Instrumental Music Scholarship Application Form - Brighton Grammar ...

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music and school reports. • an interview with the Head of Junior or Secondary School. Scholarships covering partial fe
Instrumental Music Scholarship Application Form Music Scholarships are offered for boys entering Year 5 (minimum AMEB Grade 3 standard) to Year 10 (minimum AMEB Grade 6 standard). The availability and value of these scholarships will be at the discretion of the Headmaster and will be dependent on the quality of applicants. All orchestral and concert band instruments, piano and organ are eligible. Applications must be accompanied by a reference from the applicant’s music teacher, a copy of his most recent school report, and information regarding all relevant musical attainments. Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of: • an audition conducted by the Director of Music and specialist instrumental staff • music and school reports • an interview with the Head of Junior or Secondary School. Scholarships covering partial fees will be offered. The scholarship will be tenable until the boy has completed his secondary education, subject to a satisfactory continuing performance and participation in the School’s extracurricular sporting program. Music Scholarship holders are required to participate in all relevant instrumental ensembles and choirs. The scholarship does not cover the cost of uniform, books or stationery. School music tuition fees for one 30-minute lesson per week on one instrument will be covered, provided this is taught by a member of the School’s Music Staff. Scholarships will cover the hire of one instrument, which could be a second study instrument if the candidate already has his own main study instrument. During the audition (approx. 20 minutes), the applicant will be required to: • perform two or three contrasting pieces, depending on length. If the applicant plays more than one instrument, two pieces should be performed on the major instrument and the third on the second instrument • demonstrate sight-reading ability (some aural tests may also be given). Prior to the practical audition, the applicant will be required to sit a music aptitude test (approx. 40 minutes). For closing and audition dates please see the BGS website.

Applicant’s (Student) Details TO BE COMPLETED BY PARENT OR GUARDIAN. Family name Given names

Date of birth

Present school

Current year level

Is the applicant currently enrolled to attend Brighton Grammar School?



Does the applicant have a brother attending Brighton Grammar School? Please specify: Names of other schools approached for scholarships (if applicable): Names of other independent schools for which your son is already enrolled and year of entry (if applicable): Instrument(s) played:

Music teacher:



Their contact number:

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Parent / Guardian Details Mother / Guardian 1

Father / Guardian 2



Given names

Given names



Home phone

Home phone

Work phone

Work phone







Annual income

Annual income

If the applicant DOES NOT live with both parents, which parent does he live with? How did you hear about the scholarship?

Mother / Guardian 1 signature

Father / Guardian 2 signature AND / OR




Application Fee Payment A fee of $80 (inclusive of GST) is required at time of application. METHODS OF PAYMENT: Cheque (payable to Brighton Grammar School) OR Credit Card*




Total amount: Cardholder’s name: Card number:

Expiry date:


Cardholder’s signature:

Brighton Grammar School complies with National Privacy Principles guidelines.

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Instrumental Music Scholarship Application Form Music Experience List examination results and relevant competition details. (Please attach Music Reports and references.)

Highest level of theory obtained: List ensemble experience:

Second instrument details:

List choral experience:

Is an accompanist required for the audition?



If YES, music is to be supplied with the auditions. We regret that no rehearsal time is available prior to audition day.



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Leadership TO BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT (STUDENT) Have you held a leadership position: 1. At school? (e.g. Class Captain, House Captain, Team Captain) Please specify:

2. Outside school? (e.g. sports club, Scouts, Church group) Please specify:


Cultural Interests 1. Do you enjoy reading? If so, what kind of books interest you most?

2. Are you involved or interested in art, drama or other cultural activities?

Sport (continued) 1. What sports have you been involved in?

2. Have you been in any teams? Please give details:



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Sport continued...... 3. Do you play in any club teams? Please give details:

4. Have you been selected for any representative teams?

5. Have you gained any certificated, individual trophies or awards in any sport? Please give details:

Additional Information Please outline any other achievements, awards or considerations relevant to this application:

RETURN THIS FORM TO: Admissions Coordinator Brighton Grammar School 90 Outer Crescent Brighton VIC 3186 Please remember to include a reference from the applicant’s music teacher and a copy of the applicants’s most recent school report. For closing and audition dates please see the BGS website.

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