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Cahalin LP, Arena R, Guazzi M, Myers J, Cipriano G, Chiappa G, Lavie CJ,. Forman DE. ... Witt JD, Guenette JA, Rupert JL, McKenzie DC, Sheel AW. Inspiratory ...

Inspiratory Muscle Training Is Associated With Improved Inspiratory Muscle Strength, Resting Cardiac Output, and the Ventilatory Efficiency of Exercise in Patients With a Fontan Circulation Karina Laohachai, MBBS, FRACP; David Winlaw, MBBS(Hons), MD, FRACS; Hiran Selvadurai, MBBS, FRACP, PhD; Ganesh Kumar Gnanappa, MBBS, MD; Yves d’Udekem, MD, PhD, FRACS; David Celermajer, MBBS, MSc, FRACP, PhD, DSc; Julian Ayer, BSc(Med), MBBS, FRACP, PhD

Background-—Patients with a Fontan circulation have reduced exercise capacity and respiratory muscle strength. Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) improves exercise capacity and quality of life in adults with heart failure. We assessed whether 6 weeks of a home-based program of IMT improves inspiratory muscle strength and the ventilatory efficiency of exercise in adolescent patients with a Fontan circulation. Methods and Results-—Twenty-three adolescent participants (aged 162 years) with a Fontan circulation underwent 6 weeks of IMT for 30 minutes daily. Respiratory muscle strength (maximal inspiratory pressure and expiratory pressure), lung function, and exercise capacity (cardiopulmonary exercise testing) were assessed. Fourteen of 23 participants also underwent exercise cardiac magnetic resonance imaging to examine the effects of IMT on cardiac output and systemic and pulmonary blood flow. Six weeks of IMT improved maximal inspiratory pressure by 3624 cm H2O (6146%) with no change in maximal expiratory pressure. Ventilatory efficiency of exercise improved after 6 weeks of IMT (from 34.27.8 to 32.25.6, P=0.04). In those who underwent exercise cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, IMT increased resting cardiac output (from 4.21.2 to 4.51.0 L/min, P=0.03) and ejection fraction (from 50.14.3 to 52.86.1%, P=0.03). Conclusions-—Six weeks of IMT is associated with improved inspiratory muscle strength, ventilatory efficiency of exercise, and resting cardiac output in young Fontan patients. IMT may be a simple beneficial addition to the current management of Fontan patients, potentially reducing exercise intolerance and long-term morbidity and mortality. ( J Am Heart Assoc. 2017;6:e005750. DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.117.005750.) Key Words: exercise • exercise capacity • Fontan procedure • inspiratory muscle strength


ince its original description in 1971, the “Fontan operation” has undergone a number of modifications and widening of the indications for its use.1 A growing population of children and adults with congenital heart disease are living with a Fontan circulation. In the current era, medium-term survival after Fontan completion is high.

From the The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, NSW, Australia (K.L., D.W., H.S., G.K.G., J.A.); The University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia (K.L., D.W., H.S., D.C. J.A.); The Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Y.d.U.); Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia (Y.d.U.); The Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, NSW, Australia (D.C.). Correspondence to: Karina Laohachai, MBBS FRACP, The Heart Centre for Children, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, 212 Hawkesbury Road, Westmead, NSW, Australia. Locked Bag 4001, Westmead, NSW, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] Received February 3, 2017; accepted July 20, 2017. ª 2017 The Authors. Published on behalf of the American Heart Association, Inc., by Wiley. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.

DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.117.005750

However, these patients still face significant morbidity and higher mortality than the general population.1 Treatments to improve outcomes for Fontan patients are limited. The Fontan circulation, in which systemic venous return bypasses a subpulmonary ventricle, has inherent limitations of chronic elevation of central venous pressure and restricted ventricular preload.2 These inherent limitations may be compounded by chronotropic incompetence, nonuniform distribution of pulmonary blood flow, elevated pulmonary and systemic vascular resistance2, and reduced skeletal muscle blood flow and strength.3 The limitations of a Fontan circulation manifest during exercise, and various parameters of exercise performance have been associated with adverse outcomes in Fontan patients.4 Respiratory muscle weakness has been demonstrated in adults with congenital heart disease including patients with a Fontan circulation.3 Such weakness has been described previously in adults with heart failure,5 and inspiratory muscle training (IMT) in heart failure patients, for periods of between 4 and 12 weeks, results in improved inspiratory muscle Journal of the American Heart Association


Inspiratory Muscle Training in Fontan Patients

Laohachai et al

What Is New? • Six weeks of inspiratory muscle training in adolescent Fontan patients is associated with improved inspiratory muscle strength and ventilatory efficiency of exercise, an independent predictor of morbidity in patients with congenital heart disease. • Inspiratory muscle training resulted in improvements in resting cardiac output and ejection fraction, highlighting its potential to alter the progressive decline in cardiac function in Fontan patients.

What Are the Clinical Implications? • Inspiratory muscle training is a simple technique that has the potential to improve the clinical outcomes of Fontan patients by improving their exercise tolerance. • This study provides a basis for future larger studies to explore the effects of inspiratory muscle training in conjunction with other exercise regimens such as aerobic or resistance training.

strength, exercise capacity, and quality of life.6–8 Fatiguing inspiratory muscles activate phrenic afferents, which produce sympathetic peripheral vasoconstriction (the “inspiratory muscle metaboreflex”9), and in adult heart failure patients, IMT attenuates the exaggerated peripheral vasoconstriction in resting and exercising limbs.6 To our knowledge, the effects of IMT have not been reported previously in patients with a Fontan circulation. The aims of the current study in Fontan patients were to test whether IMT improved (1) inspiratory muscle strength and (2) objective measures of exercise capacity. Regarding the latter aim, we specifically tested the hypothesis that IMT improves the ventilatory efficiency of exercise, as measured by the slope of the relationship of minute ventilation (VE) to carbon dioxide production (VCO2). A high VE/VCO2 slope may be determined by 2 factors potentially altered by IMT, namely, physiologic dead space ventilation (dead space/tidal volume ratio [Vd/Vt]) and increased ventilatory drive mediated by a complex metabolic reflex by which peripheral chemoreceptors in muscles register local metabolic byproducts during exercise and initiate a neural reflex that drives hyperventilation.10

Patients and Methods Patients with a Fontan circulation were identified through databases of the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, Australia. Details of the underlying cardiac anatomy and previous surgery were obtained. To maintain a relatively homogenous population, only participants with a DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.117.005750

nonfenestrated extracardiac conduit who were aged 12 to 20 years were included. Exclusion criteria were moderate to severe ventricular dysfunction or atrioventricular valve regurgitation, a history of exercise-induced syncope, recent arrhythmia or clinical instability, major musculoskeletal disease, or intellectual disability. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants and/or parents, and the study was approved by the institutional ethics committee. The study consisted of 3 visits over a 6-week period (Figure 1). Anthropometric data were obtained at each visit. Participants underwent the following tests at visits 1 (week 0, baseline) and 3 (week 6, study end): (1) assessment of physical activity levels (self-administered standardized questionnaire, International Physical Activity Questionnaire short form, with physical activity rated as low, moderate, or high11); (2) testing of inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength; (3) spirometry; and (4) cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET). In an exploratory substudy to evaluate the effects of IMT on resting and exercise pulmonary and systemic blood flow, an exercise cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) study was performed at visits 1 and 3. At visit 1, participants were instructed on how to use the IMT device and asked to train for 30 minutes daily. At visit 2 (week 3), participants underwent repeated respiratory muscle and lung function testing. The load of the IMT device was adjusted for any change in maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) between visits 1 and 2. Between visits, phone contact was made with participants and/or parents to assess compliance with IMT. Compliance with IMT was additionally assessed by twice-daily entry in each participant’s diary. Baseline testing at visit 1 also included a transthoracic echocardiogram in which atrioventricular valve regurgitation and ejection fraction (EF) of the dominant ventricle were measured. Sixty-seven potential participants aged 12 to 20 years were identified from the institutional database. Twenty-three agreed to participate and underwent baseline testing. Four participants dropped out of the study after visit 1 because of commitments unrelated to the study, with 19 completing 6 weeks of IMT. The first 14 consecutive participants were recruited into the exercise CMRI substudy, 2 of whom withdrew after visit 1.

Inspiratory Muscle Testing and Training Inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength, measured as MIP and maximal expiratory pressure at the mouth, were assessed using a MicroRPM respiratory pressure meter (Carefusion), as recommended in the 2002 American Thoracic Society guidelines.12 Briefly, maximal inspiratory and expiratory maneuvers were supervised by an experienced respiratory physiotherapist, and measurements were performed with a nose peg in place and the participants sitting with their feet flat on the Journal of the American Heart Association



Clinical Perspective

Inspiratory Muscle Training in Fontan Patients


Figure 1. Study outline. IMT indicates inspiratory muscle training; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging. floor. Up to 10 measurements were performed for MIP and maximal expiratory pressure until 3 consistent results (within 5 cm H2O) were obtained. The maximum value of these 3 readings was recorded. The device was calibrated against a fluid-filled manometer at the start of the study. Initial instruction on IMT was provided by an experienced respiratory physiotherapist. The IMT was done using a Philips Threshold IMT device. The inspiratory load on the device was set to 30% of the participant’s measured MIP. Technique was checked twice, at visit 1 and then again at visit 2. Each participant kept a diary of usage at home, and the total time using the device was calculated and averaged to minutes per day.

Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing CPET was performed on an upright cycle ergometer (Ergoselect 200; Ergoline) using a ramp protocol. The initial workload started at 20 W and increased by 10 W every minute for participants who weighed 50 kg, until exhaustion.13 Baseline heart rate (HR), blood pressure, and oxygen saturation were recorded before test commencement and during exercise. Breath-by-breath oxygen consumption (VO2), VCO2, and VE were measured (SentrySuite; Carefusion). VE/VCO2 slope was calculated using the linear relationship between VE and VCO2 between 25% and 75% of maximum VCO2.14 Anaerobic threshold was calculated using the V-slope method and by confirming the value with the ventilatory equivalent method and respiratory exchange ratio.15 O2 pulse, a surrogate for stroke volume, was calculated by dividing DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.117.005750

peak VO2 by peak HR. Vd/Vt was calculated noninvasively using the Jones equation, calculating arterial CO2 from endtidal CO2.16 Maximal voluntary ventilation (shown as MVV) was estimated using FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) 935, and breathing reserve was then calculated as a percentage using the formula [1 (peak VE/MVV)] 9100.17 The Borg score of perceived exertion was recorded at test completion.

Exercise CMRI Exercise CMRI was performed (1.5T; Phillips Intera) at visits 1 and 3 in a subset of participants (n=14 visit 1, n=12 visit 2). Vectorcardiography, peripheral pulse, and respiratory belt monitoring were applied, and the data were recorded in the scan physiology log file. Resting and exercise nongated realtime phase contrast flow (200 consecutive dynamics, dynamic scan time 75 ms, corresponding to 15 seconds of flow data) was measured in the ascending aorta, descending aorta at the level of the diaphragm, superior vena cava, extracardiac conduit, and left or right pulmonary artery (depending on the presence of a left- or right-sided bidirectional Glenn shunt). Retrospective-gated (vectorcardiography or peripheral pulse) balanced steady-state freeprecession cine imaging was performed (axial stack, 2- and 4-chamber, left ventricular outflow tract and 2 left or right pulmonary artery orthogonal views at rest, and a short-axis stack at rest and during each stage of exercise). Typical imaging parameters were field of view, 3509350 mm (approximately); reconstruction matrix, 2409240; scan percentage, 94%; flip angle, 60°; sensitivity encoding factor, 2; Journal of the American Heart Association


Inspiratory Muscle Training in Fontan Patients

Laohachai et al

Power and Statistical Analysis For the primary study questions, the following sample size calculations were made. First, to examine whether 6 weeks of IMT improves MIP, we determined that a sample size of 20 would have 80% power at a=0.05 to detect a change of 16 cm H2O (20% difference), assuming a mean MIP of 8025 cm H2O and a DOI: 10.1161/JAHA.117.005750

within-subject correlation of 0.6, based on previously published literature.19 We allowed only for a conservative estimate of MIP improvement (20%), even though previous literature in adults with heart failure demonstrated substantially greater increases in MIP after 6 weeks of IMT.8,20,21 Second, to examine whether 6 weeks of IMT improves VE/ VCO2 slope, we determined that a sample size of 14 would have 80% power at a=0.05 to detect a change of 2, assuming a VE/VCO2 slope SD of 3 in adolescents with a Fontan circulation.22 In a recent systematic review, IMT in heart failure was associated with a mean reduction in VE/VCO2 slope of 2.28 (95% confidence interval, 1.3–3.25).23 Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS version 24 (IBM Corp). Data are presented as median (range) or meanSD, as appropriate. Pre- and post-IMT data were compared using paired t tests for continuous variables. Correlation or linear regression was used to analyze associations with MIP change. In addition, participants were categorized into 2 groups (upper tertile and lower 2 tertiles) based on MIP change and compared by v2 tests for categorical variables and independent sample t tests for continuous data. A P value of