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Begin installation by removing the dash bezel that surrounds the radio and climate control. ... CHEVROLET SILVERADO LTZ (2007). GMC YUKON ... CHEVROLET COBALT (2005-2007). PONTIAC G5 .... cigarette lighter/ pocket. There is one ...

Part Number: CHE-101-05


Always check our website for the most updated model year compatibility information.

NOTE: READ INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS BRACKETRON PHONE MOUNT. All instructions are written from the drivers seat position looking forward at the vehicle dash. We advise caution whenever you are removing or handling plastic parts of a vehicles dash. WARNING: Unnecessary force or pressure can cause pieces to crack or break. Logo and part number will be right side up and readable when installed.

TOOLS NEEDED: Dash Trim Tool, (Part #SIT-104), 9/32” Socket and Driver. PARTS INCLUDED: One Custom Bezel Mount and Instructions. LOCATION OF MOUNT: To the right of the radio. Step 1. Begin installation by removing the dash bezel that surrounds the radio and climate control. To do this, insert the Dash Trim Tool (Part Number SIT-104) into the side of the bezel as shown in picture one. Begin with the lower right corner and release one clip. Continue by releasing the remaining 5 clips (Six total).

Step 2. When the bezel is released from all six clips, disconnect the wiring from the back of the bezel if necessary. Set bezel aside carefully. With 9/32” socket and driver, release the upper right 9/32” screw from the radio. Set screw aside in a safe place.

Step 3. Place CBM over upper right radio mounting tab and replace factory screw. Carefully reinstall the dash in reverse order securing all wiring to the bezel and screws. Install any Bracketron phone holder or AMP’s compatible device to your Custom Bezel Mount. Your installation is complete.

Install Mount Here

© Bracketron Inc, 2007 All rights reserved.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Bracketron Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document nor do we assume any liability in connection with its use. This supersedes and voids all previous literature. Please contact the sales department for additional information. Bracketron Inc will not be responsible or liable for damage to vehicles in the installation and or removal of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc will not be liable for personal injuries or damage to property resulting from a motor vehicle accident and or improper installation of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc. 5249 West 73rd Street, Suite G, Edina, MN 55439, Ph: 952-746-7775 Fax: 1-800-660-1784 Toll Free: 1-866-237-4443 Web Address:



Always check our website for the most updated model year compatibility information.

NOTE: READ INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS BRACKETRON PHONE MOUNT. All instructions are written from the drivers seat position looking forward at the vehicle dash. We advise caution whenever you are removing or handling plastic parts of a vehicles dash. WARNING: Unnecessary force or pressure can cause pieces to crack or break. Logo and part number will be right side up and readable when installed.

TOOLS NEEDED: Dash Trim Tool, (Part #SIT-104), 9/32” Socket and Driver. PARTS INCLUDED: One Custom Bezel Mount and Instructions. LOCATION OF MOUNT: To the right of the radio. Step 1. Begin installation by removing the bezel that surrounds the radio and climate control. Use the Dash Trim Tool (part #SIT-104) to release eight (8) small clips that secure the bezel. Note: The clips are extremely tight. Be sure not to break or bend the bezel while removing the dash bezel. When the bezel is completely removed from all eight (8) clips, set the bezel aside carefully. Step 2. Continue by removing one 9/32” hex head screw from the upper right corner of the radio mounting tab. Set the screw aside carefully. Place the Custom Bezel Mount over the existing screw hole and replace the factory screw. Step 3. Carefully reinstall the dash in reverse order securing all screws and clips. Install any Bracketron mobile accessory or Amps compatible device to your Custom Bezel Mount. Your installation is complete.

Install Mount Here

© Bracketron Inc, 2007 All rights reserved.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Bracketron Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document nor do we assume any liability in connection with its use. This supersedes and voids all previous literature. Please contact the sales department for additional information. Bracketron Inc will not be responsible or liable for damage to vehicles in the installation and or removal of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc will not be liable for personal injuries or damage to property resulting from a motor vehicle accident and or improper installation of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc. 5249 West 73rd Street, Suite G, Edina, MN 55439, Ph: 952-746-7775 Fax: 1-800-660-1784 Toll Free: 1-866-237-4443 Web Address:


Part Number: CHE-101-05


Always check our website for the most updated model year compatibility information.

NOTE: READ INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS BRACKETRON PHONE MOUNT. All instructions are written from the drivers seat position looking forward at the vehicle dash. We advise caution whenever you are removing or handling plastic parts of a vehicles dash. WARNING: Unnecessary force or pressure can cause pieces to crack or break. Logo and part number will be right side up and readable when installed.

TOOLS NEEDED: Dash Trim Tool, (Part #SIT-104), 9/32” Socket and Driver. PARTS INCLUDED: One Custom Bezel Mount and Instructions. LOCATION OF MOUNT: To the right of the radio. Step 1. Begin installation by removing the bezel located above the glove box. This trim bezel is held on by 4 retainer clips and one plastic centering pin. Note: These clips are extremely tight. Use CAUTION when releasing these clips. Step 2. Continue installation by using the Dash Trim Tool (part #SIT104) to release eight (8) small clips that secure the bezel. Note: The clips are extremely tight. Be sure not to break or bend the bezel while removing the dash bezel. When the bezel is completely removed from all eight (8) clips, set the bezel aside carefully. Step 3. Continue by removing one 9/32” hex head screw from the upper right corner of the radio mounting tab. Set the screw aside carefully. Place the Custom Bezel Mount over the existing screw hole and replace the factory screw. Note: The Custom Bezel Mount can either be used on the top mounting tab, or the bottom.

Install Mount Here

Step 4. Carefully reinstall the dash in reverse order securing all screws and clips. Install any Bracketron mobile accessory or Amps compatible device to your Custom Bezel Mount. Your installation is complete.

© Bracketron Inc, 2007 All rights reserved.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Bracketron Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document nor do we assume any liability in connection with its use. This supersedes and voids all previous literature. Please contact the sales department for additional information. Bracketron Inc will not be responsible or liable for damage to vehicles in the installation and or removal of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc will not be liable for personal injuries or damage to property resulting from a motor vehicle accident and or improper installation of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc. 5249 West 73rd Street, Suite G, Edina, MN 55439, Ph: 952-746-7775 Fax: 1-800-660-1784 Toll Free: 1-866-237-4443 Web Address:


Part Number: CHE-101-05


Always check our website for the most updated model year compatibility information.

NOTE: READ INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS BRACKETRON PHONE MOUNT. All instructions are written from the drivers seat position looking forward at the vehicle dash. We advise caution whenever you are removing or handling plastic parts of a vehicles dash. WARNING: Unnecessary force or pressure can cause pieces to crack or break. Logo and part number will be right side up and readable when installed.

TOOLS NEEDED: Dash Trim Tool, (Part #SIT-104), 7mm Socket and Driver. PARTS INCLUDED: One Custom Bezel Mount and Instructions. LOCATION OF MOUNT: To the right of the radio. Step 1. Start by applying the parking brake and placing the transmission into the low position. Using the Dash Trim Tool, remove the back panel of the center instrument cluster. There are a total of four (4) clips on this bezel. Set bezel aside. Insert the Dash Trim Tool behind the lower left corner of the bezel underneath power window buttons and carefully pull back to release the clip from the bezel. Continue clockwise around the bezel while working the remaining clips loose with the Dash Trim Tool. Disconnect all wiring from the back of the trim bezel EXCEPT the fan wiring and the climate control cable. Carefully slide bezel over the shifter and let hang to the side. Note: Place a cloth under the bezel to protect from scratching. Step 2. Locate and remove the upper right radio screw that holds the radio in place. Carefully pull the radio out just far enough to place the Custom Bezel Mount on top of the upper right radio mounting tab, aligning the screw hole and tighten original screw with 7mm socket and driver.

Install Mount Here

Step 3. Carefully reinstall the dash in reverse order securing all wiring to the bezel. Install any Bracketron phone holder or Amps compatible device to your Bezel Mount. Your installation is complete.

© Bracketron Inc, 2007 All rights reserved.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Bracketron Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document nor do we assume any liability in connection with its use. This supersedes and voids all previous literature. Please contact the sales department for additional information. Bracketron Inc will not be responsible or liable for damage to vehicles in the installation and or removal of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc will not be liable for personal injuries or damage to property resulting from a motor vehicle accident and or improper installation of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc. 5249 West 73rd Street, Suite G, Edina, MN 55439, Ph: 952-746-7775 Fax: 1-800-660-1784 Toll Free: 1-866-237-4443 Web Address:


Part Number: CHE-101-05


Always check our website for the most updated model year compatibility information.

NOTE: READ INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS BRACKETRON PHONE MOUNT. All instructions are written from the drivers seat position looking forward at the vehicle dash. We advise caution whenever you are removing or handling plastic parts of a vehicles dash. WARNING: Unnecessary force or pressure can cause pieces to crack or break. Logo and part number will be right side up and readable when installed.

TOOLS NEEDED: Dash Trim Tool, (Part #SIT-104), 7mm Socket and Driver. PARTS INCLUDED: One Custom Bezel Mount and Instructions. LOCATION OF MOUNT: To the right of the radio.

Install Mount Here

Step 1. Begin installaion by removing the rubber insert from the tray below the window controls on the center console. Use either a Dash Trim Tool (SIT-104) or a Hook Tool (SIT-103) to remove the exposed tray. Do this by isnerting either tool into the small slots in the front of the tray. Release one clip, and then repeat on the other side. Continue by removing the tray by releasing two more clips towards the top. Do this by pulling straight out away from the dash. Step 2. Continue by removing the two horizonal 9/32” screws with a socket and driver. Set these two screws aside in a safe place. Remove the trim bezel that surronds the shifter by using the Dash Trim Tool. Set this trim bezel aside. Apply parking brake to secure vehicle, and place transmission in neutral. Continue by removing the complete bezel that surrounds the shifter. There is no need to disconnect any wiring from this bezel. Let it hang out of the way. Step 3. With Dash Trim Tool, release the clips that scure the dash bezel that surrounds the radio and climate control. There is a total of eight (8) clips that secure this bezel. Release all clips and move bezel away from the dash just far enough to gain access to the upper right 9/32” screw that secures the upper right radio mounting tab. Set the screw aside carefully. Place the Custom Bezel Mount over the existing screw hole and replace the factory screw. Step 4. Carefully reinstall the dash in reverse order securing all screws and clips. Install any Bracketron mobile accessory or Amps compatible device to your Custom Bezel Mount. Your installation is complete.

© Bracketron Inc, 2007 All rights reserved.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Bracketron Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document nor do we assume any liability in connection with its use. This supersedes and voids all previous literature. Please contact the sales department for additional information. Bracketron Inc will not be responsible or liable for damage to vehicles in the installation and or removal of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc will not be liable for personal injuries or damage to property resulting from a motor vehicle accident and or improper installation of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc. 5249 West 73rd Street, Suite G, Edina, MN 55439, Ph: 952-746-7775 Fax: 1-800-660-1784 Toll Free: 1-866-237-4443 Web Address:


Part Number: CHE-101-05


Always check our website for the most updated model year compatibility information.

NOTE: READ INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS BRACKETRON PHONE MOUNT. All instructions are written from the drivers seat position looking forward at the vehicle dash. We advise caution whenever you are removing or handling plastic parts of a vehicles dash. WARNING: Unnecessary force or pressure can cause pieces to crack or break. Logo and part number will be right side up and readable when installed.

TOOLS NEEDED: Dash Trim Tool, (Part #SIT-104), 7mm Socket and Driver. PARTS INCLUDED: One Custom Bezel Mount and Instructions. LOCATION OF MOUNT: To the right of the radio. Step 1. Begin installation by removing the bezel around the radio and climate controls. Using a Dash Trim tool (part #SIT-104) start to the right side of the bezel as shown in the picture to the left. Work your way around the bezel releasing all the clips. Step 2. Continue by removing the 9/32” screw that secures the upper right radio mounting tab. Set the screw aside in a safe place. Place the Custom Bezel Mounting over the existing screw hole and replace the factory screw. Step 3. Carefully reinstall the dash in reverse order securing all screws and clips. Install any Bracketron mobile accessory or Amps compatible device to your Custom Bezel Mount. Your installation is complete.

Install Mount Here

© Bracketron Inc, 2007 All rights reserved.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Bracketron Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document nor do we assume any liability in connection with its use. This supersedes and voids all previous literature. Please contact the sales department for additional information. Bracketron Inc will not be responsible or liable for damage to vehicles in the installation and or removal of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc will not be liable for personal injuries or damage to property resulting from a motor vehicle accident and or improper installation of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc. 5249 West 73rd Street, Suite G, Edina, MN 55439, Ph: 952-746-7775 Fax: 1-800-660-1784 Toll Free: 1-866-237-4443 Web Address:


Part Number: CHE-101-05


Always check our website for the most updated model year compatibility information.

NOTE: READ INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS BRACKETRON PHONE MOUNT. All instructions are written from the drivers seat position looking forward at the vehicle dash. We advise caution whenever you are removing or handling plastic parts of a vehicles dash. WARNING: Unnecessary force or pressure can cause pieces to crack or break. Logo and part number will be right side up and readable when installed.

TOOLS NEEDED: Dash Trim Tool, (Part #SIT-104), 7mm Socket and Driver. PARTS INCLUDED: One Custom Bezel Mount and Instructions. LOCATION OF MOUNT: To the right of the radio. Step 1. Begin installation by removing the bezel that surrounds the cup holder and shifter. Using a Dash Trim tool (part #SIT-104) insert it in the rear right corner of the bezel working our way around, releasing a total of five (5) clips. Lift from the rear of the bezel and pull downward of the front of the bezel to release the three (3) tabs that go under the radio bezel. Remove the bezel and set it aside.

Remove Screws

Step 2. Continue by removing the two (2) phillips screws that hold the cigarette lighter/ pocket. There is one (1) screw on each side of the panel. Place the screws aside in a safe place. Using a Dash Trim tool (part #SIT-104) insert it in the location as shown on the picture to the left. Work your way around the bezel releasing three (3) clips from each side of the bezel. Release another two (2) clips on the top of the bezel. Step 3.

Install Mount Here

Next remove the 9/32” screw that secures the upper right radio mounting tab. Set the screw aside in a safe place. Place the Custom Bezel Mounting over the existing screw hole and replace the factory screw. Step 4. Carefully reinstall the dash in reverse order securing all screws and clips. Install any Bracketron mobile accessory or Amps compatible device to your Custom Bezel Mount. Your installation is complete.

© Bracketron Inc, 2007 All rights reserved.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Bracketron Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document nor do we assume any liability in connection with its use. This supersedes and voids all previous literature. Please contact the sales department for additional information. Bracketron Inc will not be responsible or liable for damage to vehicles in the installation and or removal of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc will not be liable for personal injuries or damage to property resulting from a motor vehicle accident and or improper installation of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc. 5249 West 73rd Street, Suite G, Edina, MN 55439, Ph: 952-746-7775 Fax: 1-800-660-1784 Toll Free: 1-866-237-4443 Web Address:


Part Number: CHE-101-05


Always check our website for the most updated model year compatibility information.

NOTE: READ INSTRUCTIONS COMPLETELY BEFORE INSTALLING THIS BRACKETRON PHONE MOUNT. All instructions are written from the drivers seat position looking forward at the vehicle dash. We advise caution whenever you are removing or handling plastic parts of a vehicles dash. WARNING: Unnecessary force or pressure can cause pieces to crack or break. Logo and part number will be right side up and readable when installed.

TOOLS NEEDED: Dash Trim Tool, (Part #SIT-104), #2 Phillips Screwdriver. PARTS INCLUDED: One Custom Bezel Mount and Instructions. LOCATION OF MOUNT: To the right of the radio. Step 1. Begin installation by removing the bezel on the sides and bottom of the radio. Using a Dash Trim tool (part #SIT-104) start on the right side and work your way around. Release a total of six (6) clips. Place the bezel aside. Step 2.

Install Mount Here

Remove the upper phillips screw on the right side of the radio. Set the screw aside in a safe place. Place the Custom Bezel Mounting over the existing screw hole and replace the factory screw. Step 3. Carefully reinstall the dash in reverse order securing all screws and clips. Install any Bracketron mobile accessory or Amps compatible device to your Custom Bezel Mount. Your installation is complete.

© Bracketron Inc, 2007 All rights reserved.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Bracketron Inc. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document nor do we assume any liability in connection with its use. This supersedes and voids all previous literature. Please contact the sales department for additional information. Bracketron Inc will not be responsible or liable for damage to vehicles in the installation and or removal of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc will not be liable for personal injuries or damage to property resulting from a motor vehicle accident and or improper installation of this Bracketron Inc mount. Bracketron Inc. 5249 West 73rd Street, Suite G, Edina, MN 55439, Ph: 952-746-7775 Fax: 1-800-660-1784 Toll Free: 1-866-237-4443 Web Address: