Department of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering. 2 18 19 La Rabida, ... theory have been applied for power factor correction in three-phase systems.
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 13, No. 4, October 1998
I JC . Montaiio, Member, IEEE IRNAS (Spanish Council for ScienMic Research) PO. Box 1052,41080-Sevilla,Spain Abstract: Funbental results of the generalized instantaneous power theory have been applied for power factor correction in three-phase systems.Instantaneous and full compensation were considered to set the differencesbetween compensation in general conditions (periodic or non-periodic waveforms) and compensation in steady states @eriodicwaveforms). An active power filter is simulated as reactive power compensator to confirm the theory. Keywords: Three-phase systems, Instantaneous active and reactive power, Active power line conditioners.
P. Salmeron Department of Applied Physics and ElectricalEngineering University of Huelva, Ctra. de Palos de la Frontera s/n 2 1819 La Rabida, Huelva, Spain generating the current references. On the other hand, full compensation can be obtained using the same compensators except for the computational circuits, which need adding integrators or low pass filters. Full compensation is more accurate than instantaneous compensation in the sense that the current waveform can reproduce the voltage waveform exactly. It is done at the expenses of a slower response, i.e., a time delay equal to the fundamental period of the voltage waveform is involved in calculations. This is necessary to complete calculationsof average quantities defined in periodic states.
Three-phase system have been described in the time domain by Akagi, Kanazawa, Nabae [l], who analyzed the source voltage and current based on the instantaneous value concept. Arbitrary voltage and cment waveforms and steady-and-kansientstates are allowed. Their development avoids complex formulation of the frequency domain and makes possible instantaneous compensation, i.e., reactive power compensationusing switching devices, which requires theoretically no energy storage components. This explains the recent emergence of many instantaneous power theories 12-41. One of these is a complete vectorial model developed for explaining physically the instantmeous energy transfer between source and load [4-61. The source of the instantaneous active and non-active currents (powers)is completely determined and instantaneouspower due to zero sequence currents and voltages can be deduced from the general formulae. In this paper, this vector theory of instantaneous power is used for verifying the processes of instantaneous compensation and full compensation (average compensation).Both compensation methods reduce line losses: the first does not dter the instantaneouspower transfer, it reduces the instantaneous reactive current without energy storage; the second does not alter the average power transfer, it reduces average losses due to the instantaneous reactive current and a component of the instantaneous active current. Instantaneous compensation uses active power line conditioners (APLC) (current-controlled PWM inverters 17-81) as compensators driven by an analog controller. This controller includes computational circuits, which comprise only adders, multipliers and dividers, for
11. INSTANTANEOUSCURRENT AND POWER COMPONENTS For three-phase four-wire systems (Fig. 11, the instantaneous voltages and currents in the three phases of the line are represented by three dimensional vectors:
t: transpose. The instantaneous zero-sequence voltage vector, v,, and the instantaneous zero-sequence current vector, io,are defined as
where 1, is the unity vector of size 3, and &J0=
U , + U* + U,,
With this it is possible to decompose the voltage vector
PE-163-PWRD-0-12-1997 A paper recommended and approved by the IEEE Transmission and Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. Mawscript submitted March 31, 1997; made available for printing December 12, 1997.
1Fig. 1.-Three-phasefour-wire system
0885-8977/98/$10.00 0 1997 IEEE
u = v + v o
where v represents the voltage vector without including the instantaneous zero sequence components. The following relationship is verified u2
= Y 2 + Yo
where U denotes the instantaneous magnitude of vector U , i.e. U'= utU; and v and v, denote the respective instantaneousmagnitude
of vectors v and v,. A perpendicular voltage vector has been defined [5-61
Fig. 2.- Instantaneous space vectors on xyz coordinates. t
(6) Uq1=
u2-u3, u p =
the instantaneous power flow. Instantaneous current vector i is decomposed according to its orthogonalprojections on coordinate axes of Fig. 2; i.e.,
Uq3= U1-U2
. . lpv . + 1.
a = a0 +
as long as t
Thus, we can define a coordinate system with rectangular unit vectors x,, yh z, having the respective directions of the voltage vectors v,, v and U,: VO
o +y p + x P O Yo
io, i,and i, were determined mathematically by the Lagrange multipliers procedure [6], t. lo = vo- v O I o
-- v _P_o= 0
Po -
0 YO
4 U
(Fii.2) to explain the power exchange between source and load. Thus, the scalar product of the voltage and current vectors,
uii uq-=
defines the instantaneous power delivered to the load (sum of three-phase instantaneouspowers). It includes two components: p = v'i, the instantaneouspower exchanged between the source and the load when one (v,) 01 both (v, and io) zero-sequence signals are absent. p o = v,'.i, the instantaneous zero-sequence power exchanged between the source and the load when both signals (v, and io)are present. The scalar product of the perpendicular-voltage vector and cment vector, t. q= U4 a
They are, respectively,the currents of minimum 'magnitude' for &ansferringto the load the total instantaneous powerp, at voltage v,,, the total instantaneous power p at voltage v and the total instantaneous power q at voltage uq. The orthogonalprojection of vector i on the plane determined by v and v,, is the instantaneous active current 4. It is responsible for the instautane~us power transfer p + p , between the generator and the load, and is obtained by adding ioand ip,
. .
1P = l o +
* Po P apv= x0- + y 0-
defies the instantaneous non-active power that is supplied by line-to-line voltages. This type of power does not contribute to
Current component i, is obtained by projecting current vector i on the perpendicular voltage vector ug.In three-phase systems this component can be named instantaneous reactive current.
Since i, satisfiesthe condition of orthogonality i pt i ,
the relationship between the instantaneous norms of the current components can be established,
Thus, the breakdown proposed for the current is not arbitrary. It is imposed physically by those components necessary for the complete description of the process of instantaneoustransfer of energy between somce and load. All the above equations can be considered valid for n-phase systems, changing the vector from three to n 15-61, For singlephase systems only scalar quantities are Considered and zero sequence components do not exist. Thus, the instantaneous cment, i ip- ip, for this configurationis then i
Fig. 3.- Space vectors components of i, for periodical conditions.
Or, considering (4), (15) and (20),
. P
Hence, the instantaneous current vector for the case of periodic signals can be analyzed according to
. .
i = i ea+ +
In periodic waveforms and polyphase asymmetrical loads, the active current component i,
Each of these current components is associated with the corresponding components of the instantaneous power,
Ggv U
is defied as the current that circulates through a resistive symmetricalload that has the same average power P at voltage U. In this definition a direct generalizationof Fryze's active current [9] for three-phase systems has been followed. The equivalent conductance G, is defined as follows:
t.ia +
P = P a +Pf
(25) (26)
The first component of the instantaneous power is the instantaneous active power. It has an average value equal to the active power P.The second component is termed thefluctuating power and has an average value of nil.
where V is the average norm of the voltage vector v, correspondingto the period T,
The component of residual current (Fig. 3), which has been denominatedfluctuatingcurrent, is the difference:
To reduce the line losses as much as possible without alterhg the instantaneous power transmission, the instantaneous imaginary power 4 should be eliminated. The compensator can be built theoretically with switching devices without reactive elements; in thisway its incoming instantaneous power is null and it does not interfere in the instantaneous transfer of energy between source and load. Thus, the basic scheme of the instantaneous compensation [I] includes a compensatorwhose instantaneous power components verify pc=0, and qC=q, where 4 is the instantaneous imaginary power on the load side (Fig. 4). The compensating current, corresponding to the command current for the compensator, is given by
I3 'c2
pc = o qc= -4
c 3
CO MPENSA TO1 Fig. 6.- Block diagram for calculatingthe full compensating current in periodic conditions.
instautaneouspower to obtain unity PF. Under this condition, the voltage source supplies the active current i, defined by Fryze [9]
. I.,
= i -
where i,eJ is the residual current
Fig. 5.- Block diagram for the calculation of the instantaneous compensating currentfor three-phasethree-wire (io= 0) or four-wiresystems (io+ 0).
with phase components, derived from (3);
Fig. 5 shows the calculation of compensating-currentreference values for three-phase three-wire or three-phase four-wire systems. Calculation is performed instantaneously,i.e., without time delay, by directly using the instantaneousvoltages and currents sensed on the load side. For three-phase three-wire system, icI
ic2 + ic3
and the compensating current does not include the zero-phase sequence current io. Thus, the dashed line of figure 5 includes elements not necessary in this case.
V.FULL COMPENSATION In the steady states the possibility of full compensationmay be of interest, i.e., the elimination of the non-active terms of the
In steady or transient states, we refer to full compensationas a compensation with or without energy storage elements for modifying ip or p without altering the average power transfer,P. The compensating current eliminates the residual component of the source current (31) and, according to (19) and (24), the source current waveform reproduces the source voltage wavefonn. Fig. 6 shows the calculation to obtain the compensatingcurrent in the case. of periodic waveforms. The diagram includes two low pass fdters (LPF) for detamining average power P and squared average-norm U.Here, the compensator response involves a minimum time delay due to the settling time of fdters. For sinusoidalvoltage source U'= CP is verified, thus fdtering u2 is not necessary.
VI. SIMULATION OF PRACTICAL CASES Instantaneous and full compensation of a three-phase four-wire system is simulated in two practical cases using Mathcad 5.0 Plus package. Fig. 7 shows the configurationof the simulated system. A compensator consisting of a conventionalthree-leg converter [8] is connected in parallel with a non-linear load (a three-phase two-way convertor). The switching elements SCR of the circuit are controlled by a gating angle of 40 deg referred to the zerocrossing instant of the phase voltage. Case 1 considers a balanced sinusoidal supply voltage. Fig. 8 shows the injection of the instantaneous compensating current after one period of the phase voltage. The reactive power compensationis reached instantaneously and the source supplies a distorted current waveform to the load but verifying the principle of mini" instantaneous power transfer between source and load.
1346 10
cl 0
t (ms>
Fig. 9.-Waveformsofthe full compensation system of fig. 7 (phase-1) for balanced voltage source. Fig. 7.- Simulated c u e of instantaneous compensationof a non-linear load.
Instantaneouspower changes after compensation and maintains the expected constantvalue P (its average value). Case 2 consists of the same circuit as case 1but considering an unbalanced supply voltage, i.e., the voltage amplitude of phase 2 is now 20% lower than in case 1. Thus, zero-sequence components of voltage and current now exist. Fig. 10 shows (from top to bottom) three cycles of the zero-sequence voltage and simulationresultsof instantaneous compensationfor phase-1. Instantaneouspower waveform differs from that in case 1 due to the unbalanced voltage but the power exchange is not altered by the instantaneous compensation process. For full compensation (fig. l l ) , waveforms are similar to case 1 except for the instantaneouspower, which is not constant after compensation. It is now sinusoidal, flowing from source to load at a frequency twice the supply frequency. As is shown, the zero-sequence current is eliminated after compensation.
- IO
2 0
t (ms)
Fig. 8.-Waveformsof the instantaneous compensationsystem of fig. 7 (phase1) for balanced voltage source.
Instantaneous power remains unchanged before and after the instantaneouscompensation. Full compensationcan be obtained with the same compensator but changing the conk01 algorithm,i.e., using as reference values the output currents of figure 6. Fig. 9 shows, for phase 1, waveforms of the full compensation system before and after starting compensation. When compensation starts, the source current changes its waveform from square to sinusoidal, indicating the existence of an equivalent purely resistive load.
For three-phase systems and non-linear loads two dZferent procedures of load compensation were considered:instantaneous compensation, for eliminatingthe instantaneous reactive current and zero-sequence current, andjdl compensation, for eliminating all the non-active current components circulating through the load. The first procedure is able to operate in transient states while the second procedure is conceived only in steady states (where the compensator needs a fundamental period for calculating average quantities P and U ) . Both can be implementedby using the same power inverter as reactive power compensator, but controlled by different algorithms. These algorithms have been simulated by a mathematics package to present compensating results that confjrm the instantaneous power theory for three-phase systems in two practical cases.
U -10
t (-1
Fig. 10.-Waveforms ofthe instantaneous compensation system offig. 7 (phase-I) for unbalanced voltage source.
Fig. 11.-Waveforms of the full compensation system of fig. 7 (phase-1) for unbalanced voltage source.
VIII. REFERENCES [l] H. Akagi, Y. Kanazawa, and A. Nabae, "Instantaneous Reactive Power Compensators Comprising Switching Devices Without Energy Storage Components,"lEEETrans. Znd. Appl., vol.I.4-20, no.3, May 1984, pp. 625630.
[2] L. Rossetto, P. Tenti, "Using AGFed PWM Converters as Instantaneous Reactive Power Compensators," LEEE trans Pow. Elect., vo1.7, No.1, Jan. 1992, pp. 224-229. [3] J. L. Willems, "A New Interpretation of The Akagi-Nabae Power Components for Nonsinusoidal Three-phase Situations", IETE Trans. Instnnn.Meas., vol. 41, No. 4, .4ugust 1992, pp. 523-527. [4] F.Z. Peng and J.-S. Lai,"Generalized Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory for Three-Phase Power Systems", E E E Trans. Instntm. Meas., Vol. 45, no. 1, Feb. 1996, pp. 293-297. [5] P. Saimehn and J. C. Montaiio, "Simulaci6n de las Componentes Reactivas Instantineas de Intensidad en Cargas Trifhicas no Lineales," 111Jornadas Hispano-Lusas de Ingenieria Electrica, vol. IV, Jul. 1993, pp. 1375-1384. [6] P. Salmeron and J. C. Montaiio, "Instantaneous power components in polyphase systems under nonsinusoidal conditions", IEEProc.-Sei. Meas. TechnoL,vol. 143, no. 2, Mar. 1996, pp. 151-155. [7] H. Alcag~,"Trendsin Active Power Line Conditioners," lEl?E Trans. Power Electronics,vol. 9, no. 3, May 1994, pp.263-268. [SI M. Aedes, J. Hafner and K. Heumann, "Three-Phase Four-Wire Shunt Active Filter Control Strategies," EEL? Trans. PowerElecironics, vol. 12, no. 2, March 1997,pp. 311-318. [9] S. Fryze, "Effective, Wattless and Apparent Power in Electrical Circuits for the Case of NonSinusoidal Wave-Form of Current and Voltage," Elekfroiechnische ZeitschriJi, Vol. 53, pp. 596,1932.
VIII. BIOGRAPHIES Jnancarlos Montaiio (M' 1980) was bom in Sanlucar de Barrameda (Cadiz), Spain in 1940. He received the Ph.D. degree in physics fmmthe University of Seville, Spain, in 1972. From 1973 to 1978 he was a Researcher at the Instituto de .4utomatica Industrial (C.S.1.C.- Higher Council of Scientific Research), Madrid, Spain, working on analog signal processing, electrical measurements in power systems, and control of industrial processes. Since 1978 he has been rwponsible for various projects in connection with research in power theory of nonsinusoidal systems and Reactive Power Control in electrical systems at the CSIC. At present he is leading a project for monitoring Power Quality.
Patricio Salmeron was born in Huelva (Spain) in 1958. He received the Ph. D. in physics from the University of Seville (Spain) in 1993. From 1983 to 1993 he has been with the Department of Electrical Engineering of University of Sevilla, Spain, and since 1993 as Professor of Electric Circuits and Power Electronics with the Escuela Polithcnica Superior in the Department of Applied Physics and ElectricalEngineering, University of Huelva, Spain. He has joined various projects in connectionwiththe research in power theory ofnonsinusoidal systems and power control in electrical systems. At present his research includes active power filters and artificial neural networks.