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Instruction manual series 880 CIU Plus - Honeywell Process Solutions

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... please refer to the related installation guide and instruction manual Ensite Pro. ... the ModbusTM protocol (Gould Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference. Guide ...
Instruction manual series 880 CIU Plus

May 2009 Part no.: 4416.526 Rev. 5

Enraf B.V. P.O. Box 812 2600 AV Delft Netherlands Tel. Fax E-mail Website

: +31 15 2701 100 : +31 15 2701 111 : [email protected] :

Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

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Copyright 2000 - 2009 Enraf B.V. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any form without the prior consent of Enraf B.V. is not allowed. This instruction manual is for information only. The contents, descriptions and specifications are subject to change without notice. Enraf B.V. accepts no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this instruction manual. The warranty terms and conditions for Honeywell Enraf products applicable in the country of purchase are available from your supplier. Please retain them with your proof of purchase.

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus


Preface This manual has been written for the technicians involved with the communication with the Honeywell Enraf series 880 CIU Plus via ModbusTM. For installation and commissioning of the CIU Plus, please refer to the related installation guide and instruction manual Ensite Pro. This manual describes the communication between a CIU Plus and higher layered systems. The communication is based on emulation of the ModbusTM protocol (Gould Modicon Modbus Protocol Reference Guide, PI-MBUS-300, Rev. B).

Safety and prevention of damage >Cautions= = and >Notes= = have been used throughout this manual to bring special matters to the immediate attention of the reader.

A Caution draws attention to an action which may damage (the operation of) the equipment.

A Note points out a statement deserving more emphasis than the general text.

Legal aspects

The information in this instruction manual is copyright property of Enraf B.V., Netherlands. Enraf B.V. disclaims any responsibility for personal injury or damage to equipment caused by: • Deviation from any of the prescribed procedures; • Execution of activities that are not prescribed;

Additional information Please do not hesitate to contact Honeywell Enraf or its representative if you require additional information.

Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

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Table of contents

Table of Contents Preface ..............................................................................................................................................3 Introduction........................................................................................................................................5 Safety ................................................................................................................................................7 Safety aspects of the CIU Plus ..................................................................................................7 Personal safety ..........................................................................................................................7 Safety conventions ....................................................................................................................8 Description and operation .................................................................................................................9 Description.................................................................................................................................9 Operation .................................................................................................................................10 Default communication settings...............................................................................................10 Commissioning................................................................................................................................11 Read tank data ................................................................................................................................13 Write tank data ................................................................................................................................19 Tank data.................................................................................................................................19 CIU data...................................................................................................................................20 Gauge commands ...................................................................................................................20 Dimensions......................................................................................................................................21 Statuses ..........................................................................................................................................23 Validity byte .............................................................................................................................23 Status byte...............................................................................................................................24 Modbus number representation ......................................................................................................25 Scaling and offset ....................................................................................................................28 Maintenance / trouble shooting .......................................................................................................30

Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C

Page 4

Glossary ..........................................................................................................31 Article and part numbers .................................................................................42 Related documents .........................................................................................43

Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus


Introduction The configuration of the new tank inventory system consists of modular parts: • Entis Pro • CIU Plus • CIU Prime • field instrumentation

Entis Pro

This system displays calculated data from the CIU Plus. It is a Windows7NT or Windows 2000 Professional based program, displaying data in windows, boxes, tables, graphs, etc.

CIU Plus

This unit calculates volume, standard volume, mass, density, flow rate, etc. It requests data from the CIU Prime and calculates all other data. It presents data to higher layered systems like Entis Pro, SCADA, DCS, ENSITE, etc.

Host ports

Up to four RS-232C/RS485 host ports can be installed to interface host communication (Modbus) to Entis Pro, SCADA, DCS, ENSITE, etc. For a description of the Modbus protocol, refer to the related instruction manual.

Field ports

Two fixed RS-232C/RS-485 field ports interface to a CIU Prime.

Automatic calculation

After configuration, the CIU Plus automatically calculates data and stores the information in a database. For a description of the configuration and programming, refer to the instruction manual Ensite Pro.

CIU Prime

This unit is an interface between the field instrumentation and inventory systems. It receives data from the field and converts it to digital signals (Modbus) for systems like CIU Plus, PLC, ENSITE, etc.

Field instrumentation The instruments in the field collect data like level, temperature, density and/or pressure. The instruments are based on several principles: mechanical, servo, radar, hydrostatic and capacitive or a combination. The instruments measure the data and transmit it upon request of higher layered systems.

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus


Safety Safety aspects of the CIU Plus Do not use the CIU Plus other than originally intended.

The protection class for the CIU Plus housing is IP30 (NEMA 1), which means that the CIU Plus can only be installed indoor in an explosion safe area or in a protective cabinet. Other environmental parameters are: - ambient temperature: 0...60 °C - relative humidity: 5...90 % (non condensing) - over voltage category: II - pollution degree: II The host ports of the CIU Plus are galvanically separated. The field ports of the CIU Plus do not have galvanic separation. Modification to the CIU Plus may only be carried out by authorized personnel. Failure to adhere to this will invalidate the approval certificate.

Personal safety The technician must have basic technical skills to be able to safely operate the equipment and work in accordance with the (local) requirements for electrical equipment. Take all necessary personal protection measures and apply to the safety regulations, valid for the working area.

Never start working before the work permit is signed by all parties.

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Description and operation

Safety conventions >Cautions= = and >Notes= = have been used throughout this manual to bring special matters to the immediate attention of the reader. A Caution draws attention to an action which may damage (the operation of) the equipment.

A Note points out a statement deserving more emphasis than the general text.

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

Description and operation

Description and operation Description The CIU Plus consists of the following parts: - Front panel - Rear connectors - Internal circuitry Front panel

The front panel holds LEDS, indicating power and communication:

Rear connectors

The CIU Plus is delivered with two fixed field ports at slots 2 and 3. The lay-out of the other slots is as follows:

Slot Description 1

not used

2 3

field ports (fixed)


not used

5 6 7 8

Up to four host ports can be installed. These ports can be: - RS-232C / RS-485 with modbus communication (IPRS232/485)


Used when key switches are to be installed:

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Description and operation

Slot Description

Internal circuitry

The internal circuitry consists of the following parts: - Power supply - Service port - 2 fixed field communication ports - 4 optional host communication ports - Real time clock - Digital inputs (key switches)

Do not re-adjust any setting inside, this will negatively influence the operation of the CIU Plus.

Operation The CIU Plus calculates volume, standard volume, mass, density, flow rate, etc. It requests data from the CIU Prime and calculates all other data. It presents data to higher layered systems like Entis Pro, SCADA, DCS, ENSITE, etc. After configuration, the CIU Plus automatically calculates data and stores the information in a database. The next chapters describe the programming of the CIU Plus.

Default communication settings The CIU Plus has maximum four optional host ports with following default settings: Interface: RS-232 Protocol: Modbus RTU address: 41 Baudrate: 19200 Parity: Odd Stop bits: 1

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus


Commissioning The CIU Plus is a user-configurable multi-processor unit and can be totally programmed at site, or remotely, without opening the CIU Plus. Commissioning is done in the following steps: Check installation

- Examine the mechanical installation - Examine the electrical installation

Select tools

- Use >Ensite= to collect the data from the field instruments - Use >Ensite Pro= to configure the CIU Prime and Plus - Use a spreadsheet program to generate strapping files

Prepare files

- Ensite: make a log file of each field instrument - Spreadsheet: make a strapping table for each tank. (The filename shall be >.TXT=, in which is the name of the tank. The next page shows an example of what the file should look like)

Program configuration

- Ensite Pro: configure data inputs (use log files from Ensite) - Ensite Pro: configure tanks (use strap files from spreadsheet) - Ensite Pro: configure CIU Primes - Ensite Pro: configure CIU Plus=s - Ensite Pro: link data inputs, tanks, CIU Primes and CIU Plus=s

Download configuration

- Ensite Pro: set communication parameters - Ensite Pro: select physical communication path - Ensite Pro: download all CIU Primes - Ensite Pro: download all CIU Plus=s

Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

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Tank strap file Example strap file >TNK-03.TXT=: [Tank identification]

[TANK_ID] Name Date Time

= = =

TNK-03 15-Feb-99 12:34
















2 3 4

= = =

100.0 1006.3 2001.7

5 6

= =

10032.0 20531.4

ASCII string: the name of the tank ASCII string: the date this file is generated ASCII string: the time this file is generated 1=m xxx.xxxx 2 = mm xxxxxx.x 3 = ft xxx.xxxx 4 = in 5 = in/16 xxxxxx.x 50 = l xxxxxxxxx 51 = m3 52 = USgal xxxxxxxx.x 53 = bbls xxxxxxx.xx 0 = innage 1 = ullage Number of straps [Strap data (level vs. volume)] 0.000 first (and lowest) strap . 0.213 . 5631.000 . 10732.000 . 52721.000 98321.000 last (and highest) strap [End Of File]


All text, >==-signs and numbers must be separated by one or more spaces or Tabs. Digit separators are not allowed. Decimal separator must be the same as set in regional settings of your windows system (and Ensite Pro).

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

Read tank data

Read tank data Data can be read from the CIU Plus. Statusses can be read via discrete inputs. Data can be read via holding registers and input registers. See manual ´Instruction manual ModbusTM Protocol´ chapter Honeywell Enraf implementation.

General Entities

Some general CIU Plus entities are available to the user via modbus registers. These entities are available on fixed modbus addresses. Column name Name ID Dimension

Description The name of the entity. For a detailed description, refer to Appendix A, Glossary. The unique identifier of the entity Category of dimensional units. For a detailed description, refer to chapter >Dimensions=.

Name Year (real-time clock) Month (real-time clock) Day of month (real-time clock) Hour (real-time clock) Minute (real-time clock) Seconds (real-time clock) DayLightSaving (real-time clock)

Available tank entities

ID 521 522 523 524 525 526 527

Comment(s) Time (YYYY) Time (MM) Time (dd) Time (h) Time (min) Time (s) 0 = off; 1 = on

The CIU Plus is delivered with a pre-programmed Tank Record lay-out (list of tank entities) for communication with Entis Pro. The lay-out for communication with Entis Pro is fixed, however it is possible to alter the lay-out to fit other requirements. A selection can be made which data must be presented in the user defined tank data area. This because of the lot of information which can be retrieved. One tank data reply packet is selected which is used for all tanks available to the modbus host. The sequence how the tanks are organized in the user defined modbus map is programmable.

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Read tank data

There are two methods possible to organize the user defined modbus memory map: 1. Tank oriented. Data in the modbus memory map is grouped per tank. Start address of memory map is programmable. Default start address is 0000. The start address-interval between the tank records is programmable. 2. Data oriented. Data in the modbus memory map is grouped per selected entity. Start address of memory map is programmable. Default start address is 0000. The table below displays all entities, available to the user. Column name Name ID Dimension

Description The name of the entity. For a detailed description, refer to Appendix A, Glossary. The unique identifier of the entity Category of dimensional units. For a detailed description, refer to chapter >Dimensions=.

Name TankName TankStatus MovingStatus TankType GaugeType GaugeStatus TempElementType HotStandbyStatus CommStatus TankShape ShellCapacity LowTOV HighTOV HighLevel ProductName GSVCalcType ProductCode VolumeCorrections

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

ID 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Dimension Text (ASCII or Unicode) Bit coded Index Bit coded Nodim Index Index Bit coded Bit coded Index Volume Volume Volume Level Text (ASCII or Unicode) Index Index Index

Read tank data

Name MassCalcType ProductTRef DRef DRefStatus SedAndWater ProductTC ProductTCStatus LiqVolRatio GaugeLevelAlarms ExternalContacts DisplacerPosition DisplacerPositionStatus ProductLevel ProductLevelStatus WaterLevel WaterLevelStatus ProductTemp ProductTempStatus VapRoomTemp VapRoomTempStatus VapRoomPress VapRoomPressStatus DObs DObsStatus ForegroundTimeStamp BackgroundTimeStamp TOV TOVStatus WaterVol WaterVolStatus GOV GOVStatus GSV GSVStatus NSV NSVStatus LiqInVap LiqInVapStatus

Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

ID 25 26 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Dimension Bit coded Temperature Density Status Percentage Temperature coefficient Status Nodim Bit coded Bit coded Level Status Level Status Level Status Temperature Status Temperature Status Pressure Status Density Status Absolute time Absolute time Volume Status Volume Status Volume Status Volume Status Volume Status Volume Status

Page 15

Read tank data

Name TGSV TGSVStatus MassLiq MassLiqStatus MassVap MassVapStatus TotalMass TotalMassStatus FlowTOV AvailableRoom AvailableTOV VerificationSignature ConfigurationStatus MolarWeight AutomaticMeasurableValues HydroMeterCorr TankShellTRef TankShellExpansionCoefficient TankAirDensity VapRoom TankConfigurationCRC CIUPrimeGeneralConfiguratonCRC CIUPlusGeneralConfigurationCRC LowLevel FlowStatus AvailableRoomStatus AvailableTOVStatus VapRoomStatus AmbientTemperature AmbientTemperatureStatus CIUPlusTankID CIUPrimeTankID CTSh CTShStatus InsulationFactor TObs TObsStatus VolumeCorrectionFactor

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

ID 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 88 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 118 119 124

Dimension Volume Status Mass Status Mass Status Mass Status Flow Volume Volume Nodim Bit coded Molar Weight value Bit coded Nodim Temperature TankShellCoefficient Density Volume Nodim Nodim Nodim Level Status Status Status Status Temperature Status Nodim Nodim CTSh Status Insulation Factor Temperature Status VCF

Read tank data

Name VolumeCorrectionFactorStatus TemperatureCorrectionFactor TemperatureCorrectionFactorStatus DensityCorrectionFactor DensityCorrectionFactorStatus TankStatusStatus MovingStatusStatus TankTypeStatus ShellCapacityStatus LowTOVStatus HighTOVStatus ProductNameStatus GSVCalcTypeStatus ProductCodeStatus VolumeCorrectionStatus MassCalcTypeStatus ProductTRefStatus SedAndWaterStatus LiqVolRatioStatus MolarWeightStatus AutomaticMeasurableValuesStatus HydroMeterCorrStatus TankTRefStatus TankTCStatus AirDensityStatus InsulationFactorStatus Alarms* (gauge level alarms) (external contacts) Dynamic tank status* (gauge status) (moving status) (tank status) Static tank definitions* (tank type) (tank shape) Field instrument details* (gauge type) (temperature element type)

Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

ID 125 126 127 128 129 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 154 155 156 157 158 200 (36) (37) 201 (6) (3) (2) 202 (4) (16) 203 (5) (8)

Dimension Status TCF Status DCF Status Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Nodim Status Nodim Status Nodim Nodim (bit coded) (bit coded) Nodim (index) (index) (bit coded) Nodim (bit coded) (index) Nodim (nodim) (index)

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Read tank data

Name Combined volume corrections* (GSV calculation type) (product code) Mass and volume corrections* (volume corrections) (mass calculation type) Comm. and conf. status* (configuration status) (hot standby status) (comm status)

ID 204 (22) (23) 205 (24) (25) 206 (78) (9) (10)

Dimension Nodim (index) (index) Nodim (index) (bit coded) Nodim (bit coded) (bit coded) (bit coded)

A * behind the entity name indicates that this is a combined entity. The entities requested with this combined entity are in the above table written between brackets. Entities available in a combined entity are not available as individual entity. A more detailed description of all entities can be found in Appendix A, Glossary.

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

Write tank data

Write tank data TM

Please refer to the =Instruction manual Modbus Protocol= chapter Honeywell Enraf implementation

Tank data Entities can be (over-)written using direct overwrite mechanism. On the same modbus address as where data is read this data can be overwritten. The following entities can be overwritten: Name ProductName GSVCalcType ProductCode VolumeCorrections DRef SedAndWater ProductTC LiqVolRatio ProductLevel WaterLevel ProductTemp VapRoomTemp VapRoomPress DObs MolarWeight HydroMeterCorr AmbientTemperature TObs VolumeCorrectionFactor TemperatureCorrectionFactor DensityCorrectionFactor

ID 21 22 23 24 30 32 33 35 40 42 44 46 48 50 79 88 103 118 124 126 128

Dimension Text (ASCII or Unicode) Index Index Index Density Percentage Temperature Coefficient Nodim Level Level Temperature Temperature Pressure Density Molar Weight value Nodim Temperature Temperature VCF TCF DCF

E.g. in case gas temperature for a tank is read on address 0034. Then the gas temperature for the related tank can be overwritten by a host on address 0034 by using the Pre-set single register command. Provided that the gas temperature is not automatically measured the overwritten value is used for calculations.

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Write tank data

CIU data The internal date and time can be overwritten by writing holding registers.

Gauge commands Gauge commands can be issued with the >Force single coil= command.

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus


Dimensions The CIU Plus has a specified set of dimensions. The dimension set has to be the same for the whole combination of CIU Prime, CIU Plus and Entis Pro. The used dimension sign and scaling factor are set-up parameters and will be entered using Ensite Pro.


Temperature Pressure




Acceleration Mass

Unit m mm ft in in/16 fis in/256 °C °F 2 kgf/cm Pa kPa 2 psi (lbf/in ) l 3 m USgal bbls 3 kg/m °API lbs/ft3 dens60/60 lbs/USgal 3 m /min m3/h l/min l/h bbls/min bbls/h USgal/min USgal/h 2 m/s

Format ∀xxx.xxxx ∀xxxxxx.x ∀xxx.xxxx ∀ ∀xxxxxx.x ∀xxx=xx≅xx ∀xx=xx≅xxx ∀xxx.xx ∀xxx.xx +xxxxxxx +xxxx.x +xxx.xx +xxxxxxxxx +xxxxxxxx.x +xxxx.xx ∀xxx.xx +x.xxxxx +xx.xxxx ∀xxxx.xx ∀xxxxx.x ∀xxxxxx ∀xxxxxx ∀xxxx.xx ∀xxxxx.x ∀xxxxxx ∀xxxxxx +xx.xxxxx

Minimum -999.9999 -999999.9 -999.9999 -9999.999 -999999.9 -999'11"15 -99'11"255 -300.00 -400.00 +00.000 +0000000 +0000.0 +000.00 +000000000 +000000.000 +00000000.0 +000000.000 +0000.00 -050.00 +000.000 +0.00000 +00.0000 -9999.99 -99999.9 -999999 -999999 -9999.99 -99999.9 -999999 -999999 +00.00000

Maximum +999.9999 +999999.9 +999.9999 +9999.999 +999999.9 +999'11"15 +99'11"255 +300.00 +572.00 +65.535 +6553500 +6553.5 +655.35 +999999999 +999999.999 +99999999.9 +999999.999 +9999.99 +600.00 +999.999 +9.99999 +99.9999 +9999.99 +99999.9 +999999 +999999 +9999.99 +99999.9 +999999 +999999 +99.99999

kg metric ton USton


+000000000 +000000.000 +000000.000

+999999999 +999999.999 +999999.999

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Unit lbs long ton s min h AbsTime dd MM YYYY saving active


Text Molar Value Percentage TempCoefficient Nodim Bit coded Index Status VCF

Page 22

ASCII Unicode kg/kmol

Format Minimum +xxxxxxxxxx +0000000000 +000000.000 xx 00 xx 00 xx 00 xx:xx:xx 00:00:00 xx 01 xx 01 xxxxx 00000 x 0 1 char = 1 byte 1 char = 2 bytes +xx.xxxx +00.0000






+00000.000 +00000.000

+99999.999 +99999.999

no dim., unsigned value




separate bits




row number in table







10 /°C 10-7/°F

Maximum +999999999 +999999.999 59 59 23 23:59:59 31 12 16383 1

see chapter >Statuses= -


Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus


Statuses High byte

Low byte

Each measured and each calculated entity in the CIU Plus contains a 16 bits status register. The high byte, the validity byte, is used to indicate if the data of this entity is available (valid) and, if not valid, to indicate why the data is not available (invalid). The low byte is used to indicate the status of the data.

Validity byte The data validity byte is a hexadecimal number. If the validity byte is >=80HEX , the related data is invalid. If the data of an entity is invalid, all derived data shows the same code in its data validity byte and the status indicates how the data field should be displayed (>FFFF=, blanks, etc.). If the validity byte is = 80HEX Description (bit set) Generate Alarm No Data Available Killed Over Range Under Range Un-initialised

Stored Reduced Accuracy

Validity < 80HEX represents valid data. Suggested characters to display depending on the contents of the status byte: - uncalibrated = >#= - manual = >&= - stored = >S= - reduced accuracy = >?= The data status basically exists of two parts which should be displayed in tabular data in two separate columns: - bit 7, which indicates whether the data is calibrated or not - bit 6...0, which (in decreasing priority) tell something about the physical status of the data.

Validity >= 80HEX represents invalid data. Suggested characters to display: >FFFF= or >blanks=

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

Modbus number representation

Modbus number representation The CIU Plus will be delivered with a pre-programmed Tank Record lay-out for communication with Entis Pro. The lay-out for communication with Entis Pro is fixed. However in case of communication to another system the customer is able to alter the layout to fit his own requirements. This chapter describes the way data can be represented in the modbus registers: ID Data type


Not a number (just data) 15 ASCII string

25 Unicode characters 40 16 bit unsigned integer 41 16 bit signed integer

42 16 bit decimal float

Nr. of Description registers used 1...5 Data is represented according the item definition (status, index, bit coded, etc.) 1...10 Data represents a string of two ASCII characters per register. Empty registers contain >0'. 1...10 Data represents a string of one Unicode character per register. Empty registers contain >0'. 1 Data is transmitted as contents of the register. Value FFFFHEX (65535DEC) is seen as failure 1 Represented in 2's complement. bit 15: sign bit 14...0: data e.g. 0000HEX = 0 e.g. 0001HEX = 1 e.g. 7FFFHEX = failure e.g. 8000HEX = -32768 e.g. FFFFHEX = -1 1 Mostly used for scaling and offset. bit 15: sign, 0 = pos., 1 = neg. bit 14...11: exponent power of 10 bit 10...0: mantissa e.g. 0000HEX = 0 e.g. 2001HEX = 0.001 e.g. 4801HEX = 100 e.g. 5A16HEX = 5340000

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Modbus number representation

Description Nr. of registers used 10 e.g. 73E8HEX = 1Α10 e.g. 7BFFHEX = failure e.g. 9001HEX = -1 43 12 bit signed 1 bit 15...13: if not 000 see further: bit 12: sign, 0 = pos., 1 = neg. bit 11...00: analogue value e.g. EF FFHEX = invalid 51 32 bit signed 2 Binary data, covering data range integer between -2147483647 and +2147483647 e.g. 00 00 00 00HEX = 0 e.g. 00 00 00 01HEX = 1 e.g. 7F FF FF FFHEX = invalid e.g. FF FF FF FFHEX = -1 52 32 bit floating 2 Data in two registers. Data is coded point into four bytes floating point, covering data range between -3.402823Α1038 and +3.402823Α1038 byte 1: sign + 7 bit exponent byte 2: 8th bit exponent + 7 bit mantissa byte 3: 8 bits of mantissa byte 4: rest of mantissa e.g. 40 80 00 00HEX = 4 e.g. 40 A0 00 00HEX = 5 e.g. 7F 80 00 00HEX = invalid 2 Data in two registers. Data is coded 53 32 bit floating into four bytes floating point, point covering data range between (swapped) -3.402823Α1038 and +3.402823Α1038 byte 1: 8 bits of mantissa byte 2: rest of mantissa byte 3: sign + 7 bit exponent byte 4: 8th bit exponent + 7 bit mantissa e.g. 00 00 40 80HEX = 4 e.g. 00 00 40 A0HEX = 5 e.g. 00 00 7F 80HEX = invalid ID Data type

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

Modbus number representation

ID Data type

60 Unsigned double register

61 Unsigned double register

62 Unsigned double register

63 Unsigned double register

64 Unsigned double register

Description Nr. of registers used st 2 1 register = integer value nd 2 register = fraction*1 e.g. 19 70 00 00HEX = 6512 Value FFFF FFFFHEX is seen as failure 2 1st register = integer value nd 2 register = fraction*10 e.g. 19 70 00 06HEX = 6512.6 Value FFFF FFFFHEX is seen as failure 2 1st register = integer value nd 2 register = fraction*100 e.g. 19 70 00 43HEX = 6512.67 Value FFFF FFFFHEX is seen as failure 2 1st register = integer value nd 2 register = fraction*1000 e.g. 19 70 02 A6HEX = 6512.678 Value FFFF FFFFHEX is seen as failure st 2 1 register = integer value 2nd register = fraction*10000 e.g. 19 70 1A 85HEX = 6512.6789 Value FFFF FFFFHEX is seen as failure

ID53,60,61,62,63 and 64 are available in CIU Plus firmware version 1.003 and higher. In CIU Plus firmware versions up to 1.002 ID50 was available. ID50 is identical to ID64 in CIU Plus firmware versions 1.003 and higher.

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Modbus number representation

Scaling and offset Scaling and offset are defined as follows: • The value of the data that will be available for the user is calculated as follows: Register value = (data * scaling) + offset • Per selected data entity a scaling and offset value can be entered. These entered values are used for calculating the register value. • The original data measured or calculated by the CIU Plus is available in the dimension and resolution as defined by the dimension table. • This data is represented in the requested representation in the output registers.

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus

Modbus number representation

Example 1:

Level Dimension Scaling Offset Data type Calculation Data in reg. 1 Data in reg. 2

: 22316.2 mm : mm : 0.01 :0 : unsigned double register (ID=63) : (22316.2 * 0.01) + 0 = 223.162 : 223DEC : 162DEC

Example 2:

Temperature Dimension Scaling Offset Data type Calculation Data in reg.

: -8.23 °C : °C : 10 : 100 : 16 bit unsigned integer (ID=40) : (-8.23 * 10) + 100 = 17.7 : 18 (rounded)

Example 3:

Volume : 87654.321 m3 Dimension : m3 Scaling : 0.1 Offset :0 Data type : unsigned double register (ID=64) Calculation: : (87654.321 * 0.1) + 0 = 8765.4321 Data in reg. 1 : 8765DEC Data in reg. 2 : 4321DEC

Example 4:

Mass Dimension Scaling Offset Data type Calculation Data in reg.

: 87654321 kg : kg :1 :0 : 32 bit signed integer (ID=52) : (87654321 * 1) + 0 = 87654321 : 05 39 7F B1HEX

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Maintenance / trouble shooting

Maintenance / trouble shooting Maintenance

The CIU Plus requires neither preventive nor periodical maintenance. Cleaning of the housing of the CIU Plus should be done with a moist cloth only.

Trouble shooting

If something appears to be wrong, proceed as follows: 1. Check mains voltage; OK: yes -> step 2 no -> check/replace fuses 2. Check cabling: not connected -> connect connected -> step 3 3. Check communication: yes -> finish no -> step 4 4. Start >Ensite Pro= 5. Go to >Diagnostic data= 6. Press the >Update=-button to have the current values. 7. Press the >Print...=-button to print the data. 8. Contact Honeywell Enraf with diagnostic data. After switching on the CIU Plus it will take approximately 1 minute before it will be able to communicate via the host ports.

The ´Alive´ LED (green LED under the red power LED) gives an indication if the CIU Plus is in healthy condition. In case healthy the LED is on for 2 seconds and off for 1 second etc. Note that the healthy flash rhythm is different from the flash rhythm of the Alive LED on the CIU Prime.

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Instruction manual 880 CIU Plus


Appendix A Glossary A Alarms

ID#200; Combined entity which represents the ExternalContacts (ID#37) and the GaugeLevelAlarms (ID#36). High byte ID#37; Indicates (bit coded) the ExternalContacts: - Bit 0 = 1 External contact 1 active - Bit 1 = 1 External contact 2 active - Bit 2 = 1 External contact failure - Bit 3 = 1 External contact not available in this instrument Low byte ID#36; Indicates (bit coded) GaugeLevelAlarms: - Bit 0 = 1 Low Level alarm tripped - Bit 1 = 1 High Level alarm tripped - Bit 2 = 1 Alarm failure Because of the representation as combined entity the length of each individual entity (#36 and #37) is fixed to 8 bits.

- Bit 3 = 1 Gauge alarms not available in this instrument AmbientTemperature ID#103; Value of the tank=s ambient temperature. AmbientTemperatureStatus ID#104; Status of ID#103, AmbientTemperature. AutomaticMeasurableValues ID#80; Indicates (bit coded) which values can be automatically measured (this doesn't necessarily mean that they are actually measured). Bit n = 1: value can be measured automatically: - Bit 0 = 1 Level [ID#38, ID#40] - Bit 1 = 1 Temperature [ID#44] - Bit 2 = 1 Water level [ID#42] - Bit 3 = 1 Density [ID#50] - Bit 4 = 1 Vapour temperature [ID#46] - Bit 5 = 1 Vapour pressure [ID#48] - Bit 6 = 1 Ambient Temperature [ID#103] - Bit 7 = 1 Dummy scan (now used for FDI scan) - Bit 14 ProductTC calc. mode: 0 = manual, 1 = calculated - Bit 15 VCF calc. mode: 0 = manual, 1 = calculated Bits 14 and 15 are for internal use of the CIU Plus. The length is fixed to 16 bits.

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AutomaticMeasurableValuesStatus ID#146; Status of ID#80, AutomaticMeasurableValues. AvailableRoom ID#75; Value of the tank=s spare capacity. AvailableRoomStatus ID#100; Status of ID#75, AvailableRoom. AvailableTOV ID#76; Value of the available product volume. AvailableTOVStatus ID#101; Status of ID#76, AvailableTOV.

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B BackgroundTimeStamp

ID#53; (Absolute) time when, in the background scan, the most recent item was scanned.

C CIUPlusGeneralConfigurationCRC ID#95; Checksum, calculated over general CIU Plus configuration parameters (for W&M purposes). CIUPlusTankID ID#106; Holds (bit coded) the CIU Plus tank identifier: - Bit 0..7 Tank number between 1 and 50 Value FFFF: tank/port not used. - Bit 8..15 RTU Address of the CIU Plus host port CIUPrimeGeneralConfigurationCRC ID#95; Checksum, calculated over general CIU Prime configuration parameters (for W&M purposes). CIUPrimeTankID ID#106; Holds (bit coded) the CIU Prime tank identifier: - Bit 0..7 Tank number between 1 and 50 Value FFFF: tank/port not used.


- Bit 8..15 RTU Address of the CIU Prime host port ID#10; Indicates (bit coded) the communication status: - Bit 0 = 1 CIU Prime to Gauge comm. OK. (Future) (Bit 0 does not change when bit 1=0) - Bit 1 = 1 CIU Plus to (active or passive) CIU Prime comm. OK Because of the representation as combined entity the useful length is fixed to 3 bits.


- Bit 2 = 1 FieldPort on (active) CIU Prime OK ID#78; Indicates (bit coded) the CIU and tank configuration status: - Bit 0 = 1 Gauge configuration mismatch (Future) - Bit 1 = 1 CIU Prime general configuration mismatch - Bit 2 = 1 CIU Prime tank configuration mismatch - Bit 3 = 1 CIU Plus general configuration mismatch - Bit 4 = 1 CIU Plus tank configuration mismatch for this tank - Bit 5 = 1 Ensite Pro general configuration mismatch - Bit 6 = 1 Ensite Pro tank configuration mismatch - Bit 7 = 1 CIU Prime record contains invalid verification signature

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Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 8 bits. CorrectionFactor CorrectionFactorStatus CTSh CTShStatus

ID#124; Value of the VCF. ID#125; Status of ID#124, CorrectionFactor. ID#107; The correction for the expansion of the shell. ID#108; Status of ID#107, CTSh.

D DCF ID#128; Value of the DCF. DCFStatus ID#129; Status of ID#129, DCF. DisplacerPosition ID#38; Value of the physical servo displacer position. DisplacerPositionStatus ID#39; Status of ID#38, DisplacerPosition. DObs ID#50; Value of the product density. DObsStatus ID#51; Status of ID#50, DObs. DRef ID#30; Value of the reference density. DRefStatus ID#31; Status of ID#30, DRef. E ExternalContacts ID#37; Indicates (bit coded) the external contacts: - Bit 0 = 1 External contact 1 active - Bit 1 = 1 External contact 2 active - Bit 2 = 1 External contact failure Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 8 bits. - Bit 3 = 1 External contact not available in this instrument F FlowTOV ID#74; Value of the total product volume (TOV) per time unit. FlowStatus ID#99; Status of ID#74, FlowTOV. ForegroundTimeStamp ID#52; (Absolute) time when, in the foreground scan, the most recent item was scanned.

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G GaugeCommands

ID#7; Indicates (bit coded) the allowed gauge commands: - Bit 0 = 1 Test not allowed - Bit 1 = 1 Lock test not allowed - Bit 2 = 1 Block not allowed - Bit 3 = 1 Calibration not allowed - Bit 4 = 1 Alarm test not allowed - Bit 5 = 1 Tank profile not allowed - Bit 6 = 1 Interface profile not allowed - Bit 7 = 1 Water dip not allowed - Bit 8 = 1 Reset Gauge not allowed These 2 bytes are configured in the CIU Prime by Ensite Pro. The data extraction of Ensite Pro takes care of the configuration of this entity. - Bit 9 = 1


Interface 2 command not allowed

ID#36; Indicates (bit coded in the high order byte) gauge level alarms (firmware version >2.000): - Bit 8 = 1 Low Level alarm tripped - Bit 9 = 1 High Level alarm tripped - Bit 10 = 1 Alarm failure Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 16 bits.


- Bit 11 = 1 Gauge alarms not available in this instrument ID#6; Indicates (in the high order byte) the (servo) gauge status. Following modbus values represents a status (firmware version >2.000): -0= Level gauge is measuring level - 256 = Level gauge is in test - 512 = Level gauge is in lock test - 768 = Level gauge is blocked - 1024 = Level gauge is busy with a density profile measurement - 1280 = Level gauge is searching water level - 1536 = Level gauge end switch reached - 2560 = Level gauge has found water level and is measuring it - 65280 = Level gauge is in failure

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Statuses 2048 and 2304 can only be detected when the ZLQ request is used for the level measurement. Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 16 bits. GaugeType

ID#5; Type of level measuring instrument. To get the instrument type number, add 800 (decimal) to the GaugeType value. Example: Gauge type value = 54 -> instrument 854. This entity is configured by Ensite Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 8 bits.


Pro. ID#58; Value of the Gross Observed Volume. ID#59; Status of ID#58, GOV. ID#60; Value of the Gross Standard Volume. ID#22; Indicates (indexed) the GSV calculation method: -0= No GSV calculation -1= VCF/Dref calc. acc. to ASTM D1250 (1980) table 6/5 -2= VCF/Dref calc. acc. to ASTM D1250 (1980) table 24/23 -3= VCF/Dref calc. acc. to ASTM D1250 (1980) table 54/53 -4= DCF calculation -5= TCF calculation -6= VCF calc. acc. to ASTM D4311 (1990) table 1 -7= VCF calc. acc. to ASTM D4311 (1990) table 2 -8= M - manual entry of VCF -9= VCF calc. acc. to ASTM D4311 (1996) table 1 (implemented using formula) - 100...255 GSV calculation according defined chemical formulas (future implementation) If index 0 = 0, Dref is not calculated. Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 8 bits.

GSVCalcTypeStatus ID#138; Status of ID#22, GSVCalcType. GSVStatus ID#61; Status of ID#60, GSV.

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H HighLevel HighTOV HighTOVStatus HotStandbyStatus

ID#20; Level corresponds to HighTOV (for graphical purposes only). ID#19; The maximum volume the tank may safe contain. ID#136; Status of ID#19, HighTOV. ID#9; Indicates (bit coded) the hot standby status: - Bit 0 = 1 Primary CIU Prime is scanning this tank - Bit 1 = 1 Primary CIU Prime is available for this tank - Bit 2 = 1 Secondary CIU Prime is scanning this tank - Bit 3 = 1 Secondary CIU Prime is available for this tank Because of the representation as combined entity the useful length is fixed to 5 bits.

HydroMeterCorr HydroMeterCorrStatus

- Bit 4 = 1 CIU Plus is passive member of a Hot-Standby pair ID#88; >0' is false, >1' means true. ID#154; Status of ID#88, HydroMeterCorr.

I InsulationFactor InsulationFactorStatus

ID#109; The insulation factor of the tank shell. ID#158; Status of ID#109, InsulationFactor.

L LiqInVap LiqInVapStatus LiqVolRatio LiqVolRatioStatus LowLevel LowTOV LowTOVStatus

ID#64; Value of the vapour volume in the tank, if it was >liquefied=. ID#65; Status of ID#64, LiqInVap. ID#35; Factor by which a product in gaseous form reduces in volume when converted to a liquid. ID#144; Status of ID#35, LiqVolRatio. ID#97; Level corresponds to LowTOV (for graphical purposes only). ID#18; The minimal volume under which no pumping is allowed. ID#135; Status of ID#18, LowTOV.

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M MassCalcType

ID#25; Indicates (bit coded) the method of mass calculation: - Bit 0 = 1 Liquid mass directly calculated from GOV * DObs - Bit 1 = 1 Liquid mass calculated from NSV - Bit 2 = 1 Liquid mass calculated in air Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 8 bits.

MassCalcTypeStatus MassLiq MassLiqStatus MassVap MassVapStatus MolarWeight MolarWeightStatus MovingStatus

- Bit 3 = 1 Vapour mass calculated in air ID#141; Status of ID#25, MassCalcType. ID#68; Value of the product volume weight. ID#69; Status of ID#68, MassLiq. ID#70; Value of the vapour volume weight. ID#71; Status of ID#70, MassVap. ID#79; Molar weight of the gas composition. ID#145; Status of ID#79, MolarWeight. ID#3; Indicates (indexed) the level moving status: -0= Tank level is stable -1= Tank level is moving up -2= Tank level is moving down Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 4 bits.

MovingStatusStatus N NSV NSVStatus

-3= No valid movement status can be detected (e.g. manual level) ID#132; Status of ID#3, MovingStatus.

ID#62; Value of the Net Standard Volume. ID#63; Status of ID#62, NSV.

P ProductCode

ID#23; Indicates (indexed) the product code: -0= Not applicable -1= A (use subsection A of the table specified in ID#22) -2= B (use subsection B of the table specified in ID#22) -3= C (use subsection C of the table specified in ID#22) -4= D (use subsection D of the table specified in ID#22) -5= E (use subsection E of the table specified in ID#22) To disable the range checking, add 128 to above numbers. Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 8 bits.

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ProductCodeStatus ID#139; Status of ID#23, ProductCode. ProductLevel ID#40; Value of the product level. ProductLevelStatus ID#41; Status of ID#40, ProductLevel. ProductName ID#21; 20 characters ASCII or 10 characters UNICODE. ProductNameStatus ID#137; Status of ID#21, ProductName. ProductTC ID#33; Value of the product temperature coefficient. ProductTCStatus ID#34; Status of ID#33, ProductTC. ProductTemp ID#44; Value of the product temperature. ProductTempStatus ID#45; Status of ID#44, ProductTemp. ProductTRef ID#26; Value of the product reference temperature. ProductTRefStatus ID#142; Status of ID#26, ProductTRef. S SedAndWater

SedAndWaterStatus ShellCapacity ShellCapacityStatus

ID#32; Volume of emulsified water in the product. The absolute volume is calculated from the sediment and water percentage (S&W%) and is used when calculating NSV. S&W% is a manual entry. ID#143; Status of ID#32, SedAndWater. ID#17; Value of the tank shell volume (used for gas calculations). ID#134; Status of ID#17, ShellCapacity.

T TankConfigurationCRC

ID#94; Checksum, calculated over tank related configuration parameters by the CIU Plus (for W&M purposes). TankName ID#1; 10 characters ASCII or 5 characters Unicode. TankNameStatus ID#130; Status of ID#1, TankName. TankShape ID#16; Indicates (indexed) the shape of the tank: -0= No shape defined -1= Cylindrical fixed roof -2= Cylindrical with floating roof -3= Cylindrical with internal floater -4= Spherical tank -5= Bullet -6= Underground bullet -7= Irregular cavern - 8...99 Reserved (future) - 100...255 Free configurable by the user. These values are used to display a picture of the tank by Entis Pro or Scada systems. Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 8 bits.

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ID#2; Indicates (bit coded) the status of the tank: - Bit 0 = 1 Tank shell is calibrated by W&M (Treated as General Tank calibrated Flag) - Bit 1 = 1 Maintenance (future) - Bit 2 = 1 Tank is disabled Default: 6 (bit 2+3). Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 4 bits.

TankStatusStatus TankType

- Bit 3 = 1 Tank is not available ID#131; Status of ID#2, TankStatus. ID#4; Indicates (bit coded) the type of the tank: - Bit 0 = 1 Ullage if bit is set, otherwise Innage - Bit 1 = 1 WAP tank (Water Above Product) (future) - Bit 2 = 1 Liquid mass calculated in air - Bit 3 = 1 Vapour mass calculated in air - Bit 4 = 1 HIMS calculation not allowed. If bit is set then mass Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 8 bits.

may NOT be calculated from GOV * Dobs. TankTypeStatus ID#133; Status of ID#4, TankType. TCF ID#126; Value of the TCF. TCFStatus ID#127; Status of ID#126, TCF. TempElementType ID#8; Indicates (indexed) the type of temperature element: -0= No element available -1= MRT -2= MRT with bottom spot -3= MRT with bottom and top spot -4= One Spot element -5= Two spot elements -8= MTT Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 8 bits. TGSV ID#66; Value of the Total Gross Standard Volume. TGSVStatus ID#67; Status of ID#66, TGSV. TotalMass ID#72; Value of the product plus vapour volume weight. TotalMassStatus ID#73; Status of ID#72, TotalMass. TObs ID#118; Value of the observed temperature. TObsStatus ID#119; Status of ID#118, TObs. TOV ID#54; Value of the Total Observed Volume. TOVStatus ID#55; Status of ID#54, TOV.

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V VapRoom VapRoomPress VapRoomPressStatus VapRoomStatus VapRoomTemp VapRoomTempStatus VerificationSignature

ID#93; Vapour room. ID#48; Value of the product vapour pressure. ID#49; Status of ID#48, VapRoomPress. ID#102; Status of ID#93, VapRoom. ID#46; Value of the product vapour temperature. ID#47; Status of ID#46, VapRoomTemp. ID#77; Calculated over all entities in the default tank record. The patented calculation algorithm verifies the contents of the transmitted tank records. ID#24; Indicates (indexed) the volume correction method: -0= NONE *) -1= S&W correction applied **) -2= Vap. calc. acc. Liq/Vol Ratio ISO/TC28/SC 3 N ***) -3= Vap. calc. acc. Molar Method acc. to ISO/TC28/SC 3 N ***) -4= Vap. calc. acc. Molar Method acc. to API research proj. 44 ***) -5= Vap. calc. acc. Molar Method acc. to ISO 6578 ***)


*) Liquid Mass calculated from GSV*Dref or Dobs*TOV Vapour Mass = Not valid **) Liquid Mass calculated from NSV Vapour Mass = Not valid ***) Liquid Mass calculated from GSV*Dref or Dobs*TOV Vapour Mass = According vapour calculations Because of the representation as combined entity the length is fixed to 8 bits. VolumeCorrectionsStatus

- 6...255 Other vapour calculations (reserved, future) ***) ID#140; Status of ID#24, VolumeCorrections.

W WaterLevel WaterLevelStatus WaterVol WaterVolumeStatus

ID#42; Value of the water level. ID#43; Status of ID#42, WaterLevel. ID#56; Value of the water volume. ID#57; Status of ID#56, WaterVol.

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Appendix B Article and part numbers Article description Indication stickers Carrier board Newt 80165 IP-232/485 complete (Modbus) IP-BPM complete IP-232/485 complete (858 CIU) Key switch complete Power supply complete Serial driver (DIL) ROM serial carrier board RTC clock chip carrier board Serial driver (DIL) BPM connector Micro jumpers (RS232) Jumpers carrier board Mains connection cable Mains fuse Net entry Fuse T1A carrier board

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Part no. 2075.998 0880.601 0880.602 0880.811 0880.812 0880.813 0880.822 0880.830 2518.120 2518.941 2518.942 2519.105 2522.110 + 2524.968 2522.130 2523.922 2570.238 2655.337 2670.202 2829.978


Appendix C Related documents API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards (Annex to chapter 1, >Vocabulary=, released in January 1982) ISO/TC 28/Section 3 - Terms relating to the calculation of oil quantity Installation guide 880 CIU Prime/Plus Instruction manual 880 CIU Prime Instruction manual ModbusTM Protocol Instruction manual Ensite Service Tool Instruction manual Ensite Pro Configuration Tool

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