Integrating Entrepreneurship Education Within Secondary Science in Malaysian Schools
[cover] Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics
Integrating Entrepreneurship Education Within Secondary Science in Malaysian Schools
Edited by:
Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Education in Science and Mathematics
Copyright © 2018 SEAMEO RECSAM
Integrating Entrepreneurship Education Within Secondary Science in Malaysian Schools
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Publication by: Publication Unit SEAMEO RECSAM Penang, Malaysia
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ISBN: xxxxxx
Preface The module discusses the fact that Entrepreneurship is a 21st century skill that can be learned. Entrepreneurship comprises of various values and sub-skills that a science student would develop to become a successful social entrepreneur. Learning science is not just for scientific literacy, and building up scientists for the nation, but may be extended to build and develop social entrepreneurs greatly concerned for people and the environment, besides profit. We are tapping the skills, youthful energy and optimism for a better learning experience, a better home, country and a sustainable planet. The first main idea behind this module is that Entrepreneurship is a skill that can be learned and developed, like any other skill. However, students need opportunities to imbibe the skill. This leads to the second main idea that the secondary science classroom is a possible environment where students learn and develop this 21st century competency since resourcefulness, critical, creative and innovative thinking, effective communicating and ethical team-play are skills that must be developed in scientists as well as entrepreneurs.
Section A Introduction: Why is entrepreneurship education integrated within science education? Section B – Sample lesson plans in English Sample sub-units showcasing the possibilities of teaching science lessons to achieve more than scientific literacy, but also to achieve an entrepreneurship objective Section C – Sample bilingual lesson plans (Malay and English) The same five lesson plans have been translated to the national language. Section D Conclusion and Recommendation
PLAN OF THE MODULE Contents of the Module: Section A Introduction: Why is entrepreneurship education integrated within science education? Section B – Sample lesson plans in English Sample sub-units showcasing the possibilities of teaching science lessons to achieve more than scientific literacy, but also to achieve an entrepreneurship objective 1. Sample Lesson 1, Form 1 – Investigating air pollution in areas around school 2. Sample Lesson 2, Form 2 – Healthy eating habits 3. Sample Lesson 3, Form 2 – Photosynthesis 4. Sample Lesson 4, Form 4 – Neutralisation 5. Sample Lesson 5, Form 4 - Technological development in food production Section C – Sample bilingual lesson plans (Malay and English) The same five lesson plans have been translated to the national language. 1. Bilingual Lesson Plan 1, Form 1 – Mengkaji pencemaran udara di kawasan sekeliling sekolah 2. Bilingual Lesson Plan 2, Form 2 – Amalan Pemakanan yang Sihat 3. Bilingual Lesson Plan 3, Form 2 – Fotosynthesis 4. Bilingual Lesson Plan 4, Form 4 – Peneutralan 5. Bilingual Lesson Plan 5, Form 4 – Perkembangan teknologi dalam pengeluaran makanan Section D Conclusion and recommendation References
Section A INTRODUCTION This manual is prepared by SEAMEO RECSAM as a guide for science teachers in secondary schools to integrate elements of entrepreneurship education within science lessons. The Malaysian Ministry of Education has tried to infuse entrepreneurship into the Standard Primary School Curriculum (KBSR) and the Integrated Secondary School Curriculum (KBSM) since the early 1990s. Despite these efforts, students did not imbibe entrepreneurship skills and culture in their daily lives (Ministry of Education, 2012), as should be expressed in a strong focus on their business goal, a resiliency and an ability to take risks, sell ideas, services and products, besides resourcefulness and self-reliance (Aileron, 2013).
Figure 1: What are transversal competencies or 21st century skills? (Care & Luo, 2016) Like other countries, Malaysia has to prepare our learners in schools for the current global needs and realities. Situated in the Asia-Pacific region where millions have emerged from poverty, and have access to universal basic education, we also have seen significant increase in enrolment rates for higher education (UNESCO, 2013-2015). These are our success, but
we are far from being able to rest, when advances in ICT and computerization have had great effects on how our pupils will live and work in the 21st century. Although entrepreneurship elements had been infused into the school curriculum in previous years, certain subjects like Commerce and Basis of Entrepreneurship had not been offered to science students in secondary schools. It is necessary for all secondary school students (in STEM and non-STEM classes) to have imbibed elements of entrepreneurship, to possess entrepreneurship skills, traits and ethics; in present days of dwindling resources, and to face problems of our planet in the future. The imbibed entrepreneurship culture with its knowledge, skill sets (Aileron, 2013) and ethics will enable our present students to be critical, creative and innovative thinkers, effective communicators and ethical team-players. The first main idea behind this manual is that Entrepreneurship is a skill that can be learned and developed, like any other skill (Yeoh, 2017a). However, students need opportunities to imbibe the skill. This leads to the second main idea that the secondary science classroom is a possible venue where students learn and develop this 21st century competency (Figure 1). A research proposal was written and submitted to the Ministry of Education (Malaysia) for approval to carry out the research (Yeoh 2017a). The proposal was uploaded on an international research platform in order to obtain feedback from the international community of researchers; and also to get a digital object identifier to facilitate future citation of the work. At the moment the researcher is in the process of obtaining permission from the Penang State Education Department to carry out the project in schools. In future years, the author intends to expand this to a national or regional collaborative effort (Yeoh, 2017a). With the continued push to achieve a 60%:40% of STEM to non-STEM students, it would be wise to arm the majority of our students with opportunities for learning entrepreneurship ethics and sub-skills from teenage years (Aina & Zafira, 2016). Science students are presently in the process of schooling to possess the ethics, skills and traits of scientists. They are acquiring scientific knowledge, besides these skills: research skills, communication skills (writing, speaking, inter-personal, and networking), leadership and management skills. The latter include creating a vision, setting goals, delegating responsibilities, motivating and mentoring, conflict management, project management, planning project timelines and time management (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Centre, 2017). These skills are somewhat similar to entrepreneurship skills (Aileron, 2013), but while similarity certainly exists, there is a missing ingredient that has become more obvious in the current worldwide lack of basic resources in certain places (arable land, food, water etc.). While a scientist or business entrepreneur measures an activity or a performance by profit, a social entrepreneur is greatly concerned about what social goals and environmental goals may be achieved. In short, a social entrepreneur is concerned about profit, the people and our planet. While scientists, business people and other agents have managed to develop, but also to destroy biodiversity and destroyed the livelihood of tribes that depended on the flora for their livelihood; a social entrepreneur needs to produce a solution that is user-friendly and ethical, and galvanize the support of local people to implement the solution. Hence, a social entrepreneur must have the creative solution/s; and must have the people skills to convince many others to support the ideas and act on them for change that positively
affects people and the environment, besides generating a profit. Science learning that requires the student to develop a critical, analytical and creative approach to defining scientific questions, the acquisition of a broad base of knowledge about the natural world, critical analysis and interpretation of data, and the development of communication skills is an entirely suitable platform to empower students with the mind-set and skills of a social entrepreneur in these days when resources are scarce and expensive, and we need to conserve resources and use our creativity to experiment with alternative viable resources. We want our science students that imbibe the values of a social entrepreneur so that they will achieve targets that have social, environmental as well as financial values. Our present students are a fortunate, empowered lot who have access to ICT and have had opportunity to develop ICT skills. They may even have an advantage over their teachers in this area of mastering ICT. However, they are growing up in an era when resources are dwindling, and the global economy slowdown may mean that jobs have to be created. It would be far better that they create their own jobs, rather than to depend on governments to create jobs. Imbibing the attitudes of the social entrepreneur will mean that a three-fold advantage is gained: profit, social benefits and environment benefits. Based on the two main ideas as described earlier, the purpose of this module is to guide our science teachers in secondary schools to infuse social entrepreneurship elements into their lessons, as and when there is opportunity. The teaching-learning process may be slow and steady, but the end is achievable if we are persistent and steadily work towards the goal. The 7E lesson plans in English and bilingual 7E lesson plans are the research instruments. The reader may observe development of ideas in the mind of the author as the lesson plans in English were translated. As we have schools where English is the medium of instruction for science, the author keeps those lesson plans intact. However, most teachers will be using the bilingual lesson plans. These lesson plans will facilitate the teachers to implement the lessons, and to evaluate how well students have gained the science understandings, and how they carry out the entrepreneurship activity. We will measure their interest in entrepreneurship and how well they have imbibed the sub-skills, based on oral and written feedback on a questionnaire, besides the teachers‟ observations. The sub-skills that are desirable for our students are from eight categories: Resiliency, Focus, Find and manage people, Sell, Learn, Self- reflection, Self –reliance and the Ability to invest for long term (Aileron, 2013). The author suggests that entrepreneurship business/sales and soft skills can be developed in science classes by teachers who extend a part of their class for an entrepreneurship project. The skills of entrepreneurship can be gradually developed in a secondary school science class. Teachers need to be aware of this, and extend the learning of students to inculcate entrepreneurship skills and traits. Through practice, students will learn to take calculated risks (Yeoh, 2017b). As in other aspects of life, social learning from a visible model is an added advantage. Some of us are fortunate to have such a real life model, some of us come from families with a family business, but none will be deprived of learning the skills and values of entrepreneurship if it is integrated within secondary science (Yeoh, 2017b).
With the skills and the confident and independent mind-sets that have been developed from secondary school, our students will be able to venture into their own entrepreneurship startups, work hard to avoid a decline and thrive in their business ventures, besides creating jobs for others (De Hoyos-Ruperto, Pomales-Garcia, Padovani, & Suarez, 2017; Mohd Nor Hakimin, Fakhrul, & Mohd Dahlan, 2015). They will be able to improve the national economy, while maintaining a concern for people and planet (Yeoh, 2017b).
Section B – Sample lesson plans in English Sample lesson 1 (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16545.10086) Topic/ Title Grade level Chapter 5 Sub Topic 5.5 Book Reference Time allotment Teacher Learning competency
INVESTIGATING AIR POLLUTION IN AREAS AROUND THE SCHOOL Form 1 Science Air Around Us; pp. 41-70 Activity 5.7 - Investigating air pollution in areas around the school; p.61 Science Form 1, Vol. 2; Bakaprep Sdn. Bhd.2002; ISBN 978-983-40617-4-6 70-80 minutes Science Teacher// Dr. Miranda Yeoh 1. The learner will gain competency in investigating air pollution levels in areas around the school, following a procedure as detailed on pg. 61. 2. The learner will gain entrepreneurship skills through a small entrepreneurial activity of selling face masks, and a social entrepreneurship step of distributing free masks to cleaners, and persons who need them. (This project may need 2-3weeks.)
Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. State that air around us is polluted 2. Explain that different places may have different levels and different kinds of pollution. 3. Describe the harmful effects of pollution on health of human beings and our environment. 1. ELICIT (Access prior knowledge) In science labs, students are already grouped into groups of 4 or 5. Teacher provides a stack of cards to each student. In each stack, cards are labelled DUST, MICROBES, OXYGEN and CARBON DIOXIDE.
Tools/ materials Stacks of labelled manila cards; score cards
Questions: 1. What component of air cause air-borne diseases? 2. What component of contributes to a haze? 3. What gas in the atmosphere is needed for human respiration? 4. What gas is produced from human respiration? 5. What gas in the atmosphere is needed for combustion? 6. What gas is produced when agricultural waste products are burned in the open? 7. What other component is produced when paddy waste is burned in the open? This method of testing will elicit the knowledge of all students, not just those who always have ready answers. The score of each student is recorded by their partner on a score card. 2. ENGAGE (Get students to focus on the topic; short: Question or picture)
Using the same card stack that the student already has, the students are asked to guess/ hypothesize which component, or gas is at a relatively high level in the places: School lab [1] School library [2], School canteen [3], and School carpark [4] They must hold up the appropriate card/s. The students are asked to guess/ hypothesize which component, or gas is at a relatively low level in the places: School lab [1] School library [2], School canteen [3], and School carpark [4] They must hold up the appropriate card/s. 3. EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience) Students are to explore the pollution on lab surfaces using cellophane tape. They will manipulate the sticky tape so that about 2cm is stuck on the lab table, and then stuck on a white tile. Another piece is stuck on the lab floor, and then on the same white tile. They will observe dust has stuck on to the sticky side of the cellophane tape. They will observe that the floor has more dust than the lab table.
Pictures related to air around us: School lab [1] School library [2], School canteen [3], and School carpark [4] See Additional Information/ Reading/ Reference
Cellophane tape cut into 5 cm strips.
Key concepts: Dust is fine solid particle. It is not healthy to breathe in too much dust, because it may irritate our lungs. Our lungs are meant to be passage ways of gases only. And so, when there is too much dust in the air (as during a haze), we need to wear a mask. 4. EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students Each student will hold up the white tile with 2 pieces of Pieces of cellophane tape cellophane tape showing various amounts of dust/ pollutants on showing various amounts of it. dust/ pollutants on it The teacher will ask them to describe which tape has more dust/ pollutants on it. The teacher will ask them to guess the reasons why the floor has more pollutants. The teacher will ask explain the reasons why the floor has more pollutants, and what could be the components of the pollutants. The teacher will explain that in the experiment, the cellophane tape will be left with the sticky side outside to „catch‟ the pollutants in the air, in areas around the school:
School lab [1] School library [2], School canteen [3], and School carpark [4] The sticky tape will be left for 2 days, and then they will be placed on a white tile to compare the extent of pollution. Students would find that after 2 days, dust has settled on the cellophane tapes, turning it a dark colour; and that there was more dust in the air at the parking lot than the air in the lab or classroom. The teacher will lead learners into discussion to understand the reasons for various levels of pollution. 5. ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned under „Explain‟) Teacher asks students to discuss about the amount of dust in their home environment, and what is done about the dust. Students respond by putting up their hands. Who are students who live in a more rural area? Who are students who live in a busy town/city area? Describe the appearance of the air, possible smell of the air. Describe the ways (and devices) used so that dust is kept out of the home. Describe the ways (and devices) used so that dust is kept out of the lings. Key concepts: 1. Usually there is more dust in a busy city where motor vehicles burn petrol and diesel and produce carbon dioxide and unburnt carbon particles/ dust. 2. At times, rural areas are flooded with dust when oil palm wastes or paddy leftovers are burnt, before the next cycle of planting. Dust can travel across oceans; dust from Indonesia spread to Singapore and Malaysia. 3. In these times of haze, we must protect our lungs by wearing masks that filter off the dust particles. In many homes in the city, windows are closed to prevent entry of air with dust, and air conditioning is used. 6. EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept?) Students will present the lab report so that the teacher may use Lab report it as a tool of formative assessment. Throughout the lesson, the teacher is alert to student understanding of previous concepts. Students will be questioned: 1. What are the pollutants in the air around us? 2. What places are more polluted, and why?
3. Describe the harmful effects of pollution on health of human beings and our environment. 7. EXTEND (This includes inculcating entrepreneurship skills in STEM education.) The learner will take active steps to avoid polluted areas (if possible), and do what is possible to reduce air pollution (or to wear a mask when the air is polluted). The learner will gain entrepreneurship skills through a small entrepreneurial activity of selling face masks, and a social entrepreneurship step of distributing free masks to cleaners, and persons who need them. Entrepreneurship skills/traits to be inculcated: 1. Self-driven 2. People-person skills, 3. Resourcefulness In the process of involving the learner to going to various places to check for pollution will enhance his self-drive to learn more about the topic being taught in class. Through the process of distributing free masks to those who have been identified, students will have to approach such people, like sweepers, gardeners, street vendors etc., and convince them to use masks. This activity will enhance his people-person skills. In getting involved in the buying process of masks from supermarket and selling them in school, will inculcate resourcefulness in him to be successful in the venture. Entrepreneurship activity related to the lesson The teacher will divide the students in groups, and involve them in buying the masks and selling them at school to teachers, parents and neighbours. The duties that students will have to perform collaboratively are as follows: o Calculating the profit that will be made even when the masks are sold at a lower price as compared to the supermarket? o Buying the boxes of masks – Who would be in a strategic position to do this? Can the mask be obtained from the lab supplier? o Selling the masks - Ask who would be the salespersons and what is the appropriate price to charge? o Giving the masks free to senior citizens and other groups like cleaners working in the school Note to learners: Social entrepreneurship attempts to achieve goals positively impact social, cultural and environmental benefits including healthcare, the alleviation of poverty and the development of the community. There must be awareness on the fact that we are doing a small business among friends in school. Our motive is to provide them with masks when the air is hazy, because we are concerned they do not inhale a lot of pollutants. We will purposely charge a lower price than the supermarket. This may lead to a high business volume. The process of looking for a reasonable price and a reasonable quality brand of masks will
enhance the observance and discovery skills of the learner. Generating funds for this venture either from the savings of students or getting a soft loan from some parents will develop his/her being a resourceful person. The process of generating funds through purchase, sales and distribution of free masks will generate a self-drive in the learner to be a responsible person of society and enhance his/her people skills. Additional Information/ Reading/ Reference School lab [1], School library [2], School canteen [3], School carpark [4] On polluted air during haze, and airborne diseases: On social entrepreneurship:
Section B Sample lesson 2 Topic/ Title Grade level Chapter 2 Sub Topic 2.6 Book Reference Time allotment Teacher Learning competency
HEALTHY EATING HABITS Form 2 Science Nutrition, pp. 41-60 Healthy eating habits, pp. 54-55 Science Form 2; Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd., 2008; ISBN 983-59-1707-8 70-80 minutes Science Teacher// Dr. Miranda Yeoh 1. The learner will learn the importance of eating nutritious food, and gain competency in making decisions to form healthy eating habits. The student gains awareness that the dining culture of people conforms to their cultures; and also the awareness that we must be generous to persons who are in need of food to survive. 2. The learner will gain entrepreneurship skills through a project that requires them to survey the eating habits of Form 2 students, and the various ailments the respondents may suffer, the medications they need, and how their eating habits may be more streamlined to be healthy eating habits. The learner will imbibe a few entrepreneurship talents including planning, questioning, being a team player and being persuasive and research-minded. (This project may need 2-3weeks.)
Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. State that eating healthy food is important for health 2. Explain why we must practise good eating habits, with the knowledge we gain from reading and from trial and error 3. Describe how different cultures have different dining habits (the different practices of Japanese, Chinese, Malays etc.), and we should respect those who differ 4. Explain that since food is essential to life support, we must be generous to those in need (as a social entrepreneur) 1. ELICIT (Access prior knowledge) Tools/ materials (The learner is already introduced to the concepts of Test paper for written quiz. The classes of food, the importance of a balanced diet, the student provides short answers. human digestive system, absorption of digested food, reabsorption of water and defecation.) Teacher uses a short written quiz to test student‟s previous knowledge. This method of testing will elicit the knowledge of all students, not just those who always have ready answers. Questions:
1. What classes of food provide energy? 2. What class of food provides materials for new cells, in growth? 3. Give 2 functions of fat in human diet? 4. What would result if someone does not drink enough water over several days? 5. Give 2 functions of vegetables and fruits in the diet? 6. Solid food enters the mouth, and waste exits from the anus. Name the other organs of the alimentary canal. 7. Where does water get re-absorbed back by the body? 2. ENGAGE (Get students to focus on the topic; short: Question or pictures) Students are shown 3 pictures of food choice. They Pictures related to a healthy or must decide which resembles their usual food choice, unhealthy diet are shown to students. and question if their food choice is healthy / See also Additional Information/ unhealthy, and why… Reading/ Reference Meal [1], Meal [2], Meal [3], Students are asked how many meals in a day are depicted by Meals 1, 2, and 3. Students are asked how many meals in a week are depicted by Meals 1, 2, and 3. 3. EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience) People of different cultures have diverse dining habits. Readings: The Japanese have long life-spans and it has to do with their diet: people-in-japan-slim/ The Chinese use chopsticks most of the time at meals: 012/07/chinese.jpeg The Malays eat using the right hand: y-malay-malaysia-eat-using-hand.html Indians eat with their hands. This is a historical uisine
practice. ing Key concept: We must respect the different dining habits of our friends of a different cultural group. 4. EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students STEP 1: Teacher shows a food pyramid. Students are Picture of food pyramid, Figure 1: already familiar with the food pyramid that is often on bread wrapper bags. But even though students have source/healthy-eating-plate/ some knowledge, many students are not having sufficient knowledge as yet. Teacher uses the high incidence of obesity among Malaysians to teach that Picture of healthy plate, Figure 2: the type of food, the amount of food at each helping, the number of helpings per day must be accounted content/uploads/sites/30/2012/10/mypla for, according to the number of calories needed by the te_blue.jpg individual. See the links at the end of this lesson.
Figure 1: Food Pyramid STEP 2: Teacher asks a question, and leads the discussion. Are students making a habit of healthy eating? If so, why are students of the present generation getting over-weight and obese. Teacher leads students to learn that the type of food and the number of helpings each day are the elements that make up healthy eating
habits. The picture shows a weight loss pyramid that is useful to teenagers who want to achieve a healthy weight. Teacher also tells students that wheat in bread may not be as healthy as oatmeal, although both are carbohydrates. This is because the starch in bread brings on a much higher spike in blood glucose, as compared to oatmeal. Healthy eating habits must be based upon a wide knowledge of foods. The learner will understand the importance of healthy eating habits, which means eating nutritious food (as guided by the food pyramid) and eating in moderation. The teacher leads the discussion so that students understand that healthy eating habits practiced over a long period will bring better health to the individual, while preventing ailments due to excesses of sugars, carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. Teacher leads the discussion on why we must respect the eating/dining customs of other people in a different culture or country. Healthy eating habits may vary across places and cultures. But we must respect and learn from them as to how good health is achieved. The Japanese serve seasonal vegetables with food in small portions so that the number of grams of food and calories are not exceeded, The Japanese avoid certain fish that contain contaminants, and other fish species are used. (We in Malaysia have a similar caution; we must be vigilant about vegetables that contain high pesticide levels in Malaysia.) The Chinese use chopsticks to pick up morsels of food; this is a slow process, making them require more time to eat, or eat less in the same time. This is significant, because research has shown that people who eat fast tend to eat a lot more before feeling full. But the Chinese tend to use monosodium glutamate (MSG), and this is not a good health practice. Some Malaysians only use their right hands to eat and eat only foods that are kosher/ halal. However, food and dining habits are neutral issues, and so we must accept and respect these differences. Whatever dining habits and types of food consumed, we need to keep
healthy. Teacher leads the discussion that we must be generous with food. Malaysians often practice open house, and guests are served generous portions of food and drink. But at such occasions, we must not waste food. And knowing that food is so necessary for maintaining health, we have to be generous to those who need food, especially if they are not able to get adequate food due to floods, typhoons or other such phenomena: eature=em-uploademail (The teacher needs to question and probe students‟ understanding, to ensure that the concepts are correctly formed in students‟ minds.) 5. ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned under „Explain‟) Students apply the knowledge in designing a questionnaire on discovering food habits (see Appendix A). They work in pairs to record data, of self and partner. Later, they will use the questionnaire to get info from all form 2 students in the school. Key concepts: 1. A calculation of body mass index (BMI) will indicate if we are normal or overweight/ obese. BMI is calculated from our height and weight, using BMI/bmicalc.htm 2. Students describe their plate to see which nutrients are in a right proportion, and calculate the calories they consume: 3. Respondents are asked if they need to make changes to their diet, and if they are keen to make a change. 4. Respondents are asked if their diet makes them prone to dental problems and prone to constipation. See Appendix A. 6. EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept?) Throughout the lesson, the teacher is alert to student Questioning understanding (or lack of) of concepts. Teacher supervises the students‟ activity of making the questionnaire and responding to the questionnaire. Teacher uses a short written quiz. Students should be
able to: 1. Draw a food pyramid. 2. How many levels are on the food pyramid? 3. Describe how much is the daily intake of types of food, how many servings should be taken of fish/meat/ egg group? 4. How many servings should we eat of the vegetable/fruit group? 5. How many servings should we consume of the bread/ rice/ noodle group? Our Malaysian diet is high in this group, and so what diseases are we prone to? 6. Why should we try to have a balanced diet each day? 7. How should Malaysians behave when we are invited to partake in a Japanese meal? 8. Why should Malaysia send food to countries that face a famine? 7. EXTEND (This includes inculcating entrepreneurship skills in STEM education.) The learner will gain entrepreneurship skills through the following activities. The teacher will divide the students in groups of 3 to 5 persons, and involve students in the research project. These are the duties that need to be done: o Plan the questionnaire, prepare the drafts, and the final draft (see Appendix A) o Identify students who can respond to the questionnaire, without help (or interview) o Have various groups to collect data through interviews o Have a group to key in data using Excel. o Have a group to do a report. The report may be given to a local dietician for some service to be provided to the school community. o Get some individuals who will contact a local dietician to give a talk on healthy eating habits to reinforce the class lesson
Entrepreneurship activity related to the lesson When students have to carry out this survey on top of their various academic duties and sports commitments, they will have to plan and prioritise the tasks. They must plan at each stage, even at the beginning of who (or which groups) will design the survey questions; who will meet with fellow students to collect data; and who will analyse the data and report the results. In order to design the questionnaire, they have to be research-minded to ask the right questions, in an organized manner so that the respondents do not have problems to provide genuine answers; and in order to get data from their fellow students, they will need to be persuasive. To record and analyse the data using Excel, and reporting the results on a Word document, they will gain and practice their IT skills. The project is too large to be done by a single person, and this will teach the students the importance of being a team-player. Additional Information/ Reading/ Reference Meal [1], Meal [2], Meal [3], Pictures of food pyramid: Picture of healthy plate: Incidence of obesity among Malaysians at these links: Incidence of diabetes among Malaysians at these links: Incidence of cardiovascular diseases among Malaysians: Healthy eating habits across places and cultures Calculation of BMI (Body mass index) is at this link Students calculate the calories they consume: Famine in Africa
-------------------------------------------------------Appendix A: Questionnaire on healthy eating No: 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
Question What is your height? What is your weight? Do a calculation of your BMI and observe the category that you are within. How many meals do you eat each day? Describe your plate, using the picture as a guide (Figure 2) Is your typical meal healthy? What food is in excess?
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
What food is lacking? How many calories do you eat/ingest each day? Do you think that you can continue eating the same number of meals and/or calories? What change/s would you wish to make? How often do you eat sweets, chocolates or food high in sugars? Do you have toothache over the last 6 months? Do you think you have to change your diet to prevent dental problems? How can you change your diet to prevent dental problems? How many dental fillings or extractions or other dental procedures did you need over the last 2 years? How much plain water do you drink in a day? How regular are your bowel movements? Do you think you need to change your diet to improve bowel movements? What change would you do to improve digestion and bowel movements?
Figure 2: Healthy Plate
Section B Sample lesson 3 Topic/ Title Grade level Chapter 4 Sub Topic 4.4 Book Reference Time allotment Teacher Learning competency
PHOTOSYNTHESIS Form 2 Science Interdependence Among Living Organisms and the Environment; pp. 73-99 Photosynthesis; p.87 Science Form 2, Volume 1; Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd.2003; ISBN 983-59-1707-8 70-80 minutes Science Teacher// Dr. Miranda Yeoh 1. The student will learn the interdependence among living organisms, specifically between plants that produce oxygen through photosynthesis, and other organisms like humans and animals that require oxygen. Learners will learn to value plants, as human life depends on the oxygen that is produced by plants. 2. The learner will also be involved in a small entrepreneurial activity of planting various plants and harvesting the produce to be sold to the school community. The procedures suggested in the teaching section and the activities built around it will imbibe in the learner a few entrepreneurial traitskills like observation, being a team player and task oriented. (This project may need several weeks.)
Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Define „photosynthesis‟. 2. State the factors required for photosynthesis. 3. Describe the interdependence among living organisms, between plants that produce oxygen through photosynthesis, and other organisms like humans and animals that require oxygen. 4. Discuss the value of plants to humans. 1. ELICIT (Access prior knowledge) (The learner is already introduced to the concepts of nutrition, interdependence of plants and animals, air around us, sources of energy, and cell as a basic unit of life.) Teacher uses a short written quiz to test student‟s previous knowledge. This method of testing will elicit the knowledge of all students, not just those who always have ready answers. Questions: 1. Name 2 animals that feed on plants only? 2. How do plants obtain energy?
Tools/ materials Test paper for written quiz. The student provides short answers.
3. What gas is given out when animals and humans respire? 4. What gas is required by animals and humans and taken in during respiration? 5. What happens to your breathing rate when you have just completed a quick 100 metre sprint? 6. Related to Q5, explain why do you breathe in this manner? 2. ENGAGE (Get students to focus on the topic; short: Question or pictures) Teacher asks students to list the different types Pictures of indoor plants, and outdoor and numbers (if possible) of plants that they plants/trees have in the garden and inside the house. Common indoor plants: Students will say that there are many more plants in the garden, than in the house. purify-the-air-around-you-naturally/song-ofindia/ An activity is done on listing the types of plants, and/or number of plants that students have in their homes. 3. EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience) Teacher asks students how much sunlight is in Readings: the open tropical garden, as compared to the Tropical plants/ trees: amount of light in the house. explore how many plants possess plants/types-of-tropical-plants-pictures green coloured leaves, showing that they contain chlorophyll. Then, the teacher leads the learners to realize that more plants are able to grow well in a place that receives more sunlight. Hence, sunlight is a requirement for photosynthesis and healthy plant growth. Almost 100% of plants have green leaves of green portions on the leaves, although some may have reddish/ orange pigments. This shows that the most common photosynthetic pigment is chlorophyll; and chlorophyll is another requirement for photosynthesis. 4. EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students
The teacher explains that the word photosynthesis is derived from 2 root words: photo meaning light, and synthesis that means „putting together‟ or chemically combining. The teacher tells the learner that the plant makes food by photosynthesis, meaning that light is needed to make food. The teacher tells the learner that plants with chlorophyll can make food only when light, carbon dioxide, and water are present.
To show the need for light and carbon dioxide, this is a suitable link, To show the need of chlorophyll, the demonstration or experiment may be used, 68990-An-experiment-to-show-chlorophyll-isnecessary-for-plants-to-carry-out.aspx Formation of starch by photosynthesis is shown by using the iodine test.
Hence, photosynthesis is a process by which living organisms like green plants (that possess the chlorophyll pigment) manufacture glucose, by combining smaller molecules (carbon No starch, photosynthesis did not occur dioxide and water). The first product is because of a lack in either of sunlight, glucose. Glucose is converted to sucrose to be chlorophyll or carbon dioxide. moved to storage organs, and finally converted and stored as starch, usually in seeds or roots. Oxygen is released as a by-product. Teacher leads the students into an experiment mode. Teacher guides students to make hypotheses that photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide; that photosynthesis requires light, and that photosynthesis requires chlorophyll. Three experiments were set up according to the text book. They are demonstrated by the teacher. Alternatively, to show the need for light and carbon dioxide, this is a suitable link, As for the need of chlorophyll, a variegated leaf is used. The demonstration or experiment may be used, 68990-An-experiment-to-show-chlorophyll-isnecessary-for-plants-to-carry-out.aspx Teacher asks students to give examples of variegated leaves (Coleus, Geranium). Teacher may use suggested text book demonstrations if desired. Teacher needs to question and probe students‟ understanding, to ensure that the concepts are correctly formed in students‟ minds. 5. ELABORATE (Students apply the
The leaf shows the brown colour of iodine. Starch is formed, all 3 requirements are present:
The leaf shows a dark blue colour.
information learned under „Explain‟) Teacher questions what application should be made from the knowledge gained from the explanations and demonstrations on Photosynthesis. Teacher asks: Why must potted house plants be taken out to the garden, from time to time? When there are potted plants planted in the house, the learner will take it outside where there is more sunshine, from time to time. Sunnier areas in the garden will be most suitable for planting vegetables like cucumber, four angled beans or long beans (near fences). Teacher asks: What plants can be safely planted indoors, in the house or classroom? Students are encouraged to discuss in groups. Teacher may give some hints, and provide examples of plants that can grow easily in the homes and gardens, Teacher asks: Name the plants that are grown for food in tropical home gardens. Plants that can be grown for food in tropical home gardens Teacher suggests okra (ladies‟ fingers), eggplant and chilly because they can be grown in pots. 6. EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept?) Throughout the lesson, the teacher is alert to Questioning, a written quiz. student understanding (or lack of) of concepts. Teacher uses a short written quiz. Students should be able to: 1. What are the 2 root words in Photosynthesis? 2. How do you define photosynthesis? 3. What are the requirements of photosynthesis? 4. What are produced in photosynthesis? 5. What is the first sugar formed, in the chloroplast? 6. What is sugar converted to in storage organs like tubers of tapioca? 7. What gas is released by Photosynthesis?
8. What is the significance/ importance of this gas to animals and humans? 9. What reagent is used to test a leaf for starch? 10. Give an example of a variegated leaf. 11. What advantage/s is/are there in growing plants indoors? 7. EXTEND (This includes inculcating entrepreneurship skills in STEM education.) Students will be involved in 2 projects: a project to grow plants in the classroom, and in an entrepreneurship project. They will learn to appreciate plants that produce oxygen that they need in respiration. They will learn to appreciate the presence of living things in the classroom, and appreciate the ornamental value of plants. When the students are led to observe the process of photosynthesis occurring in the room and outside in the sunny garden, the learners will develop the habit of observing closely to learn more. By involving the learner in a project of planting seed, growing the seedlings and selling the produce, the teacher will inculcate in the learners the ability to be a team player, and to be task oriented. Note: This activity creates awareness and love of plants, living things, and our ecosystem. This is related to the quality of a social entrepreneur who cares about people and planet, besides profit. The learners gain awareness on the fact that oxygen is produced by Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis will remove carbon dioxide from the air of our environment (besides producing oxygen and raising oxygen content), leading to a healthier and reduced level of pollutants. Plants are invaluable to humans, and the base of almost every food web. Entrepreneurship activity related to this lesson The teacher will divide the students in groups of 3, 4 or 5 students (or as appropriate), and involve them in buying seeds, collecting organic fertilizers and preparing a compost heap. Some groups are in charge of planting, watering and caring for the plants. Other groups are in charge of selling the produce at school to teachers, parents and neighbours. From the activity, students will learn some entrepreneurship skills: o The process of planting seeds and watching them grow into seedlings allows students to do a lot of observing. They must watch the amount of water that is provided, the amount of sunlight the plants get, and watch the growth. This process will hone observation skills. o The whole business of planting various types of plants that can be harvested for sale will require students to be team-players, willing to share responsibilities. o To reach the goal of having healthy plants that can bear fruit to be sold will require students to improve focus and task-orientation. Additional Information/ Reading/ Listed Reference Common indoor plants: Tropical plants/ trees: To show the need for light and carbon dioxide, To show the need of chlorophyll, Examples of plants that can grow easily in the homes and gardens, Plants that can be grown for food in tropical home gardens
Section B Sample lesson 4 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36677.76004 Topic/ Title Grade level Chapter 7 Sub Topic D Book Reference Time allotment Teacher Learning competency
NEUTRALISATION Form 4 Chemistry Acids and Bases, pp. 117-136 Neutralisation (Introduction); p.128 Chemistry Form 4 ; Abadi Ilmu Sdn. Bhd.2005; ISBN 983-2914-06-X 40 minutes Science Teacher// Dr. Miranda Yeoh 1. The learner will gain competency in neutralisation reaction between an acid and an alkali or a base. The learner will learn how to write a balanced equation for neutralisation between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. 2. The learner will also be involved in a campaign, to obtain data from fellow students concerning neutralisation in preventing tooth decay. The learner will gain a few entrepreneurial trait-skills like persuasion, self-discipline, selfreflecting and research-mindedness. (This project may need 2-3weeks.)
Objectives By the end of this introduction to Neutralisation lesson, students should be able to: 1. State that neutralisation is a reaction between an acid and a base/ alkali to from a salt and water. 2. The student is able to write the balanced equation for neutralisation between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. 3. The student is able to describe and explain how neutralisation is applied in daily life. 1. ELICIT (Access prior knowledge) The teacher uses questioning to elicit previous knowledge. Answers are written by students. Questions: 1. What ion gives the acid property to solutions? 2. What ion gives the base property to solutions? 3. Name 3 common mineral acids commonly used in the lab. 4. Name 2 common alkalis commonly used in the lab. 5. Which do you consider a strong acid: A with pH of 1 and B with a pH of 5? 6. Give a reason for your reason in 5. 7. Name 2 weak acids that are commonly found in the home? 8 How would you describe pH with a formula? 9. What is 0.1 mole of sodium hydroxide in grams? 10. When 0.05 mole of sodium hydroxide is diluted in 1000 cm3 of pure water, what is the molarity of the
Tools/ materials Question paper, Score card
solution? This method of testing will elicit the knowledge of all students, not just those who always have ready answers. The score of each student is recorded by their partner on a score card. 2. ENGAGE (Get students to focus on the topic; short: Question or picture) Step 1: The teacher asks students several questions to Information and pictures from the induce students‟ thinking. listed links. 1: Do they recollect having a bad stomach upset? 2. Can they list out reasons for this pain? 3. Do they recall having stomach pains due to overeating? 4. Do you know why over-eating is connected to stomach aches? Step 2: Then s/he leads them into a discussion of the reasons behind the stomach pain. The teacher explains that when we overeat, excess hydrochloric acid secreted by our stomach causing pain. Teacher shows the TV advertisement of Gaviscon, and discusses how an anti-acid (Maalox, Gaviscon) will neutralise the acidic contents of the stomach, thus removing the pain. Different types of anti-acids are available, 3. EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience) Students are to explore the function of anti-acids that Videos cat upon excess acids in the stomach, that cause a Using milk of magnesia stomach ache: Using milk of magnesia Cn03_8To Using Gaviscon ingredients GHpXlBgZA Key concepts: 1. When we overeat, the stomach secretes too much Using Gaviscon ingredients acid, and we feel uncomfortable. We use an anti-acid milk of magnesia) to neutralize the acid. 3pWM6iQm78 2. If Gaviscon is used, Calcium ions combine with sodium alginate to form a polymer. This polymer rises up in the esophagus and plugs it so that the stomach acid is prevented from rising up to cause heartburn.
4. EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students Step 1: The teacher asks students several questions to Information in the links already listed. induce their thinking. 1: Do they recollect having a bad stomach upset? 2. Can they list out reasons for this pain? 3. Do they recall having stomach pains due to overeating? 4. Do you know why over-eating is connected to stomach aches? Step 2: Then s/he leads them into a discussion of the reasons behind the stomach pain. Teacher explains that when we overeat, excess hydrochloric acid secreted by our stomach causing pain. Teacher shows the TV advertisement of Gaviscon, and discusses how an anti-acid (Maalox, Gaviscon) will neutralise the acidic contents of the stomach, thus removing the pain. Different types of anti-acids are available, Step 3: Teacher will lead students as to why and how the anti-acid cures the pains due to upset stomach, and lead them into the understanding of the concept of neutralisation. Step 4: Teacher will proceed to do a demonstration of a titration between 30 ml, 0.1 M hydrochloric acid in a conical flask, and 0.1 M sodium hydroxide in a burette. The indicator used may be phenolphthalein. Students must watch and see the end point as denoted by the colour change. From this experiment, the end point is 30 ml (of sodium hydroxide). This shows that 30 x 10-3 x 0.1 moles of sodium hydroxide reacted with an equal number of moles of hydrochloric acid. Teacher shows how to write the balanced equation between 1 mole of hydrochloric acid and 1 mole of sodium hydroxide react to form 1 mole of sodium chloride and 1 mole of water: HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O Teacher emphasises that hydrochloric acid is monobasic acid, and sodium hydroxide is a
monobasic base. Teacher leads students to understand the concept of monobasic. Teacher can expand the concept of neutralisation to a dibasic acid, H2SO4 with sodium hydroxide, a monobasic base, where 2 moles of NaOH will neutralise 1 mole of H2SO4 ; H2SO4 + 2 NaOH Na2SO4 + 2H2O Teacher needs to question and probe students‟ understanding, to ensure that the concepts are correctly formed in students‟ minds. 5. ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned under „Explain‟) Having understood the process of neutralization as a reaction between an acid and an alkali, and is similar to the process an anti-acid acts to cure an upset stomach, the teacher elaborates on this matter, and be more careful to avoid eating oily and spicy food that bring on a stomach upset. For example: o Avoid eating spicy curry gravy, o Avoid a liberal sprinkling of tiny cut bird chilli peppers into fried noodles or soup. Then, the teacher leads the students into identifying various instances around the home where neutralization reactions take place routinely: n/learning2b.html The teacher reminds students that without realising, they have applied the process of neutralisation in their routine lives. Students can do group research project on Neutralisation in preventing tooth decay. When we eat sugary foods, the bacteria in the mouth will act on these foods, producing acids that attach the enamel of teeth and cause tooth decay. And hence, they can raise awareness in a campaign in school, persuading fellow students to give up eating too many sweets. Key concepts: 1. Neutralisation is the action of an acid with a base/ alkali to produce salt and water. 2. Examples of neutralisation at home: A. Toothpaste is slightly alkaline to counteract the acids produced on the teeth and in the mouth when bacteria act on food particles.
B. Baking powder contains sodium hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate of soda) and a weak acid. When water is added, both water and the sodium hydrogen react. Water may also come from ingredients like egg, egg-white. Carbon dioxide is produced, causing the cake or muffin to rise. C. When we shampoo and condition hair, we are performing a neutralisation reaction. Shampoos are mild alkaline which causes small scales on each hair making it unmanageable. Hair conditioners are mild acids that neutralise the alkali and cause the scales to close up. 6. EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept?) Students will be questioned. Short answers are written Questioning by students. 1. Define Neutralisation 2. Write the balanced equation for neutralisation between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide. 3. Describe and explain how neutralisation is applied in daily life, in the following instances: a. The action of toothpaste b. The action of baking powder in making muffins c. The action of 2-in-1 shampoos that also contain a conditioner 7. EXTEND (This includes inculcating entrepreneurship skills in STEM education.) The teacher will divide the students in groups, and involve them in working on the projects. The Project is detailed: Neutralisation in preventing tooth decay will gather info on use of toothpaste – what brand/s is/are preferred? Frequency of brushing? Frequency of dentist visits per year, frequency of dental problems including decay, Selling the results - Ask which toothpaste company is interested to receive the research data. What service or product can be provided to students in exchange for research data, From this entrepreneurship activity, students will learn and practice the following: o The student applies the learned behaviours of neutralisation to his/her daily dietary habits and this requires self-reflection and self-discipline on the learner‟s behalf. When this is done regularly, the student will imbibe good habits for a better life-style. o When the teacher leads the learners to question the reasons behind the stomach ache (the reasons and resulting effects), the teacher is putting the students on a path of research mindedness, while finding connections to things happening around our routine daily lives. o The awareness campaigns will build in the learners persuasive qualities, as they persuade fellow students to a change to a healthier dietary habit.
From this activity, students will be able to create awareness among their friends on correct brushing techniques and flossing for good dental health. Part of the normal activities of social entrepreneurs is creating awareness and mobilizing others for good causes. The following links can be checked: Awareness on the fact that the correct brushing technique is very important, g.pdf?la=en Flossing is part of good dental practice:
Section B Sample lesson 5 Topic/ Title Grade level Chapter 6 Sub Topic 6.15 Book Reference Time allotment Teacher Learning competency
TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOOD PROCESSING Form 4 Biology Nutrition; pp.101-148 Technological Development in Food Processing; p.143 Biology Form 4 ; Bakaprep Sdn. Bhd., 2005; ISBN: 978-9832739-01-2 70-80 minutes Science Teacher// Dr. Miranda Yeoh 1. The learner will learn what is food-processing, and the reasons why food-processing is needed to make the food more attractive and palatable. Cooking is the most common method of food-processing, and it is done by all peoples across the world. 2. The learner will also be involved in a project that requires them to cook and sell food to fellow students, parents and teachers. This is quite a large project, and the learners will have to imbibe a few entrepreneurial trait-skills like planning, risk-taking, team player and transparent. (This project may need 2 weeks.)
Objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. Explain what is food processing 2. Explain why is it necessary to process food 3. Describe the applications of food processing in daily life. 1. ELICIT (Access prior knowledge) Tools/ materials (The learner is already introduced to the concepts of Question paper, nutrition, malnutrition, balanced diet, Digestion, absorption Score card and assimilation of digested food, defecation, eating habits, macronutrients and micronutrients in plant, photosynthesis, and technology used in food production.) Teacher uses a short written quiz to test student‟s previous knowledge. This method of testing will elicit the knowledge of all students, not just those who always have ready answers. Questions: 1. Describe a balanced diet? 2. Name the disorder/disease when a person lacks vitamin A. 3. Describe the condition when a person lack vitamin A.
4. Name the disorder/disease when a person lacks vitamin C. 5. Describe the condition when a person lack vitamin C. 6. Describe the conditions of a person suffering from kwashiorkor. 7. What may happen to children who refuse to eat vegetables? 8. What alternative food may be substituted in Q.7? 9. What nutrients are provided by green leafy vegetables? (Name as many as you can.) 10. Name 5 different foods that are now placed at the base of the modern food pyramid.
2. ENGAGE (Get students to focus on the topic; short: Question or picture) 1. Teacher leads the discussion, linking what is to be learned Information and pictures from to previous knowledge possessed by students. Students are the listed links. familiar with salted fish and salted shrimps. Teacher asks, Link A: Salted fish “Do you know why the foods are salted?” (See link A.) Link B: Pickled cucumber (acar) Link A: Salted fish Question: How do you think salt acts as a preservative of fish? 2. Teacher shows the image of pickled cucumber (Malaysia acar timun), Link B. 0b3701.jpg Question: How do you think vinegar acts as a preservative of the cucumber and vegetables in this dish? Picture of Pickled cucumber in acar (Link B) 3. EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience) Teacher asks, “What is the most common way to process food? Teacher can give a hint that this common activity is done in kitchens all over the world. The most common way to process food is by cooking. Cooking processes the food to make it digestible and it also improves the taste and appearance of food. The teacher tells the students that we eat cooked food. Teacher leads learners into a discussion on cooking methods and food-processing methods that do not involve the use of heat. Then, the teacher summarizes: Food processing will render the food suitable for consumption and digestion, besides improving the taste and appearance of food. It also prevents food spoilage.
4. EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students The teacher explains the purpose of food processing is to Teacher will ask appropriate preserve food, by overcoming factors that cause food questions to reinforce the key spoilage. So, food processing preserves food. This prevents concepts. food wastage, and prevents food poisoning. Food processing and preservation extends the life span of food from: o Microbial action (this can lead to food poisoning), o Oxidation of food (this happens when oxygen reacts with substances like enzymes from cells in the food), o Rancidity (when oils in food get oxidised) Food is also processed to increase its commercial value, by adding additives that preserve the freshness, and improves the taste, appearance and texture. But additives may have adverse effects on humans. Food is also processed to diversify its uses. For example, milk is processed into cheese, yogurt, butter and ice cream. Food processing includes cooking, fermentation, pasteurisation, canning, and refrigeration. All these methods preserve the life span of food, and improve the palatability and appearance of food. Key concepts: 1. Salting and drying fish and shrimps will greatly reduce the amount of available water/ humidity that is needed for microbial growth. Thus salting / drying can preserve food. 2. Using vinegar in pickles (with some salt and sugar) will decrease the pH, and microbes cannot grow in an acidic, low pH medium. This allows food preservation. 3. Cooking is the most common method to preserve food, and cooked food lasts longer than raw food. Cooking also improves the flavour of food, and makes it digestible in the human digestive system. 5. ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned under „Explain‟) Having learned about food-processing as the method to preserve food, the learner will use methods of cooking (as a method of food-processing) and use spices and salt in the cooking, so that food stays fresh till it is consumed. Key concepts: 1. Spices contain substances that hinder microbial growth. Spices like pepper, cinnamon, and turmeric are very potent against microbes, and help to preserve food. 6. EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept?) Students will be questioned. Short answers are written by students. Questioning
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Briefly explain „food processing‟. What are substances that you can add to food to preserve it? Why is it necessary to process food? Describe the applications of food processing in daily life. What are the common food processing methods for chicken or meat?
7. EXTEND (This includes inculcating entrepreneurship skills in STEM education.) Having learned about food-processing as the method to preserve food, the learner will use methods of cooking (as a method of food-processing) and use spices and salt in the cooking, so that food stays fresh till it is consumed. They will be involved in a Canteen Day project. 4. Entrepreneurship activity related to the lesson The teacher leads the students to organize a Canteen Day project. Groups of students will have to undertake the following duties. o Liaising with school admin to get permission, o Liaising with canteen operator to get cooperation, o Inviting parents to School canteen day, o Sourcing working capital, calculating the profit margin, o Planning menus, o Cooking the food, o Selling food and drinks to teachers, parents and neighbours. o Managing the hygiene of their stalls. Various groups will sell various food and drinks: o Mixed rice (with curry fish, several types of vegetable dishes, etc.) o Fried noodles (spicy and non-spicy) o Sandwiches, o Spring rolls o Banana fritters, sweet potato fritters, and other snacks o Apples, pears, bananas, papaya, water melon etc. o Hot drinks, cold drinks From the Canteen Day project, students will pick up and practice entrepreneurship skills. Planning a Canteen Day is a huge task with so many activities and pre-planning involved. This will imbibe the need of careful planning in the learner. o To execute the plan, especially in case of food freshness and to provide for outside guests (parents) is a huge risk. This activity will help the learner to take calculated risks. o Such a huge project cannot be done single-handedly. This will teach the importance of being a team-player. o A project that involves lot of money changing hands will require a clean system of accounting, which will help imbibe in the learner habit of transparency in his future dealings.
Section C Bilingual Lesson Plan 1 This lesson plan was placed on ResearchGate, an online platform, to obtain feedback from the international research community (Yeoh, 2017c). Topic/ Title Topik/Tajuk Grade level Tingkatan Chapter 5 Bab 5 Subtopic5.5 Subtopik 5.5 Buku Rujukan Peruntukan Masa Guru Kecekapan pembelajaran
INVESTIGATING AIR POLLUTION IN AREAS AROUND THE SCHOOL Mengkaji pencemaran udara di kawasan sekeliling sekolah Form 1 Science Sains Tingakatan 1 Air Around Us; pp. 41-70 Udara di sekeliling kita; ms. 41-70 Activity 5.7 - Investigating air pollution in areas around the school; p.61 Aktiviti 5.7 - Mengkaji pencemaran udara di kawasan sekeliling sekolah; ms. 61 Science Form 1, Vol. 2; Bakaprep Sdn. Bhd.2002; ISBN 978-983-40617-4-6 70-80 minutes Guru Sains// Dr. Miranda Yeoh 1. Pelajar akan mendapat kecekapan dalam menyiasat tahap pencemaran udara di kawasan-kawasan di sekeliling sekolah, berikutan prosedur yang terperinci, m/s 61. 2. Murid akan mendapat kemahiran keusahawanan menerusi aktiviti keusahawanan kecil untuk menjual topeng muka, dan langkah keusahawanan sosial mengedarkan topeng percuma kepada pembersih, pekebun sekolah dan orang yang memerlukannya. (Projek ini mungkin memerlukan 2-3 minggu.)
Objektif Pada akhir pelajaran, pelajar harus dapat: 1. Nyatakan bahawa udara di sekeliling kita tercemar 2. Jelaskan bahawa tempat yang berlainan mungkin mempunyai tahap yang berbeza dan pelbagai jenis pencemaran. 3. Huraikan kesan buruk pencemaran terhadap kesihatan manusia dan persekitaran kita. 1. ELICIT (Akses pengetahuan Alat / bahan terdahulu) Dalam makmal sains, pelajar telah Susunan kad manila berlabel; Skor kad dikelompokkan menjadi kumpulan 4 atau 5. Guru menyediakan timbunan kad kepada setiap pelajar. Dalam setiap timbunan, kad dilabelkan HABUK/ DUST, MIKROBA/MICROBES, OKSIGEN/ OXYGEN dan KARBON DIOXIDA.
Soalan: 1. Apakah komponen udara yang menyebabkan penyakit-penyakit yang di bawa udara? 2. Apakah komponen yang menyumbang kepada jerebu? 3. Apakah gas di atmosfera yang diperlukan untuk pernafasan manusia? 4. Apakah gas yang dihasilkan daripada pernafasan manusia? 5. Apakah gas di atmosfera diperlukan untuk pembakaran? 6. Apakah gas yang dihasilkan apabila produk sisa pertanian dibakar di tempat terbuka? 7. Apakah komponen lain yang dihasilkan apabila sisa padi dibakar di tempat terbuka? Kaedah pengujian ini akan menimbulkan pengetahuan semua pelajar, bukan hanya mereka yang selalu mempunyai jawapan yang bersedia. Skor setiap pelajar direkodkan oleh pasangan mereka pada kad skor. 2. ENGAGE (Dapatkan pelajar memberi tumpuan kepada topik: Soalan pendek atau gambar) Menggunakan timbunan kad yang sama Gambar yang berkaitan dengan udara di sekeliling yang telah dimiliki oleh pelajar, pelajar kita: diminta meneka / membuat hipotesis Makmal sekolah [1] komponen mana, atau gas berada pada Perpustakaan sekolah [2], tahap yang agak tinggi di tempat-tempat Kantin sekolah [3], dan berikut: Carpark sekolah [4] Makmal sekolah [1] Lihat Maklumat Tambahan / Bacaan / Rujukan Perpustakaan sekolah [2], Kantin sekolah [3], dan Tempat letak kereta sekolah [4] Mereka mesti memegang kad yang sesuai. Para pelajar diminta untuk meneka / membuat hipotesis komponen mana, atau gas berada pada tahap yang agak rendah di tempat-tempat: Makmal sekolah [1] Perpustakaan sekolah [2],
Kantin sekolah [3], dan Tempat letak kereta sekolah [4] Mereka mesti memegang kad yang sesuai. 3. EXPLORE (Menyediakan pelajar dengan pengalaman yang sama) Pelajar akan meneroka pencemaran di Pita selophane dipotong menjadi 5 cm jalur. permukaan makmal menggunakan pita pelekat selofan. Mereka akan memanipulasi pita pelekat supaya kira-kira 2cm terdedah, dan dilekat pada meja dan kemudian menempel pada jubin putih. Sekeping lagi dilekatkan padai lantai makmal, dan kemudian pada jubin putih yang sama. Mereka akan memerhatikan debu yang telah melekat pada permukaan pita selofan tidak sama banyak. Mereka akan memerhatikan bahawa lantai mempunyai lebih banyak habuk daripada meja makmal. Konsep kunci: Habuk adalah zarah pepejal halus. Tidak sihat untuk kita bernafas debu yang terlalu banyak, kerana ia boleh mengganggu paru-paru kita. Paru-paru kita hanya memerlukan gas sahaja. Oleh itu, apabila terlalu banyak habuk di udara (seperti semasa jerebu), kita perlu memakai topeng muka. 4. EXPLAIN (Mengajar konsep, mempermudahkan pemahaman pelajar/ facilitate students‟ understanding of searched info. Harus termasuk interaksi antara guru dan pelajar) Setiap pelajar akan memaparkan jubin Potongan pita selofan menunjukkan pelbagai jumlah putih dengan 2 keping pita selofan yang habuk / kotoran di atasnya menunjukkan pelbagai jumlah habuk / bahan pencemar di atasnya. Guru akan meminta mereka untuk menerangkan pita mana yang mempunyai lebih banyak habuk / pencemar di atasnya. Guru akan bertanya sebab-sebab mengapa lantai mempunyai lebih banyak bahan pencemar, dan apa yang boleh menjadi komponen pencemar.
Guru akan meminta pelajar meneruskan eksperimen ini dengan memasang pita selofan untuk 'menangkap' bahan pencemar udara, di kawasan sekitar sekolah: Makmal sekolah [1] Perpustakaan sekolah [2], Kantin sekolah [3], dan Carpark sekolah [4] Pita selofan akan ditinggalkan selama 2 hari, dan kemudian mereka akan melekatkannya pada jubin putih untuk membandingkan tahap pencemaran. Pelajar akan mendapati bahawa selepas 2 hari, habuk telah lekat pada pita selofan, telah menjadikannya warna gelap. Terdapat lebih banyak habuk di udara di tempat letak kereta daripada udara di dalam kantin, makmal atau bilik darjah. Guru akan membawa pelajar untuk berbincang supaya memahami sebabsebab pelbagai peringkat pencemaran. 5. ELABORATE (Pelajar mengaplikasikan maklumat yang dipelajari di bawah 'Explain') Guru meminta pelajar membincangkan tentang jumlah habuk di persekitaran rumah mereka, dan apa yang dilakukan mengenai habuk. Guru menannyakan soalan-soalan berikut: Siapakah pelajar yang tinggal di kawasan luar bandar? Siapa pelajar yang tinggal di kawasan bandar / bandar yang sibuk? Terangkan rupa udara, dan bau udara di kawasan rumah mereka. Terangkan cara yang digunakan supaya debu kurang masuk rumah. Konsep kunci: 1. Biasanya terdapat lebih banyak habuk di bandar yang sibuk di mana kenderaan bermotor membakar petrol dan diesel dan menghasilkan karbon dioksida dan
zarah / debu karbon yang tidak terbakar. 2. Pada masa yang sama, kawasan luar bandar dibanjiri dengan habuk apabila sisa kelapa sawit atau sisa padi dibakar, sebelum kitaran penanaman seterusnya. Debu boleh melintasi lautan; debu dari Indonesia menyebar ke Singapura dan Malaysia. 3. Pada masa jerebu, kita mesti melindungi paru-paru kita dengan memakai topeng muka yang menyaring zarah debu. Kebanyakan rumah di bandar, tingkap perlu ditutup untuk mengelakkan kemasukan udara dengan habuk, dan penghawa dingin digunakan. 6. EVALUATE (Bagaimanakah anda tahu pelajar telah mempelajari konsep ini?) Penilaian pemahaman Sains Pelajar akan membentangkan laporan Laporan makmal makmal supaya guru boleh menggunakannya sebagai alat penilaian formatif. Sepanjang pengajaran, guru adalah peka terhadap pemahaman pelajar terhadap konsep-konsep sebelumnya. Pelajar akan dipersoalkan: 1. Apakah bahan pencemar di udara di sekeliling kita? 2. Apakah tempat yang lebih tercemar, dan mengapa? 3. Huraikan kesan buruk pencemaran terhadap kesihatan manusia dan persekitaran kita. Penilaian pemahaman Keusahawanan 1. Adakah pelajar menunjukkan minat untuk menjalankan aktiviti Keusahawanan? 2. Bilangan pelajar menunjukkan minat untuk menjalankan aktiviti Keusahawanan… 3. Apakah sikap pelajar terhadap Keusahawanan sebelum dan selepas pembelajaran (dan aktiviti)? 4. Apa kemahiran Keusahawanan
Guru menggunakan soalan-soalan.
yang dapat dibentuk? These are the entrepreneurship skills the teacher wants students to develop: a. Resiliency b. Focus c. Find and manage people/ self d. Sell e. Learn f. Self- reflection g. Self –reliance h. Invest for long term
7. EXTEND (Menambahkan pemahaman konseptual melalui penggunaan dalam konteks/ aktiviti baru: menanamkan kemahiran keusahawanan melalui pendidikan sains.) Murid akan mengambil langkah aktif untuk mengelakkan kawasan tercemar (jika mungkin), dan lakukan apa yang mungkin untuk mengurangkan pencemaran udara (atau memakai topeng apabila udara tercemar). Murid akan mendapat kemahiran keusahawanan melalui aktiviti keusahawanan kecil untuk menjual topeng muka, dan langkah keusahawanan sosial untuk memberikan topeng percuma kepada pembersih, pekebun sekolah dan orang yang memerlukannya. Kemahiran / ciri keusahawanan yang akan ditanamkan: 1. Pemahaman Diri sendiri 2. Kemahiran interpersonal, 3. Pengetahuan mengenai keusahawanan dan keusahawanan sosial Dalam proses melibatkan pelajar untuk pergi ke pelbagai tempat untuk memeriksa pencemaran akan meningkatkan dorongan dirinya untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai topik yang diajar di dalam kelas. Melalui proses pengedaran topeng muka percuma kepada mereka yang telah dikenalpasti, pelajar perlu mendekati orang seperti tukang penyapu, tukang kebun, penjual di jalan dll. Dan meyakinkan mereka untuk menggunakan topeng muka. Aktiviti ini akan meningkatkan kemahiran interpersonal. Kerana pelajar terlibat dalam proses pembelian topeng dari pasar raya dan menjualnya di sekolah, akan menanamkan kepintarannya untuk berjaya dalam usaha ini. Aktiviti keusahawanan yang berkaitan dengan pelajaran Guru akan membahagikan pelajar dalam kumpulan, dan melibatkan mereka dalam membeli topeng dan menjualnya di sekolah kepada guru dan pelajar. Tugas-tugas yang perlu dilakukan oleh para pelajar adalah seperti berikut: o Mengira keuntungan yang akan diperolehi walaupun topeng dijual pada harga yang lebih rendah berbanding pasar raya o Membeli kotak topeng - Siapa yang akan berada dalam kedudukan strategik untuk
melakukan ini? Bolehkah topeng diperoleh daripada pembekal makmal? o Menjual topeng - Tanya siapa yang menjadi penjual dan apakah harga yang sesuai untuk dikenakan? o Memberi topeng percuma kepada warga emas dan kumpulan lain seperti pembersih seperti pekebun sekolah Nota kepada pelajar: Usaha keusahawanan sosial untuk mencapai matlamat memberi impak positif kepada faedah sosial, budaya dan alam sekitar termasuk penjagaan kesihatan, pengurangan kemiskinan dan pembangunan masyarakat. Harus ada kesedaran mengenai hakikat bahawa kita sedang melakukan perniagaan kecil di kalangan rakan-rakan di sekolah. Motivasi kami adalah untuk memberi mereka topeng apabila udara berjerebu, kerana kami khuatir mereka menyedut banyak udara tercemar. Kami sengaja akan mengenakan harga yang lebih rendah daripada pasar raya. Ini boleh menyebabkan jumlah perniagaan yang lebih tinggi. Proses mencari harga yang berpatutan dan tanda topeng kualiti yang munasabah akan meningkatkan kemahiran intrapersonal pelajar. Menjana dana bagi usaha ini sama ada dari penjimatan pelajar atau mendapatkan pinjaman lembut daripada beberapa ibu bapa akan membangunkan dirinya sebagai orang yang bijak. Proses menjana dana melalui pembelian, penjualan dan pengedaran topeng percuma akan menghasilkan dorongan diri dalam pelajar untuk menjadi orang yang bertanggungjawab dalam masyarakat dan meningkatkan kemahiran diri pelajar. Maklumat Tambahan / Membaca / Rujukan Makmal sekolah [1], Perpustakaan sekolah [2], Kantin sekolah [3], Tempat letak kereta sekolah [4] Pada udara tercemar semasa jerebu, dan penyakit di udara: Mengenai keusahawanan sosial:
Section C Bilingual Lesson Plan 2 This lesson plan was placed on ResearchGate, an online platform, to obtain feedback from the international research community (Yeoh, 2017d). Topic/ Title Topik/Tajuk Grade level Tingkatan Chapter 2 Bab 2 Subtopic 2.6 Subtopik 2.6 Rujukan Buku Peruntukan masa Guru Kompetensi pembelajaran
HEALTHY EATING HABITS Amalan Pemakanan yang Sihat Form 2 Science Sains Tingakatan 2 Nutrition, pp. 41-60 Nutrisi, ms. 41-60 Healthy eating habits, pp. 54-55 Amalan Pemakanan yang Sihat, ms. 54-55 Science Form 2; Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd., 2008; ISBN 983-59-1707-8 70-80 minit Guru Sains// Dr. Miranda Yeoh 1. Pelajar akan mempelajari pentingnya makan makanan berkhasiat, dan mendapat kecekapan dalam membuat keputusan untuk membentuk tabiat makan yang sihat. Pelajar akan sedar bahawa kita mesti bermurah hati kepada orang-orang yang memerlukan makanan untuk terus hidup 2. Pelajar akan mendapat kemahiran keusahawanan menerusi projek yang memerlukan mereka mengkaji tabiat pemakanan pelajar Tingkatan 2, dan pelbagai penyakit yang mungkin dihadapi oleh responden, ubat-ubatan yang mereka perlukan, dan bagaimana tabiat pemakanan mereka boleh menjadi lebih sihat. Pelajar akan menerima beberapa kemahiran keusahawanan termasuk merancang, mempersoalkan, membentuk pasukan dan menjadi lebih berkeyakinan dan berpikiran penyelidikan. (Projek ini mungkin memerlukan 2-3 minggu.)
Objektif Pada akhir pelajaran, pelajar harus dapat: 1. Nyatakan bahawa makan makanan yang sihat adalah penting untuk kesihatan 2. Jelaskan mengapa kita mesti mengamalkan tabiat makan yang baik, dengan pengetahuan yang kita dapat dari membaca dan dari percubaan 3. Huraikan bagaimana budaya yang berlainan mempunyai tabiat makan yang berbeza (amalan berbeza di kalangan Jepun, Cina, Melayu dll), dan kita harus menghormati mereka yang berbeza 4. Jelaskan bahawa makanan adalah penting untuk sokongan hidup, kita haruslah bermurah hati kepada mereka yang memerlukan (sebagai usahawan sosial) 1. ELICIT (Akses pengetahuan terdahulu) (Pelajar sudah diperkenalkan kepada konsep kelas makanan, pentingnya diet yang seimbang, sistem pencernaan manusia, penyerapan makanan yang dicerna, reabsorpsi air dan buang air besar.) Guru menggunakan kuiz bertulis pendek untuk
Alat / bahan Kertas ujian untuk kuiz bertulis. Pelajar memberikan jawapan pendek.
menguji pengetahuan pelajar terdahulu. Kaedah pengujian ini akan menilaikan semua pelajar, bukan hanya mereka yang selalu mempunyai jawapan yang tersedia. Soalan: 1. Apakah kelas makanan yang memberi tenaga? 2. Apakah kelas makanan yang menyediakan bahan untuk sel-sel baru, dalam pertumbuhan? 3. Berikan 2 fungsi lemak dalam diet manusia? 4. Apa yang akan berlaku jika seseorang tidak minum air yang mencukupi selama beberapa hari? 5. Terangkan mengapa untuk Q4. 6. Berikan 2 fungsi sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan dalam diet? 7. Makanan pepejal memasuki mulut, dan keluar sisa dari dubur. Namakan organ-organ lain di saluran penghadaman. 8. Di manakah air diserap semula oleh badan? 9. Mengapakah air perlu diserap semula? 2. ENGAGE (Dapatkan pelajar memberi tumpuan kepada topik: Soalan pendek atau gambar) Pelajar ditunjukkan 3 gambar pilihan makanan. Mereka mesti membuat keputusan yang menyerupai pilihan makanan biasa mereka, dan mempersoalkan jika pilihan makanan mereka sihat / tidak sihat, dan mengapa ... Gambar yang berkaitan dengan diet Makanan [1], yang sihat atau tidak sihat ditunjukkan Https:// kepada pelajar. that-can-cause-pre-mature-death Lihat juga Maklumat Tambahan / Bacaan / Rujukan Makanan [2], Http:// Makanan [3], Https:// Pelajar diminta untuk bertanya berapa banyak makanan dalam sehari digambarkan oleh Makanan 1, 2, dan 3. 3. EXPLORE (Menyediakan pelajar dengan pengalaman yang sama) Budaya orang yang berbeza mempengaruhi tabiat Bacaan: makanan yang pelbagai. Http://
Orang Jepun mempunyai jangka hayat yang panjang dan ia mempunyai kaitan dengan makanan mereka: Orang Cina menggunakan penyepit kebanyakan waktu makan dan cara ini boleh melambatkan proses makan: 012/07/chinese.jpeg
ts-in-a-japanese-meal-that-makespeople-in-japan-slim/ Https:// cuisi ne
Orang Melayu makan menggunakan tangan kanan: hy-malay-malaysia-eat-using-hand.html India makan dengan tangan mereka. Ini adalah amalan sejarah. Https:// ing Konsep utama: Kita mesti menghormati tabiat makan rakan-rakan kita yang berbeza kerana mereka dari kumpulan kebudayaan yang berbeza. 4. EXPLAIN (Mengajar konsep dan mempermudahkan pemahaman pelajar/ facilitate students‟ understanding of searched info. Harus termasuk interaksi antara guru dan pelajar) LANGKAH 1: Guru menunjukkan makanan piramid. Gambar piramid makanan, Rajah 1: Pelajar sudah biasa dengan makanan piramid yang Https:// sering ada pada pembalut roti. Walaupun pelajar source/healthy-eating-plate/ mempunyai pengetahuan tetapi ramai pelajar yang tidak mempunyai pengetahuan yang mencukupi. Guru Gambar plat sihat, Rajah 2: menggunakan kadar obesiti yang tinggi di kalangan Https:// Malaysia untuk mengajar bahawa jenis content/uploads/sites/30/2012/10/mypla makanan, dan jumlah makanan sehari hendaklah te_blue.jpg diambil kira, mengikut jumlah kalori yang diperlukan oleh individu. Lihat pautan pada akhir pelajaran ini.
Rajah 1: Piramid Makanan LANGKAH 2: Guru bertanya, dan mengarahkan perbincangan. Adakah pelajar membuat keputusan untuk makanan yang sihat? Jika ya, kenapa para pelajar generasi sekarang semakin berat dan gemuk. Guru mengajar para pelajar untuk mengetahui bahawa jenis makanan dan jumlah yang dimakan setiap hari adalah elemen yang membentuk tabiat makan yang sihat. Gambar menunjukkan piramid penurunan berat badan yang berguna kepada remaja yang ingin mencapai berat badan yang sihat. Guru juga memberitahu pelajar bahawa gandum dalam roti mungkin tidak sihat seperti oat, walaupun kedua-duanya adalah karbohidrat. Ini kerana kanji dalam roti membawa kenaikan glukosa darah, berbanding dengan kanji oat. Tabiat pemakanan yang sihat mestilah berasaskan ilmu yang luas tentang makanan. Pelajar akan memahami pentingnya tabiat makan yang sihat, yang bermaksud makan makanan berkhasiat (seperti yang dipandu oleh piramid makanan) dan makan secara sederhana. Guru memimpin perbincangan supaya pelajar memahami bahawa tabiat pemakanan yang sihat yang diamalkan dalam tempoh yang panjang akan membawa kesihatan yang lebih baik kepada individu, sambil mencegah penyakit
disebabkan oleh kelebihan gula, karbohidrat dan lemak tidak sihat. Guru membawa perbincangan mengenai mengapa kita harus menghormati adat makan orang lain dalam budaya atau negara yang berbeza. Tabiat pemakanan yang sihat mungkin berbeza-beza di seluruh tempat dan budaya. Tetapi kita mesti menghormati dan belajar daripada mereka tentang bagaimana kesihatan yang baik dicapai. Jepun menyajikan sayur-sayuran bermusim dengan makanan dalam bahagian kecil supaya bilangan gram makanan dan kalori tidak melebihi, Jepun mengelakkan ikan tertentu yang mengandungi bahan cemar, dan makan spesies ikan lain yang bebas pencemaran. (Kami di Malaysia mesti berhati-hati dengan sayur-sayuran yang mengandungi paras racun serangga yang tinggi di Malaysia.) Orang Cina menggunakan penyepit untuk mengambil makanan; Ini adalah proses perlahan, menjadikan mereka memerlukan lebih banyak masa untuk makan, atau makan kurang dalam masa yang sama. Ini penting, kerana penyelidikan menunjukkan bahawa orang yang makan cepat cenderung makan lebih banyak sebelum merasa kenyang. Tetapi orang Cina cenderung menggunakan monosodium glutamat (MSG), dan ini bukan amalan kesihatan yang baik. Sesetengah rakyat Malaysia hanya menggunakan tangan kanan mereka untuk makan dan makan hanya makanan yang halal. Walau bagaimanapun, tabiat makanan dan makan adalah isu-isu neutral, jadi kami harus menerima dan menghormati perbezaan ini. Apa sahaja tabiat makan dan jenis makanan yang dipilih, kita perlu terus sihat. Guru memimpin perbincangan bahawa kita haruslah bermurah hati dengan makanan. Rakyat Malaysia sering mengamalkan rumah terbuka, dan tetamu dihidangkan sebahagian besar makanan dan minuman. Tetapi pada masa-masa seperti itu, kita tidak boleh membazirkan makanan. Kerana kita tahu bahawa makanan sangat diperlukan untuk mengekalkan kesihatan, kita harus memberi dengan bermurah hati
kepada mereka yang memerlukan makanan, terutama jika mereka tidak dapat makanan yang mencukupi disebabkan oleh banjir, taufan atau fenomena seperti berikut: Com / watch? V = SY4kM0Vgtjw & feature =em-uploademail (Guru perlu mempersoalkan dan menyiasat pemahaman pelajar, untuk memastikan konsepkonsep tersebut terbentuk dengan betul dalam minda pelajar.) 5. ELABORATE (Pelajar mengaplikasikan maklumat yang dipelajari di bawah 'Explain') Pelajar menggunakan pengetahuan dalam merekabentuk soal selidik tentang menemui tabiat makanan (lihat Lampiran A). Mereka berfungsi secara berpasangan untuk merakam data diri dan pasangan. Kemudian, mereka akan menggunakan soal selidik untuk mendapatkan maklumat daripada semua pelajarpelajar di sekolah. Konsep kunci: 1. Pengiraan indeks jisim badan (BMI) akan menunjukkan jika kita adalah normal atau berat badan berlebihan / obes. BMI dikira dari ketinggian dan berat badan kita, menggunakan BMI/bmicalc.htm 2. Murid-murid menggambarkan plat / piring mereka untuk melihat nutrien mana yang berada dalam bahagian yang betul, dan mengira kalori yang mereka makan: 3. Responden ditanya sama ada mereka perlu membuat perubahan pada diet mereka, dan jika mereka berminat untuk membuat perubahan. 4. Responden ditanya sama ada makanan mereka membuat mereka terdedah kepada masalah pergigian dan/ atau terdedah kepada sembelit. Lihat Lampiran A. 6. EVALUATE (Bagaimanakah anda tahu pelajar telah mempelajari konsep ini?) Sepanjang pengajaran, guru harus peka terhadap Persoalan pemahaman pelajar (atau kekurangan) konsep. Guru mengawasi semua aktiviti pelajar termasuk aktiviti membuat soal selidik. Guru menggunakan kuiz
bertulis pendek. Penilaian pemahaman Sains 1. Lukis piramid makanan. 2. Berapa banyak peringkat pada piramid makanan? 3. Huraikan berapa pengambilan makanan harian, berapakah bilangan hidangan ikan / daging / telur? 4. Berapa banyak hidangan yang harus kita makan dari kumpulan sayuran / buah? 5. Berapa banyak hidangan yang perlu kita makan dari kumpulan roti / beras / mi? Diet kita di Malaysia adalah tinggi dalam kumpulan ini, jadi apa penyakit yang dibawa? 6. Jelaskan mengapa kita harus mengamalkan tabiat makan yang baik? 7. Huraikan bagaimana rakyat Malaysia harus bertindak apabila kita dijemput untuk mengambil makanan Jepun? 8. Jelaskan mengapa Malaysia menghantar makanan ke negara-negara (Sudan, Somalia) yang menghadapi kelaparan? Penilaian pemahaman Keusahawanan 1. Adakah pelajar menunjukkan minat untuk menjalankan aktiviti Keusahawanan? 2. Bilangan pelajar menunjukkan minat untuk menjalankan aktiviti Keusahawanan… 3. Apa kemahiran Keusahawanan yang dapat dibentuk? 4. Apakah sikap pelajar terhadap Keusahawanan sebelum dan selepas pembelajaran (dan aktiviti)? 7. EXTEND (Menambahkan pemahaman konseptual melalui penggunaan dalam konteks baru: menanamkan kemahiran keusahawanan melalui pendidikan sains.) Pelajar akan mendapat kemahiran keusahawanan menerusi aktiviti berikut. Guru akan membahagikan pelajar dalam kumpulan 3 hingga 5 orang, dan melibatkan pelajar dalam projek penyelidikan. Ini adalah tugas yang perlu dilakukan: o Merancang soal selidik, menyediakan draf, dan draf akhir (lihat Lampiran A) o Kenal pasti pelajar yang boleh menjawab soal selidik, tanpa bantuan (atau temu bual) o Mempunyai pelbagai kumpulan untuk mengumpul data melalui temu bual o Mempunyai kumpulan untuk memasukkan data menggunakan Excel. o Mempunyai kumpulan untuk membuat laporan. Laporan ini boleh diberikan kepada pakar diet tempatan untuk beberapa perkhidmatan yang disediakan untuk komuniti sekolah. o Dapatkan beberapa individu yang akan menghubungi seorang ahli diet tempatan untuk memberi ceramah mengenai tabiat pemakanan yang sihat untuk memperkukuhkan pengajaran kelas
Aktiviti keusahawanan yang berkaitan dengan pelajaran Apabila pelajar perlu menjalankan kajian ini di atas pelbagai tugasan akademik dan komitmen sukan, mereka perlu merancang dan mengutamakan tugas-tugas. Mereka mesti merancang pada setiap peringkat, walaupun pada awal siapa akan merekabentuk soalan tinjauan; siapa yang akan bertemu dengan rakan-rakan untuk mengumpul data; dan siapa yang akan menganalisis data dan melaporkan hasilnya. Untuk merekabentuk soalan, mereka perlu berfikiran penyelidikan untuk bertanya soalan yang betul, dengan cara yang teratur supaya responden tidak mempunyai masalah untuk memberikan jawapan yang benar; dan untuk mendapatkan data daripada rakan-rakan mereka, mereka perlu lebih berkeyakinan. Untuk merekod dan menganalisis data menggunakan Excel, dan melaporkan hasil pada dokumen Word, mereka akan memperoleh dan mengamalkan kemahiran IT. Projek ini terlalu besar untuk dilakukan oleh seorang sahaja, dan ini akan mengajar para pelajar pentingnya bertindak sebagai satu pasukan. Maklumat Tambahan / Membaca / Rujukan Makan [1], Makan [2], h,ttp:// Makan [3], Gambar piramid makanan: Gambar plat sihat: Insiden obesiti di kalangan rakyat Malaysia dalam hubungan ini: Insiden kencing manis di kalangan rakyat Malaysia di pautan ini: Insiden penyakit kardiovaskular di kalangan rakyat Malaysia: Kebiasaan makan sihat di seluruh tempat dan budaya : Pengiraan BMI (indeks jisim badan) adalah pada pautan ini Pelajar mengira kalori yang mereka makan:
Kelaparan di Afrika :
Lampiran A: Soalan-selidik mengenai pemakanan sihat No: 1 2 3
Soalan Apakah ketinggian anda? Apakah berat badan anda? Buat perhitungan BMI anda dan perhatikan kategori yang ada di dalam anda. Https://
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Berapa banyak makanan yang anda makan setiap hari? Jelaskan plat anda, menggunakan gambar sebagai panduan (Rajah 2) Adakah makanan biasa anda sihat? Apa makanan yang berlebihan? Makanan apa yang kurang? Berapa banyak kalori yang anda makan setiap hari? Adakah anda berfikir bahawa anda boleh terus makan jumlah makanan dan / atau kalori yang sama? Apa perubahan yang anda ingin buat? Berapa kerap anda makan gula-gula, coklat atau makanan yang tinggi dalam gula? Adakah anda mengalami sakit gigi selama 6 bulan yang lalu? Adakah anda fikir anda perlu menukar diet anda untuk mengelakkan masalah pergigian? Bagaimana anda boleh menukar diet anda untuk mengelakkan masalah pergigian? Berapakah jumlah tampalan atau pengeluaran gigi atau prosedur pergigian yang lain yang anda perlukan selama 2 tahun yang lalu? Berapa banyak air biasa yang anda minum dalam sehari? Bagaimana kerapkah pergerakan usus anda? Adakah anda fikir anda perlu menukar diet anda untuk meningkatkan pergerakan usus? Apakah perubahan yang akan anda lakukan untuk meningkatkan pergerakan usus?
Maklum balas
Section C Bilingual Lesson Plan 3 This lesson plan was placed on ResearchGate, an online platform, to obtain feedback from the international research community and a digital object identifier, DOI (Yeoh, 2017e). Topic/ Title Topik/Tajuk Grade level Tingakatan Chapter 4 Bab 4
Subtopic 4.4 Subtopik 4.4 Buku Rujukan Peruntukan masa Guru Kecekapan pembelajaran
PHOTOSYNTHESIS FOTOSINTESIS Form 2 Science Sains Tingakatan 2 Interdependence Among Living Organisms and the Environment; pp. 73-99 Saling Bersandaran antara Organisms Hidup dengan Persekitaran Photosynthesis; p.87 Fotosintesis; ms. 87 Science Form 2, Volume 1; Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd.2003; ISBN 983-59-1707-8 70-80 minutes Guru Sains// Dr. Miranda Yeoh 1. Pelajar akan mempelajari saling kebergantungan antara organisma hidup, khususnya antara tumbuhan yang menghasilkan oksigen melalui fotosintesis, dan organisma lain seperti manusia dan haiwan yang memerlukan oksigen. Pelajar akan belajar untuk menghargai tumbuhan, kerana kehidupan manusia bergantung kepada oksigen yang dihasilkan oleh tumbuhan. 2. Pelajar juga akan terlibat dalam aktiviti keusahawanan kecil menanam pelbagai tanaman dan menuai hasil untuk dijual kepada komuniti sekolah. Prosedur-prosedur yang dicadangkan dalam bahagian pengajaran dan aktiviti-aktiviti yang dibina di sekelilingnya akan memberi manfaat kepada pelajar seperti kemahiran keusahawanan (pemerhatian, menjadi pemain pasukan dan berorientasikan tugas). Projek ini mungkin memerlukan beberapa minggu.
Objektif Pada akhir pelajaran, pelajar harus dapat: 1. Tentukan 'fotosintesis'. 2. Nyatakan faktor-faktor yang diperlukan untuk fotosintesis. 3. Huraikan saling kebergantungan antara organisma hidup, antara tumbuhan yang menghasilkan oksigen melalui fotosintesis, dan organisma lain seperti manusia dan haiwan yang memerlukan
oksigen. 4. Terangkan nilai tumbuhan kepada manusia. 1. ELICIT (Akses pengetahuan terdahulu) Alat / bahan (Pelajar telah diperkenalkan kepada konsep Kertas ujian untuk kuiz bertulis. Pelajar pemakanan, kebergantungan tumbuhan dan memberikan jawapan pendek. haiwan, udara di sekeliling kita, sumber tenaga, dan sel sebagai unit asas kehidupan.) Guru menggunakan kuiz bertulis pendek untuk menguji pengetahuan pelajar terdahulu. Kaedah pengujian ini akan menilaikan pengetahuan semua pelajar, bukan hanya mereka yang selalu mempunyai jawapan yang tersedia. Soalan: 1. Nama 2 haiwan yang memakan tumbuhan sahaja? 2. Bagaimana tumbuhan mendapat tenaga? 3. Apakah gas yang diihembuskan oleh manusia? 4. Apakah gas yang diperlukan oleh haiwan dan manusia dan diambil semasa pernafasan? 5. Apa yang berlaku pada kadar pernafasan anda apabila anda baru saja menyelesaikan larian 100 meter? 6. Berkaitan dengan Q5, jelaskan mengapa anda bernafas dengan cara ini? 2. ENGAGE (Dapatkan pelajar memberi tumpuan kepada topik: Soalan pendek atau gambar) Guru meminta pelajar menyenaraikan pelbagai Gambar tumbuhan dalaman, dan pokok / jenis dan nombor (jika boleh) tumbuhan yang pokok luaran mereka ada di taman dan di dalam rumah. Tumbuhan dalaman biasa: Pelajar akan mengatakan bahawa terdapat lebih banyak tumbuhan tumbuh di taman, daripada di Http:// rumah. purify-the-air-around-you-naturally/song-ofindia/ Aktiviti dilakukan untuk menyenaraikan jenis tumbuhan, dan / atau jumlah tumbuhan yang terdapat di rumah mereka. 3. EXPLORE (Menyediakan pelajar dengan pengalaman yang sama) Guru bertanya pelajar berapa banyak cahaya Bacaan: matahari di taman tropika terbuka, berbanding Tumbuhan / pokok tropika: dengan jumlah cahaya di dalam rumah. Pelajar meneroka berapa banyak tumbuhan Http:// mempunyai daun berwarna hijau, plants/types-of-tropical-plants-pictures menunjukkan bahawa ia mengandungi klorofil.
Kemudian, guru mengajar para pelajar untuk Http:// menyedari bahawa lebih banyak tumbuhtumbuhan dapat tumbuh di tempat yang menerima lebih banyak sinar matahari. Oleh itu, tenaga matahari adalah keperluan untuk fotosintesis dan pertumbuhan tumbuhan yang sihat. Hampir 100% tumbuh-tumbuhan mempunyai daun hijau, walaupun ada yang mempunyai pigmen berwarna merah atau oren. Konsep utama: Pigmen fotosintetik yang paling biasa adalah klorofil; dan klorofil adalah keperluan untuk fotosintesis. 4. EXPLAIN (Mengajar konsep, mempermudahkan pemahaman pelajar/ facilitate students‟ understanding of searched info. Harus termasuk interaksi antara guru dan pelajar) Guru menerangkan bahawa perkataan Untuk menunjukkan keperluan untuk cahaya fotosintesis berasal dari akar: „foto‟ yang dan karbon dioksida, ini adalah pautan yang bermaksud cahaya, dan „sintesis‟ yang sesuai, bermaksud 'meletakkan bersama' atau menggabungkan secara kimia. Guru Untuk menunjukkan keperluan klorofil, memberitahu pelajar bahawa tumbuhan itu demonstrasi atau eksperimen boleh digunakan, membuat makanan oleh fotosintesis, yang bermaksud bahawa cahaya diperlukan untuk membuat makanan. Guru memberitahu pelajar 68990-An-experiment-to-show-chlorophyll-isbahawa tumbuh-tumbuhan dengan klorofil necessary-for-plants-to-carry -out.aspx boleh membuat makanan hanya apabila cahaya, karbon dioksida, dan air hadir. Pembentukan kanji oleh fotosintesis Oleh itu, fotosintesis adalah proses di mana ditunjukkan dengan menggunakan ujian iodin. organisma hidup seperti tumbuhan hijau (yang mempunyai pigmen klorofil) menghasilkan glukosa, dengan menggabungkan molekul yang Tanpa kanji, fotosintesis tidak berlaku kerana lebih kecil (karbon dioksida dan air). Produk kekurangan cahaya matahari, klorofil atau pertama adalah glukosa. Glukosa ditukar karbon dioksida. kepada sukrosa untuk dipindahkan ke organ penyimpanan, dan akhirnya ditukar dan disimpan sebagai kanji, biasanya dalam benih atau akar. Oksigen dilepaskan sebagai produk sampingan fotosintesis. Guru membawa pelajar ke dalam mod eksperimen. Guru membimbing pelajar untuk membuat hipotesis bahawa fotosintesis memerlukan karbon dioksida; cahaya, dan klorofil. Tiga eksperimen dijalankan mengikut buku teks. Sebagai alternatif, untuk Daun menunjukkan warna coklat iodine. menunjukkan keperluan untuk cahaya dan
karbon dioksida, ini adalah pautan yang sesuai, Kanji dibentuk, semua 3 keperluan hadir: Bagi keperluan klorofil, daun beragam (variegated leaf) digunakan. Demonstrasi atau eksperimen boleh dijalankan, 68990-An-experiment-to-show-chlorophyll-isnecessary-for-plants-to-carry-out.aspx Guru meminta pelajar memberi contoh daun beraneka ragam (Coleus, Geranium). Daun menunjukkan warna biru gelap. Guru boleh menggunakan demonstrasi buku teks yang dicadangkan jika dikehendaki. Guru perlu mempersoalkan dan menyiasat pemahaman pelajar, untuk memastikan konsepkonsep itu terbentuk dengan betul dalam minda pelajar. 5. ELABORATE (Pelajar mengaplikasikan maklumat yang dipelajari di bawah 'Explain') Guru menanyakan apa aplikasi yang perlu dibuat daripada pengetahuan yang diperolehi dari penjelasan dan demonstrasi pada Photosynthesis. Guru bertanya: Kenapa tumbuhan dalam pasu di rumah mesti dibawa keluar ke taman dari semasa ke semasa? Apabila terdapat tumbuh-tumbuhan pasu yang ditanam di dalam rumah, pelajar akan membawanya ke luar di mana terdapat lebih banyak cahaya matahari, dari masa ke semasa. Kawasan terang di taman akan menjadi paling sesuai untuk penanaman sayur-sayuran seperti timun, kacang botol, atau kacang panjang (berhampiran pagar). Guru bertanya: Apakah tumbuhan yang boleh ditanam dengan selamat di dalam rumah, di rumah atau di dalam bilik darjah? Pelajar digalakkan berbincang dalam kumpulan. Guru boleh memberikan beberapa petunjuk, dan memberikan contoh tumbuhan yang boleh tumbuh dengan mudah di rumah dan taman, Guru bertanya: Namakan tumbuhan yang ditanam untuk makanan di taman-taman rumah tropika. Tumbuhan yang boleh ditanam untuk makanan
di taman-taman rumah tropika Konsep utama: Sesetengah tumbuhan boleh tumbuh dengan sihat dalam pasu. Mereka agak tahan lasak, dan mudah berkembang. Mereka berbuah dalam masa yang singkat. Guru mencadangkan okra (kacang bendi), terung dan cili kerana mereka boleh dituai dan dijual dalam masa yang singkat. 6. EVALUATE (Bagaimanakah anda tahu pelajar telah mempelajari konsep ini?) Sepanjang pengajaran, guru perlu peka Bertanya, kuiz bertulis. terhadap pemahaman pelajar terhadap konsep. Penilaian pemahaman Sains Guru menggunakan kuiz bertulis pendek. Pelajar harus dapat: 1. Apakah 2 perkataan akar dalam Photosynthesis? 2. Bagaimanakah anda menentukan fotosintesis? 3. Apakah keperluan fotosintesis? 4. Apa yang dihasilkan dalam fotosintesis? 5. Apakah gula pertama yang terbentuk, dalam kloroplas? 6. Apakah gula yang ditukar kepada kanji oleh pokok ubii? 7. Apakah gas yang dikeluarkan oleh Photosynthesis? 8. Huraikan saling kebergantungan antara organisma hidup, antara tumbuhan yang menghasilkan oksigen melalui fotosintesis, dan organisma lain seperti manusia dan haiwan yang memerlukan oksigen. 9. Apakah reagen yang digunakan untuk menguji kanji dalam daun? 10. Beri contoh daun yang beragam. 11. Apakah kelebihan tumbuh-tumbuhan yang tumbuh di dalam rumah ? 12. Terangkan nilai tumbuhan kepada manusia. Penilaian pemahaman Keusahawanan 1. Adakah pelajar menunjukkan minat untuk menjalankan aktiviti Keusahawanan? 2. Bilangan pelajar menunjukkan minat untuk menjalankan aktiviti Keusahawanan…
3. Apa kemahiran Keusahawanan yang dapat dibentuk? 4. Apakah sikap pelajar terhadap Keusahawanan sebelum dan selepas pembelajaran (dan aktiviti)? 7. EXTEND (Menambahkan pemahaman konseptual melalui penggunaan dalam konteks baru: menanamkan kemahiran keusahawanan melalui pendidikan sains.) Aktiviti keusahawanan yang berkaitan dengan pelajaran ini Guru akan membahagikan pelajar dalam kumpulan 3, 4 atau 5 pelajar (atau sesuai), dan melibatkan mereka dalam membeli benih, mengumpul baja organik dan menyediakan timbunan kompos. Sesetengah kumpulan bertanggungjawab menanam, menyiram dan merawat tumbuhan. Kumpulan lain bertanggungjawab menjual hasil di sekolah kepada guru, ibu bapa dan jiran. Dari aktiviti tersebut, pelajar akan mempelajari beberapa kemahiran keusahawanan: o Proses penanaman biji benih dan menjaganya membolehkan pelajar melakukan banyak pemerhatian. Mereka mesti memerhati jumlah air yang disediakan, jumlah cahaya matahari yang diperoleh tumbuhan, dan memerhati pertumbuhannya. Proses ini akan mengasah kemahiran pemerhatian. o Seluruh kerja menanam pelbagai jenis tumbuhan yang boleh dituai untuk dijual akan memerlukan pelajar bertindak sepasukan, bersedia berkongsi tanggungjawab untuk mencapai matlamat untuk memiliki tumbuhan yang sihat yang boleh menghasilkan buah memerlukan pelajar untuk berfokus dan berorientasi tugas. Maklumat tambahan / Membaca / Rujukan yang disenaraikan Tumbuhan dalaman biasa: Tumbuhan / pokok tropika: Untuk menunjukkan keperluan untuk cahaya dan karbon dioksida, Untuk menunjukkan keperluan klorofil, Contoh tumbuhan yang boleh tumbuh dengan mudah di rumah dan taman, Tumbuh-tumbuhan yang boleh ditanam untuk makanan di taman-taman rumah tropika
Section C Bilingual Lesson Plan 4 This lesson plan was placed on ResearchGate, an online platform, to obtain feedback from the international research community and a digital object identifier, DOI (Yeoh, 2017f). Topic/ Title NEUTRALISATION Topik/Tajuk PENEUTRALAN Grade level Form 4 Chemistry Tingkatan Kimia Tingkatan 4 Chapter 7 Acids and Bases, pp. 117-136 Bab 7 Asid dan Bes Subtopic D Neutralisation (Introduction); p.128 Subtopik D Peneutralan; ms.128 Book Reference Chemistry Form 4 ; Abadi Ilmu Sdn. Bhd.2005; ISBN 983-2914-06-X Time allotment 40 minutes Teacher Guru Sains// Dr. Miranda Yeoh Learning competency 1. Murid akan menjadi kompeten dalam proses reaksi peneutralan Kompetensi antara asid dengan alkali atau bes. Murid akan belajar cara-cara untuk pembelajaran menulis persamaan seimbang untuk tindakbalas peneutralan antara asid hidroklorik dan natrium hidroksida. 2. Murid juga akan terlibat dalam kempen serta mendapatkan data daripada pelajar lain berkenaan peneutralan dalam mengelakkan pereputan gigi. Murid akan mendapatkan kemahiran keusahawanan seperti disiplin diri, refleksi diri dan pemikiran penyelidikan. (Projek ini akan mengambil masa selama 2-3 minggu). Objektif: Pada penghujung pengenalan kepada topik Peneutralan, murid seharusnya boleh: 1. Menyatakan bahawa peneutralan adalah tindakbalas antara asid dan bes/alkali yang menghasilkan garam dan air. 2. Murid mampu menulis persamaan seimbang untuk peneutralan antara asid hidroklorik dan natrium hidroksida. 3. Murid boleh menjelaskan bagaimana peneutralan diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan seharian. 1. ELICIT (Ases pengetahuan terdahulu) Guru akan bertanya soalan untuk mengakses pengetahuan murid. Jawapan akan dicatatkan oleh pelajar. Soalan: 1. Ion apakah yang memberi sifat asid kepada larutan? 2. Ion apakah yang memberikan sifat bes kepada larutan? 3. Namakan tiga asid mineral yang sering digunakan di dalam makmal. 4. Namakan 2 alkali biasa yang sering digunakan di dalam makmal.
Alat/Bahan Kertas soalan/kad skor
5. Manakah antara yang berikut merupakan asid kuat? “A” dengan pH 1 atau pun “B” dengan pH 5? 6. Berikan sebab kepada jawapan anda di No. 5 7. Namakan 2 asid lemah yang sering dijumpai di rumah? 8. Bagaimanakah anda menerangkan pH dengan menggunakan formula? 9. Berapakah jisim 0.1 mol natrium hidroksida dalam gram? 10. Apabila 0.05mol natirum hidrosida dicairkan dalam 10003 air tulen, apakah kemolaran larutan tersebut? Kaedah ujian ini akan menilaikan pengetahuan sedia ada semua pelajar, termasuk pelajar yang tidak mengetahui jawapan. Markah setiap pelajar akan dicatat oleh rakannya di atas kad skor. 2. ENGAGE (Get students to focus on the topic; short question or picture) Langkah 1: Guru bertanya beberapa soalan Maklumat dan gambar dari pautan yang telah untuk mendorong pelajar berfikir. disenaraikan. 1: Ceritakan kenangan sakit perut yang dialami? 2. Bolehkah mereka senaraikan sebab-sebab sakit perut yang dihadapi? 3. Adakah mereka ingat mempunyai sakit perut kerana makan berlebihan? 4. Adakah anda tahu mengapa makan terlalu banyak boleh menyebabkan sakit perut? Langkah 2: Guru membincangkan sebabsebab sakit perut. Guru menjelaskan bahawa apabila kita makan terlalu banyak, perut akan merembeskan asid hidroklorik yang akan menyebabkan kesakitan. Guru menunjukkan iklan TV Gaviscon, dan membincangkan bagaimana anti-asid (Maalox, Gaviscon) akan meneutralkan kandungan asid perut, dengan itu menghapus rasa sakit.
n-double-action/liquids/ Jenis-jenis antasid yang berbeza, 3. EXPLORE (Provide students with a common experience) Murid meneroka fungsi antasid terhadap asid Videos yang berlebihan di dalam perut, yang Menggunakan susu magnesia menyebabkan sakit perut: Menggunakan susu magnesia 8To To BgZA Menggunakan Gaviscon Gaviscon 3pWM6iQm78 utama: 3pWM6iQm78 1. Apabila makan terlalu banyak, perut merembes terlalu banyak asid, dan kita merasa tidak selesa. Kita akan menggunakan antasid (seperti susu magnesia) untuk meneutralkan asid. 2. Jika Gaviscon digunakan, ion kalsium bergabung dengan natrium alginat untuk membentuk polimer. Polimer ini naik di kerongkong dan menyekat kerongkong itu supaya asid perut dihalang daripada naik ke kerongkong sehingga menyebabkan pedih ulu hati. 4. EXPLAIN (Teach the concept. Should include interaction between teacher and students Langkah 1: Guru bertanya beberapa soalan Information in the links already listed. untuk mendorong pemikiran murid. 1: Adakah mereka mengingati kenangan sakit perut? 2. Bolehkah mereka menyenaraikan sebabsebab sakit perut? 3. Adakah mereka ingat mengalami sakit perut kerana makan berlebihan? 4. Adakah anda tahu mengapa makan terlalu banyak menyebabkan sakit perut? Langkah 2: Kemudian guru membincangkan
sebab-sebab sakit perut. Guru menjelaskan bahawa apabila kita makan terlalu banyak, asid hidroklorik berlebihan dirembes oleh perut kita akan menyebabkan kesakitan. Guru menunjukkan iklan TV Gaviscon, dan membincangkan bagaimana anti-asid (Maalox, Gaviscon) akan meneutralkan kandungan asid perut, dengan itu menghapus rasa sakit. n-double-action/liquids/ Jenis-jenis antasid yang berbeza yang boleh didapati: Langkah 3: Guru akan membincangkan mengapa dan bagaimana antasid menyembuhkan sakit perut dan membantu murid untuk memahami konsep peneutralan. Langkah 4: Guru akan meneruskan demonstrasi penitratan antara 30 ml, 0.1 M asid hidroklorik dalam kelalang kon, dan 0.1 M natrium hidroksida dalam buret. Phenolphthalein boleh digunakan sebagai penunjuk. Murid mesti memerhatikan dan melihat titik akhir yang membawa kepada perubahan warna. Dari eksperimen ini, titik akhir ialah 30 ml (natrium hidroksida). Ini menunjukkan bahawa 30 x 10-3 x 0.1 mol natrium hidroksida diperlukan untuk meneutralkan asid hidroklorik itu. Guru menunjukkan cara menulis persamaan seimbang antara 1 mol asid hidroklorik dan 1 mol natrium hidroksida untuk membentuk 1 mol natrium klorida dan 1 mol air: HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O Guru menekankan bahawa asid hidroklorik adalah asid monobasik, dan natrium hidroksida adalah bes monobasik. Guru menerangkan konsep monobasik. Guru boleh mengembangkan konsep peneutralan kepada asid dwibasik, H2SO4 dengan natrium hidroksida, , di mana 2 mol NaOH akan meneutralkan 1 mol H2SO4; H2SO4 + 2 NaOH Na2SO4 + 2H2O d). Guru perlu mempersoalkan dan menyiasat pemahaman Murid, untuk memastikan konsep-konsep itu terbentuk dengan betul dalam minda Murid. 5. ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned under „Explain‟) Setelah memahami proses peneutralan sebagai tindak balas antara asid dan alkali dan proses tindakan antasid untuk menyembuhkan perut yang sakit, guru menjelaskan tentang perkara ini, dan mengingatkan pelajar supaya berhati-hati serta elakkan makan makanan berminyak dan pedas dan makanan yang menyebabkan sakit perut. Sebagai contoh: o Elakkan makan kuah kari yang pedas o Elakkan meletakkan potongan cili padi kepada mi goreng atau mi sup. Guru mengenalpasti pelbagai situasi di rumah di mana tindakbalas peneutralan berlaku secara rutin: Guru akan mengingatkan murid tentang proses peneutralan yang berlaku secara tidak sengaja dalam kehidupan seharian. Murid-murid boleh membuat projek penyelidikan berkumpulan tentang peneutralan untuk mengelakkan pereputan gigi. Apabila kita makan makanan manis, bakteria dalam mulut akan bertindak terhadap makanan tersebut dan menghasilkan asid yang melekat di enamel gigi serta menyebabkan pereputan. Oleh itu, murid-murid boleh mewujudkan kesedaran melalui kempen di sekolah untuk memujuk murid lain untuk tidak memakan makanan manis. Konsep utama: 1. Peneutralan adalah tindakbalas asid dengan bes/alkali untuk menghasilkan garam dan air. 2. Contoh peneutralan di rumah: A. Ubat gigi bersifat sebagai alkali untuk mengatasi asid yang dihasilkan oleh bakteria yang bertindak terhadap cebisan makanan. B. Serbuk penaik mengandungi natrium hidrogen karbonat (soda bikarbonat) dan asid lemah. Apabila air diletakkan, tindakbalas berlaku antara air dan natrium hydrogen karbonat. Air mungkin terdapat daripada bahan-bahan seperti telur dan putih telur. Karbon dioksida dihasilkan dan menyebabkan kek dan muffin mengembang. C. Apabila kita menggunakan syampu dan perapi rambut, proses peneutralan sedang berlaku. Syampu merupakan alkali lemah yang menyebabkan kekasarn pada rambut. Perapi syampu merupakan asid lemah yang meneutralkan alkali dan melembutkan rambut. 6. EVALUATE (How will you know the students have learned the concept?) Murid-murid akan disoal. Jawapan ringkas akn Soalan ditulis oleh murid-murid. Penilaian pemahaman Sains 1. Takrifkan Peneutralan 2. Tulis persamaan seimbang untuk peneutralan antara asid hidroklorik dan natrium hidroksida. 3. Jelaskan bagaimana peneutralan digunakan
dalam kehidupan seharian dalam keadaan berikut: a. Tindakbalas ubat gigi b. Tindakbalas serbuk penaik dalam pembuatan muffin dan kek c. Tindakbalas syampu 2-dalam-1 yang juga mengandungi perapi rambut Penilaian pemahaman Keusahawanan 1. Adakah pelajar menunjukkan minat untuk menjalankan aktiviti Keusahawanan? 2. Bilangan pelajar menunjukkan minat untuk menjalankan aktiviti Keusahawanan… 3. Apakah sikap pelajar terhadap Keusahawanan sebelum dan selepas pembelajaran (dan aktiviti)? 4. Apa kemahiran Keusahawanan yang dapat dibentuk? These are the entrepreneurship skills the teacher wants students to develop: i. Resiliency j. Focus k. Find and manage people/ self l. Sell m. Learn n. Self- reflection o. Self –reliance p. Invest for long term 6/the-top-skills-every-entrepreneurneeds/#4bab2d1376e3 7. EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in a new context. This includes inculcating entrepreneurship skills in STEM education.) Guru akan membahagikan pelajar dalam kumpulan, dan melibatkan mereka dalam projek. Tajuk projek adalah: Peneutralan dalam menghalang kerosakan gigi serta pengumpulan maklumat mengenai penggunaan ubat gigi - apa jenama / s / lebih disukai? Kekerapan memberus gigi? Kekerapan lawatan doktor pergigian setahun, kekerapan masalah pergigian termasuk kerosakan, Menjual data - Bertanya syarikat ubat gigi yang berminat untuk menerima data penyelidikan. Apakah perkhidmatan atau produk yang boleh diberikan kepada pelajar sebagai pertukaran data penyelidikan? Daripada aktiviti keusahawanan ini, murid akan belajar dan mempraktikkan perkara berikut: o Murid menggunakan tingkah laku yang dipelajari untuk meneutralkan tabiat diet
hariannya dan ini memerlukan refleksi diri dan disiplin diri. Apabila ini dilakukan secara tetap, murid akan membina tabiat yang baik untuk gaya hidup yang lebih sihat. o Apabila guru mengajar para pelajar untuk mempersoalkan sebab-sebab sakit perut dan akibat yang dihasilkan, guru membina pemikiran penyelidikan, di samping mencari hubungan dengan perkara-perkara yang berlaku di sekitar kehidupan harian kita. . Daripada aktiviti ini, pelajar akan dapat mewujudkan kesedaran antara rakan-rakan tentang teknik memberus dan memflos gigi dengan betul untuk kesihatan pergigian yang baik. Sebahagian aktiviti lazim usahawan social adalah mewujudkan kesedaran serta menggerakkan masyarakat ke arah kehidupan yang lebih sihat. Pautan berikut boleh dilawati: g.pdf?la=en (Kalau pelajar berminat, aktiviti keusahawanan boleh melibatkan penjualan muffin.)
Section C Bilingual Lesson Plan 5 This lesson plan was placed on ResearchGate, an online platform, to obtain feedback from the international research community and a digital object identifier, DOI (Yeoh, 2017g). Topic/ Title Topik/ Tajuk
Grade level Tingkatan Chapter 6 Bab 6 Subtopic 6.15 Subtopik 6.15 Book Reference Time allotment Teacher Kompetensi pembelajaran/ competency
TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT IN FOOD PROCESSING PERKEMBANGAN TEKNOLOGI DALAM PENGELUARAN MAKANAN Form 4 Biology Biologi Tingkatan 4 Nutrition; pp.101-148 Nutrisi, ms.101-148 Technological Development in Food Processing; p.143 Teknologi dalam pengeluaran makanan; ms.143 Biology Form 4 ; Bakaprep Sdn. Bhd., 2005; ISBN: 978-983-2739-01-2 70-80 minutes Guru Sains// Dr. Miranda Yeoh Learning 1. Murid akan mempelajari apakah pemprosesan makanan, dan sebab-sebab mengapa pemprosesan makanan diperlukan untuk menjadikan makanan lebih menarik dan enak. Memasak adalah kaedah pemprosesan makanan yang paling biasa, dan ia dilakukan oleh semua orang di seluruh dunia. 2. Pelajar juga akan terlibat dalam projek yang memerlukan mereka untuk memasak dan menjual makanan kepada rakan-rakan, ibu bapa dan guru. Ini adalah satu projek yang besar, dan para pelajar perlu menanam beberapa kemahiran keusahawanan seperti perancangan, pengambilan risiko, bertindak sepasukan dan telus. (Projek ini mungkin memerlukan 2 minggu.)
Objektif Pada akhir pelajaran, pelajar harus dapat: 1. Terangkan apakah pemprosesan makanan 2. Jelaskan mengapa perlu untuk memproses makanan 3. Huraikan aplikasi pemprosesan makanan dalam kehidupan seharian. 1. ELICIT (Akses pengetahuan terdahulu) Alat / bahan (Pelajar telah diperkenalkan kepada konsep pemakanan, Kertas soalan, kekurangan zat makanan, diet seimbang, pencernaan, Kad skor penyerapan dan asimilasi makanan yang dicerna, proses
buang air besar, tabiat pemakanan, makronutrien dan mikronutrien dalam tumbuhan, dan fotosintesis.) Guru menggunakan kuiz bertulis pendek untuk menguji pengetahuan pelajar terdahulu. Kaedah pengujian ini akan menilaikan pengetahuan semua pelajar, bukan hanya mereka yang selalu mempunyai jawapan yang tersedia.
Soalan: 1. Jelaskan diet seimbang? 2. Nama penyakit apabila seseorang kurang vitamin A. 3. Huraikan penyakit apabila seseorang kurang vitamin A. 4. Namakan penyakit apabila seseorang kurang vitamin C. 5. Huraikan keadaan apabila seseorang kurang vitamin C. 6. Huraikan keadaan seseorang yang mengalami kwashiorkor. 7. Apa yang boleh berlaku kepada kanak-kanak yang enggan makan sayur-sayuran? 8. Apakah makanan alternatif yang boleh digantikan di Q.7? 9. Apakah nutrien yang dibekalkan oleh sayur-sayuran berdaun hijau? (Berikan seberapa banyak yang anda boleh.) 10. Namakan 5 makanan yang berbeza yang kini ditempatkan di dasar piramid makanan moden. 2. ENGAGE (Dapatkan pelajar berfokus pada topik: Soalan pendek atau gambar) 1. Guru memimpin perbincangan, menghubungkan apa Maklumat dan gambar dari pautan yang perlu dipelajari kepada pengetahuan terdahulu. yang disenaraikan. Pelajar sudah biasa dengan ikan masin dan udang masin. Pautan A: Ikan masin Guru bertanya, "Adakah anda tahu mengapa makanan Pautan B: timun acar (acar) tersebut di masinkan?" (Lihat pautan A.) Pautan A: Ikan masin Https:// Soalan: Bagaimanakah anda berfikir garam bertindak sebagai garam pengawet ikan? 2. Guru menunjukkan imej jeruk timun (Malaysia acar timun), Link B. Https:// c570b3701.jpg Soalan: Bagaimana cuka bertindak sebagai pengawet Pautan B: Gambar acar timun timun dan sayuran dalam hidangan acar timun? 3. EXPLORE (Sediakan pelajar dengan pengalaman yang sama)
Guru bertanya, "Apakah cara paling biasa untuk memproses makanan?” Guru boleh memberi petunjuk bahawa aktiviti umum ini dilakukan di dapur di seluruh dunia. Cara yang paling biasa untuk memproses makanan adalah dengan memasak. Memasak adalah memproses makanan supaya ia dapat dicerna dan ia juga meningkatkan rasa dan penampilan makanan. Guru memberitahu pelajar bahawa kita perlu makan makanan yang dimasak. Guru memimpin perbincangan mengenai kaedah memasak dan kaedah pemprosesan makanan yang tidak melibatkan penggunaan haba. Konsep utama: Pemprosesan makanan akan menjadikan makanan yang sesuai untuk penggunaan dan pencernaan, selain meningkatkan rasa dan penampilan makanan. Ia juga menghalang kerosakan makanan. 4. EXPLAIN (Mengajar konsepnya. Harus termasuk interaksi antara guru dan pelajar Guru menjelaskan tujuan pemprosesan makanan adalah Guru akan bertanya soalan yang untuk mengekalkan makanan, dengan mengatasi faktor- sesuai untuk mengukuhkan konsep faktor yang menyebabkan kerosakan makanan. Oleh itu, utama. pemprosesan makanan boleh mengekalkan kesegaran makanan. Ini menghalang pembaziran makanan, dan menghalang keracunan makanan. Pemprosesan makanan dan pemeliharaan memanjangkan jangka hayat makanan dari: o Tindakan mikrob (ini boleh mengakibatkan keracunan makanan), o Pengoksidaan makanan (ini berlaku apabila oksigen bertindak balas dengan bahan seperti enzim dari sel dalam makanan), o Minyak teroksida (rancidity) Makanan juga diproses untuk meningkatkan nilai komersilnya, dengan menambah bahan tambahan, termasuk rempah, yang mengekalkan kesegaran, dan meningkatkan rasa, penampilan dan tekstur. Tetapi bahan tambahan/ additives mungkin mempunyai kesan buruk pada manusia. Makanan juga diproses untuk mempelbagaikan kegunaannya. Sebagai contoh, susu diproses menjadi keju, yogurt, mentega dan ais krim. Pemprosesan makanan termasuk memasak, penapaian, pempasteuran, pengetinan, dan penyejukan. Semua kaedah ini mengekalkan jangka hayat makanan, dan meningkatkan rasa dan penampilan makanan. Kunci Konsep: 1. Penggaraman dan pengeringan ikan dan udang akan mengurangkan jumlah air / kelembapan yang ada yang
diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan mikrob. Oleh itu, garam / pengeringan dapat mengawetkan makanan. 2. Menggunakan cuka dalam acar (selain garam dan gula) akan mengurangkan pH, dan mikrob tidak boleh tumbuh dalam medium pH berasid yang rendah. Ini membolehkan pengawetan makanan. 3. Memasak adalah kaedah yang paling biasa untuk memelihara makanan, dan makanan yang dimasak bertahan lebih lama daripada makanan mentah. Memasak juga meningkatkan rasa makanan, dan menjadikannya mudah dicerna dalam sistem pencernaan manusia. 5. ELABORATE (Pelajar mengaplikasikan maklumat yang dipelajari di bawah 'EXPLAIN') Setelah mempelajari tentang pemprosesan makanan sebagai kaedah untuk memelihara makanan, pelajar akan menggunakan kaedah memasak (sebagai kaedah pemprosesan makanan) dan menggunakan rempah dan garam dalam masakan, supaya makanan sedap, wangi rempah, dan tetap segar sehingga dimakan. Kunci konsep: 1. Rempah mengandungi bahan yang menghalang pertumbuhan mikroba. 2. Rempah-rempah seperti lada, kayu manis, dan kunyit bertindak dengan sangat kuat terhadap mikroba, dan membantu mengekalkan kesegaran makanan. 6. EVALUATE/ MENILAI (Bagaimanakah anda tahu pelajar telah mempelajari konsep ini?) Mempersoalkan Penilaian pemahaman Sains 1. Terangkan secara ringkas 'pemprosesan makanan'. 2. Apakah bahan yang boleh di tambah dalam makanan untuk memeliharanya? 3. Jelaskan mengapa perlu untuk memproses makanan? 4. Huraikan aplikasi pemprosesan makanan dalam kehidupan seharian. 5. Apakah kaedah pemprosesan makanan yang biasa untuk ayam atau daging; dan untuk buah-buahan? Penilaian pemahaman Keusahawanan 1. Adakah pelajar menunjukkan minat untuk menjalankan aktiviti Keusahawanan? 2. Bilangan pelajar menunjukkan minat untuk menjalankan aktiviti Keusahawanan… 3. Apa kemahiran Keusahawanan yang dapat dibentuk? 4. Apakah sikap pelajar terhadap Keusahawanan sebelum dan selepas pembelajaran (dan aktiviti)? 7. EXTEND (Memahami pemahaman konseptual melalui penggunaan dalam konteks baru. Ini termasuk aktiviti yang menanamkan kemahiran keusahawanan dalam pendidikan STEM.) Setelah mempelajari tentang pemprosesan makanan sebagai kaedah untuk memelihara makanan,
pelajar akan menggunakan kaedah memasak (sebagai kaedah pemprosesan makanan) dan menggunakan rempah dan garam dalam masakan, supaya makanan berperisa rempah, sedap dan tetap segar sehingga dimakan. Mereka akan terlibat dalam projek keusahawanan Hari Kantin. Aktiviti keusahawanan yang berkaitan dengan pelajaran Guru memimpin pelajar untuk menganjurkan satu projek Hari Kantin. Kumpulan pelajar perlu menjalankan tugas-tugas berikut: o o o o o o o o
Berhubung dengan pentadbir sekolah untuk mendapatkan kebenaran, Berhubung dengan pengendali kantin untuk mendapatkan kerjasama, Menjemput ibu bapa ke hari kantin sekolah. Menyediakan modal kerja, mengira margin keuntungan, Perancangan menu, Memasak makanan, Menjual makanan dan minuman kepada guru, ibu bapa dan pelajar-pelajar, Menguruskan kebersihan gerai mereka.
Pelbagai kumpulan akan menjual pelbagai jenis makanan dan minuman: o Nasi campuran (dengan kari ikan, beberapa jenis sayur-sayuran, dan sebagainya) o Mi goreng (pedas dan tidak pedas) o Sandwich, o Popia o Kepingan pisang, kentang goreng, dan makanan ringan lain o Epal, pear, pisang, betik, tembikai air dll. o Minuman panas, minuman sejuk Dari projek Hari Kantin, pelajar akan mengamalkan kemahiran keusahawanan. o Perancangan Hari Kantin adalah tugas yang besar dengan begitu banyak aktiviti dan praperancangan yang terlibat. Ini akan menimbulkan keperluan perancangan yang teliti kepada pelajar. o Untuk melaksanakan pelan ini, terutamanya dalam kes kesegaran makanan dan untuk menyediakan makanan kepada tetamu luar (ibu bapa) adalah risiko yang besar. Aktiviti ini akan membantu pelajar mengambil risiko yang dikira/ calculated risks. o Projek besar seperti itu tidak boleh dilakukan secara sendirian. Ini akan mengajarkan kepentingnya bekerja satu pasukan. o Melakukan kira-kira akaun akan menunjukkan kepada pelajar nilai kejujuran dan ketelusan. o Projek yang melibatkan banyak wang yang menukar tangan memerlukan sistem perakaunan yang bersih, dan telus.
Section D CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS The first main idea behind this manual is that Entrepreneurship is a skill that can be learned and developed, like any other skill. However, students need opportunities to imbibe the skill. This leads to the second main idea that the secondary science classroom is a possible venue where students learn and develop this 21st century competency, whether or not they had opportunities to learn Entrepreneurship skills within the family. The bilingual 7E lesson plans are the research instruments. They are used to facilitate the teachers to implement the lessons, and to evaluate how well students have gained the science understandings, and how they carry out the entrepreneurship activity. We will measure their interest in entrepreneurship and how well they have imbibed the sub-skills, based on oral and written feedback on questionnaires, besides the teachers‟ observations. The sub-skills that are desirable for our students are from eight categories: Resiliency, Focus, Find and manage people/ self, Sell, Learn, Self- reflection, Self –reliance, and Ability to invest for long term (Aileron, 2013). It is recommended that the present author discuss the main ideas and try to convince the teachers of the need for students to gain entrepreneurship skills for life and work in the 21st century, when we need to develop our students to be job creators rather than job seekers. We recommend that teachers be motivated and be fully persuaded that they are able to pass the knowledge and skills of entrepreneurship to students, because teachers who are empowered will be the agents to empower students. The author is fully convinced that these goals are attainable. The author has obtained the approval of the Ministry of Education (MOE, EPRD) to carry out this research (Appendix A – Permission from EPRD). For a start, it will be a state-level research project, but the vision is to develop it and modify when needed to make it a national and regional project. The author is also fully convinced that these aims are attainable.
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