Instructional Technology Specialists- Arlington ISD blue.pdf - Google ...

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possibly squeeze into our schedules. Common formative. assessments, remediation, and analyzing data can all be. improved
INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY SPECIALISTS So someone called an Instructional Technology Specialist has been hanging around the school. Weird, right!? Thing is, we are here to help you, the teacher. Here are 6 things we can do to serve you and support your work in the classroom.


PLANNING All major instructional problems are solved in planning. Invite your ITS to join you or your team as you plan instruction. We may not be experts in your content, but we are great at thinking of ways to integrate technology. We can help you plan lessons that are engaging and help your students build 21st century skills.


MODEL TEACHING Don't feel confident enough to teach a lesson that uses a lot of technology? We've got your back. Take a back seat for a day or for a couple of classes and let us show you some best practices and strategies for true integration.




Two heads are better than one. Let us teach with you for a day! We work together to make sure that problems are solved and students get the individual attention they need. We should probably be involved in planning (see #1 above) for this to be most effective.


PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY We would love to be involved in as many PLCs as we can possibly squeeze into our schedules. Common formative assessments, remediation, and analyzing data can all be improved with current technology.


PROFESSIONAL LEARNING What do you want to learn about? We can teach you about Google Apps for Education, Formative Assessment, new AV systems, Chromebooks, SAMR, Twitter, and anything else related to instructional technology that you can think of. We will teach groups ranging from entire campuses to one-on-one tutoring.


INSTRUCTIONAL COACHING Our students crave timely and specific feedback. Teachers are no different. Invite us over and let us join your classes! We can debrief during your conference and talk about what we observed. We are purely non-evaluative, so we can offer stress-free coaching and mentoring!