Water Resour Manage (2008) 22:699–718 DOI 10.1007/s11269-007-9187-7
Institutional Evolution in Lake Okeechobee Management in Florida: Characteristics, Impacts, and Limitations Neeraj Vedwan & Sajjad Ahmad & Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm & Kenneth Broad & David Letson & Guillermo Podesta
Received: 6 November 2005 / Accepted: 17 April 2007 / Published online: 9 June 2007 # Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2007
Abstract The management of Lake Okeechobee in Florida has undergone significant changes in the last decade. Socio-political, environmental and demographic factors have driven changes in the environmental and water policy, which in turn have led to wideranging institutional changes and a shift toward multiobjective planning and implementation in the Lake management. This article describes the changes in the philosophy and practice of water resources management in South Florida hydrologic system, of which Lake Okeechobee is a crucial component. The impacts of the changes on management goals and decision processes are illustrated through a case study of the use of climate information in Lake management. The article concludes with a brief examination of the implications of the institutional changes, including greater public participation, for the long-term sustainability of the social-ecological system in South Florida. Keywords Adaptive management . Institutional evolution . Lake Okeechobee . Climate information . Decision making . Stakeholder . Policy . Water resources management
N. Vedwan Department of Anthropology, Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, New Jersey, USA e-mail:
[email protected] S. Ahmad (*) Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Nevada, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154-4015, USA e-mail:
[email protected] F. Miralles-Wilhelm Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, FL, USA K. Broad : D. Letson : G. Podesta Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, Florida, USA
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1 Introduction Water resources management is increasingly beset with “wicked” problems, that is, problems which are complex, often have contested political and social dimensions, and thus defy conceptualization amenable to conventional problem solving approaches (Ludwig 2001). The “command and control” paradigm of natural resources management, and reductionist approaches based on it have proven inadequate in stemming serious problems, such as pervasive environmental degradation and intensifying conflicts among competing users. It has become clear that an effective response to problems being encountered will have to encompass multiple, but interconnected levels of policy, decision-making and utilization of information. It has been noted that the decline in scientific certitude and increasing recognition of uncertainty, both scientific and normative, arising mainly from a greatly increased complexity of water resources management objectives, has transformed the principal institutional goal of well-defined problem-solving to change and adaptability (Pahl-Wostl 2002; Ludwig 2001; McCool and Guthrie 2001). Water management agencies can be considered boundary organizations which respond to broader social changes through technological innovation, establishment of new procedures, and re-conceptualization of the management problem (LaChapelle et al. 2003; Fraiture 2007). Adaptive management (also referred to as integrated management, ecosystem management) has emerged as an alternative to the dominant mechanistic paradigms that have hitherto dominated natural resources management. It takes an inclusive view of the coupled social-ecological system, and offers several advantages over a piecemeal management approach. According to Imperial (1999), the main characteristics of integrated management are: use of systems perspective, improving institutional performance, integrating government policies, expanded public participation, better coordination between various governmental and non-governmental organizations, and use of science in government policies. Participatory approaches to decision-making have emerged at the center of the efforts aimed at overcoming the impasse in natural resources policy-making arising out of, primarily, lack of institutional legitimacy and trust (Poisner 1996). Increased stakeholder participation and broader public involvement in decision-making, as elements of adaptive management, can facilitate innovations. Fiorino (1990) lays out normative, substantive, and instrumental benefits of stakeholder participation in risk management decisions. Not only is broad stakeholder participation in consonance with democratic ethos, but besides adding value by helping incorporate diverse input into decision-making, it also improves the chances of success of management efforts (Poncelet 2001). By involving stakeholders and the broader public in setting goals, formulating the process and actively monitoring the results, participant learning is fostered which reduces the potential for backlash in the event of unanticipated adverse outcomes. An important goal of the adaptive management approach is to strengthen the institutional capacity to deal with unexpected changes and uncertainty (Gunderson 1999). In contrast to earlier reductionist approaches oriented to problem-solving using specific technical tools, it embraces social learning as a means to promote innovation. According to Marleeveld and Dangbégnon (1999), social learning involves, systems thinking, communicative rationality, and experimentation. A diversity of learning approaches is required because it “strengthens the adaptive capacity of managed resource systems, since this enlarges sensitivity to different types of change and the ability to come up with different strategies for taking action” (Marleeveld and Dangbégnon 1999: 270). The utility of adaptive management lies in its explicit recognition of uncertainty that exists in the understanding of natural systems,
Institutional evolution in Lake Okeechobee management in Florida
as well as the couple natural–social systems. Instead of adopting a strictly technical approach to analyzing and coping with uncertainty, adaptive management calls for greater stakeholder participation, as well as strengthening the interconnections between diverse disciplines such as engineering, biology, and sociology, to generate a holistic understanding of the coupled natural–social system (Cortner and Moote 1994). Although adaptive management is often exemplified as consisting of an experimental approach, where management decisions are evaluated for their impact on ecosystems, the goals are much broader. In recognition of the politics inherent in using science for natural resources management, the objective is expanded from striving for a value-free, objective science to encouraging a “social learning” approach where both the experts and stakeholders participate in a transparent and iterative exercise aimed at unmasking the underlying assumptions of decision-making. Decision-support tools have been used to facilitate the drawing up of possible scenarios, along with discussion of tradeoffs inherent in decisionmaking. Models, traditionally used in water resources management for delineating cause– effect relationships, can also serve as a basis for stakeholder participation, with discussions based on modeling results (Olsson and Andersson 2007). Despite increasing recognition of the usefulness of adaptive management approaches, it remains unclear how the transition from more conventional management approaches takes place (Roe 2001). According to Pahl-Wostl (2002), the interdependence of the various components of current water resources management regimes – institutions, policies, models, and practices – due to co-evolution over long periods of time makes transition difficult. The entrenched systems of management are resistant to wholesale change required for adaptive assessment principles and practices to be accepted and implemented, unless driven by external forces. The looming threat of global change is described as one such catalyst, but in general, there are not many accounts available of the transition. In South Florida the changes in Lake Okeechobee management have taken place in the context of regional environmental restoration efforts, mainly of the Everglades, which were initiated with the signing of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project in 2000. The investment of significant political capital at the national level, even transcending the conventional political boundaries, provided the necessary fillip for the reconfiguration of institutional and decision-making mechanisms. A social learning approach to managing risk and uncertainty has lead to changes in how information collection, processing and sharing takes place – all of which have a strong component of stakeholder participation built in, and the processes are iterative and hence flexible. Therefore there has been a move away from expert determination and control of what the information needs are to a more contingent and consensual definition of pertinent information. New principles for conflict resolution, moving away from a “zero sum” approach, where costly litigation cycles are the norm, have to be evolved. In case of South Florida ecosystems, the principle of “shared adversity” (Steinman et al. 2002) enables a give and take approach that allows for satisfactory outcomes in situations where there are no optimal solutions. This paper presents a case study of the transition to adaptive management for Lake Okeechobee in Florida. The main goal is to improve the understanding of factors that have led to the change, through an examination of decision-making within the South Florida Water Management District, especially as they pertain to information processing. The paper describes the policy stalemate, comprised of the demographic, socio-political and institutional factors, that triggered an overhaul of existing Lake management in favor of an integrated approach, incorporating adaptive assessment and stakeholder participation as
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cornerstones. With the help of the example of use of climate information in Lake management, the paper illustrates how institutional and decision-making changes, along with specific changes in the philosophy and practice of water resources management in South Florida have facilitated the increased attention to climate in operational decisions making, as well as planning. More importantly institutional and decision making changes have contributed to achieving a better balance among the multiple and often conflicting goals. The remaining paper is organized as follows. First we present the geographic setting of Lake Okeechobee and important hydrologic characteristics of South Florida. This is followed by description of the methods used in the study. We explore various dimensions of water resources management crisis in South Florida, and policy and management response to that crisis. Finally we present some examples of how adaptive management, and particularly participatory decision-making process, is currently being used for Lake Okeechobee management, and conclude with lessons learned from this approach.
2 South Florida: Geographic and Hydrologic Characteristics South Florida is home to about 6.5 million people, 45% of the State population, living in an area of approximately 43,520 km2 that is 31% of State area. The region includes critical environmental resources such as Everglades National Park and Lake Okeechobee. Between 1950 and 2000 the population of South Florida has grown about 800% (from 0.8 million to about 6.5 million). The region also has a significant influx of seasonal and tourist population. The permanent resident population of the region is projected to reach 8.2 million by 2020 (SFWMD 1998a). Between 1950 and 2000 the urban land use increased from 2.2 to 13.3%. Agricultural land increased from 9.5 to 27.8% during the same period. These changes in population and land use have had significant impacts resulting in increased demands for water; increased needs for flood protection; an overall decline in water quality; and a reduction in lands in their natural state. South Florida has a sub-tropical climate, warm temperatures, and an average annual rainfall of 135 cm (SFWMD 1998a). Seventy-three percent, or approximately 98 cm of the region’s spatially averaged annual rainfall occurs in the 6 month period from May through October (Ali and Abtew 1999). Although rainfall is relatively abundant in Florida, a major portion of it is never available for use due to high evaporation. Measured runoff averages from zero to 25 cm per year in much of South Florida. In addition to the monthly variation of rainfall, year-to-year variability in total precipitation is an important feature of South Florida’s climate. Annual rainfall frequency analysis performed by Scully (1986) depicted 1-in-10 year dry and wet annual rainfall in the region as 112 and 158 cm, respectively. The fact that South Florida can move so quickly from having excessive rainfall with associated flooding to a drought situation, or vice versa, exacerbates the difficulties associated with managing the water resources of the region. South Florida region with its water control and conveyance structures is shown in Fig. 1. The heart of the system is Lake Okeechobee. The Lake covers 1,869 km2 with a mean depth of 2.75 m and has a surface water storage capacity of 3.78 103 million m3. The control and conveyance system includes approximately 2,250 km each of both levees and canals, more than 200 water control structures and 18 major pump stations. Major inflows to the Lake include the Kissimmee River, Fisheating Creek and Taylor Creek. Lake Okeechobee has two outlets, the Caloosahatchee River to the west and the St. Lucie Canal to the east, which discharge through the tidal estuaries to the ocean. Four major
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Fig. 1 Map of South Florida
canals (West Palm Beach, Hillsboro, North New River and Miami) convey water supply to the Lower East Coast and flood control releases from Lake Okeechobee to the south. These canals traverse the Water Conservation Areas (WCAs) and capture excess runoff from the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA). The five WCAs, WCA-1, WCA-2A, WCA-2B, WCA-3A and WCA-3B, work as shallow, above the ground impoundments.
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Lake Okeechobee has multiple functions including flood protection, agricultural and urban water supply, navigation, fisheries and wildlife habitat. The Lake provides irrigation water for the 1,813-km2 Everglades Agriculture Area and represents a critical supplemental water supply for the Everglades during dry periods (SFWMD 1998a). Ground water provides for 53% of the total freshwater demands in South Florida (USGS 1999). Commercial agriculture is the main water user in South Florida, generating 62% of total water demand. The water control system of South Florida is complex, not only in its configuration, but also in its operation. Lake Okeechobee management mainly involves decisions about the timing and quantity of water to be stored or released to the different parts of the natural system, or for various consumptive uses. The water from the Lake can be released to one or more of the following areas: a. b. c. d.
The estuaries to the east (St Lucie river) or the west (Caloosahatchee river) The Water Conservation Areas (WCA) to the south The Everglades to the south and ultimately into the Florida bay. The coastal urban areas or the Everglades Agricultural Area (EAA) to the south
The importance of climate information for water resources management is magnified by the vast basin draining into the Lake, so that even small variability in precipitation can have a significant impact on its level. Global climate phenomena like the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and, to a lesser degree Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), have been successfully linked to Florida’s weather with its different phases having, in general, opposite impact on precipitation. For instance, during the El Niño years, winter (Nov– March) precipitation increases by as much as 30% compared to the neutral years (Jones et al. 1999). The La Niña has the opposite impact, with the precipitation in fall and winter (the dry season) declining by 10–30%.
2.1 Evolving Water Management Goals South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD, hereafter referred to as the “District”) is responsible for the management of water resources in South Florida. Beginning in the 1970s, the increased concern over environmental degradation in South Florida began to translate into policy measures aimed at stemming the trend. The Florida Water Resources Act of 1972 can be considered as marking the beginning of serious rethinking of water resources management in Florida. The original preoccupation of water resources management in the region – drainage, dating back to the 1850s, and subsequently, flood control – over time gave way to inclusion of supply, and finally, environmental considerations. The deterioration of Lake Okeechobee due to a combination of consistently high water levels for long periods of time and the back-pumping of agricultural runoff (for supply purposes) into it, and the adverse impact on the downstream ecosystems – the Everglades and the Florida bay – emerged as rallying issues in this regard. It is important, however, to emphasize that the shifts in environmental policy in South Florida cannot simply be reduced to being the imprint of the objective changes in the environment; rather they are the outcomes of multiple and, often, divergent processes, such as, stakeholder dynamics and the evolution in the scientific understanding of the environment. The State government, its proxy, the District, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Federal government, agricultural interests, urban developers, Indian tribes, and
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environmentalists are the main players in the policy and decision-making arena. At various times, challenges to policies have been mounted legally, as well as politically.
3 Materials and Methods With enormous growth in population, changes in land use, substantial agricultural activity, and need to protect vital environmental resources such as Everglades, South Florida presents a very challenging case for water management. Methodologically, this paper follows an approach which has been used widely in policy and decision-making studies in natural resources management (Rayner et al. 2005; Power et al. 2005; Olsson et al. 2004). Natural resource management is influenced by a complex mix of specific historical, political-economic, and ecological factors. Thus, broad generalization across multiple cases and sites is usually difficult to achieve; therefore case-studies, based on in-depth information, drawn from a variety of sources, are often preferred. This work is based on data and information collected using multiple methods: Interviews, participant observation, and sources such as scientific publications, technical reports, procedural manuals, management decision tools (e.g. decision-trees used for Lake-water release), and meeting minutes. Ten semi-structured (Bernard 2000) interviews were conducted with key scientists and managers at the District. The key advantage of semi-structured approach is flexibility in posing questions, taking into consideration responses, as opposed to strict reliance on a preformulated questionnaire. Another goal of the interviews was to elicit contextual information pertaining to the actual decision-making, which would help highlight the key institutional variables responsible for innovation. We also attended twelve meetings of the stakeholders (open to public), decision-makers (scientists, engineers, managers), Governing Board, Water Resources Advisory Council (WRAC), and Hydrological Systems and Modeling (HSM) group of the District. Participant observation often provides information which is difficult to get through interviews and surveys (Agar 1996). For instance, the stakeholder dynamics which can be observed in the course of participation in an open meeting are likely to differ from the accounts provided by individuals after the fact, at least in terms of comprehensiveness. Scientific publications pertaining to Lake Okeechobee management, including coverage of specific water release decisions, in particular, and related issues like Everglades restoration, were searched exhaustively. We systematically analyzed the collected information to identify factors and conditions that led to transition form “Command and Control” type of management to participatory decision making. Regional newspapers were searched, using LexisNexis – a web-based search engine for mass media sources – for the coverage of issues related to Lake Okeechobee management and the Everglades. The content of about two thousand records which were analyzed provides insights into the public response to the policies and practices of water resources management in South Florida. The analysis was done using a “grounded theory” approach (Bernard 2000) where iterative analysis is used to elicit prominent themes in the textual data. For instance, one of the themes that emerged repeatedly relates to the widespread perception that the Lake management was still being done mainly for the benefit of agricultural and economic interests and not the ecosystem. We present our analysis with the identification of different dimensions of water resources management crisis in South Florida. This is followed by policy and management response to the crisis. Finally, we present a case study of the use of climate information in Lake Okeechobee management.
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4 Dimensions of Water Resources Management Crisis in South Florida The crystallization of a full-blown water management crisis in the 1980–1990s, comprised a number of interrelated developments, derived from demographic and socio-economic changes in the region, and the general shift in environmental attitudes. The main components of the crisis were: (1) Competing uses of water; (2) uncertainty about the scientific and normative aspects of decision-making; and (3) the loss of trust in the decision making process and institutions managing water resources. 4.1 Competing Uses of Water In addition to the positive shift in environmental attitudes in the 1970s, as evident in the promulgation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 1969, the Endangered Species Act (ESA), and the 1972 Stockholm United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Gottlieb 2005), the environmental dimension of water resources management gained importance as a result of the structural political-economic changes sweeping through the region (Schusler et al. 2003). The in-migration of retirees with disposable income, increasing differentiation and specialization of the economy, and increase in tourism, led to the emergence of strident voices in support of arresting the environmental degradation. The influx of people, drawn in part by the aesthetic and recreational aspects of the environment and growth of tourism – dependent on the integrity of the environment – brought this fast growing sector in conflict with the “old economy”, comprised of the well-entrenched agricultural and urban interests. The effects of economic polarization were compounded by the increasing regional sociopolitical fragmentation. South Florida in the 1970s saw a surge in migration from Latin America, which had far-reaching consequences for the demographics, politics, and development in the region (Solecki 2001). The outcome was that Lake management with respect to the major objectives transformed into a zero-sum game, with the aggrieved parties increasingly adopting obstructionist positions on various issues and resorting to litigation. 4.2 Uncertainties about the Scientific and Normative Aspects of Decision-making Natural resources management, in general, is host to numerous uncertainties owing to the presence of intergenerational issues, science-politics interface, and contestation over values as, for example, manifested in the contending philosophies of anthropocentrism vs. ecocentrism (Hempel 1996). Despite continuing advances in the understanding of the South Florida natural system, uncertainties remain. Reducing the amount of phosphorus in the Lake-water and the Everglades to the historic low levels has been an important environmental objective of water resources management in the region. However, even the basic characterization of the Everglades as naturally oligotrophic (nutrient-poor, low phosphorus), and the role of the elevated phosphorus levels in the proliferation of exotic species, have been challenged by some stakeholders, notably the sugar industry (Green and Perko 2001). It is clear however that the impact of uncertainty is not due to lack of scientific knowledge of the characteristic natural system processes alone since even a consensus in the scientific and management community on the specific ameliorative steps needed to restore the natural hydropattern in the Everglades (timing and quantity of water flows to the various parts of the natural system) has proven relatively ineffectual in advancing the restoration efforts.
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Ultimately the problem may have less to do with the objective lack of certainty about ecosystem properties and their linkages with anthropogenic and natural forces, than with the lack of agreement on the acceptable level of societal costs and benefits of environmental restoration. At the root of the disagreement lies the difficulty of economic valuation of ecological functions and attributes, which provides opportunities for interested parties to highlight and politicize uncertainty (Krishnan and Goodwin 1995). 4.3 Loss of Trust in the Decision-making Process and Institutions Managing Water Resources The inability of water resources management, based on centralized rule-making, to come up with broadly acceptable solutions to the problems being encountered has led to rampant litigation. By the late 1980s, it was clear that the status quo involving the entrenched policy triangle, comprising the State, including the SFWMD, the economic interests, primarily agricultural groups, and technical experts, mainly engineers, had proved incapable of responding effectively to the crisis in Lake management. The proliferating adversarial relations between not just the various interest groups, but also the management institutions, led to the enormously expensive and time-consuming “litigation, negotiation and legislation cycle,” which began in 1988, when the Federal government filed a lawsuit against the SFWMD, contending that its practice of back-pumping agricultural runoff into Lake Okeechobee was in violation of the Clean Water Act, and continued into the 1990s (Guest 2001). The lack of public trust in the State including its various institutions magnifies the effect of uncertainty in the definition, as well as potential solutions of environmental problems, leading, therefore, to passivity towards environmental issues (Johnson and Scicchitano 2000). The “top-down” approach of Lake Okeechobee management continued through the 1970s to 1990s, while degradation of the Lake and other related South Florida ecosystems went largely unchecked. One important outcome has been that the environmental groups have pressed, simultaneously, for greater public input as well as reduced role for the dominant institutional players including the USACE, which is seen as having presided over the long period of environmental decline.
5 Policy and Management Response to the Crisis The initial attempts to remedy the environmental problems engendered by decades of water resources management practices were fairly specific and technical. However, it soon became clear that the continuation of the piecemeal approach, with reliance on “end-of-thepipe” solutions, was inadequate in resolving the problems that had resulted from the wholesale destruction of the integrity of the region’s hydrological system (Harwell 1998). The fundamental problem of disturbed natural hydropattern could not be tackled without major changes in the Lake management, including its decision-making structure and processes, the role of science therein, and a re-conceptualization of the management “problem”. The main components of policy and management response to the crisis were: (1) adaptive assessment; (2) stakeholder participation; and (3) systems approach to Lake management. Different dimensions of both, the water management crisis and policy and management response to the crisis are depicted in Fig. 2.
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Systems Approach
Policy and Management Response
Water Management Crisis Competing Use
Loss of Trust
Adaptive Assessment
Stakeholder Participation
Fig. 2 Dimensions of water resources management crisis and policy and management response source: South Florida Water Management District
5.1 Adaptive Assessment Program The adaptive assessment program of Lake Okeechobee is based on the documentation and, ultimately, corroboration of the impact of management actions on various ecosystems, such as the Lake littoral zone, the estuaries, the Everglades, and competing objectives like water supply and flood control. For instance, a series of “Performance Measures,” in terms of which the health of various ecosystems can be linked to decision-making about the timing, quantity, and the quality of water released from the Lake, have been formulated. Performance measures include parameters related to Lake water phosphorus levels, amount of Lake vegetation or SAV (Submerged Aquatic Vegetation), Lake water clarity, and frequency of extreme Lake levels (SFWMD 2007). For instance, during 2006, the total annual inflow of 795 mt (metric tons) exceeded the target phosphorus load of 140 mt/year (to be achieved by 2015). On the other hand, the target for “spring recession,” another performance measure that involves reduction in Lake level, was achieved during 2006. Performance measures have been devised to incrementally create envelopes of conditions that could simulate the range of natural variability pertaining to biological, ecological and hydrological conditions characterizing the various ecosystems of South Florida. 5.2 Stakeholder Participation A participatory process involving a multi-tiered approach to water resources decisionmaking has also been put in place. Various stakeholders groups are represented in the deliberative and consultative process in forums such as the WRAC, while major institutional players are represented in the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Taskforce. The output from different groups and sub-groups is ultimately passed on to the Governing Board, which conveys its recommendations to the Governor. The mechanisms for interaction with stakeholders include meetings with opportunities for public input, field trips, and in-depth discussion of methodologies and techniques used by the District. For instance, in 2004, the release of large quantities of freshwater from the Lake to St Lucie estuary caused a public outcry about the resulting pollution and potentially adverse public health impacts. The SFWMD organized a helicopter tour of the area to demonstrate to the stakeholders the difficulty of tracing pollutants to specific sources
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because the local runoff comprised a significant part of the total inflows into the St. Lucie river. Decisions pertaining to release of water are made after taking into consideration quarterly input from the public and governing board and weekly meetings of a multidisciplinary team of Lake experts. WRAC, for instance, is a broadly constituted deliberative body – consisting of the representatives of environmental organizations, such as, the Audubon Society and Nature Conservancy, the local, state and federal governments, and utilities, agricultural and other business interests – open to public input, which meets on a monthly basis. We observed first hand, and from studying records of the meetings (For meeting minutes, see http://www.sfwmd.gov/gover/wrac/minutes.html), that a wide variety of topics ranging from the decisions of the District to the implications of legislative and policy measures are actively discussed. Requests for more information on particular topics are frequently made with the District often arranging for special presentations by its staff. An important aspect of the WRAC meetings is the emphasis on the presentation of modeling results by the District in support of or as explanation for its decision-making. Questions from stakeholders usually follow about the interpretations of graphs and other data that may have been presented. The last 2 years have seen the Lake at almost recordhigh levels, which has led to heightened concerns about the adverse impacts on its ecology. Another development has been the steady releases of large quantities of freshwater, often polluted, to the estuaries, which has contributed to the algal infestation and decline in marine life. The WRAC presentations in this period have focused on contextualizing the unprecedented Lake-levels with respect to the historical record, especially of regulatory water releases (which are mandated at high Lake-levels). Discussions of the decision-trees in use by the Lake managers and stakeholder input have centered on how they could be improved to reduce the frequency of damaging releases of large amounts of water. Issues related to integrated management of the Lake also come up frequently during the WRAC meetings. For instance, the impact of development around the Lake on the runoff was discussed on several occasions. Members demanded that pre-and post-development studies of the impact on runoff be undertaken and developers required to reduce the volume of runoff to pre-development levels. Concerns have also been voiced over the amount of Phosphorus in the inflows to the Lake. One outcome has been the fostering of an integrated view of the South Florida hydrological system comprising the Lake, estuaries, Everglades, and Florida bay. An example of this is the discussion of the “shared adversity” principle, which implies a de facto recognition of the fact that tradeoffs between competing interests are an inherent part of decision-making.
5.3 A Systems Approach to Lake Management The “Command and Control” style of management, ascendant since the 1940s, was essentially reactive and mechanistic in scope with a very narrow spatial–temporal focus. Firmly grounded in a reductionist understanding of the complex hydrology, ecology, and their interrelationship in the region, the Lake was considered almost exclusively a reservoir to the acute detriment of its myriad other functions. Management of the Lake thus primarily involved controlling inflows and outflows with the help of a network of canals to maintain levels conducive to the fulfillment of seasonal water supply and flood control objectives. Due to the sustained stakeholder pressure on the managers for greater accountability, the deeply enshrined “command and control” approach (Holling and Meffe 1996) has over time given way to system-wide planning. The Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) legislation which was passed in December 2000 was designed to implement an
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integrated approach towards restoring the hydropattern, while meeting the water supply and flood protection needs of the region. The adoption of an ecosystem approach for Lake management, with emphasis on the linkages to the estuaries, the Everglades, and watersheds including that of the Kissimmee river, has been affected mainly through the implementation of the Adaptive Protocols (SFWMD 2001) aimed at identifying the basic characteristic processes and patterns in terms of level, flow of water, and nutrients for different landscape mosaics which have existed historically (Gentile et al. 2001). In keeping with this approach, measures, “envelopes” of conditions, and Minimum Flows and Levels (MFLs) have been developed and are monitored for estuaries (salinity levels) and the Everglades (water depths) at varying time scales to mimic the natural variability. The change in the focus of Lake management from a “reactive” mode – where consistently high water-levels interspersed with abrupt release of huge quantities of water to the estuaries were quite the norm, to an approach based on the avoidance of extremes in water levels, has been accomplished with the use of the new “Regulation Schedule,” as well as, the “Decision-Trees,” which incorporate environmental information on multiple spatial– temporal scales – ranging from watershed conditions in the immediate past to meteorological and climatological conditions, ranging from a week to several months in the future. One decision tree is shown in Fig. 3 and is used as operational guide for Lake Okeechobee discharge to Water Conservation Areas.
WSE Operational Guidelines Decision Tree Define Lake Okeechobee Discharges to the Water Conservation Areas Check Lake Water Level Daily
Apply Tributary Condition Criteria
Apply Multi-Seasonal Climate Outlooks on a Monthly Basis
In Zone D, Check Desirability of Releases to the Everglades
Pump Maximum Practicable To WCAs
All Downstream WCAs < Max of Upper Schedule +0.25ft
START Lake Okeechobee Water Level ZONE C
All Downstream WCAs < Max of Upper Schedule +0.25ft
Desirable or With Minimum Everglades Impacts
Tributary Hydrological Conditions
Multi Seasonal Outlook
Source: South Florida Water Management District Fig. 3 Operational guidelines for Lake Okeechobee discharge to Water Conservation Area
Maximum Practicable to WCAs No Discharge to WCAs
Maximum Practicable to WCAs No Discharge to WCAs
Maximum Practicable to WCAs No Discharge to WCAs
Institutional evolution in Lake Okeechobee management in Florida
Integrated view of the system is also fostered through institutional change that has led to progressively greater involvement of scientists from diverse disciplines – biologists, ecologists, meteorologists, climatologists – in Lake management. The District has over time built considerable in-house expertise for different aspects of Lake management, in addition to establishing collaborative relationships with independent researchers in a number of universities. The weekly meeting of the operational team comprising specialists from diverse areas, started in 1999, facilitates communication across disciplines and departments that otherwise have incompatible approaches, methodologies, and philosophy of water resources management. The routine presentations in the weekly meeting also help to situate current conditions within long-term trends. For instance, the District meteorologist, in a meeting (April 14, 2003), we attended, presented rainfall totals for the preceding week, month, and year, in the context of long-term averages. The presentation was followed by a discussion of past forecasts, Lake-levels and ENSO conditions in which almost everyone present participated. Live reports about Lake-levels received (via teleconferencing) from field stations also provided a concrete basis to the discussion. We witnessed an instance of the transformative potential inherent in unfettered communication during a meeting that we participated in where an exchange between the engineers and biologists resulted in the clarification of the linkage between the spring and fall water-levels in the Lake. The exchange involving “Position Analysis,” one of the principal modeling tools used, clearly altered the biologist’s view of the impact of the then relatively high spring water levels on the probability of damagingly high fall water levels. In Table 1, we summaries the changes in different aspects of Lake Okeechobee management that are a result of the transition from top-down management to adaptive management.
Table 1 Changes in Lake Okeechobee management: from prediction-and-control to adaptation and learning Top-down management
Adaptive management
Rigid, dominated by the USACE
Diffuse, with greater input from agencies such as Fish and Wildlife Services Interdisciplinary, greater emphasis on ecology, biology, political science Participatory, recognition of uncertainty, greater emphasis on process Environmental restoration, balance between different objectives Proactive, based on continuous monitoring, scenario development Emphasis on the watershed; interrelatedness of the Lake, estuaries, the Everglades Seasonal, multi-seasonal
Institutional structure Knowledge
Engineering sciences
Decision making Goals
Hierarchical, closed, outcome or product oriented Flood control, water supply
Risk Structural approach based on historical data management Spatial focus Different components managed separately
Temporal scale Approach to problem solving Conflict resolution
Weeks to months Optimization, structural solutions, implementation of the state-of-the-art knowledge, routinization Litigation
Mimicking nature, including natural variability, development of natural system health indicators, continuous feedback and learning Consensus, tradeoffs, “shared adversity”
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6 Use of Climate Information in Lake Management: A Case Study Institutional evolution in Lake management has produced conditions that are conducive to innovation and change. Increased emphasis on flexibility in decision-making and enhanced linkages to stakeholder input, formal as well as informal, are well illustrated by the following examples of use of climate information. Incorporation of climate information in decision making has been driven by a heightened concern for uncertainty, especially that which result from climatic variability. Moreover, climate information when available at appropriate spatial and temporal resolution, can substantially increase the flexibility of operations. Climate information has been included as forecasts provided by the Climate Prediction Center (CPC), as well as modeling exercises aimed at discerning long term climatic trends. The District’s efforts to include climate in decision-making have been twofold (SFWMD 1998b): 1. Incorporation of climate information in the day-to-day Lake operations 2. Planning and designing for hydrologic conditions arising out of long-term shift in climate conditions. Of special interest is the possibility of higher than average surface water runoffs resulting from changes in the timing and amount of seasonal, particularly tropical precipitation. Artificial Neural Networks models have been developed to better understand the relationship between the Lake inflows and various climate indices (Trimble et al. 1998b). In addition 1-month and 3-month climate outlooks produced by the Climate Prediction Center are used in the decision trees. (Trimble et al. 2006). Position Analysis has been used by the District to determine the risks associated with operational plans and for predicting the uncertainties related to Lake stages or other hydrologic variables of interest. It has proved an effective tool for project analysis and implementation, as well as communication of the projected outlooks to the public and policy makers. The South Florida Water Management Model, used by the District for simulating current and future hydrologic conditions on a daily basis , utilizes meteorological and hydrologic data from the period 1965–2000. In 2006 an independent peer-evaluation of the District’s efforts to incorporate climate information was undertaken, partly in response to widespread concern triggered by the heightened public awareness about the dangers of a Katrina-style catastrophe in Florida resulting from the breaching of the dike surrounding the Lake (St Petersburg Times 2006). One of the main goals of the independent peer-review of the District’s planning and management was to evaluate the extent to which the potential weather extremes, mainly higher-than average precipitation – had been accounted for in the modeling and operational decision making of the Lake. The system response to these events has been documented and correlated with return periods and the expected frequency of occurrence established. (Trimble and Trimble 1998; Trimble et al. 1998a). The record was deemed as containing a wide enough range of wet and dry conditions to encompass the conditions likely to be encountered in the future. In 1998, a “dynamic” Regulation Schedule, called Water Supply and Environment (WSE), was developed by the District, which allowed for the inclusion of information related to the climate phase and seasonal outlooks (See Fig. 3). It consists of two parts: a set of regulation schedule lines that define different operational zones and decision trees that help lake managers make decisions based on the various combinations of climate outlooks and forecast of inflows. The USACE adopted it in 2000. Decisions to hold water in the Lake or release it to tide are based on the current Lake levels, time of year, and conditions in the
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regional system, including the tributaries. Recently, information about the state of ENSO and AMO has been used to forecast the Lake inflow outlook for future 6–12 months and included in the schedule. The performance of the Regulation Schedule was tested on the data from 1914–1964, which was wetter than 1965–2000 period, and outperformed other schedules under consideration, based on Performance Measures for flood protection, water supply, and the environment. The Regulation Schedule was modified in 2003, after 4 years of operation, to take into account the prevailing wetter conditions (Obeseyekera et al. 2006). The Regulation Schedule was modified to allow for more frequent pulse releases in Zone D, leading to lower Lake levels, and improvement in the littoral zone health. These releases would also reduce the likelihood of large “dumping” of water from the Lake which could be very damaging to the estuarine health. Research into the relationships between global climate states, such as the AMO, PDO, ENSO and South Florida climate, undertaken in the late 1990s, was facilitated by CERP (Enfield and Cid-Serrano 2006). The District climate outlook methodology has been peerreviewed by several climatologists (Kolen and Hewett 2000). One of the major findings of the District has been that South Florida has entered a wet phase, beginning in 2000. Considerable uncertainty about the periodicity, magnitude and extent of the influence of these phenomena, however, remains. The District has, therefore, recognized the high level of risk inherent in making extensive changes in facilities planning and long-term operational decision-making based on uncertain forecasts (Frederick 1997). The independent review conducted in 2006 provided a balanced appraisal of the District’s efforts to take climate into account. According to one reviewer (Wood 2006), the District is under-utilizing the CPC forecasts, which can be used more extensively for operational decision-making after downscaling and appropriate modifications. The reviewer also pointed to the inadequate consideration for tropical rainfall, including that resulting from hurricanes, in planning facilities and making projections.
6.1 Use of Climate Information in Lake Okeechobee Management: Two Examples The changes in the Lake management paradigm, from a reactive mode to pro-active planning and implementation, as well as greater recognition of uncertainty about natural systems will become clear from some recent examples of use of climate information. Also, these examples will provide evidence of how stakeholder participation, not just in formal institutional contexts, but also as perceptions and public opinions articulated in mass media, play an important role in driving decision making. Use of weather forecasts, typically on a scale of days to several weeks, in Lake Okeechobee management goes back several decades. For instance, in 1970, Lake managers in light of a 30-day, below-normal, rain forecast, decided to delay the regulatory release of water. The action was to prove very timely and useful as the 1970–1974 period turned out to be one of the longer dry spells on the record (Trimble et al. 1998a). Similarly, if forecasts indicate above-average precipitation, managers can take steps to ensure timely release of water so as to not only ensure flood protection, but also prevent consequent damage to the estuaries from releases of large amounts of freshwater. The usefulness of climate information lies not only in its ability to reveal impending change in climatic regime, leading ultimately to significantly different weather conditions, but also for day-to-day operations, in its ability to forecast and reveal climatic variability and its effect on the hydrological response of the Lake. In accordance with the expanded
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spatial – temporal scale of Lake management, climate forecasts (focused on a scale of several months) began to be incorporated in the decision making only recently. In April 2000, the Governing Board of the SFWMD decided to lower the Lake-level to about 13 ft for 8 weeks to allow the Lake ecology, harmed by several years of uninterrupted high water-levels, to recover. The decision was made based on clear evidence of Lake deterioration, as well as public opinion about the need for ameliorative action in this regard (The Associated Press 2000). Steinman et. al (2002) describe the various types of environmental and climatic information utilized in making the decision: 1. Being a La Niña year with the associated greater probability of less-than-normal dry season precipitation, the likelihood of achieving the target was improved. 2. The low probability of three consecutive La Niña years (the previous 2 years were La Niña), in turn, decreased the probability of less than normal precipitation during 2000– 2001 dry season implying low level of threat to future water supplies. 3. The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) forecasts for the coming wet season (June– October 2000) indicated higher than normal precipitation. 4. Modeling exercises by the SFWMD revealed very low probabilities of achieving the desired Lake-level without the release of water to the estuaries and the Everglades. The decision makers, thus, had reasons to believe that the major potential adverse effect from the release of water from the Lake, namely, the threat to the water supply in the coming winter (dry season) could be almost certainly avoided. Position analysis revealed that there was little likelihood of the Lake reaching the target level of 4 m (involves producing a series of graphs which show the probabilities of reaching certain lake levels). The probability of achieving the target (3.97 m) was around 80% – substantially higher than under “no release” scenario – under the managed recession alternative. Also, the available forecasts indicated that water from the Lake would have to be likely released anyways, in view of the high likelihood of above-average summer (wet season) precipitation. According to Steinman et al. (2002), media coverage of the persistently high water-levels played an important role in the District’s decision to initiate the “drawdown” of the Lake in 2000. One of the key events that raised the public awareness was the release of the large quantum of water from the Lake to the estuaries in 1998, following ENSO related aboveaverage precipitation during 1997–98 winter. Subsequently, lesions were reported in over 33 species of fish found in the estuaries where the bulk of the Lake discharges were directed. The “managed recession” was able to achieve the desired ecological results for the Lake, but the impacts on water supply and estuaries were less clear. Water restrictions were imposed in South Florida leading to “acrimony and economic hardships throughout the region” (Steinman et al. 2002:17). In addition, a lawsuit was brought by Lee County to halt the Lake water release to prevent damage to the estuary resulting from the release of large quantities of freshwater. The courts refused to grant the injunction while recognizing District’s right to make discretionary releases (SFWMD 2001). The second example illustrating the importance of public opinion in the increased use of climate information pertains to the District’s decision in December 2002 to allow the “drawdown” of Lake Tohopekaliga (also known as Toho) into Lake Okeechobee. Lake Toho has suffered from a long-standing problem of proliferation of exotic vegetation owing mainly to persistently high water-levels. The 2002 dry season, on account of the prevailing El Niño conditions, received higher than normal precipitation with December being one of the wettest dry-season months since 1930 (5.89 in. received as opposed to 1.08 in. average rainfall. The District decided that the dry season was a good time for lowering the
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water-level in Toho by making releases to Lake Okeechobee and stamping out the vegetation. The resulting high water levels in Lake Okeechobee necessitated the release of large quantities of water to downstream estuaries, affecting them adversely. The negative stakeholder reaction and the reporting that followed, however, forced the rescinding of the decision. The chief complaint was that it was inappropriate for the District to allow a further increase to the already high Lake Okeechobee level (16 ft in January 2003) in the middle of an unusually wet dry-season (Swartz 2004). The SFWMD relented in face of the united stance of eight counties, which would have been adversely affected by deterioration of the estuaries, and the Okeechobee county for whom prevention of high Lake-levels is a top priority. However, even in the middle of highly critical coverage, the success of the District’s participatory approach was also acknowledged: “The agencies should revert to the better behavior they displayed after the devastating dumping of water into the St. Lucie river in 1998 and 1999, during another wet winter. They began a policy of talking with all who might be affected before taking actions that could harm the Lake or rivers” (Palm Beach Post, Jan 21, 2003). Underscoring the intense and sustained pressure exerted by the media coverage of Lake management, the higher-than-normal Lake Okeechobee level in the spring (April–May) of 2003 evoked angry comments about the “ineptitude” of the managers in failing to release water in anticipation of above-normal spring precipitation in an El Niño spring. The revoking of the decision was indicative of heightened sensitivity among the Lake managers to well-informed and assertive public opinion, a development made possible by the intense scrutiny to which the Lake management has been constantly subjected in recent years. These two examples illustrate that Lake management is still far from having been perfected. The increased public participation has however come at the expense of gradual politicization; nevertheless, it has injected an element of accountability in the hitherto insular Lake management 7 Discussion The case of Lake Okeechobee management demonstrates the futility of approaches that seek to take politics out of science and underscores the usefulness of a transparent, inclusive, and participatory decision-making process (Pellow 1999). Thus, “success” in water resources management, itself an elusive and contentious concept, may ultimately depend more on the sustainability of a decision-making process rooted in trust and cooperation (Gunderson 2001), that ties disparate interests together than achievement of a critical mass of scientific knowledge of system behavior, or alternately an a-priori social consensus. The natural resources management institutions need to be in harmony with wider social goals if they are to contribute to sustainable adaptation (Tompkins and Adger 2004). Inclusive institutions, needed for co-management to succeed, run contrary to the dominant hierarchical systems found in natural resources management. Horizontal and vertical ties across multiple scales and diverse social networks help to build resilience and adaptive capacity. The benefits of using climate information are more than instrumental, that is, increasing the size of the decision-making window. Water managers describe the use of climate information as yet another strategy for risk management. The contribution of climate information may not be to just reduce the perceived uncertainty but to “help clarify the levels of uncertainty” (Power et al. 2005) to decision-makers and stakeholders alike. In addition to underscoring the role of models and specific technical information in facilitating decision making, discussion of climate information contributes to the relationship between
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water resource managers and scientists by providing “explanations, clarification of issues and uncertainties, perspective, and balance” (Power et al. 2005). Use of climate information has been facilitated by substantive changes in the institutional and decision-making setup, which have fulfilled the dual criteria of “procedural equity” and “policy effectiveness” (Bressers and Rosenbaum 2000). The broad shift in policy-making has been away from a relatively “closed” policy-making community to a loose array of networks representing diverse interests. The legal and legislative recognition of a broad array of stakeholder participation, and in some cases, concurrence, has been conducive to innovation. Due to a substantial degree of uncertainty in forecasts, broad stakeholder participation, especially, in operational decision-making, coupled with the acceptance of the principle of adaptive management, have led to opportunities for better risk communication, and therefore a more realistic appraisal of potential costs and benefits associated with the use of forecasts. Stakeholder pressure and media coverage of Lake management have not only led to farreaching changes in the decision-making apparatus, but their influence can be traced clearly in the examples provided above. At the heart of the changes in Lake Okeechobee management in Florida is the dynamic whereby the erstwhile facts themselves have become contested, and science, or at least the practice of it, politicized. The process and consequences of politicization are far from being simple and uniform: In some cases (e.g., the Miccosukee tribe) science is considered predominantly in terms of a set of western values and constructs denoting control and dominance over nature and juxtaposed unfavorably against the relatively egalitarian nonwestern/tribal world-view, whereas for other stakeholders, the disagreements are methodological, and relate to the quality and reliability of the science. The result nevertheless has been not just a call for better science but a challenge to the very validity of concepts such as “natural,” “endangered,” and “species.” Due to the short period of use of climate information in decision-making (with the adoption of the WSE in 2000), it is difficult to draw general conclusions; nevertheless certain tentative lessons can be offered. Despite advances in forecasting, the technical gaps in forecasting continue to generate uncertainty. ENSO-based forecasts in South Florida, while being a reliable predictor of dry-season (winter) precipitation, do not have the same ability to predict wet-season precipitation, which accounts for 70% of the total precipitation. This gap in knowledge leaves water managers uncertain about the optimum Lake-level at the end of spring and the start of rainy season. Also, as the water managers are at pains to emphasize, it would be a mistake to attribute the positive 2002 experience to the use of forecasts alone. There were several decisions to release water incrementally which turned out to be beneficial because of the propitious timing of rainfall. The outcome could as easily have been much less positive. Finally, the absence of clear benchmark of success of forecast use in the Lake management makes evaluation difficult. It should be pointed out that innovations in decision-making and management of Lake Okeechobee is unlikely to achieve the major objective of curbing environmental degradation in the absence of fundamental change aimed at improving the fit between water resources management and development planning to minimize harm and rationalize future growth in the region (Angelo 2001). The consensus-based approach adopted so far has worked by avoiding, to a large degree, taking the decisive steps required. The result has been to dilute the environmental goals, although undeniable progress has been made in achieving a better balance between competing demands on water resources. In the final analysis adaptive management can work in practice only if the coupled social-ecological system is flexible enough, at all scales, to enable continuous incorporation of new findings as they emerge.
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Acknowledgement Support for this research was provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Regional Integrated Science and Assessment Program (RISA) and Sector Applications Research Program (SARP).
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