Integral Inequalities for Different Kinds of Convex ...

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cd ". #. T = 6. 6@ @ is convex on the co-ordinates on T. Then one has the inequalities;. ,. (. )( ) ( , ). ( , ). ( , ). ( , ). ( , ) . f. a b c d. b a d c. f x y dxdy f ac f ad f bc f bd.
Karaelmas Fen ve Müh. Derg. 7(1):140-144, 2017

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Research Article

Integral Inequalities for Different Kinds of Convex Functions Involving Riemann-Liouville Fractional Integrals Konveks Fonksiyonların Farklı Tipleri İçin Riemann-Liouville Kesirli İntegrallerini İçeren İntegral Eşitsizlikleri Ahmet Ocak Akdemir1, Mustafa Gürbüz2, Erhan Set3* Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Mathematics, Ağrı, Turkey Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University, Faculty of Education, Department of Elementary Education, Ağrı, Turkey 3 Ordu University, Faculty of Science and Arts, Department of Mathematics, Ordu, Turkey 1 2

Abstract In this paper, we obtain some new integral inequalities for different kinds of co-ordinated convex functions by using elemantery analysis and Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 26D10, 26D15, 26A33 Keywords: Convex functions, Co-ordinates, Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals

Öz Bu makalede, Riemann-Liouville kesirli integralleri ve elementer analiz işlemleri kullanılarak coordinatlarda konveks fonksiyonların farklı tipleri için bazı yeni integral eşitsizlikleri elde edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Konveks fonksiyonlar, Ko-ordinatlar, Riemann-Liouville kesirli integralleri

1. Introduction Let f: I 3 R " R be a convex function defined on the interval I of real numbers and a0 and t, s ! 60, 1@ holds: a+b c+d fa 2 , 2 k (2.6) C^a + 1hC^b + 1h # a b ^b - ah ^d - ch # 6J ba,b,d f (x, y) + J aa,b,d f (x, y) + J ba,b,c f (x, y) + J aa,b,c f (x, y)@ . -








Proof. By a similar argument to the proof of Theorem 2.2, by using the definition of P-function which is given in (1.4), the proof is completed. Remark 2.2 In Theorem 2.3, if we choose a =1, we obtain the inequality (1.6).

Theorem 2.4 Let f: T = 6a, b@ # 6c, d@ " R be an h-convex function on the co-ordinates on T with fx ! L 1 [c, d], fy ! L 1 [a, b], h ! L 1 [0, 1] where h is a positive functions defined on J such that (0, 1) 3 J 3 R . Then the following inequalities for fractional integrals with a>0 and t, s ! 60, 1@ hold: 1

a+b c+d fa 2 , 2 k 1 abh a 2 k C^ahC^bh # ^ b - a ha ^ d - c hb # 6J ba,b,d f (x, y) + J aa,b,d f (x, y) + J ba,b,c f (x, y) + J aa,b,c f (x, y)@ 1 1 h ^ t h h (s) + h (1 - t) G dsdt # ^ f ^ a, c h + f ^ b, d hh # # t a - 1 s b - 1 = 0 0 h (1 - s) 1 1 h ^ t h h (1 - s) + h (s) G dsdt. +^ f ^ b, c h + f ^ a, d hh # # t a - 1 s b - 1 = 0 0 h (1 - t) 2









t a - 1 s b - 1 f (ta + (1 - t) b,(1 - s) c + sd) dsdt


t a - 1 s b - 1 f ((1 - t) a + tb, sc + (1 - s) d) dsdt

Proof. According to the definition which is given in (1.8) 1 with t = s = 2 and then if we set x = ta+(1-t)b, y = (1-t)

Karaelmas Fen Müh. Derg., 2017; 7(1):140-144


Akdemir, Gürbüz, Set / Integral Inequalities for Different Kinds of Convex Functions Involving Riemann-Liouville Fractional Integrals

a+tb, u = sc+(1-s)d and w = (1-s)c+sd, we have

which completes the proof.

a+b c+d fa 2 , 2 k R V S f (ta + (1 - t) b, sc + (1 - s) d) + f (ta + (1 - t) b,W 1 # h 2 a 2 kS(1 - s) c + sd) + f (1 - t) a + tb, sc + (1 - s) d) + W . SS WW f ((1 - t) a + tb, (1 - s) c + sd) T X By multiplying both sides of the resulting inequality by t a - 1 s b - 1 , then by integrating with respect to t,s over [0,1] x[0,1], we obtain

Remark 2.3 In Theorem 2.4, if we choose h(t) = t and a =1, we obtain the inequality (1.1).

1 1 a+b c+d f a 2 , 2 k # # t a - 1 s b - 1 dsdt 0 0 1 1 2 1 a-1 b-1 # h a 2 k: # # t s f (ta + (1 - t) b, sc + (1 - s) d) dsdt 0 0


# +# # +# # 1












t a - 1 s b - 1 f (ta + (1 - t) b, (1 - s) c + sd) dsdt t a - 1 s b - 1 f ((1 - t) a + tb, sc + (1 - s) d) dsdt

By a simple computation, we get the first inequality of (2.7). Since f is a h-convex function on T we can write (2.8)

and f (tb + (1 - t) a, sd + (1 - s) c) # h (t) h (s) f (b, d) + h (t) h (1 - s) f (b, c) + h (s) h (1 - t) f (a, d) + h (1 - t) h (1 - s) f (a, c) .


By adding the inequalities (2.8) and (2.9), we have f (ta + (1 - t) b, sc + (1 - s) d) + f (tb + (1 - t) a, sd + (1 - s) c) # 6h (t) h (s) + h (1 - t) h (1 - s)@^ f (a, c) + f (b, d) h + 6h (t) h (1 - s) + h (s) h (1 - t)@^ f (b, c) + f (a, d) h .

By multiplying both sides of the resulting inequality by t a - 1 s b - 1 , then by integrating with respect to t,s over [0,1] x[0,1], we obtain

# # t +# # 1



0 1



a-1 1

s b - 1 f (ta + (1 - t) b, sc + (1 - s) d) dsdt

t a - 1 s b - 1 f (tb + (1 - t) a, sd + (1 - s) c) dsdt

# (f (a, c) + f (b, d)) #



+ (f (b, c) + f (a, d)) #




h (t) h (s) + h (1 - t) G dsdt ta-1 sb-1 = 0 h (1 - s) 1 h (t) h (1 - s) + h (s) G dsdt #0 t a - 1 s b - 1 = h (1 - t)



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