Install a Counter-Strike 1.6 Stand Alone Server on a (Debian) Linux ...

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Install a Counter-Strike 1.6 Stand Alone Server on a (Debian) Linux. Operating System Root Server. Logon using a SSH tool e.g. PuTTY to your server as ...
Install a Counter-Strike 1.6 Stand Alone Server on a (Debian) Linux Operating System Root Server Logon using a SSH tool e.g. PuTTY to your server as superuser: Default user: root and your password

Enter Adduser ‘Username ’ to create a new user account and specify its password and confirm your settings by pressing Y.

Open a new session and log onto the server using the new created useraccount and create a folder for the Half Life Dedicated Server installation: Mkdir hlds Next browse to this folder Cd hlds The next step is to download the installer from Steam and change its permissions to execute it Wget chmod u+x hldsupdatetool.bin

Now we simply execute the file and agree to the license by typing yes ./hldsupdatetool.bin

List the content of the folder by typing ls –l and verify that steam is available. Now we can start the steam downloader ./steam -command update -game cstrike -dir .

The download of the files depend strongly on your internet connection and the load on the steam servers (can take up to 5h with a 100Mbit Internet connection of there is a steam update running)

After the update tool is downloaded retry the command (by pressing the arrow up key) and wait till the download is finished.

After the download is finished you have to do some modification on the server.cfg Vi cstrike/server.cfg

Browse to an empty line and hit i, now enter rcon_password PWD (This is used for controlling the server ingame or using HLSW) And modify the entry hostname to change your servers name. After this modification is done press ESC to stop the insert mode and type :wq (to write the changes and quit the application)

Browse to your user’s home directory using the command CD and create a new text file that is used to start the server.

Press i to start the insert mode and put in a line like this: (Modify the italic values) #!/bin/sh cd /home/SETUSERNAME/hlds export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/SETUSERNAME/hlds ./hlds_run -game cstrike +port 27015 +ip GAMESERVERIP +maxplayers 12 -secure -autoupdate +map de_aztec +exec server.cfg

And press ESC and :wq to save the changes Now make the file start executable and start it Chmod u+x start ./start

After a few seconds start HLSW or your steam servers list and add the server and verify that it is running:

Now that the test run of the server was successful the start script has to be put into the servers startup to start automatically after a system reboot and we have to start it using the screen command to ensure it stays running after we close the console connection Press CTRL + C to stop the server Type crontab –e to enter the startup command

Press i and type into a new line the following (change the servername this is simply used to identify the task) @reboot screen -dmS SERVERNAME ./start

Type :wq to save the changes made

To ensure the command entered is working simply execute it now without @reboot screen -dmS test ./start

And verify the server starts up.

This is it you successfully installed a Counter-Strike 1.6 standalone linux server. Further modification is done in the server.cfg and maps can be uploaded into the /hlds/cstrike/maps folder. Happy Gaming Please idle and play :: GunGame v2.12 - 32 Slot - 1000 FPS - German ::