integrating sustainability issues into project ...

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impacts. Projects or deliverables of a project can have social, economic and environmental impacts that far outlast the projects themselves. Marisa A. Sánchez ...
Marisa A. Sánchez

Marisa Analía Sánchez Dpto. de Ciencias de la Administración, Universidad Nacional del Sur Bahía Blanca - Argentina

INTEGRATING SUSTAINABILITY ISSUES INTO PROJECT MANAGEMENT RESEARCH PRESENTATION Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Escola de Administração May 2014, Porto Alegre (Brazil)

Marisa A. Sánchez

Marisa A. Sánchez

Marisa A. Sánchez

Tom Furlong, Facebook's director of site operations, unveils the 'green' data centre in Lulea, Sweden.

Consumers will benefit from a range of different home energy management devices that can be connected to smart meters.

AirCarbon rearranges the carbon molecules from greenhouse gas emissions and produces a plastic that can then be used to make everyday plastic products.

The Museum of Transport in Glasgow. The city was awarded Marisa Sánchez £24mA.funding to implement its future cities programme.

JWT terminated its contract with a bottled water supplier, saving 9,200 litres and €2,050 a year.

The Jaguar Land Rover plant in Halewood, Liverpool. 85% of the company's new Range Rover is made from recyclable materials.

Nike is using a new system to measure the sustainability performance of more than 800 factories.

The power of footfall. An English company harnessed energy Marisa A. Sánchezarriving at the Olympic park during London from spectators 2012.

Beautiful business How does this affect how we should think and talk about sustainability? Marisa A. Sánchez

High sustainability companies Eccles, Robert G. and Ioannou, Ioannis and Serafeim, George, The Impact of Corporate Sustainability on Organizational Processes and Performance (November 23, 2011). Harvard Business School Working Paper Series 12-035. Available at SSRN: 

Sample of 180 US companies: 

90 High sustainability & 90 Low sustainability

1993-2009 Marisa A. Sánchez

High sustainability companies 

   

Board of directors formally responsible for sustainability. Top executive incentives as a function of sustainability metrics. Established process for stakeholder engagement. Long-term oriented. Higher disclosure of nonfinancial information. Outperform their LS counterparts in terms of stock market and accounting performance. Marisa A. Sánchez

Aim of research Selection and tracking of projects

Marisa A. Sánchez

Economic, environmental and social impacts Projects or deliverables of a project can have social, economic and environmental impacts that far outlast the projects themselves.

Marisa A. Sánchez

Project selection and tracking Aligning portfolio selection and monitoring with the principles of sustainable development requires evaluating and comparing several alternatives and ranking them based on their immediate costs, long-term costs and contribution to organizational goals.

Solar-affiliated software services and finance companies are attracting investments.

Hydrothermal carbonisation converting biomass Marisa A. Sánchez into environmentally-friendly biocoal.

Aim of research Develop a framework to help ensure that an organization is working on the right projects to attain its business strategy and stakeholders demands.

Marisa A. Sánchez

Literature review Intersection of Project Management and Sustainability

Marisa A. Sánchez

Literature review 

Project management according to sustainable principles 

Gareis, R., Heumann, M., Martinuzzi, A., 2009. Relating Sustainable Development and Project Management. IRNOP IX, Berlin.

Life Cycle Assessment of projects 

Labuschagne, C., Brent, A., 2003. A proposed lifecycle impact assessment framework for South Africa from available environmental data. S. Afr. J. Sci. 99, 115e122. Labuschagne, C., Brent, A., 2005. Sustainable project life cycle management: the need to integrate life cycles in the manufacturing sector. Int. J. Proj. Manag. 23, 159e168. Labuschagne, C., Brent, A., 2008. An industry perspective of the completeness and relevance of a social assessment framework for project and technology management in the manufacturing sector. J. Clean. Prod. 16, 253e262.

Marisa A. Sánchez

Literature review 

The problem of selecting the best portfolio with respect to the organizational strategy that includes sustainable goals: 

Vandaele, N., Decouttere, C., 2013. Sustainable R&D portfolio assessment. Decis. Support Syst. 54, 1521e1532.

How to assess the strategy value contribution of Information Technology investments: 

Sánchez, M.A., Maçada, A.G., Sagardoy, M.d.V., 2014. Development of a strategy-oriented information technology investments assessment method. Int. J. Manag. Proj. Bus. Adm. 7, 43-60. Marisa A. Sánchez


Marisa A. Sánchez

Steps 1. 2. 3. 4.

Stakeholder analysis Strategy Map and Balanced Scorecard Sustainability analysis (Life Cycle Analysis) Optimization of projects

Marisa A. Sánchez

Illustrative example Alas Ingenieria – Small IT company that provides engineering and informaion mangement solutions to industrial plants. Marisa A. Sánchez

1. Stakeholder analysis     

Shareowners Employees Customers Community Local universities

Marisa A. Sánchez

2. Strategy Map

Marisa A. Sánchez

Stakeholders and goals

Marisa A. Sánchez

2. Balanced Scorecard (partial)

Marisa A. Sánchez

Marisa A. Sánchez

4. Portfolio selection

Marisa A. Sánchez

4. Portfolio selection. DEA data

Marisa A. Sánchez

4. Project monitoring

x t0

x t1

x t2 Marisa A. Sánchez

4. Project monitoring. DEA data

Marisa A. Sánchez

4. Project monitoring. Scores

Ongoing projects are inefficient compared with planned counterparts: planning errors, projects are not closed, or benefits have not been realized. Marisa A. Sánchez

4. Projects monitoring Project





Replace aging outdated equipment with new energy efficient ones






Realized costs higher than forecasts

Replace aging outdated equipment with new water efficient ones







Decisions: Continue/Closed/Cancel/Postpone.

Marisa A. Sánchez

Realized costs higher than forecasts

Thank you very much for your attention!

[email protected] Marisa A. Sánchez