Jan 28, 2014 ... Ads for cars, parts, merchandise, etc. for sale will be run free of charge for one ...
guna California and brought back (to Arizona) a 1996 Jaguar. XJS convertible. ....
NW61-51699 1997 XJ6 Sln Titanium Mica. 9.97433 Jag-.
The Award Winning Newsletter of
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
March 2015
Growler Publications Inc
E D I S IN Ah, Spring and the Open Road!
Travels en France Lyonheart Cars Proposed Jaguar Plant February Klatch Report Shop Tour Notice MG Returns? Wants & For Sale Hospice Events Coming Events
2015 DIRECTORS President: Merritt Chisholm 250-656-0030
[email protected] Vice-President: Alan Heartfield 250-508-7277
[email protected] Secretary: Telse Wokersien 250-885-7391
[email protected] Treasurer: Terry Sturgeon 250-370-2299
[email protected] Membership Secretary: John Wigmore 250-592-7885
[email protected] Director at Large: Isabel Weeks-Lambert 250-383-4643
[email protected] Director at Large: Gregory Andrachuk 250-595-7453
[email protected] Director at Large: Graham Darby 778-351-3843
[email protected] Director at Large: Doug Easton 250-595-2822
[email protected] Immed. Past President: Graham Walker 250-479-7364
[email protected]
2017 Cadboro Bay Road, Box 112 Victoria BC Canada V8R 5G4 www.jaguarcarclub.ca
[email protected] founded 2003
The Island Growler is published monthly, and is distributed by mail and digital file to members of JCCV. All back issues are available by digital file. All information and advice is presented in good faith, and no liability whatsoever will be assumed by JCCV. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of JCCV, the Directors of JCCV, or of the Editor. Editor: Malcolm Baster
[email protected]
Associate Editor: Lois Smith
[email protected]
JOTI Chair: Isabel Weeks-Lambert 250-250-383-4643
[email protected] JCNA Chief Judge: Gregory Andrachuk 250-595-7453 v12,
[email protected] JCNA Liaison: Gregory Andrachuk 250-595-7453
[email protected] Prowl Convener: Graham Darby 250-385-4954
[email protected] Webmaster: Lou Watkins 250-652-1247
[email protected] Regalia Coordinators: TBA Hospice Liaison: Tom Arnold 250-519-1749
[email protected]
Events: Malcolm Baster
[email protected]
MEETINGS JCCV meetings take place on the fourth Tuesday of each month, except December, at 7:30 pm in the Chiefs & Petty Officers Mess, CFB Esquimalt, at 1575 Lyall Street in Victoria. Our AGM is held with the November meeting.
ADVERTISING Display advertising of interest to Jaguar enthusiasts is accepted. For rates and other information, please send an email to
[email protected]. Classified advertisements can be placed at no cost and will only be placed in the upcoming issue. Please request reprint in following issues if required. To place a classified ad please send an email to
[email protected].
MEMBERSHIP Membership in JCCV is open to anyone interested in and enthusiastic about Jaguar automobiles. There is no need to own one of these fine cars to be a member. For information, email us at
[email protected] or drop us a note in the mail. We’ll send complete details. If you believe that a Jaguar is more than just a car, you are one of us!
SUBMISSIONS Submissions are always welcome and are encouraged. We kindly ask that all articles follow the publication specifications provided below. To submit an article please send it to
[email protected]. SUBMISSION DEADLINE April 2015 Issue: April10, 2015 May 2015 Issue: May 10, 2015 PUBLICATION SPECIFICATIONS Text: Font: Arial; Font Size: 10pt; Format: Word, PDF, or Text file Photo/Image: 1000x800 pixels; max size 1MB; Format: jpeg or gif
We are affiliated with The Jaguar Clubs of North America www.jcna.com
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ! Don’t forget to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”. 2
Contents Words from the President
Cover Photo Story
Travels en France
Lyonheart Cars
Jaguar Plant Search
February Coffee Klatch Report
March Shop Tour Notice
April Meeting Notice
MG Returning to North America?
Wants & For Sale
Hospice Events
Events Calendar
The Island Growler Advertisers: Battery Direct
Diamond Detailing
Electro Shine
Hagerty Classic Car Insurance
Isabel Weeks-Lambert
Jetstream Custom Auto
Oceanside Auto Appraisers Ltd
MacDonald Realty Ltd. Eleanor V. Smith
SNG Barratt Group Styles Upholstery
5 12
Sussex Automotive: Alan Petrie
XKs Unlimited
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ! Don’t forget to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”. 3
Should we receive sufficient interest in getting together for lunch following the demonstrations, reservations will be made at a suitable venue.
Merritt Chisholm
I asked Malcolm if he could possibly publish the March issue of the Growler early this month in order for our members to receive it prior to our first SHOP TOUR 0F 2015. Malcolm’s response, in his usual low profile manner, simply was---“No problem” and voila, here it is.
Malcolm Baster Awake, thou wintry earth Fling off thy sadness! Fair vernal flowers, laugh forth Your ancient gladness! ~Thomas Blackburn,
I felt it necessary that an extra effort be made to advise our members of this important event, one that was brought about as a result of the responses obtained from our recent membership survey and confirmed by comments received during January’s open house meeting. The SHOP TOUR will take the place of the March prowl and the regular March meeting at the C & PO’s Mess--- a significant change in our usual program of events.
Or, as Lilja Rogers put it: First a howling blizzard woke us, Then the rain came down to soak us, And now before the eye can focus Crocus.
JETSTREAM Custom Auto located in Unit B, 2072 Henry Ave. Sidney, BC will be hosting the SHOP TOUR which will be held Saturday, March 14th 10:00-12pm. I encourage you all to attend (including spouses/partners— and if the ladies do get bored and I doubt they will, super shopping awaits them in downtown Sidney, a few blocks away).
In any case, it seems to be Spring, and therefore time to look ahead to the upcoming “on the road again” season. I hope we all can get out to enjoy the events that will be organized for us, and I hope that a goodly number of us will organize or help with the organization of these events. After all, The more we put into our Club, the more we will get out of it!
Our demonstration Jaguar will be a 1971 XJ6 Series 1, a local and very original vehicle. Our member, Gregory Andrachuk, will demonstrate the dyeing of the original leather seats in the XJ6 back to their original factory colour. Kevin of JETSTREAM will describe the work involved in bringing the seats up to new condition by installing new foam pads in both the seats and head rests, in addition to other upgrades.
New Members Welcome
Bernie Cote Robert Baschak-Lowden
Advertising Rates
Our Club member, Alan Petrie of SUSSEX Automotive Ltd. of Parksville, will review, amongst other work carried out on the XJ6, the mechanical overhaul of the front suspension, the brakes, and the exhaust system. I would point out that Alan is a trained and qualified Jaguar technician and there is no doubt his presentation will be of great interest.
Classified Ads Ads for cars, parts, merchandise, etc. for sale will be run free of charge for one month. Display Ads Full Page: $550/yr Half Page: $375/yr Quarter Page: $250/yr Business Card: $125/yr
Shawn, the JETSTREAM body and paint expert, will review some of his recent work on a 1970 XKE Series 2, OTS. I am confident you will be most impressed with his work.
Yearly Ads are printed in 10 standard issues and in the JOTI special issue. Contact:
[email protected]
Jason, owner of JETSTREAM, will provide a tour of his shop and has agreed to show some of his latest restoration projects including a very nice Lotus 7 owned by our Club member, Barry McCallan--- a neat car indeed. Marke Simmons has agreed to lay on a sufficient supply of coffee and donuts from Tim Horton’s so all in all, Saturday morning, March 14 has the potential of being a very interesting event. PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND
COVER PHOTO by Malcolm Baster Growler Publications, Inc is pleased to announce the acquisition of a new Press Vehicle. We regret selling our previous 1997 XJR, and were pleased to find another for sale in very decent condition.
We would like to have an idea as to numbers so please contact Graham Darby should you intend to join us. His contacts are: Tel_250-385-4954; Email:
[email protected].
This is your newsletter: If you have an idea for a “latest update” or content for the newsletter, please contact the editors @
[email protected]
Travels en France
Submitted by Dennis Brammer Several of our members who have driven in France recently have found things much changed. It used to be simple, once you had got used to lights being flashed in your rear view mirror by the many Le Mans aspirants, who often accompanied such flashings with gestures signifying, in a polite interpretation, “get out of the way!” But in those days all you had to do was jump on a ferry, flit over the Channel as fast as one could say “Jacques le fils de Robin,” nod “Bonjour” to a French Immigration chap in a funny hat, who silently nodded back, and you were off. But now France has the motorist’s equivalent of Britain’s “Health and Safety” brigade (which recently did not allow me to carry my own tray, containing a cup and a pot of tea, across a Leicestershire hospital cafeteria because I “was not H and S trained”). Of course driving in the beautiful French countryside is still a pleasure, although there are fewer of the lovely shady “alignement de platanes” like the one shown at Languedoc (with the archetypal little red Citroen “Deux Chevaux``). However there is now much more to think about than which door to open to find the steering wheel, or where to find some pleasant plane trees to give shade to one’s picnic blanket, wine and wicker hamper. To begin with, before one even sets a tire on French soil, each vehicle occupant MUST have an approved reflective safety vest, and it CANNOT be carried in the trunk, and all cars, if registered in the U.K. MUST have their headlights adjusted so that they dip with full beams pointing away from oncoming traffic (adapter kit available from AA). “Warning triangles” MUST be in the car too, and since it is it is illegal to have a failed bulb, it is strongly advised to carry a spare set. Also, again if the car is UK registered after 2001, but does not sport a GB plate on the rear, it MUST wear two “GB Euro” decaled license plates (a rough translation of the “Eurospeak” requirements being “the Euro symbol must be a minimum of 98mm high and between 40 and 50mm wide, and have reflective blue background with 12 reflective yellow stars at the top, under which is the member state, for example Great Britain (GB), in either reflective yellow or white...``). Non-European cars are exempt from this but must identify themselves with a rear mounted plate or badge connoting the country of registration symbol, like Canada (Cdn). Amongst other new laws, and probably the most controversial, one requires all drivers to carry a breathalyzer kit. You can be expected to breathalyze yourself if you have been drinking, and not even SIT behind the wheel if blood alcohol exceeds 50mg per 100ml (the level in the UK is 80mg per 100ml) – I believe this can equate to a small glass (125ml) of wine. Ironically, if you have used your breathalyzer, as the test is a one-off, then to comply with the law, your kit is now “used” and no longer valid - so you need two kits, one to use and one as a spare! Actually it’s not so bad since kits can be bought almost anywhere in a French port town for about $2.00 each. Sadly, though, many of the kits are “blow in the bag” 1969 technology, with unreliable results, but there we are… only the readings from the French police kits are acceptable anyway, with a penalty for failing the test being up to a $5000 fine, a forfeited licence, and maybe even a two year prison term!
Which reminds me, you also have to be careful about how you use your trusted GPS system: not only is it illegal to use any sort of speed detection or radar device whilst driving, but it is also illegal to have “speed camera alert” activated on a GPS, or cell phone (a $2000 fine), and the use of a cell phone whilst driving can elicit huge fines. Once you are “legally equipped” and ready, you then have to contend with French road signs. Green ones usually mean that the road ahead is “free” whilst blue signs, marked “Péage,” are toll roads with a 130kph limit; on these you pick up your ticket at a toll-booth and then drive until you want to leave the highway, then you pay for the distance driven.
However, before you go on the Péage, make sure that your gas tank is full. Gas stations are rare in rural areas, and even in urban centers are often closed on Sundays (we forgot!), as well as for two to three hours at lunch times on the other days. Additionally, before one uses the automatic pumps, one has to make sure that one’s credit card will be accepted – not all pumps take the magnetic chip type of card yet, (a similar story at some of the automated toll booths). Also, at many supermarchés and hypermarchés, where gas tends to be cheaper, you do not fill up and walk in to pay – you get in your car after fuelling and drive to the “kiosque” so that others can come in behind you – bit of a bother of course if you have a right-
Continué a la page 10 6
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ! Don’t forget to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”. 7
aguar wishes to increase its production capabilities, and towards that end is looking to open new manufacturing plants. The January Growler contained a report from Britain’s Sunday Times newspaper that the company was looking at the southern US as a possible site. That now seems in doubt, as Jaguar is now looking at Austria and Turkey instead. Roy Pringle has sent links to websites discussing this. The one below is from Autoblog, the article written by Brandon Turkus.
Lyonheart Cars In the last issue of the Island Growler we were introduced to the Growler E2011. On the 50th anniversary of the E-Type, a Swiss businessman commissioned Bo Zolland of Swiss firm Vizualtech and Robert Palm, an independent designer, to create a sports car to honour that motoring legend. The result was the Growler E2011.
“With its plants running at full tilt, Jaguar Land Rover is in desperate need of additional manufacturing capacity. That's led to reports that the Indian-owned British company was looking to join European, Japanese and Korean automakers in America's southern states, all while it opened new plants in the UK and China. The company even announced it would be building the Land Rover Discovery Sport in Brazil.
Now Andy Thackray has sent this additional information. At the time of its introduction it was uncertain if there would be production run. A decision was ultimately made, and Lyonheart Cars was created to build just 250 examples, in convertible and coupé forms. I quote the company’s website: “Over the years, the British car industry has seen many legendary names disappear. Now is the time for a new, truly British car manufacturer: LYONHEART CARS LTD. Based in Coventry, the original home of the British automotive industry, Lyonheart Cars is synonymous with rare, exclusive, super luxury cars, hand-built in a limited series. Our goal at Lyonheart Cars is to make the 'Made In England' label into a truthful concept, not just a statement. Every part of a Lyonheart car is developed, engineered and hand-built in England. The Lyonheart K achieved worldwide acclaim when it was first unveiled in 2012. Created and designed by Robert Palm, founder of Swiss design firm Classic Factory, the Lyonheart K will be engineered and built by the Envisage Group in Coventry, well known for their expertise in low volume series for renowned carmakers.”
Now, though, reports are suggesting that JLR is looking at Europe for a new facility, rather than the US, with Automotive News claiming the company's execs are eyeing the lower costs afforded by Austria and Turkey. The report cites the Birmingham Post (UK), the broadsheet that's closest to the company's headquarters. According to the original report, labor costs and wage disputes with unions are ruling out another factory in the UK, while those same disputes with labor outfits may also be souring the automaker on a US facility. “At this stage Europe seems more likely than America. The union pay dispute had a big effect," an unnamed source told the Post. "There is a feeling of alienation that has been left over from the way the pay talks were handled." JLR, meanwhile, offered a solid “no comment” to the Post, with a spokesperson saying, "No decision has been taken on future manufacturing locations. We will continue to evaluate opportunities to increase our manufacturing footprint in the future."
The Lyonheart convertible and coupé If you fancy one of these (only 250 made!) cars in your garage, prepare to write a cheque for: Convertible €375,000 = C$525,763 Coupé €360,000 = C$504,750 This is a bit less than a space shuttle, but well out of reach of an editor’s salary! **************************************************************** Mirrors don’t lie. And lucky for me, they don’t laugh either. It’s not holding a grudge. It’s remembering facts. Forever. 8
Jetstream Custom Auto
Jason Stoch 250-654-0135 Restoration Custom Paint & body
Specializing in:
Sheet metal Engines/transmissions Suspension
From minor repairs to full ground-up restoration, let Jetstream take your Jaguar to new heights.
Unit B, 2072 Henry Ave. West, Sidney, BC V8L 5Y1 www.JetstreamCustomAuto.com PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS ! Don’t forget to mention that you saw their ad in “The Island Growler”. 9
Coffee Klatch at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel
to it. Once you learn this then you have to remember that it does NOT apply at roundabouts (traffic circles), where you MUST give way to the left, and it becomes even more confusing on rural routes when traffic, often regardless of what their sign is, defend aggressively what they perceive as their right to merge in front of you! Then you know what it means to be “honked” at; curiously, using one`s horn in a city is forbidden, unless it is to avoid an imminent accident. One also has to remember that, on arriving in a village or town, there will be NO speed restrictions posted since it is assumed that everyone knows it is 50kph maximum, and behaves accordingly! Other rules include don’t turn right on a red light unless there’s a filter, don’t look for an amber light BEFORE the red, nor expect that all French drivers honor red lights! As far as parking is concerned, towns are usually "pay only," with time-clock “parking discs” available from local shops, but often it is free between 12.00 pm and 2.00 pm and after 7 pm. Additionally you should note that although signs indicate that you cannot park on the sidewalk, and many vehicles are parked there, it IS illegal, so don’t follow suit! But, especially, please be careful of flashing your lights at oncoming traffic. In France it means “get out of the way – I’m coming through!” – it is NOT an indication that the car approaching is kindly giving way to you, it’s quite the opposite!
By Wayne Watkins.
Is it Spring? We all thought so on Sunday, February the 15th in the conservatory at the Oak Bay Beach Hotel. While still a little brisk for tops down, it was a great day to limber up our Cats. Well, some of us arrived in Sir William Lyons motorcars, but due to winter layups some nonJaguars were spotted in the underground parking. Coffee and tea and lattes were the order of the day along with muffins and toast. No little jam portions here – little jars of both peanut butter and specialty jams were served. No matter what anyone has in mind there is always the tendency for girls on one end and boys on the other end. The discussions at this Klatch were about who was doing what with restoration and maintenance to their Jaguar and whether or not it will be “ready in the spring”. Other discussion was heard, and it was about condominiums and townhouses. Seems some club members are downsizing. It is interesting to note that one specific requirement of a new place is appropriate covered secure parking for one’s Jaguar. Rightly so. It was a great Sunday morning, and with more subjects left to discuss a handful of members ended up in the Snug for lunch. Everyone is looking forward to future Coffee Klatches where we will be at Turkey Head and the Oak Bay Marina Coffee House. That will be the time when the snowbird members will be back from warmer climes. Miss this Coffee Klatch? Do come out for the next one. They are lots of fun.
As far as enforcement, the police can often give roadside fines with the only appeal being in a French court. Some fines can be heavy, and most roadside fines are cash only. In fact for certain infractions one’s car can be impounded, with travelling at 40kph over any posted limit inviting immediate licence confiscation. It can be the same for mobile phone users, so “mise en garde” as the low flying aircraft warning signs say, especially in a country whose little deference to English might only be a “Stop” sign. Believe me, the French police not only know what “Stop” means, but if, in their estimation, they note the slightest roll of tires at the line it can mean another instant fine! Now, although most of the time there will be signs indicating that radar is used in the area, in reality many of the 2000 plus fixed sites have already been vandalized by French drivers who find them unpalatable. Actually it is the mobile traps one has to look out for: they can be in the craftiest of places! In addition, the French police have a fleet of “ghost” cars, usually Peugeot 206 or Renault Meganes, often with very shiny windows but no marking Continué a la page 12
***************************************************************** Travels en France...Continué de la page 6 hand-drive car since you have to get out again and go around the vehicle to give them your Euros! Anyway, back to road signs – the ones which caused me the most grief were those on the right of the road which point left, which mean you must go straight on, whilst the ones on the right pointing right mean that you MUST go right. Also, in rural areas, many signs are more likely to take you from one village to the next rather than indicating any through route, that is if you even see them since some are 20 ft. up, nailed on the sides of houses or barns, or snuggled down into hedgerows! Probably the driving rule in France known as “priorité a droite” is the most vexing to people from North America since, unless the vehicle entering your route from the right has a stop sign or a red light, you have to give way 10
The next meeting of the
JAGUAR CAR CLUB OF VICTORIA is on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Chief & Petty Officers’ Mess CFB Esquimalt, 1575 Lyall Street, Victoria Dave Sampson of Oceanside Appraisers will be making a presentation.
Announcement Please be advised that the shop tour on March 14 (see below) is in lieu of both the March Prowl and the regular March meeting. We have not been advised of the details of an April Prowl, so please watch your e-mail.
you should not be given a ticket! However, they can also be gracious to foreigners, particularly if you try the language – in fact we were given a flashing light escort UP the down section of a Péage when I sought help from two sleeping constables in their cruiser and claimed that I was a Canadian “idiot” – I don’t know the French for twit or dimwit - who had forgotten that gas stations close on Sundays! Anyway, my plaintive “mon réservoir est presque vide” worked; the police even “suggested” very strongly, at the end of our harrowing jaunt against the flow of traffic, that a local proprietor open up his “station essence:” They then waited until we had filled up before waving a laughing “bonne vacances!” What incredible service!
Travels en France...Continué de page 10 on the car, which carry a pernicious type of radar which can get you either coming or going. If cars coming towards you flash their lights at you slow down, most likely they are warning you of hidden traps or a ghost car ahead! In particular watch out for traps set a few miles before a ferry terminal, with the only warning being a stationary line of vehicles with GB plates, waiting at the pleasure of the gendarmerie, all guaranteed to miss the last boat! So leave early if you have a ferry to catch, and make sure that you have your driving licence, car registration, and insurance papers in the vehicle at all times (their absence is also an indictable offence). I
As an aside, it’s probably not really necessary to speak French, although it helps if you know that “rest stop” on the toll roads is “aire-autoroute” or “aire de repos.” Also remember that many of the French police can suddenly speak little if any English if you are trying to explain why
Continué a la page 13 12
In reality, drivers used to driving on the right will soon acclimatize to the latest motoring in France, and a packaged kit, containing everything you need to keep you legal, is available for around $60 (plus safety vests) from the AA. However it should be remembered that many French rural roads were built before the automobile and can be narrow and winding, even partly cobbled, so go slowly, and enjoy. Sadly you will rarely encounter any pre1992 cars since France has stringent biannual road tests for all vehicles and remember, whether you like the implementation of the new rules or not, accident and death figures have dropped 45% over the last five years on French roads, and even more over a 20-year period. As a consequence the French highway system now ranks with the best and, except for near the cities, it can be pleasingly uncluttered. Now all we want is a classic car, a phrase book, an AA Touring Kit, a good appetite, and plenty of ready cash.
ccording to my sources, there is a rumour circulating that MG might be returning to North America. But smother any thoughts of a fun little sports car zooming around devouring Miatas. The MG in question is an SUV, called the MG GS. The GS is powered by either a 167 HP 1.5 litre or a 220 HP two litre unit. It will go on sale in China in late spring, and is likely to start selling in the UK in late 2015 or early 2016. MG is now owned by the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation (SAIC), which has a North American office in Birmingham, Michigan. Apparently SAIC wants to start selling something in North America, and the MG GS may just be the thing.
Thus equipped, driving in France is likely to be wonderful, but beware of Paris this year (2014): the mayor has introduced legislation to prohibit any car more than 15 years old from being inside the Périphérique, or Ring Road, and keep the XK out of the villages – it could easily get wedged between buildings and become a perpetual chicken coop. In fairness, and in closing, remember if you drive a “classic,” and are outside of Paris, that probably the only time the police might bother you is when they pull you over, and, with a smile, ask you to tell them about the car – miraculously, they can suddenly be quite fluent in English, particularly if you tell them that your Jaguar is not really as fast as a French Renault (Citroen, Bugatti, Delahaye, Peugeot – take your pick!); it is then that you can enjoy real entente cordiale, and probably be rewarded by being able to park just about anywhere ever you want (This article was first published in the OECC’s Dynamo.)
The MG GS **************************************************************** Travels en France…...Continué de page 12 Of course you also hear about the police who, after judging you guilty of an infraction, kindly mind your car for you whilst you take a taxi to the nearest bank (if there is one open in the vicinity) or even store your car (for a small charge) whilst you come up with the cash! And, now and again, one also hears of them being so polite that they will even escort you to the bank, AND give you a receipt, so that you are not too delayed, although you may be wiser, and a little poorer! And, if you are really naughty, the police will take free pictures of you, dip your fingers in ink and send the results to their colleagues who publish a sort of constabulary “Face Book!”
For Sale or Wanted
For Sale or Wanted
Advertisements run for one issue at no charge. Place your ad with the editor at
[email protected]
Advertisements run for one issue at no charge. Place your ad with the editor at
[email protected]
For Sale 1990 V12 Vanden Plas in excellent overall condition. Original MCL Vancouver car in Dorchester Grey with Savile Grey leather. Runs well. These cars are becoming very rare, especially in this condition. $5000 negotiable. Neville Atkinson, 250 655 7166 or email:
[email protected]
For Sale 1994 XJ6 Jaguar 4.2 Oyster exterior interior almond 173,000 km The car has been serviced regularly by Silk Cat in North Vancouver Service report available dated Feb 2015 Too many Jaguars in the stable $5000 Phone 604 434-7554 or e-mail
[email protected]
***************************************************************** *******************************************************************
Hospice Events
For Sale 1980 Jaguar XJ6 4.2 Cotswold Yellow exterior/navy blue interior. 173,000 km. The car has been serviced regularly by Silk Cat in North Vancouver. Service report available dated February, 2015. We are the second owners. JCNA NW Region winner in 2013. $5,000. Phone 604 434-7554 or e-mail
[email protected]
Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 – 4th Annual Hike for Hospice
Once again, one of Victoria Hospice's most popular fundraising events is set to bloom in the spring. The Fourth Annual Hike For Hospice has been scheduled for Sunday, May 3, 2015. Victoria Hospice is celebrating 35 years of care in our community and we're pleased to announce long-time donor and supporter Rudi Hoenson will match all funds raised by this year’s Hike for Hospice up to a total donation from him of $50,000. Help us reach the $50,000 by signing up today! Together we can Hike our way to $100,000 as we raise critical funds and awareness for Victoria Hospice. Families, teams, individuals and - as always - four-legged friends are welcome to join! To register please visit: http://victoriahospice.kintera.org/ hikeforhospice2015 or visit http:// www.victoriahospice.org/hike-for-hospice for more information. *************************************************************** Two roads diverged in a wood, and I---I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference. Robert Frost Now we’re lost, you idiot. Why don’t you ever ask for directions? Mrs Frost 15
Jaguar Events, 2015 JCCV Events are printed in bold
March 2015 Mar 14
Jetstream Custom Auto tour, details page ??
Mar 15
Oak Bay Beach Hotel Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon
Mar 20, 21 JCNA Annual General Meeting, Philadelphia, PA Info: www.jcna.com
April 2015 Apr 5
Sunday Prowl, details TBA
Apr 12
OECC British Car Restoration Fair & Swap Meet, Heritage Acres Saanich; Info: www.oecc.ca
Apr 19
Oak Bay Beach Hotel (or maybe Turkey Head?) Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon
Apr 26
St George’s Day Motoring Show, Fort Langley Info: Langley Area Mostly British Motoring Club www.lambscarclub.com
Apr 28
JCCV Regular Meeting, details TBA
May 2015 May 2
Alzheimer Society “Rally 4 Memories” Info: www.werageweweep.com/rally4memories
May 3
Sunday Prowl, details TBA
July 5
Sunday Prowl. Details TBA.
July 5
Classic car show Pender Island hosted by “Wheels On Pender” Info pending
July 12
Brits on the Beach, Ladysmith Info: Old English Car Club Central Island Branch, www.oecc.ca
July 17-19
Jaguars on the Island Info: www.jaguarcarclubofvictoria.wildapricot.org
July 18
European Classic car Meet in Calgary Vintage Sports Car Club of Calgary Info: www.vsccc.ca
July 19
Classic Car Field Meet, Elk/Beaver Lake Park, Saanich Victoria MG Club. Info: www.victoriamgclub.ca
July 19
Fraser Valley Classic Car Show Fraser Valley British Motor Club Info: www.fvccs..ca
July 25
Western Washington All British Field Meet. Info pending
July 26
Galiano Classic Car Club Show & Shine Info: 250 539-3404
August 2015 Aug 2
Sunday Prowl. Details TBA.
Aug 7,8
Jaguars on the Green, Tacoma, WA Jaguar Drivers and Restorers Club of NWA Info: Ray Papineau 206-383-6892 www.seattlejagclub.org
Vancouver All British Field Meet, Van Dusen Gardens Info: www.westerndriver.com
Vancouver All British Whistler Run Info: www.westerndriver.com
Aug 9
Cowichan Valley Car Picnic, Mill Bay Info: www.cvcp.ca
May 17
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon
Aug 9
May 26
JCCV Regular Meeting, details TBA
Oak Bay Collector Car Festival, Oak Bay. Info pending
Aug 13-16
Monterey Motorsports Reunion , Laguna Seca, CA Info: http://www.mazdaraceway.com/rolex-montereymotorsports-reunion
Aug 16
Vancouver Island Motorcar Gathering Info pending
June 2015 June 6
Concours on the Meadows, Pitt Meadows Info: Pacific Jaguar Enthusiasts Group www.jcna.com/php/clubdisplay.php?club=nw44
June 7
PJEG Slalom, Pitt Meadows Airport. Info: Pacific Jaguar Enthusiasts Group www.jcna.com/php/clubdisplay.php?club=nw44
Aug 14-16
Heritage Classic Weekend, Info: Canadian XK Jaguar Registry Danny Reilly 604-941-3598 or John Morse 604-594-8992
June 7
Sunday Prowl. Details TBA.
Aug 22
June 19, 20 Brits Best Classics, Radium Hot Springs Info: www.calgarymgclub.org
Rally in the Valley, Peachland Okanagan British Car Club. Info www.obcc.ca
Aug 23
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon
June 21
Fathers’ Day British Car Picnic, Beacon Hill Park. Info:
[email protected]
Aug 30
Concours d’Elegance of the San Juan Islands, Friday Harbor, WA. Info: www.sanjuanconcours.org
June 21
Seaside Cruizers Show & Shine, Qualicum Beach. Info: www.seasidecruizers.com
Aug 25
JCCV New Members BBQ Info pending
June 23
JCCV Regular Meeting, details TBA
June 26-28
Jaguar Associate Group 60th Anniversary San Francisco Bay Area Info: The January Growler, or
[email protected]
June 28
CXKJR Summer Slalom, Scott Road Skytrain Station, Surrey. Info: Canadian XK Jaguar Registry, John Morse 604-594-8992 or
[email protected]
June 28
September 2015
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon
July 2015 July 1
July 1
Gorge Road Canada Day Picnic Info: http://www.gorgetillicum.ca/site/index.php/events/ gorge-canada-day-picnic Saltspring Canada Day Show & Shine Info pending 16
Sept 5-6
Langley Good Times Cruise-In Info pending
Sept 6
Sunday Prowl, details TBA
Sept 13
An English Car Affair in the Park, Fort Rodd Hill Old English Car Club, South Island Branch Info: www.oecc.ca/sib
Sun Peaks Run to the Sun, Sun Peaks Resort. Info: www.sunpeaksresort.com
Sept 20
Turkey Head Coffee Klatch, 9am to noon
Sept 20
Toy Run. Vancouver Island Mustang Association Info: www.vima.mysite.com
Sept 22
JCCV Regular Meeting, details TBA