buddy Bench by: Willa, 2nd grade
I’ve noticed that some kids play by the Buddy Bench. However, that is not what we use it for. What we use the Buddy Bench for is if you don’t have anyone to play with. Just making sure you know because once I spent one entire recess at the Buddy Bench. Now that you know, every once in a while check the Buddy Bench!
October 6, 2017 – Page 3
At A Glance
This week we highlight Kindergarten and First Grades
Kindergarten readers and writers have been hard at work during Workshop time, reading learn-about-the-world (non-fiction) books and writing teaching books. We're also focusing on building community within our classrooms and establishing friendships. Our Trees unit in Science has begun and we'll have a Tree Talk from Talk About Trees next Tuesday. Stay tuned for info about our upcoming Tree Walk later in October and a naturalist-led nature walk at Oaks Bottom next month! First grade is getting ready to host a local guest author Vera Brosgol, who wrote, Leave me Alone. We are also preparing for our first field trip to see Judy Moody and Stink, The Mad, Mad, Mad Mad Treasure Hunt. In the classroom, we are working on establishing routines, including Daily 5, writer's workshop and Daily Math.
Retrac Pizza (Carter spelled backwards)
The Best Teacher Ever
by: Carter, 2nd grade
by: Poppy, 4th grade
All I can think about today is PIZZA. The pizza at our school is so good. Thursday is pizza day and I have had pizza each Thursday since school began. This morning, I smelled pizza and it made me feel hungry. I saw pizza this morning. I saw twenty pizzas that had been made and it made me hungrier. What do you like to eat for hot lunch? I like to eat Pizza.
Going to Old Town by: Cleo, 3rd grade
On Friday, we are going on a walking field trip with Ms. Stelter and our 3rd grade class. We are walking around Portland. We will be walking around Old Town. I know that Old Town is old. I also know that there is a statue called Portlandia there. I will let you know about our field trip when we come back.
Ms. Clark understands how I feel. She. She is understanding, she helps people, she really cares. For me, Ms. Clark is special because she gets me. I am dyslexic and she is too. She knows when learning is hard for me. Ms. Clark comes up to me and says "Take your time and it is okay so go at your own pace.” When Ms. Clark says this it makes me smile. I feel like jumping up and down and hugging her because she is the best teacher ever and she gets me.
October 6, 2017 – Page 4
Llewellyn PTA We Create Community, Enhance Learning, and Organize Volunteers Find us on Instagram: llewellynpta: (http://llewellynpta.com/) (just click follow) This will keep you up to date on the latest events and happenings! PTA Meeting: Thursday, October 12th at 7:00pm at Llewellyn. We hope to see you there!
Llewellyn Elementary 6301 SE 14th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97202 Phone: (503) 916-6216 Child Watch: (503) 916-6256 Fax: (503) 916-2653 www.pps.net/schools/llewellyn
The Star Flier Editor: Joe Galati Copy Editors: Mark Robb E-mail:
[email protected] Student Writers: Georgia Brady Carter Ferguson Eli Gindraux Gino Kells Cleo Koozer Raina Morales Lola Pierce Willa Ramsey Poppy Torrey
The Book Fair is coming… Are you ready? October 16th-20th in the Llewellyn Library
DON'T MISS IT! Get your team ready because TOMORROW, October 7th at 4:00pm is the (adult only) Scavenger Hunt, supporting the Foundation. Assemble your team at 4:00pm, starting at Llewellyn. For more information see the attached flier. Last Chance! Gift Wrap Sales end Monday, October 9th.This fundraiser helps pay for field trips, technology, books and more! Holiday Market: The Llewellyn Holiday Market will take place Saturday, November 18th. We have some amazing vendors lined up this year. There is still space left for both child and adult booths. For more information email
[email protected] or see the attached Application. You can also follow Llewellyn Holiday Market on Facebook for more information. Join Konstella! You should have received an email invitation for Konstella. This program will help you connect with other parents and keep tabs on volunteer commitments. If you didn't receive your email invitation please email
[email protected]. Do you need to reach the PTA? Please email us at
[email protected], we look forward to hearing from you!
Office Notes Please join us in welcoming Carey Ruhl to our Office staff. We are sharing Carey with Abernathy Elementary and she will be with us in the afternoons. Welcome to Llewellyn! Please remember that ONLY Parents and people you have listed on your student’s Emergency Contact List can pick up your student. While you can look on ParentVue to see who is currently on the list, you can only make changes (additions/removals) IN the office, IN PERSON. We thank you for your understanding and support of your child’s safety. As always, our teachers appreciate a note at drop-off of any after-school routine changes. And finally, we have gotten numerous complaints from parents about the number of unattended dogs on school grounds before, after and during school. Please DO NOT leave your animal unattended and tied up on the fence, or at the entrances to the school. If this problem cannot be resolved, we will not be able to allow ANY non-service dogs from school grounds. Thank you for your attention to this matter.