PET CT. Integrated PET/CT Imaging System. Discovery LS orSTE. (GE
Healthcare). Benefit of the combined technique: 1) Attenuation correction with CT
Integrated FDG-PET and PET/CT: Clinical Applications and Impact on Patient Care Dominique Delbeke, MD, PhD Vanderbilt University Medical Center Nashville, TN
Quanta, Curitiba, Brazil Mayo 26th, 2009
Positrons Emitters Produced in a cyclotron
Fluorine-18 (T1/2 = 110 min) Nitrogen-13 (T1/2 = 10 min) Carbon-11 (T1/2 = 20 min) Oxygen-15 (T1/2 = 2 min) Copper-64 (T1/2 – 12 h) Iodine-124 (T1/2 = 4 days)
Produced by generator
Rubidium-82 (T1/2 = 78 sec) Gallium-68 (T1/2 = 68 min) Copper-62 (T1/2 = 10 min)
RDS-111 PET Cyclotron (CTI, Knoxville, TN)
Assessment of Tumor Biology with PET PET assesses physiology and biochemistry rather than anatomy Therefore PET provides the potential for earlier, more sensitive detection of disease
PET Tracers of Perfusion Tracers of Perfusion 15O-water (cyclotron, T1/2 = 2 min) 13N-ammonia (cyclotron, T1/2 = 10 min) 82Rubidium (generator expensive! T1/2 = 78 sec)
Assessment of Tumor Biology with PET Perfusion Metabolism Glucose metabolism: 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose = FDG Bone metabolism: 18F-fluoride Membrane lipid synthesis:11C-acetate (i.e. HCC), 18F-choline Amino acid transport and metabolism: 11C-methionine , 18Ftyrosine
Cellular proliferation: 18F-fluorothymidine (FLT) Receptor expression: Estrogen receptors 18F-fuoroestradiol e.g. Breast cancer Dopamine receptors: 18F-fluoro-DOPA e.g. Prostate cancer, neuroendocrine tumors Benzodiazepine receptors: 18F-flumazenil e.g. Epilepsy Somatostatin receptors: 68Ga-DOTA TOC and NOC
More Promising PET Tracers Cellular oxygenation-hypoxia: 18F-MISO, 64CuATSM Hypoxia increases resistance to XRT Hypoxia leads to phenotypic heterogeneity
Drug binding-sensitivity Gene expression/Gene therapy Cell death/apoptosis: Annexin Angiogenesis:18F-galacto-RGD targeting avB3 integrin expression, a critical angiogenic modulator
Clinical Applications for FDG PET and PET/CT PET with FDG = imaging modality allowing direct evaluation of the cellular glucose metabolism Neurology Brain Tumors HIV positive patients with neurological symptoms Epilepsy Neuropsychiatric disorders (dementias) Cerebrovascular disease Cardiology Myocardial perfusion: 13N-ammonia, 82Rb Myocardial viability: 18F-FDG
Glycogen Glycogen Glucose Glucose
Hexokinase Hexokinase Glucose-6-P Glucose Glucose-6-P Glucose
Cell Cell membrane membrane and and capillary capillary
H Pentose-P H22O O ++ CO CO22 Pentose-P
Hexokinase Hexokinase FDG FDG
Normal Distribution of FDG
Brain: high uptake in the gray matter Myocardium: variable uptake Lungs: low uptake Mediastinum: low uptake Liver: low uptake GI tract: variable activity (esophagus, stomach, colon) Urinary tract: excretes FDG Muscular system: low uptake at rest
Cook GJR, et al: Semin Nucl Med 1996;26:308-314
Clinical Applications for PET in Oncology Most malignant tumors: Increased number of glucose transporter proteins Increased glycolytic enzyme levels Æ Increased FDG uptake compared to normal cells FDG PET became an established imaging modality for: Diagnosing malignancies Staging and restaging malignancies Monitor therapy Assess recurrence Surveillance Screening
Positron Decay
Instrumentation for PET Imaging
Dedicated PET tomographs Gamma Camera Based PET = Hybrid PET
Dedicated PET tomographs with BGO detectors (most commo
GE Advance
Anatomical & Molecular Imaging Are Complimentary
Limitations of CT: Size criteria for lymph nodes involvement Differentiation of unopacified bowel versus lesion Evaluation of tumors after therapy Equivocal lesions Limitations of FDG PET: Limited resolution Accurate localization of the abnormalities Physiological variations of FDG distribution Optimal interpretation: In conjunction with each other
Æ Integrated PET/CT is optimal and became available in year 2000
Integrated PET/CT Imaging Systems
CTI Reveal GE Discovery LS and ST Philips Gemini (GSO) CPS Biograph (BGO) (LYSO, time of flight) (BGO and LSO) Diagnostic CT Scanner Multislice (2 – 4 slices/rotation originally, now 8,16, …., 64) 0.5 seconds/rotation, helical Scan – 17 seconds/meter
Properties of common scintillation crystals Crystal
NaI (Tl)
Stopping power
Atomic #
Light output
Energy resol Spatial resol Scatter
Decay time
Dead time Count rate
Integrated PET/CT Imaging System Benefit of the combined technique: 1) Attenuation correction with CT 2) Anatomical localization
Discovery LS orSTE (GE Healthcare) PET CT
Attenuation Correction Anatomical localization
Integrated PET-CT Scanners Spectrum of equipment available: The quality of the PET images depends on the PET system and protocol. Resolution of the integrated CT images depends on the CT system and the protocol. Issues: Optimal CT protocols (IV contrast, breathing pattern, etc..) Patient positioning Operation of PET-CT systems: RT versus CNMT Interpretation and reports: radiologist versus nuclear medicine physicians Cost and billing
Correction for Attenuation Artifacts Attenuation effects are more significant in coincidence imaging than SPECT because both annihilation photons must pass through the region without interaction. Methods: Calculated attenuation correction: e.g. Brain Measured attenuation correction using attenuation maps (transmission scan) obtained with various transmission sources: Typically sources of Ge-68 X-ray source Transmission Ge-68 rod sources on the GE Advance PET Scanner
Advantages of Correction for Attenuation Improvement of the anatomic delineation Lesions can be localized more accurately Necessary for semiquantitative evaluation with SUV May be helpful for specific clinical situation e.g. indeterminate pulmonary nodules e.g. monitoring therapy
no AC
Correction for Attenuation Artifacts The quality of the images with attenuation depends of the accuracy of registration of the emission and transmission scan. Inaccurate repositioning of the patient between scans can be avoided by performing simultaneous or sequential transmission/emission scans without moving the patient from the imaging table. Motion of the patient is a problem. Optimal correction for attenuation can be obtained using integrated PET/CT systems.
An 81-year-old female presented with a left lung mass FDG PET without AC
FDG PET with AC Diagnosis: The apparent decreased uptake in the R MCA territory is due to patient’s motion between emission and transmission scan
Respiratory motion -Æ misregistration
With AC
Without AC
Patient shifted to the right for PET acquisition Æ misregistration (physiologic muscular uptake projects over the left femoral head
CT for Attenuation Maps High quality maps because of high photon flux Low current (10 mA) provides satisfactory attenuation maps. Short duration < 1 minute from base of the skull to mid-thigh with multidetector CT. Also provide anatomical maps for lesion localization Current of ~80 mA is a compromise for limited radiation dose Whole body dose equivalent ~ 700 mrem (7.0 mSv) Whole body dose equivalent for FDG (10 mCi) ~700 mrem Whole body dose equivalent for whole body PET-CT: ~ 4.8 years background radiation in US
Technical Protocol for whole body PET/CT (GE Discovery STE at VUMC)
Transmission CT 80 mA (fixed or adjust to patient’s weight) 130-140 kVp 40-90 msec 5 mm slices Pitch 3/1 No IV contrast Breath-hold at Tidal volume or normal breathing Emission PET 2D: 4 min/bed position 3D: 2min/bed Regional diagnostic CT with IV and oral contrast if indicated
Beyer T, et al. J Nucl Med 2004;45 (Suppl): 25S
Artifacts on CT-attenuated PET images Inaccurate co-registration due to: Random motion (but less likely with short transmission scan) Respiratory motion Curvilinear cold artifacts along diaphragm Inaccurate localization of lesion in the region of diaphragm (dome of liver versus lung bases) in 2% of patients Goerres GW et al. Radiology 2003;226:906-910. Osman MM et al. Eur J Nucl Med 2003;30:603-606. Osman MM et al. J Nucl Med 2003;44:240-243.
65 year-old with lung cancer s/p XRT to mediastinum 1 week earlier
Radiation esophagitis Curvilinear photopenia along diaphragm due to motion of diaphragm
Artifacts on CT-attenuated PET images Hot spots due to over-correction related to:
IV contrast Focal accumulation of oral contrast Metallic implants (dental, hardware…)
Overestimation of SUV values by up to 10% compared to Ge-68 based attenuation correction. Antoch G et al.J Nucl Med 2002;43:1339-1342. Cohade C et al. J Nucl Med 2003;44:412-416. Goerres GW et al. Eur J Nucl Med Molec Imag 2002;29:367-370. Nakamoto Y et al. J Nucl Med 2002;43:1137-1143. Antoch G et al. J Nucl Med 2004: 45 (Suppl): 56S.
SNM Procedure Guideline
SNM Guideline J Nucl Med 2006; 47 (May): 885
SNM Procedure Guidelines for FDG PET/CT
Purpose Background Information and Definitions Procedure Patient Preparation Information Pertinent to Performing the Procedure (focused history) Radiopharmaceutical Image Acquisition Intervention Processing Interpretation Criteria Reporting Quality Control Sources of Error Qualification of Personnel
SNM Guideline J Nucl Med 2006;47:1227
Sources of False +/- Interpretations
F+: Physiologic FDG uptake Lymphoid tissue Brown adipose tissue Glandular tissue Muscular system GI tract GU tract F+: Inflammation Therapy-related Therapy-related: Ostomies, drainage tubes, stents (percutaneous more common), radiation therapy , chemotherapy Trauma Infection Abscesses, Acute cholecystitis, Acute cholangitis, Acute pancreatitis (chronic pancreatitis but uncommon), Inflammatory bowel disease, Diverticulitis Granulomatous disease: TB, fungi
Sources of False +/- Interpretations False negative include: Small lesions (