Instructions for filling the admission form

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Year :To be kept blank for Preparatory, For BA 1 st or 2 nd year as applicable. Semester ... in favor of The Finance Officer, YCMOU payable at Nashik). Bank of  ...
INSTRUCTION FOR FILLING THE ADMISSION FORM Programme name & Programe code : a. b.

For 10+2–Preparatory, For Bachelor of Arts – BA

C19 G26

Medium : English, Hindi or Marathi Year :To be kept blank for Preparatory, For BA 1 st or 2 nd year as applicable. Semester : The Army students will keep it blank Centre Code : As per the separate list given with this instructions. Payment Date: will be that date when the common Demand Draft will be drawn. ( The DD will be drawn in favor of The Finance Officer, YCMOU payable at Nashik) Bank of Maharashtra Challan No. : Here the Army Student will write Bank DD number if individual DD is drawn by them otherwise it will be written by the Study Centre when consolidated DD is drawn by Centre. Amount in Rs : To be filled by Student a. b. c. d.

For Preparatory Rs. 300 /For FYBA Rs. 300/For SYBA Rs. 600/For TYBA Rs.1100 /The Students taking admission in FYBA will pay all fees together ie Rs 2000/- , The old YCMOU Students taking admission in SYBA will pay all remaining fees together ie Rs 1700/- , The old YCMOU Students taking admission in TYBA will pay only the TYBA fees ie Rs 1100/Those who have completed FY/SY from other university will admitted in SY but pay Rs 2000/-

Bank Transaction No.: Not to be filled For Study Centre Use : This column must be filled by the Study Centre ie responsible person appointed by the Centre after checking the documents attached as per the requirement. 16 Digit PRN: not to be filled by student new students of YCMOU. 1. Personal Information Section:

Name: Write name in block capital letters. Please do not use the Initials or Addreviations. Name of the Student in Marathi: Here write the name in Hindi / in Devnagari script. Name of the Student printed on Leaving / 10 th Certificate: Write the exact name which the student would want printed on his graduation degree.

a. b. c.

Marital Status: Please tick on the one which is applicable. Date of Birth: Write down that Date of Birth which is there on the 10 th Certificate or School Leaving Certificate or as per the official records. Gendedr: Please tick on the one which is applicable. Mother tongue: Write down in English capitals letters.

Place of birth, Blood Group, Religion, Nationality : Write down in English capitals letters. Student’s locations category : Please tick on the one which is applicable. Employment Stetus: Write down details in English capitals letters. Address for Correspondence: Students can give their home Address /Also please mention the UNIT Address with Army No. Phone & Mobil no. : Must give the working Number where candidate can be contacted in case of giving important information and inform him about PRN, Password of E-Suvidha A/C on our website & Examination dates. Details for NRI Students: Not Applicable.(NA) 2. Legal Reservation Category Information Section:

Fill all the details in block capital English, as applicable. Physically Challenged: Not Applicable for Army students.(NA) 3. Social reservation Information Section:

For all army Students it is – Active Service man (Tick it) 4. Other Information:

Please tick on the one which is applicable. 5. Guardian Information Section:

Here student may write information of father in block capitals./ In case if student is married he can write SELF in this section. 6. Educational Details Section:

Fill all the in Block capital English, as applicable. 7. Course Codes: a. For Preparatory: No subjects C19 b. For BA  FY : OPN101  SY : ECO202 & SOC222  TY: PSY217, POL225 & ICT301 8. Enclosures: th a. For Preparatory: Certificate of Age or School leving Certificate or 10 passing Certificate. b. For BA: Photo copy of 12th Passing Certificate/Mark sheet. Note: the photocopies of these certificates must be attested by any officer of the Unit. 9. Signature of the Student at the place provided.

Note : 1.

On first page of form student has to paste his/ her photograph and must SIGN IN BLACK ink, in the place provided for it. 2. Please write your Army number on the 1 st page of the form at the place where form no is printed. 3. On the second page of the admission form there is place for SIGN & SEAL OF STUDY CENTRE. Take signature & stamp of any Commissioned officer from your Unit/ Centre.