Integrated Water Resources Modelling of the Upper Thames River Basin

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component dynamically coupled with a socio-economic model component of the Upper Thames River basin, located in south-western Ontario, Canada.
18th Canadian Hydrotechnical Conference 18ième congrès spécialisé hydrotechnique canadienne

Challenges for Water Resources Engineering in a Changing World Winnipeg, Manitoba, August 22 – 24, 2007 / 22 – 24 août 2007

Integrated Water Resources Modelling of the Upper Thames River Basin P. Prodanovic1 and S. P. Simonovic1 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON


Abstract: The model presented in this paper consists of a continuous hydrologic (physical) model component dynamically coupled with a socio-economic model component of the Upper Thames River basin, located in south-western Ontario, Canada. Two components of the model are linked with a number of feedback loops, implying that physical characteristics both affect, and are affected by, the socioeconomic activities they are embedded in. For example, land use change affects infiltration and runoff characteristics of the regional hydrology, which impacts water availability thereby limiting future development and expansion. Feedback loops between physical and socio-economic domains are identified as being responsible for creating the systemic structure that determines the overall behaviour of the basin. Climatic change vulnerability and risk are also assessed with the above model, taking into consideration climatic, physical and socio-economic characteristics of the region. A number of different simulation scenarios are explored, from which key management guidelines are identified. 1. Introduction The water resources community has long realized that its complex problems are best approached using the systems approach, where problems are seen in an integrated or a holistic way. One of the main premises of this approach is that no problem can be studied in isolation, but must be considered in the entire context it is embedded in. Today, this means using interdisciplinary, multi-stakeholder teams in a coordinated fashion with the aim of achieving a common vision for the future. The systems approach to water management has been able to combine socio-economic aspects with the more familiar, physical perspectives. The concept of integrated water resources management emerged as a result of this realization in addition to the growing complexity of water resources systems, and its management challenges. Although there are many definitions of the concept available, this study adopts the one provided by the Global Water Partnership GWP (2000): “Integrated water resources management is a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and its related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.” For the Canadian perspective on integrated water resources management, the reader is referred to the work by (Mitchell, 2006). An original methodology to make the integrated water resources management process operational is presented in this paper. The key characteristics of complex water resources system management are captured, including: feedback based system structure, representation of detailed physical and socioeconomic processes, spatial and temporal variability, and the multi-stakeholder participation context. Emphasis is also placed on long term planning. In this methodology, physical processes (described with a continuous hydrologic model) are dynamically linked to socio-economic activities (captured with a system dynamics simulation model), each influencing, and being influenced by the other. The systems approach


is used to integrate, in a single computer simulation model, processes that have previously been treated separately (i.e., physical changes in a hydrologic system and socio-economic changes such as population growth, rate of land and business development, etc). The methodology presented for integrated water resources management not only provides helpful means for implementing the concept, but also aids in a broader understanding of the problem by all involved parties (especially those with conflicting viewpoints). Insight into the behaviour of the entire system (i.e. hydrologic, climatic, socioeconomic) generates knowledge that can contribute to better and more effective water management. The rest of this paper explains the methodology and illustrates its application. We first describe the research approach and the model, and then illustrate the approach through the application to the Upper Thames River basin, ending with conclusions. 2. Methodology To practically implement the idea of integrated water resources management requires the use of a systems approach and simulation strategy. A systems approach is broadly defined as a viewpoint (or a paradigm) that looks at problems in an integrated/holistic manner, where the physical characteristics of the problem (i.e. hydrologic, hydrologic, water quality, sediment) are intertwined with socio-economic processes (i.e. population growth, land development, business activity, recreation, etc). Physical and socio-economic processes occurring in the river basin should not be studied separately as a basin response depends on the interaction of the physical and socio-economic processes. One way to implement the systems approach is through a system dynamics simulation strategy (Forrester, 1961). The system dynamics method is grounded in feedback control theory, with its fundamental building block being the feedback loop. Feedback is defined as a process whose output is returned to the input to further regulate its output. It is also defined as an action (i.e. an outflow from a reservoir) that affects a system state (i.e. the volume of a reservoir), which then additionally regulates the action (i.e. the outflow). The main premise of system dynamics is that the complexity of system structure, captured by multiple feedbacks among system elements, determines the system's behaviour. The strength of system dynamics methodology is in using the concept of feedback to mathematically represent processes of integrated water resources management. It also provides means for capturing physical, environmental, socio-economic and political processes into a single model. Multiple stakeholder participation is an essential step in determining the model structure and identifying different input scenarios and/or management policy options to be evaluated. There have been several applications of system dynamics simulation in water resources (Matthias and Frederick. 1994; Simonovic et al., 1997; Simonovic and Fahmy, 1999; Saysel et al., 2002; Fernández and Selma, 2004; Sehlke and Jacobson, 2005; among others). Even though all of the studies use system dynamics to address problems of integrated water resources management, they all share one weakness simpler representation of the physical processes in order to include their interactions with socio-economic processes occurring in the basin. Quite often, as a result, stakeholders familiar with detailed, rigorous physical models do not clearly see the benefits of system dynamics simulation. The goal of this study, therefore, is to use well established models of physical (i.e. hydrologic) processes, and integrate them (via feedback) with the socio-economic models through system dynamics. In this way, the detail and clarity of well established physical models is preserved and strengthened with the description of socioeconomic processes of importance for the river basin. In our opinion this is a framework that can be used in an efficient implementation of the principles of integrated water resources management. 3. Upper Thames River Basin Case Study The modelling framework introduced the previous section was applied to the Upper Thames River basin, located in south-western Ontario, Canada. The integrated water resources model was created for the purpose of studying impacts of climatic change on the hydrologic-socio-economic system of the area. Changes in timing, magnitude and frequency of hydrologic extremes (floods and droughts) is considered,


as well as the most important socio-economic variables (i.e. population growth, land development, business activity, water use). Most of the Upper Thames River basin is currently occupied by agricultural land (80%), while forest cover and urban uses take about 10% each. The basin area is approximately 3,500 km2, and its population is approximately 420,000 (of which 350,000 are residents of the City of London). The region receives approximately 1,000 mm of precipitation per annum, while the yearly average discharge of the Thames River (273 km long, eventually emptying into the Lake St. Clair) is 35.9 m3 /s. Strong development pressure in urban and rural communities, together with potential negative consequences of the changing climatic signal, have the possibility to affect hydrologic extremes (floods and droughts) and socio-economic activities (such as population growth, development, business opportunities) in the basin. Changing climate, manifesting itself through changes in timing, regularity, magnitude, and frequency of hydrologic extremes may force basin managers to revise and/or update their water management guidelines. Existing water management infrastructure (i.e. dams, dykes, sewage and drainage systems, ponds, etc) may have to be retrofitted, or replaced. This could potentially place tremendous strain on the area due to the very high intensity of development occurring in parts of the basin (particularly in north London). 3.1 Integrated Water Resources Model of the Upper Thames River Basin The integrated model was created for the analysis of climatic and socio-economic changes in the Upper Thames River basin. It consists of two major components - hydrologic and socio-economic, linked with a number of feedback loops. The following is a description of model components and their linkages. 3.1.1 Continuous Hydrologic Model Component The continuous hydrologic model component used in this study is based on the continuous version of the HEC-HMS model (USACE, 2000). Previous hydrologic studies (Cunderlik and Simonovic, 2007) applied this model to the Upper Thames River basin, providing a calibrated model for use in this study. This model component mathematically represents hydrologic processes operating within the watershed boundaries. The processes captured by the hydrologic component include: climatic input (temperature, precipitation), snow accumulation and melt, losses, surface transform, baseflow, and hydrologic river/reservoir routing. The hydrologic model component (Figure 1) works by taking temperature and precipitation as input (obtained from an external weather generator model, described by Sharif et al., 2007) and running it through the snow accumulation/melt module. Based on the degree-day method, precipitation (adjusted for snow accumulation and/or melt) is used as an input into the losses module. The losses module is a detailed water balance representation based on the soil moisture accounting algorithm. It uses canopy, surface, soil (upper and tension zone) and two ground water layers to represent movement of moisture in the land based hydrologic cycle. The output from the losses module includes ground water recharge, evapotranspiration, surface excess and baseflow (lateral outflow from each ground water layer). Surface excess (essentially precipitation minus the losses) is used as an input into the transform module, where it is converted to surface runoff by convoluting a unit hydrograph. Surface runoff and baseflow are then combined to produce direct runoff, which is supplied to a routing module. The routing in this work was performed using a modified Puls method, and is applied to both, river and reservoir routing, finally producing streamflow. The hydrologic model component operates on a six hour time step. Additional information on the hydrologic model component is provided in Cunderlik and Simonovic (2007).


Figure 1: Hydrologic Model Modules 3.1.2. Socio-Economic Model Component The socio-economic model component was developed using the system dynamics simulation approach, and contains three spatial units (corresponding to areas belonging to each of the three counties in the basin). These spatial units are selected for the description of regional economic activity. The systemic structure of each unit in the model is identical, as socio-economic characteristics in each are similar. The modeling sectors included in the socio-economic component include: urban and rural population, urban and rural business activity, housing and land use. Figure 2 shows the structure of the socio-economic model component, and is briefly described as follows. The dynamics of the population sector (further divided into urban and rural) depends on availability of adequate housing, jobs and water resources. This means that if housing, jobs or water (individually or in combination) become scarce, the population growth will not be sustained. Similar reasoning applies to the business activity sectors (also divided into urban and rural). Its viability depends on the labour force provided by the population sectors (a fraction of the population represents labour force), availability of land (obtained from the land use sector), and availability of water. The dynamics of the housing sector are contingent on land available for housing (land zoned for residential uses), as well as the demand for housing (obtained from the population sector). The land use sector is the most complex part of the socio-economic model component, and includes the dynamics of land rezoning for four different land use types: forest cover, agricultural, residential and business lands. Land rezoning is assumed to occur in response to pressures generated by different communities. For example, if a region's economy is booming and housing is starting to become scarce, pressure from the residential community will eventually lead municipal officials to rezone additional land to residential uses. Similar logic is used for rezoning of forest cover to agricultural land, and/or between agricultural land and residential/business uses. Lastly, when additional agricultural land is not available, competition builds between residential and business land use types. Then, based on pressures from residential and business communities, land can be rezoned to try and match needs with availability.


Additional details regarding the socio-economic model component presented here are available in a report by Prodanovic and Simonovic (FIDS, 2003).

Figure 2: Socio-Economic Model Component Architecture 3.1.3. Feedback Linkages The main contribution of this work is in the explicit consideration of feedback links between the hydrologic and socio-economic model components. These are necessary as each component is responsible for the functioning of the other. Feedback loops between the two model components are shown in a causal loop diagram in Figure 3, and are discussed below. The left part of the causal loop represents the structure of the continuous hydrologic component, while the right part shows a few selected variables of the socio-economic component. From precipitation and direct runoff information (supplied by the hydrologic component), drought levels are computed based on the Ontario low water response rules. Drought levels are then used to estimate water use in the basin. More intensive drought conditions lead to reduced water use efforts by all water users. Ground water recharge, obtained from the hydrologic model component, is a variable that also influences water use. Stakeholder consultations revealed that authorities will never allow more ground water to be used than is currently recharged, therefore making water availability equivalent to recharge. Water use affects the possibility for economic growth and expansion, which further modifies decisions for development of urban land. Flood damage (obtained from direct runoff) affects population and business sectors. An assumption is made that as flood damage increases, businesses and residents will initiate efforts to repair and/or rebuild their damaged assets. The socio-economic component also provides a number of inputs for the hydrologic model component. The growth and prosperity of population and business sectors demands additional development, which increases the amount of urban area. More urban development implies that more surfaces, once covered with forest or open fields, become partially impervious, therefore reducing surface storage capacity in the hydrologic model component, leading to more excess runoff during precipitation events. Water that could have infiltrated now enters into the rivers quickly, increasing peak flow and with it flood damage. More urban land in the basin also implies less vegetation, which means less evapotranspiration. Reduced vegetation cover also reduces infiltration capacity, as tree roots no longer provide additional paths for water to infiltrate. Reduced infiltration capacity therefore, eventually leads to lower ground water recharge and thus lower ground water availability.


Figure 3: Feedbacks between hydrologic and socio-economic components 3.2. Scenario Analysis To illustrate the application of the model a number of scenarios, defined in terms of climatic (temperature and precipitation) and socio-economic inputs (policy options) were developed. Each scenario is one combination of climatic and socio-economic inputs. 3.2.1. Climatic Inputs The climatic input is provided to the hydrologic model component by an external weather generator model (Sharif et al., 2007). The weather generator is a simulation model that synthetically generates climate information for a region based on both, locally observed data and outputs of the detailed Global Circulation Models. Three climate inputs considered in this project, and include historic (or base case), and two climate change inputs. The historic base case input uses locally observed daily climate data for 1964-2001, together with various perturbation and reshuffling algorithms that generate an arbitrary long period of synthetic data (including events not previously observed) for fifteen stations in the basin. Inputs B21 and B11, on the other hand, are generated using the same base case data, and from outputs of CCSRNIES and CSIROM2kB Global Circulation Models ( Input B21 is based on a future where rainfall increases in


timing and magnitude and is thus used to evaluate the basin response to flooding. Input B11 on the other hand, is used to represent a future where dry spells and droughts become more frequent. 3.2.2. Socio-Economic Policy Inputs A number of different socio-economic inputs were considered, only two of which are presented here. The reader is referred to the report by Prodanovic and Simonovic (FIDS, 2003) for additional information. The base case (or no change) socio-economic input corresponds to current management practices adopted in the Upper Thames River basin. The second socio-economic policy tested is one of water conservation. A simulation was set that assumed area water users agree to reduce their per capita water consumption by 30% when compared to the base case scenario. 4.0. Results 4.1. Hydrologic Output The hydrologic output is presented in Figure 4, and is a result of post-processing flow data produced by the stream gauge at Byron (western edge of London). Frequency analysis of the hydrologic output was performed with Log Pearson III and Gumbel distributions for daily peak flood flows; Weibull distribution was used on seven and thirty day average flows for droughts.

Figure 4: Effect of altered climate on floods and droughts in London Analysis of possible adverse changes in frequency of peak flows can be also performed by using Figure 4. For example, if the top right graph is selected (showing the Log Pearson III fit) the peak flow of 714


m3/s for the historic scenario has a return period of 100 years, while the same flow under wet climate B21 will occur with a return period of only 30 years. Such a finding implies that incidents of flooding in London will occur more frequently in the future. This is true not only for large floods, but for more regular floods as well. A similar calculation can be performed for drought conditions, which will remain more or less the same under the dry climate scenario B11 as shown in Figure 4. 4.2. Socio-Economic Output During the course of this study one important and unanticipated finding became readily apparent. After numerous simulation scenarios were performed, the following finding consistently emerged: socioeconomic policies have the potential to change to a greater degree the physical and socio-economic landscape of the region than climate change can by itself. That conclusion was reached after analyzing socio-economic outputs as a result of altered climates (i.e., climate input was changed while keeping fixed socio-economic conditions). Figure 5 shows the evolution of the state variables within urban and rural sectors of the socio-economic model component. The interesting point revealed by the graphs is that after some two to three decades, growth of businesses, farm units and population stops. Similarly, Figure 6 shows the results of two socioeconomic inputs for a number of land and water use variables.

Figure 5: Middlesex urban and rural conditions under RedWat


Figure 6: Middlesex land and water conditions under RedWat The observed behaviour appears to be counter-intuitive. This is because it challenges the widely accepted view that strict conservation measures benefit the area by reducing total water use. Immediately after the implementation of the conservation policy, total water use is indeed reduced. However, since the area now has greater initial water availability (people and businesses are using less), the restriction on future growth based on water availability is relaxed (as more water is now available). This means that higher growth rates in the regional economy, and in the population can be sustained, thus amounting to more growth than in the base case scenario. Eventually, the equilibrium state is reached with higher levels of population, businesses, farm units and houses, while the area's overall water use remains the same in comparison to the base case. 5.0. Conclusions A systemic way of thinking, coupled with system dynamics simulation modelling offers an innovative operational framework for implementation of integrated water resources management principles. This framework was demonstrated to be useful in studying impacts of climate change on water resources systems and their management. Integrated water resources modelling implemented using system dynamics simulation has the ability to capture the complexity of both physical (i.e. hydrologic, climatic) and socio-economic (i.e. population, land and water use) systems, as well as their interactions. The


flexibility of using scenarios, together with an ability to check sensitivity of different management strategies give the methodology an added practical benefit. The modelling framework can also help uncover key leverage points, where small changes (often found in unexpected places) can bring substantive positive and encouraging effects. The structure and flow of information between the physical and socio-economic subsystems must be studied with a clear understanding that a system structure (which socio-economic institutions in part generate) regulates the overall system behaviour. An integrated water resources management model consisting of a detailed hydrologic component has been coupled (via feedback) to a socio-economic component (built using system dynamics) for the Upper Thames River basin. Flood and drought characteristics due to changes in the climatic signal have been assessed, as well as consequences of two socio-economic policies. Conclusions reached imply that flooding will have increasingly serious consequences in the future as a result of climate change, while drought conditions are expected to remain at the same level. Socio-economic policies (of which two were presented) indicated that simple, one-sided initiatives (i.e., strict water reduction) may not turn out to be better in the long term than the status quo. What is needed, are policies that evaluate different management options in combination with changing physical conditions. Then, and only then, can the model reveal policy options needed for the long term sustainability of the basin. References Cunderlik, J. M. and Simonovic, S. P. (2007). ``Hydrologic Models for Inverse Climate Change Impact Modeling." Same proceedings. Facility for Intelligent Decision Support (2003). ``Assessment of Water Resources Risk and Vulnerability to Changing Climatic Conditions”. Project web site (last accessed April 20, 2007), University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. Fernández, J. M. and Selma, M. A. E. (2004). ``The dynamics of water scarcity on irrigated landscapes: Mazarrón and Aguilas in south-eastern Spain.'' System Dynamics Review, 20(2), 117-137. Forrester, J. W. (1961). Industrial Dynamics. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. GWP (2000). Integrated Water Resources Management. Global Water Partnership TAC Background Paper 4, Stockholm, Sweden. Global Water Partnership Secretariat, Stockholm, Sweden. Last accessed: 14 April 2007, Matthias, R. and Frederick, P. (1994). ``Modeling spatial dynamics of sea-level rise in coastal areas.'' System Dynamics Review, 10(4), 375-389.Mitchell, B. (2006). ``IWRM in practice: Lessons from Canadian experience.'' Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 135, 51-55. Saysel, A. K., Barlas, Y., and Yenigün, O. (2002). ``Environmental sustainability in an agricultural development project: a System Dynamics approach.'' Journal of Environmental Management, 64, 247260. Sehlke, G. and Jacobson, J. (2005). ``System dynamics modeling of transboundary systems: The Bear River Basin model.'' Ground Water, 43(5), 722-730. Sharif, M., Burn, D.H. and Wey, K.M. (2007). ``Daily and hourly weather generation using a K-nearest neighbour approach”. Same proceedings. Simonovic, S. P. and Fahmy, H. (1999). ``A new modeling approach for water resources policy analysis.'' Water Resources Research, 35(1), 295-304. Simonovic, S. P., Fahmy, H., and El-Shorbagy, A. (1997). ``The use of object-oriented modeling for water resources planning in Egypt.'' Water Resources Management, 11, 243-261. USACE (2000). Hydrologic Modelling System HEC–HMS, Technical reference manual, United States Army Corps of Engineers, Davis, California.