Institution of Civil Engineers - ICE Conferences

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AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS: Planning and design guidelines .... WANG, C.M.: Very large floating structures. E-book. London: Routledge, 2007.
Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters: a Library guide

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ICE Coasts, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013 Selected materials held in the ICE Library This is not a complete bibliography. The majority of the material cited is published 2010 or later, with only a small percentage of publications of an earlier date. The list will be revised as new publications appear. Live links have been added to some references for your convenience although that does not mean the publication or article is freely downloadable. To borrow or obtain copies of the references, please contact the ICE Library on 020 7665 2251 or on [email protected].

General Publications AERTS, J.: Climate adaptation and flood risk in coastal cities. London: Earthscan, 2012 AHUJA, S.: Monitoring water quality: pollution assessment, analysis and remediation. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2013 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS: Planning and design guidelines for small craft harbors. 3rd ed. Reston, VI: ASCE Press, 2012 BAKKER, W. T.: Coastal dynamics. Singapore: World Scientific, 2013 CHADWICK, A.: Hydraulics in civil and environmental engineering. 5th ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press; Taylor & Francis Group, 2013 CHAU, K. W.: Modelling for coastal hydraulics and engineering. London and New York: Spon Press, 2010 CONCRETE CENTRE: A review of marine environmental considerations associated with concrete gravity base foundations in offshore wind developments. Camberley: The Concrete Centre, 2012 COOPER, J. A. G.: Pitfalls of shoreline stabilization: selected case studies. Dordrecht: Springer: 2012 DE VRIEND, H.: The Unwin Lecture 2012: Building with Nature: towards sustainable hydraulic engineering. London: ICE, 2012 DESFOR, G.: Transforming urban waterfronts: fixity and flow. New York: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group), 2011 DUPRAY, S.: The use of concrete in maritime engineering - a guide to good practice (CIRIA C674). London: CIRIA, 2010 EWING, L.: Tohoku, Japan, earthquake and tsunami of 2011: survey of coastal structures. Reston, VI: ASCE Press, 2013

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September 2013

GODA, Y.: Random seas and design of maritime structures. 3rd ed. New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing Co Pte, 2010 HM GOVERNMENT.: UK marine policy statement. London: TSO, 2011 HILLEN, M. M.: Coastal defence cost estimates: case study of the Netherlands, New Orleans and Vietnam. Delft: Delft University of Technology, 2010 INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS. Maritime Expert Panel.: The role of coastal engineers in delivering No Net Loss through biodiversity offsetting. London: ICE, 2013 INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION ASSOCIATION. Maritime Navigation Commission. Mitigation of tsunami disasters in ports. Brussels: PIANC, 2010 (Report No 112) INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION ASSOCIATION. Maritime Navigation Commission. Stability of pattern placed revetment blocks. Brussels: PIANC, 2011 (Report No 114) KAMPHUIS, J. W.: Introduction to coastal engineering and management. 2nd ed. New Jersey: World Scientific, 2010 KIM, Y. C.: Coastal and ocean engineering practice. New Jersey: World Scientific, 2012 KIM, Y. C.: Handbook of coastal and ocean engineering. New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte, 2010 KRUSE, C. J.: Marine highway transport of toxic inhalation hazard materials. Washington, D.C.: TRB, 2012 LATTEMANN, S.: Development of an environmental impact assessment and decision support system for seawater desalination plants. Leiden, The Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema, 2010 MCCARRON, W. O.: Deepwater foundation and pipeline geomechanics. Fort Lauderdale, FL: J.Ross Publishing, 2011 MCINNES, R.: A Coastal historical resources guide for England. London: The Crown Estate, 2011 MILLIMAN, J. D.: River discharge to the coastal ocean: a global synthesis. Cambridge: University Press, 2011 MULLIGAN, C.: Sediments contamination and sustainable remediation. London; Boca Raton: IWA Publishing; CRC Press, 2010 PARLIAMENT. Acts.: Marine and coastal access act 2009: Chapter 23. London: TSO, 2009 PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF: Severn tidal power feasibility study, strategic environmental assessment. Final reports (Document reference: FSE97051A - 092, September 2010). -: Parsons Brinckerhoff, 2010

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September 2013

PRANZINI, E.: Coastal erosion and protection in Europe. London and New York: Routledge; Earthscan, 2012 RANDOLPH, M.: Offshore geotechnical engineering. Abingdon: Spon Press, 2011 REEVE, D.: Coastal engineering: processes, theory and design practice. 2nd ed. London and New York: Spon Press, 2012 REEVE, D.: Risk and reliability: coastal and hydraulic engineering. London and New York: Spon Press, 2010 ROBERTS, P. J. W.: Marine wastewater outfalls and treatment systems. London and New York: IWA Publishing, 2010 ROGERS, J.: Beach management manual. 2nd ed (CIRIA C685). London: CIRIA, 2010 THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING: Generating the future: UK energy systems fit for 2050. London: The Royal Academy of Engineering, 2010 SAYERS, P. B.: Flood risk: planning, design and management of flood defence infrastructure. London: ICE Publishing, 2012 SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT: Marine (Scotland) act 2010. London: TSO, 2010 TROMANS, S.: Environmental impact assessment. 2nd ed. Haywards Heath: Bloomsbury Professional Ltd, 2012 TUREKIAN, K. K.: Marine geology & geophysics. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier; Academic Press, 2010 WILLIAMS, A.: Beach management: principles and practice. London: Earthscan Ltd, 2011 WRIGHT, L. L.: Sea level rise, coastal engineering, shorelines and tides. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2011

Conferences Previous conferences in this series 1983 Breakwaters: design and construction. 1985 Developments in breakwaters. 1988 Design of breakwaters. 1992 Coastal structures and breakwaters. 1995 Coastal management: putting policy into practice. 1998 Coastlines, structures and breakwaters. 2001 Breakwaters, coastal structures and coastlines. 2005 Coastlines, structures and breakwaters: harmonising scale and detail 2009 Coasts, marine structures and breakwaters: adapting to change

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September 2013

ICE International Conference on Coastal Management: 1989 Coastal management 1992 Coastal Management : integrating coastal zone planning & management in the next century 1995 Coastal management: putting policy into practice 1999 Coastal management: integrating science, engineering and management 2003 Coastal management 2007 Coastal management 2011 Innovative coastal zone management: sustainable engineering for a dynamic coast All the proceedings are available to borrow from the Library and the papers can be downloaded from the ICE Virtual Library (

Other conferences: International Conference on Coastal Engineering Major conference series, held at first annually and then biennially, since 1950, the papers from all 33 conferences to date have been made freely downloadable under a Creative Commons licence on the following website: The 34th conference is due to be held in Seoul, Korea, in June 2014:

The American Society of Civil Engineers regularly holds conferences on: Coastal dynamics Coastal engineering practice Estuarine and coastal modelling Ports Solutions to coastal disasters International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference Offshore Technology Conference

Journals The following ICE Proceedings have published, or may publish, papers on the maritime engineering. Full lists of contents and papers are available from the ICE Virtual Library ( Civil Engineering Engineering Sustainability Forensic Engineering Maritime Engineering Water Management

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September 2013

ASCE Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering JSCE Coastal Engineering Journal Coastal Engineering Ocean Engineering

Special issues FARLEY, F.: The peaks and troughs of wave energy: the dreams and the reality. Papers of a Theo Murphy Meeting. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A., Vol. 370, Number 1959, pp. 199-529. London: Royal Society Publishing, 2012 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR HYDRO-ENVIRONMENT ENGINEERING AND RESEARCH: Special issue: Sea level rise adaptation measures. HYDROLINK, Number 2, 2013. Madrid, Spain: IAHR, 2013 TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH BOARD: Marine transportation, marine environment, and port terminal operations 2012. Transportation Research Record, No 2273. Washington, D.C.: TRB, 2012

Electronic Resources available to Members through the ICE Library Web Catalogue (Some of this material may be older. Available via ICE Online Catalogue E-Resources but do require additional logins and passwords which the Library staff can supply: )

McGraw Hill Digital Engineering Library / Access Engineering MAYS, L. W.: Hydraulic design handbook. E-book. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1999 RICKETTS, J. T.: Standard Handbook for Civil Engineers. E-book. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2004

Springer R & D FINKL, C. W.: Coastal hazards. Dordrecht: Springer, 2013 MURTHY, C. R.: Modelling and monitoring of coastal marine processes. Dordrecht: Springer, 2008 RAMANATHAN, A.L.: Management and sustainable development of coastal zone environments. Dordrecht: Springer, 2010 SORENSEN, R. M.: Basic coastal engineering. Dordrecht: Springer, 2006

Registered charity number 210252 Charity registered in Scotland number SC038629


September 2013

Taylor and Francis electronic books ABBOTT, M.B.: Coastal estuarial and harbour engineers’ reference book. E-book. London: E & F N Spon, 1994 CHAU, K. W.: Modelling for coastal hydraulics and engineering. E-book. London and New York: Spon Press, 2010 NOVAK, P.: Hydraulic modelling – an introduction. Principles, methods and applications. E-book. London: Spon Press, 2010 REEVE, D.: Risk and reliability – coastal and hydraulic engineering. E-book. London: Routledge, 2009 WANG, C.M.: Very large floating structures. E-book. London: Routledge, 2007

EBSCO Discovery Service Enhanced version of the library catalogue with full text access to some papers and publications.

Websites: ASCE CE database Search engine for ASCE publications, of all types (journals and conference papers, and books): CEDA Central Dredging Association CIRIA Knowledgebase Coastal and marine oastal_and_marine1&Template=/TaggedPage/TaggedPageDisplay.cfm&TPLID=19&ContentID=105 61 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Policies: Reducing the threats of flooding and coastal change DNV Rules and standards for the offshore industry Environment Agency European Commission Coastal and Marine Policy HR Wallingford Independent research and consultancy in civil engineering and environmental hydraulics

Registered charity number 210252 Charity registered in Scotland number SC038629


September 2013

IAHS Associated Programme on Flood Management ICE Maritime Best practice documents ,case studies, online lectures and events. ICE Virtual Library Search engine for ICE Publications, of all types (journals and conference papers, and books). Items may be purchased online here too: IMarEST Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology OES Offshore Engineering Society PIANC International Navigation Association

Topics Breakwaters BURCHART, H.F.: On front slope stability of berm breakwaters. Coastal Engineering, Volume 77, p 71-76, July 2013 CAREVIC, D.; LONCAR, G.; PRSIC, M.: Wave parameters after smooth submerged breakwater. Coastal Engineering, Volume 79, p 32-41, September 2013 COOKER, M.J.: A theory for the impact of a wave breaking onto a permeable barrier with jet generation. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, Volume 79, n 1, p 1-12, April 2013 DIAMANTOULAKI, I.; ANGELIDES, D.C.: Risk-based maintenance scheduling using monitoring data for moored floating breakwaters. Structural Safety, Volume 41, p 107-118, March 2013 ELCHAHAL, G.; YOUNES, R.; LAFON, P.: Optimization of coastal structures: Application on detached breakwaters in ports. Ocean Engineering, Volume 63, p 35-43, 2013 GUANCHE, Y.; CAMUS, P.; GUANCHE, R.; MENDEZ, F.J.; MEDINA, R.: A simplified method to downscale wave dynamics on vertical breakwaters. Coastal Engineering, Volume 71, p 68-77, January 2013 JENG, D-S.; YE, J-H.; ZHANG, J-S.; LIU, P. L-F.: An integrated model for the wave-induced seabed response around marine structures: Model verifications and applications. Coastal Engineering, Volume 72, p 1-19, February 2013 KORAIM, A.S.: Hydrodynamic efficiency of suspended horizontal rows of half pipes used as a new type breakwater. Ocean Engineering, Volume 64, p 1-22, 2013 KRISTENSEN, S.E.; DRNEN, N.; DEIGAARD, R.; FREDSOE, J.: Hybrid morphological modelling of shoreline response to a detached breakwater. Coastal Engineering, Volume 71, p 13-27, January 2013

Registered charity number 210252 Charity registered in Scotland number SC038629


September 2013

LIU, H-W.; LUO, J-X.: An analytical solution for linear long wave reflection by two submerged rectangular breakwaters. Journal of Marine Science and Technology (Taiwan), Volume 21, Number 2, p 142-148, 2013 LIU, Y.; LI, H.J.: Analysis of oblique wave interaction with a submerged perforated semi-circular breakwater. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, p 1-14, 2013 LIU, Y.; LI, H-J.: Wave reflection and transmission by porous breakwaters: A new analytical solution. Coastal Engineering, Volume 78, p 46-52, August 2013 MASE, H.; TSUJIO, D.; YASUDA, T.; MORI, N.: Stability analysis of composite breakwater with wave-dissipating blocks considering increase in sea levels, surges and waves due to climate change Ocean Engineering, Volume 71, p 58-65, October 2013 MATTEUCCI, G.; FIESOLETTI, F.; ROSSINI, P.: Using biogeochemical markers to assess the environmental effects of shore-parallel breakwaters on a coastal area affected by mass tourism (Rimini, Italy). Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Volume 224, Number 1, January 2013 NEGRO VALDECANTOS, V.; LOPEZ GUTIERREZ, J.S.; POVORINOS FLORS, J.I.: Comparative study of breakwater crown wall - calculation methods. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering, Volume 166, Number 1, p 25-41, March 2013 NORGAARD, J.Q.H.; ANDERSEN, T.L.; BURCHARTH, H F: Wave loads on rubble mound breakwater crown walls in deep and shallow water wave conditions. Coastal Engineering, Volume 80, p 137-147, October 2013 PLOMARITIS, T.A.; COLLINS, M.B.: Hydrodynamic and sediment dynamic modifications of tidal flow in the near-field area of offshore breakwaters: Topical Collection on Multi-scale modelling of coastal, shelf and global ocean dynamics. Ocean Dynamics, Volume 63, Numbers 2-3, p 225-241, March 2013 SAIDI, H.; SOUISSI, R.; ZARGOUNI, F.: Environmental impacts of single and successive breakwaters along the Mediterranean coastline at Rades-Ezzahra, NE Tunisia. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Volume 72, Number 1, p 81-91, 2013 SUH, K-D.; KIM, S-W.; KIM, S.; CHEON, S.: Effects of climate change on stability of caisson breakwaters in different water depths. Ocean Engineering, Volume 71, p103-112, October 2013 TEH, H.M.; VENUGOPAL, V.: Performance evaluation of a semicircular breakwater with truncated wave screens. Ocean Engineering, Volume 70, p 160-176, September 2013 VAN GENT, M.R.A.: Rock stability of rubble mound breakwaters with a berm. Coastal Engineering, Volume 78, p 35-45, August 2013 XIE, J-J.: LIU, H-W.: Analytical study for linear wave transformation by a trapezoidal breakwater or channel. Ocean Engineering, Volume 64, p 49-59, May 2013

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September 2013

YE, J.H.; JENG, D-S.: Three-dimensional dynamic transient response of a poro-elastic unsaturated seabed and a rubble mound breakwater due to seismic loading. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Volume 44, p 14-26, January 2013

Beach / ShorelineManagement CALLAGHAN, D.P.; WAINWRIGHT, D.: The impact of various methods of wave transfers from deep water to nearshore when determining extreme beach erosion. Coastal Engineering, Volume 74, p 50-58, April 2013 DONG, P.; WU, X.Z.: Application of a stochastic differential equation to the prediction of shoreline evolution. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, p 1-16, March 2013 HARLEY, M.D.; CIAVOLA, P.: Managing local coastal inundation risk using real-time forecasts and artificial dune placements. Coastal Engineering, Volume 77, p 77-90, July 2013 NICHOLLS, R.J.; TOWNEND, I.H.; BRADBURY, A.P.; RAMSBOTTOM, D.; DAY, S.A.: Planning for long-term coastal change: Experiences from England and Wales. Ocean Engineering, Volume 71, p 3-16, October 2013 TRATALOS, J.A.; SUGDEN, R.; BATEMAN, I.J.; GILL, J.A.; JONES, A.P.; SHOWLER, D.A.; SUTHERLAND, W.J.; WATKINSON, A.R.: The conflict between conservation and recreation when visitors dislike crowding: a theoretical and empirical analysis of the spatial distribution of recreational beach users. Environmental and Resource Economics, Volume 55, Number 3, p 447-465, July 2013

Renewable energy Wave / Wind / Tidal BAHAJ, A.S.: New research in tidal current energy. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 371, Number 1985, February 28, 2013 GUANCHE, R.; GOMEZ, V.; VIDAL, C.; EGUINOA, I.: Numerical analysis and performance optimization of a submerged wave energy point absorber. Ocean Engineering, Volume 59, p 214230, February 2013 HAIDERALI, A.; CILINGIR, U.; MADABHUSHI, G.: Lateral and axial capacity of monopiles for offshore wind turbines. Indian Geotechnical Journal, Volume 43, Number 3, p 181-194, September 2013 KIM, N.; JIN, J.W.: Sensitivity analysis of offshore wind turbine tower caused by the external force. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, Volume 17, Number 5, p 859-864, July 2013 SHIRES, A: Design optimisation of an offshore vertical axis wind turbine. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Energy, Volume 166, Number 1, p 7-18, February 1, 2013 SULLIVAN, P.; MCCOMBIE, P.: Optimisation of tidal power arrays using a genetic algorithm. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Energy, Volume 166, Number 1, p 19-28, February 1, 2013

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YATES, N.; WALKINGTON, I.; BURROWS, R.; WOLF, J.: Appraising the extractable tidal energy resource of the UK's western coastal waters. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Volume 371, Number 1985, February 28, 2013 ZANUTTIGH, B.; ANGELELLI, E.: Experimental investigation of floating wave energy converters for coastal protection purpose. Coastal Engineering, Volume 80, p 148-159, October 2013

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September 2013