Instrumental Music Program - Redlynch State College - Education ...

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Baritone/Euphonium. STRINGS. 8. Violin. 9. Viola. 10.Cello. 11.Double Bass .... be held responsible for the loss or dama

Instrumental Music Program

Handbook for Students and Parents/Guardians.

Philosophy The Redlynch State College Instrumental Music Program aims to provide tuition on a wide range of musical instruments for the purpose of enjoyment, expression and self-development. The program aims to create and enhance opportunities for positive achievement and promote excellence in performance. The program also aims to provide opportunities for social interaction and community involvement through public performance. Students will learn to perform in public and learn to accept responsibility for the reputation of Redlynch State College and the Instrumental Music Program.


For most people, music is an integral part of life. All students can derive considerable fulfillment and enjoyment from music education, not only those who

1. Flute

show a particular talent. The skills, concepts and attitudes that children acquire as

2. Clarinet

a result of their music education should be those that benefit them not only in their

3. Bass Clarinet 4. Saxophone (Alto, Tenor and Baritone) BRASS 5. Trumpet

school years, but also in the years beyond. Music programs in a wide range of musical experiences are more likely to develop in students an understanding of, and sensitivity towards music. This will give them a better chance to find meaning in music, becoming aware of the value of music in their own lives and the lives of others.

6. Trombone

For more information see:

7. Baritone/Euphonium

STRINGS 8. Violin 9. Viola


10.Cello 11.Double Bass

PERCUSSION 12.Tuned Percussion (Mallets) 13.Untuned Percussion (Drums) 2


Redlynch State College is one of the only schools in Cairns that has specialist teachers for the instrument families across the whole campus.

Mr. Rob Crookes

Ms. Kirsty Rankine

Head of Department- The Arts.

Instrumental Music Program Co-Ordinator


Woodwind Teacher/Concert Bands Director

[email protected]

Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday [email protected]

No picture available


Mr. Matthew Coxon

Mr. Kelly Perger

Strings Teacher/Orchestras Director

Brass Teacher/Jazz Band Director

Monday/Wednesday AM/Friday


[email protected]

[email protected]


Mr. Nathan Christodoulides

Mr. Frank Bray

Percussion Teacher

Strings Teacher


Wednesday PM

[email protected]

[email protected]


Instruments offered


Please see links below for samples of the Woodwind instruments. Flute- James Galway “Flight of the Bumblebee”

2. Clarinet 3. Bass Clarinet 4. Alto Saxophone

Clarinet- Julian Bliss “Mozart Clarinet Concerto (Adagio)”

5. Tenor Saxophone

6. Baritone Saxophone

Bass Clarinet- Marcus Miller “In a Sentimental Mood”

Teacher: Miss Kirsty Rankine

Alto Saxophone- Marty Paloetta “Georgia On My Mind” Tenor Saxophone- Tito Hinojosa “Let’s Stay Together” Baritone Saxophone- Charles Mingus- “Moanin’”



Please see links below for samples of Brass Instruments Trumpet- James Morrison “Sydney 2000 Olympic Fanfare”

2. Trombone 3. Baritone/Euphonium Trombone- Maniacal 4 “Carry on Wayward Son”

Teacher: Mr. Kelly Perger Baritone/Euphonium - Robert and David Childs “Euphonium Pearl Fishers Duet”



Please see links below for examples of String instruments. Violin- Sergey Krylov “Paganini Caprice no 13”

2. Viola 3. Cello 4. Double Bass

Viola- Maria Storjniak “Igor Stravinsky Elegy for Viola Solo”

Teachers: Mr. Matthew Coxon & Mr. Frank Bray

Cello- 2Cellos “Beethoven 5th Symphony vs Whole Lotta Love” Double Bass- London Symphony Orchestra members “Dittersdorf Double Bass Concerto”



Students will learn the entire spectrum of Percussion instruments if this is the

1. Tuned/Mallets

instrument family they choose. Percussion lessons will not consist only of drums.

2. Untuned/Drums

Please see the links below of selected instruments from the Percussion family.

3. Timpani 4. Auxiliary Percussion

Drum Kit- Ari Improta

Teacher: Mr. Nathan Christodoulides


Timpani- Christopher Walker “The Tragedy of the Young Soldier.”

Percussion Ensemble “Bohemian Rhapsody”


Borrowing School Instruments HIRE FEES (PER YEAR)

Redlynch State College has a number of instruments that can be loaned to

1. Use of school Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet or Cello- $90

students in the first year of the program. In the case of Flute, Clarinet, Alto

2. Use of school Alto Saxophone or Baritone$100 3. Use of school Tenor Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Trombone, Euphonium, Baritone Sax or Double Bass- $110 4. PLEASE NOTE: Violin and Viola students must have their own instruments from the commencement of their involvement in the Instrumental Music Program. There are no school Violins/Violas available for hire. 5. Percussion instruments are mostly for in school use only. It is highly advised that percussion instruments be purchased for students to be able to practice at home.

Saxophone and Trumpet, the loan period shall not exceed one school year (unless an extension has been negotiated with the teacher), at which time the parents are asked to buy an instrument for their students. Instruments that have a 2 year loan period are Tenor Saxophone, Trombone and Cello. Parents are not expected to purchase the larger, more expensive instruments. These include Euphonium, French Horn, Bass Clarinet, Baritone Sax, Tuba and Double Bass. These instruments can continue to be borrowed from the school, as long as the student continues to demonstrate the required commitment. All instruments are required to be returned at the end of each year on the date advised by the instructor. A two-year or continual loan instrument may be kept by the student over the Christmas holiday break as long as the relevant loan form is completed and returned to the teacher. Any student borrowing a school instrument must first complete an EQ11- External request for Equipment form. This is to be returned to their teacher before they may loan the instruments. No instrument will be given to a student whose parent or caregiver has not signed and returned the EQ 11 form. The conditions of the Loan Agreement are a legal bond between the parent/guardian and the school. Please read the conditions carefully. If a student


fails to comply with the conditions of the agreement, the loan of the school instrument may be terminated.

ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Please see the booklist in your acceptance package to ensure

There is an instrument loan levy to be paid at the beginning of the

you have the required equipment for your students instrument. It

year (please see information in left hand column). This fee needs

is essential that all the required equipment is purchased prior to

to be paid in full (or a payment plan arranged with the school

commencing lessons.

payments office) before an instrument is given to the student. This levy assists with the service and maintenance of the instruments. The levy is dependent on the size and complexity of each instrument, as well as the cost of purchasing a replacement instrument. Any repairs needed, as a result of willful damage or negligence by the student, will be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. The school will meet the cost of servicing, maintainence and normal repairs due to wear and tear. Full consultation with the school is required before any repairs are undertaken on an instrument belonging to the school. Students wanting to learn Violin and Viola in the strings program are required to purchase their own instrument to begin. Unfortunately we have no Violins or Violas to loan to students through the school.


Lessons Students take lessons each week, which run for 30 minutes in class time. Instrumental teachers complete timetables each term based on a rotation system so that the student does not miss the same lesson each week. Copies of the timetable are given to the student, form/class teacher, music teacher and are also displayed at the music and administration block. It is the responsibility of each student to know his/her lesson time. Students must see their teacher at the beginning of the day if they cannot attend a lesson. Teachers will do their best to arrange another time for the lesson, but it is not always suitable.

Storage, Attendance, Music

There is an instrument storeroom in the Performing Arts Block (7-12

1. Storing Instruments

Campus) for students who do not wish to carry their instruments with them

Policy 2. Attendance

all day. Their instruments can be placed in the storeroom before school.

3. Ensemble Music and Folders

Primary students can store their instruments in their classrooms. Although

the music department takes all due care of instruments, the school cannot

be held responsible for the loss or damage of instruments left in storage.

It is compulsory for each student to attend their timetabled lesson, ensemble rehearsals and all concerts and functions as required. Students who are absent from any of the above must present a signed parental/guardian note with sufficient explanation. If a student is absent without explanation, twice or more in one term, the student may be withdrawn from the program altogether. Parents/Guardians will be contacted before any decision is made. Because students only have one 30 minute lesson, per week, it is imperative that they do not miss lessons. Students involved in ensembles are required to purchase a black display folder to keep music in. All music issued for the ensemble will remain the property of the school. Lost or damaged original music will need to be paid for. As copyright laws have been passed regarding the copying of music, Redlynch State College has adopted a policy of only using original music wherever possible. If an original part is lost or damaged, this may result in the whole ensemble arrangement no longer being able to be used (at an approximate cost of $120 each).



Redlynch State College has a number of ensembles across both the Primary and Secondary Campuses. Beginning students will be informed by their Instrumental teacher when they are ready to join their required ensemble. It is Education Queensland and Redlynch State College policy that all students who are enrolled in the Instrumental Music Program become members of one of the compulsory ensembles once their teacher determines they are adequately prepared.

Ensemble information Concert Band and String Orchestra are the compulsory

Jazz Band: Students must be in the Concert Band/String

ensembles for students to participate in. All ensemble rehearsals

Orchestra to be eligible to participate in Jazz Band. Students

are held in the Auditorium (PM22) on the Secondary Campus

range in age across the campus and are selected by ability,

unless stated otherwise.

commitment and available places. Rehearsals are held on

Junior Concert Band: Students in their first year of learning a

Thursday afternoons, 3:00-4:30pm.

Brass/Woodwind/Percussion instrument and Primary students in

Junior String Orchestra: Primary Strings Students once

Years 4, 5 & 6. Junior Concert Band rehearsals are held on

deemed ready by teachers. Rehearsals are held on Monday

Wednesday mornings from 7:45-8:35am.

mornings from 8:00-8:45am.

Intermediate Concert Band: Students in Years 7-9. Students

Senior String Orchestra: Secondary Strings students.

may be selected from Years 5 & 6, according to ability and places

Rehearsals are held on Friday afternoons, 3:00-4:30pm.

available. Intermediate Concert Band rehearsals are held on Thursday mornings from 7:45-8:35am.

College Orchestra: Selected Secondary students. Rehearsals as required.

Senior Concert Band: Students in Years 10-12. Students from Years 6-9 may be selected according to ability and places available. Senior Concert Band rehearsals are held on Tuesday afternoons, 3:00-4:30pm.

Junior Prep Orchestra: second year strings students. Semester 1 only to prepare to join Junior Orchestra. Wednesday Morning, 7:45-8:30 in the Primary Campus Performance room *Please note* These rehearsal days and times are current as of December 2017, however may be subject to change due to 2018 school and teacher timetables. 17


Part of performing is the overall presentation of the group. There are three uniforms across the campus that your child may require. If you are unsure of the uniform you need for your child, please speak to their ensemble director.

Junior/Intermediate Ensembles UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS - Long black dress pants/skirt. No jeans or pants with contrast stitching. - Black socks/stockings only. No contrasting colours or patterns. - Black leather dress shoes. No joggers or shoes with other colours or coloured laces. - Black, blue (school colour), navy or white hair accessories only. All long hair to be pulled back from the face. - Junior/Intermediate Band Polo Shirt. These are available to purchase through ordering with the Instrumental Music Department (see image to the right).


Senior Ensembles UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS - Long black dress pants/skirt. No jeans or pants with contrast stitching. - Black socks/stockings only. No contrasting colours or patterns. - Black leather dress shoes. No joggers or shoes with other colours or coloured laces. - Black, blue (school colour), navy or white hair accessories only. All long hair to be pulled back from the face. - CASUAL UNIFORM. All items above and Senior Polo Shirt. These are available to purchase through ordering with the Instrumental Music Department. - FORMAL UNIFORM. As above, except long sleeved black microfibre shirt with cuffs and collar. Tie provided by school.



In addition to any instrument hire fee (please see instruments chapter), ALL students are required to pay a subject fee of $60. This covers a variety of costs to the department including: - purchase of new music for ensembles and resources for lessons - photocopying and printing - purchase of department equipment such as music stands, stand banners, folders, stand lights etc -payment for guest artists for workshops




1. deceptivecadence/2012/06/18/155282684/ getting-kids-to-practice-music-withouttears-or-tantrums

What is needed?

2. articles/how-to-practice-a-musicalinstrument 3. practice-tips-parents

# Instrument # Music # Music Stand # Chair with a straight back # Pencil Where should I practice? In a quiet enclosed room- turn off the TV and music. It is best to practice where there are no other people or unknowingly you will ‘perform’ rather than practice. With each tutor book, there is a CD provided. Play along with the CD as part of your practice. How often should I practice? Daily practice achieves more than irregular practice, but as a guideline, at least 5 times per week. How long should I practice? At least 15-20 minutes in your first year, 20-30 minutes in your second year and 30 minutes and above after that. When students are just beginning they may need to break their practice session down into smaller chunks to allow them time to build up their muscle memory, breath control and stamina. 23