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John M. Carroll1, Mark K. Singley, and Mary Beth Rosson. Abstract: In this ..... We are grateful to Susan Chipman, John Karat, Wendy Kellogg, Bob Mack, and.
Integrating Theory Development with Design Evaluation John M. Carroll1, Mark K. Singley, and Mary Beth Rosson Abstract: In this paper, we recruit the construct of psychological design rationale as a framework for integrating theory development with design evaluation in HCI. We propose that, in some cases, part of an artifact’s psychological design rationale can be regarded as inherited from second-order artifacts (prescriptive design models, architectures and genres, tools and environments, interface styles). We show how evaluation data pertaining to an artifact can be used to test and develop the second-order artifacts from which it inherits. 1. Introduction If there is a central lesson we have learned well from 15 years of focused effort in HCI it is that we will always have to do lots of evaluation work to produce computer tools and environments suitable for human use (Hewett, 1986; Holleran, 1991; Howard & Murray, 1987; Karat, 1988; Ravden & Johnson, 1989; Wright & Monk, 1989). But for this very reason, we must struggle to leverage our efforts, to do the most pertinent evaluation work we can and to get the most information out of the work we do. To a great extent, the pertinence of evaluation work is backed by intuitive know-how from personal experience. There is no doubt that evaluation is partly an art and that this is the way it will always be. However, the field has cultivated a long-term interest in supplementing this practice with theory-directed evaluation, that is, evaluation work warranted by explicit analysis. A classic example is the use of the model human processor, and its development as GOMS, in evaluating text editors (Card, Moran & Newell, 1983). But even when pertinent, evaluation work is frequently inefficient. For example, a typical usability evaluation might involve collecting 10 to 100 hours of user interaction, and spending 5 to 15 times that in analyzing data. The work will, we know, usually turn up some important usability problems and may suggest directions in which to alter a design to improve its usability. But when the data have been interpreted and the design changes implemented, it is quite possible that this rich body of evaluation work will find no further use. From the standpoint of getting the most information out of the evaluation work we do, this is troubling. We would like to be able to extract and save whatever generalizations may inhere in HCI domains and situations. We would certainly like to avoid throwing away thoughtful empirical work that we ought to be able to cumulate in some way. If we could regularly “save” even a small percentage of the evaluation effort in the field, just think of the leverage! In this paper, we develop a proposal for integrating theory development with design evaluation in HCI. We try to show how the psychological design rationale for an artifact — a kind of representation we originally developed to support generative problem-solving in design — might be used to direct credit/blame attributions from evaluation data both to properties of artifacts (as per the usual logic of evaluation) and to properties of secondorder artifacts, for example, prescriptive design models, architectures and genres, interface styles. This latter kind of credit/blame attribution is the mechanism we are proposing for 1

Current address: Center for Human-Computer Interaction, 660 McBryde Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0106 U.S.A

saving generalizations from evaluation work. 2. Evaluation: terms and concepts Scriven’s (1967) paper “The methodology of evaluation” is a classic discussion of the goals and processes of evaluation work. Scriven introduced the terms formative and summative to distinguish between two roles evaluation work can play in the development process. Formative evaluation seeks to identify aspects of a design that can be improved. Summative evaluation seeks to gauge a design outcome. Scriven stresses that various methods and approaches to evaluation can and indeed should be able to play both of these evaluation roles. Scriven distinguished between two basic approaches to evaluation: intrinsic evaluation and pay-off evaluation. He characterized the difference with an example: If you want to evaluate a tool, say an axe, you might study the design of the bit, the weight distribution, the steel alloy used, the grade of hickory in the handle, etc., or you might just study the kind and speed of the cuts it makes in the hands of a good axeman. A key problem with pay-off evaluation is that while one might discover that a design is disappointing, or perhaps that it is inferior to an alternative design — even in the hands of an expert — one has little systematic basis for attributing shortcomings or strengths to specific aspects of the design. We cannot even pose the question, for instance, of whether the designers unsuccessfully pursued worthwhile goals, or successfully pursued inadequate goals. This is a serious limitation vis-à-vis the formative evaluation role: “... we cannot institute a remedial program — our only recourse is to start all over.” (Scriven, 1967: 60). Intrinsic evaluation, on the other hand, is seemingly mired in goals. One imputes and reasons about the implicit goals embodied by aspects of a design, makes value judgments about these goals, takes positions on inherent tradeoffs among goals. In doing this, one must struggle with the distinction between goals a designer might have articulated but not achieved and those that are implicit in the design, even though perhaps not articulated by the designers (Scriven, 1967: 54). One must also struggle with the problem that the goal descriptions rendered by the designer or by the analyst may not be “testable” (in the sense of pay-off evaluation; Scriven, 1967: 55). As Scriven summarized this, “One of the charms of the pay-off type of evaluation is the lack of charm, indeed messiness, of a thorough intrinsic evaluation.” (Scriven, 1967: 54). Scriven proposed a compromise, or melding, of intrinsic and pay-off evaluation in his notion of mediated evaluation. He suggested focusing on explicit goal formulation in the earliest stages of design, on intrinsic evaluation and modification of goals throughout the design process, and on the embodiment of the goal analysis in pay-off evaluation materials (Scriven, 1967: 55-60). Early and continuing intrinsic evaluation keeps the design goals in view for the designers; directing the intrinsic evaluation toward pay-off evaluation encourages formulating design goals as testable issues (Lakatos, 1978; Popper, 1965; cf. Kuhn, 1970, Sayer, 1984); directing pay-off evaluation toward intrinsic evaluation provides conceptual guidance for credit/blame attributions and thereby for redesign work. 3. The task-artifact framework For several years, we have been developing an approach to theory in HCI that takes as its basic ontology the artifacts we build and the user tasks that give them meaning. Our motivation has been to “shorten” the linking argumentation that bridges between theoretical

analysis and design work, and thereby to facilitate the use and development of theory in HCI design work — including evaluation. The springboard for our analysis is the observation that designed artifacts (hardware, software, applications, interfaces) can be interpreted as theories, as embodying myriad specific claims about their users and the circumstances of their use (Carroll & Campbell, 1989). For example, a programming environment can be seen as embodying a range of claims about what programmers know, what they do, what they experience, about the nature of programming tasks and the contexts within which these tasks are carried out. In our approach, the psychological design rationale of an artifact-in-use is articulated in causal relations between properties of an artifact and specific psychological consequences, under the scope of a usage situation. Thus, for example, including animated demonstrations in a programming environment supports learning by exploration for situations in which a programmer wonders what sorts of projects to work on. Such claims can be grounded in general laws of psychology, specific user data, etc. We collect such causal relations into schematic structures incorporating both conjectured goals in the design, and downside risks that might obtain, to wit: IN , CAUSES , BUT MAY ALSO CAUSE The claim schema for demos alluded to above could be rendered as follows: Demos claim: For the beginning Smalltalk programmer who is wondering what sorts of projects to work on, providing interactive graphic demos orients and motivates learners by engaging prior knowledge; but may offer too little for the learner to do (because they are highly scripted), may serve as poor learning models (because they are not paradigmatic application designs), and/or may be useless as models (because the code for the demos is hard to find). When this style of analysis and design representation is developed for a variety of typical and critical use situations (things users characteristically want to do and need to do, as well as the momentous events of user interaction, breakthrough insights and errors) we call it a psychological design rationale. Such an intrinsic evaluation of the psychology embodied in a designed artifact can broadly support design analysis; we have used it to clarify and track goals, consequences, and tradeoffs through the course of design argumentation in several recent projects (Bellamy & Carroll, 1991; Carroll, Kellogg & Rosson, 1991; Carroll & Rosson, 1991; Rosson & Carroll, 1991; Singley, Carroll & Alpert, 1991). What we will sketch here is an implementation of Scriven’s concept of mediated evaluation using our notion of psychological design rationale as the intrinsic evaluation and conventional usability testing as the pay-off evaluation. 4. An example of mediated evaluation In our analysis, the design of the Smalltalk language and environment embodies the demos claim. For several years, we have studied the development of programming skill in this domain; most of this work has involved protocol analysis of procedural programmers undertaking introductory Smalltalk projects. The upside clause of the demos claim is verified in these observations, that is, the demos do encourage learning by doing.2 2

Other aspects of Smalltalk also encourage learning by doing, for example, access to lots of interpreted source code via the class hierarchy browser, including the code for the system tools, and the ability to instantiate and exercise complex objects to determine their functionality (Bellamy & Carroll, 1990; Carroll

However, the downside clauses of the claim are also abundantly illustrated in our observations. We concluded that the demos failed to afford significant learner activity and to provide paradigmatic learning models. On balance, we had to regard the demos as a problematic feature (Carroll & Rosson, 1991). Our interests were in formative evaluation, and hence we were led to address the downside clauses through redesign — to provide opportunities for exploration and more representative learning models. Our redesign involved providing learners with an interactive application crafted to be both paradigmatic (of Smalltalk’s model-view-controller application framework) and intrinsically motivating (we chose a popular card game, blackjack). It also involved providing a set of integrated software tools for analyzing interactive applications, the View Matcher (Carroll, Singer, Bellamy & Alpert, 1990). This redesign entrained a revision in our intrinsic evaluation of Smalltalk (that is, for Smalltalk running the View Matcher environment): Blackjack claim: For the beginning Smalltalk programmer who is wondering what sorts of projects to work on, providing a paradigmatically-designed blackjack application embedded in the View Matcher tool orients and motivates learners by engaging prior knowledge; but the game may also encourage context-specific learning (because the learning occurs in a single, familiar context), and playing at the expense of learning (because just playing the game may be too engaging an activity). Our pay-off evaluation work on Smalltalk learning has continued. For example, we found that for some learners blackjack was not as familiar a card game as we had anticipated; we added a summary of the rules to our instructional materials (Rosson, Carroll & Bellamy, 1990). But this also indicated that the blackjack claim of our intrinsic evaluation needed another downside clause (e.g., “but the game may introduce learning burdens of its own if it is not sufficiently familiar to the learner”). We also verified that the blackjack application did provide a good learning-by-doing model for programmers: though they often did “just” play several rounds of blackjack, this experience demonstrably helped to ground their understanding of the application functionality when they subsequently tried to determine how it worked. We regarded this as a useful formative evaluation cycle. Our intrinsic evaluation of Smalltalk in terms of claims reified specific usability goals as we worked on the View Matcher and provided a structure for making credit/blame attributions from learner data to features of the Smalltalk environment. Indeed, there is still room for improvement in our work and if we do that work, we feel we know where to put further effort. 5. Evaluating second-order artifacts An aspect of this example that we want to stress here is that it provided us with an opportunity to generalize and save the results of our evaluation work, to further develop the theories underpinning the new designs we were evaluating. Thus, a richer view of our formative evaluation activities can be developed by noting that the demos claim and the blackjack claim can both be regarded as specializations of a more abstract claim (see Figure 1): Microworld claim: For a learner who is wondering what sorts of activities are appropriate, providing a simplified, familiar task-environment (a microworld) orients & Rosson, 1991; Rosson & Carroll, 1991). This circumstance of non-unique causes is, of course, another strong incentive to do intrinsic evaluation.

and motivates the learner by engaging prior knowledge and gives the learner a framework for integrating and applying learning experiences.

Microworlds (integrative framework) significant activity, representative project

familiar, but not too engaging

Smalltalk (scripted demos)

MiTTS (blackjack game)

Figure 1. The blackjack claim and the demos claim specialize the microworld claim using this inheritance structure (solid lines), boundary conditions on the microworld claim can be adduced from pay-off evaluations of its specializations (dashed arrows) This microworld claim is developed by Papert (1980: 55-76, 120-13) in describing a prescriptive design model for education (i.e., a second-order artifact in our terms). Papert grounds the claim in a Piagetian analysis of learning which asserts that a key achievement in mastering a complex and abstract domain is the learner’s construction of a “transitional system,” an intuitive understanding that effectively guides concrete interactions with the world. He urges that learners (in his case, children learning physics and mathematics) be provided with microworlds simple enough to be quickly grasped in a transitional system, but rich and open-ended enough to encourage active investigations — which ultimately will stimulate the learner to move beyond the transitional understanding to a mature understanding of the abstract structure (partially) instantiated in the microworld. The demos claim and the blackjack claim can be analyzed as specializations of the microworld claim in that they more narrowly fix the learning domain (programming in Smalltalk) and the nature of the learner’s microworld (graphic demos or a blackjack game). They also explicitly specify potential downsides of their respective microworlds. Citing these specialization relations among claims allows us to develop theory out of evaluation work. As is frequently the case with theory, Papert’s microworld claim is somewhat underspecified both with respect to domain boundary conditions and with respect to potential downsides. If we can analyze a particular claim as a specialization of a

more general theoretical claim, we can then adduce the situational and qualificational clauses in the claim to the theory as boundary conditions, as schematized in Figure 1. For example, our empirical observations pertaining to the demos claim suggest that the microworld claim should emphasize that for Smalltalk programming (and perhaps more generally) the microworld should afford significant learner activity and the microworld project should be representative of projects in the larger world. Our observations pertaining to the blackjack claim suggest that the microworld claim should stress the learner’s familiarity with suggested microworld projects. Indeed, Papert did discuss these conditions (though he did not emphasize the empirical possibility that the conditions could fail). He did not, however, discuss the downside in the blackjack claim that activity within the microworld might actually distract learners’ attention from learning. This example illustrates how the microworld claim can be instantiated in particular artifacts, but also how the claim can be qualified (at least for these artifacts, and perhaps more generally). This is the kind of theory development we would like to facilitate within evaluation work. 6. An example of multiple inheritance We now turn to a more complex example in which a claim embodied in a concrete artifact specializes more than one claim embodied in second-order artifacts. We believe that this is an important structural relationship for understanding how theories can be used and developed in design. The laboratory-inspired idealization that complex artifacts uniquely instantiate theories has understandably led many practitioners to conclude that theorists are out of their depth in fathoming real design (and can lead to a backlash view that complex artifacts never instantiate theory in any useful sense). Our example is drawn from evaluation of MiTTS (Minimalist Tutorial and Tools for Smalltalk; Rosson et al., 1990). MiTTS presents Smalltalk instruction involving analysis of an interactive blackjack application: the model (or basic functionality) is presented first, the learner explores and analyzes only the model; subsequently in the instruction, the model plus its view (or graphical interface) is presented to the learner. The model-view distinction is fundamental to Smalltalk application design. Our intrinsic evaluation with respect to this design feature is summarized in two claims.3 The model-view claim addresses the consequence for the learner of emphasizing this distinction between the basic functionality and its graphical presentation: Model-view claim: For the Smalltalk learner trying to understand the blackjack application, emphasizing the model-view distinction helps the programmer differentiate between an application object and its presentation, but may encourage a programming style that proliferates objects and message-sends. The model-first claim addresses the consequence for the learner of an instructional sequence in which the basic functionality is initially introduced without its associated graphics: Model-first claim: For the Smalltalk learner trying to understand the blackjack application, working with the model first provides a foundation for working with the 3

Our complete working analysis of MiTTS and of the two second-order artifacts we discuss in this example is presented in the Appendix to this paper. Our reason for including all this material is to indicate the scope and size of a "real" evaluation of the sort we characterize in this paper; the examples discussed in the text are necessarily small and appear out of context. See Carroll, Singley & Rosson (1991) for discussion of another multiple-inheritance evaluation also drawn from this evaluation data and analysis.

model-view aggregate, but may disappoint learners’ expectations about working with graphical applications. The upside and downside consequences hypothesized in these claims were evident in our pay-off evaluation work. For example, one subject commented “that sure doesn’t look like a graphical interface; I thought that was what Smalltalk was all about!” The subject was disappointed, but persevered. Subsequently, in the tutorial, he was happy to see the graphical view of the application: “This is what I suspect I really need to know;” and later, “Yeah! They [the card hands] look a lot better than that other thing did.” Nevertheless, he was able to use his understanding of the model to make sense of the model-view aggregate (which learners often do not in early stages of Smalltalk learning): “the model objects are doing the work, like what we saw in that little cryptic sort of mathematical-looking line;” and he seemed to grasp the important model-view distinction, “model over here, and interface over here.” Though the model-view and the model-first claims are very specific to MiTTS and the Smalltalk programming domain, they can also be seen as specializations of more general types of claims. All instruction must structure and sequence its content, and these claims express how MiTTS does this and the consequences that can ensue for learners. More specifically, the MiTTS model-first claim can be analyzed as specializing the decomposition claim (see Table 3 in the Appendix), central to the “systems approach” instructional model (Gagne & Briggs, 1979): Decomposition claim: For the learner trying to accomplish complex learning objectives, decomposing target objectives into component enabling objectives and training each of these in turn allows complex target objectives to be systematically built up from parts; but this organization may not facilitate retrieval and application in task settings and the learner may reject a learning objective that fails to be personally meaningful. The reason for presenting the model first is to provide the learner with a simpler learning objective which can help provide a foundation for subsequently achieving a more complex objective — understanding the model-view aggregate. The systems approach specifies little about the components into which a complex learning objective is to be decomposed; it merely specifies that training each component in turn will add up in the end to the original target objective. We found further constraint for the component objectives of MiTTS in the minimalist model (Carroll, 1990), namely, the constraint that learners should always be working on realistic tasks: Realistic task claim: For the learner trying to understand a task domain, working on a realistic task provides an appropriate framework for integrating and applying learning experiences; but realistic tasks may be too difficult and there may be too many kinds of task settings to support. Developing and exercising model objects is a realistic task, and an important one for Smalltalk programming (indeed, Smalltalk developers often first implement the model and only then its views; Goldberg, 1990). MiTTS presents the model-only task as a framework for integrating subsequent learning about graphical applications. In this sense. the modelfirst claim can also be analyzed as a specialization of the minimalist realistic task claim.

Minimalism (realistic tasks)

dependency between realistic and meaningful

Systems Approach (decomposition)

task-based components

MiTTS (model-first)

Figure 2. The model-first claim specializes both the realistic task claim and the decomposition claim using this inheritance structure (solid lines), boundary conditions on both second-level claims can be adduced from pay-off evaluation of their specialization (dashed arrows) Focusing on these inheritance relations can guide intrinsic evaluation. For example, the decomposition claim warns that a learner may reject a learning objective that fails to be personally meaningful. The realistic task claim warns that there may be too many kinds of task settings to support, and it is a problem that MiTTS relies so singularly on the typicality of the blackjack project. By making this intrinsic evaluation explicit, subsequent pay-off evaluation data can be adduced to the models (in this case the systems approach and the minimalist model) as well as to the concrete artifacts themselves. In evaluating MiTTS, we found that learners were sometimes initially disappointed with the model-only project; this suggests a boundary condition for the realistic task claim, an additional downside clause at least as strong as “but for Smalltalk programming, realistic but limited tasks may not be experienced as meaningful,” and perhaps as general as “but for complex skill domains, realistic but limited tasks may not be experienced as meaningful;” see Figure 2. We also found that learners were able to apply their initial understanding of the blackjack model in analyzing the model-view aggregate, suggesting an elaboration of one of the downsides of the decomposition claim, weakening it under specific circumstances: “but this organization may not facilitate retrieval and application in task settings, unless the original decomposition of learning objectives was based on task components.” Again, see Figure 2. We are not arguing that integrating intrinsic evaluation, in the sense of psychological design rationale, and pay-off evaluation provide an automatic mechanism for interpreting empirical data or developing theories. Only human judgment can provide these (and it is inevitably bound to contexts of negotiated meanings (Sayer, 1984), scientific paradigms (Kuhn,

1970), research programmes (Lakatos, 1978), and other social structures). Rather, we suggest that this integration can provide guidance for interpreting data in an inheritance hierarchy of more and less abstract theories, and for attributing data to test and develop relevant theories at potentially many levels of abstraction. The examples illustrate how our own evaluation of Smalltalk learning and instruction can be both interpreted by and adduced to a variety of theories. 7. Evaluation as theory development In this paper, we have taken up an aggressive interpretation of Scriven’s (1967) concept of mediated evaluation. We have described a framework for integrating what he called intrinsic evaluation with pay-off evaluation. In our framework, the intrinsic evaluation of an HCI artifact is its psychological design rationale, a set of causal claims relating specific features of the artifact to specific psychological consequences for its users. We have elaborated this basic framework by applying the same kind of intrinsic evaluation to what we called second-order artifacts (prescriptive design models, architectures and genres, tools and environments, interface styles) and describing an inheritance mechanism through which concrete artifacts can be analyzed as specializing the claims of second-order artifacts. This inheritance structure allows pay-off evaluation data to be attributed not only to the claims embodied in the concrete artifact that was empirically measured, but to the secondorder artifacts from which the concrete artifact inherits portions of its psychological design rationale. We have illustrated how pay-off evaluation data can be attributed to, and empirically conditionalize, second-order, or theoretical, artifacts. Confronting these boundary conditions develops HCI theory both by explicitly specifying illustrative conditions under which theoretical abstractions apply (and thereby guiding by example the future application of theory) and by cumulating the known qualifications on each theory’s generality (and thereby facilitating — indeed making public and unavoidable — the empirical rejection or refactoring of overly qualified theories). This is a salutary opportunity; failing to track and exploit boundary conditions stymies theory development and application, and can lead to an inadvertent over-selling of theoretical generality. Another channel for developing theory through design evaluation is that of inducing and conjecturing new claims from empirical discoveries (we have not discussed this channel in this paper). Characteristically in pay-off evaluation work, we observe unexpected situations of use or consequences for the user. When we infer causal relations between features of a concrete artifact and consequences for the user in a situation, we have hypothesized new claims. These may be relatively benign discoveries that merely detail the psychological design rationale for a particular artifact; they may of course also be kernel claims for new second-level artifacts (but describing theory discovery is beyond the scope of this paper); or they may actually conflict with claims already conjectured as part of an intrinsic evaluation of the artifact (some of which may be inherited from second-order artifacts). When empirically-induced claims conflict with analytically-induced claims, we have a case of “competitive argumentation” (VanLehn, Brown & Greeno, 1984): we need to give up part of the intrinsic evaluation (Popper, 1965), adduce further evidence or argument for the competing claims, and perhaps radically refactor our psychological design rationale. Again, we see this as a powerful opportunity; we believe that theory development and application (in HCI and in science generally) can be stymied by insulating itself from unexpected pay-off evaluation data (inadvertently conflating “unexpected” with “irrelevant” — Kuhn, 1970; Lakatos, 1978). We surely do not wish to be heard as insisting that pay-off evaluation be universally

burdened with an additional responsibility — as if it wasn’t hard enough to do as things are! We are aware that it is frequently miraculous that a pay-off evaluation is carried out at all and that there often is neither time nor organizational latitude to broaden the mission of such work. Our concern is at the opposite end of the spectrum: when there is time and latitude, we are concerned that opportunities not be missed. Pay-off evaluation work in HCI is potentially a great resource to theory development; we want to help realize that potential to the extent that external factors do not rule it out a priori. Acknowledgments We are grateful to Susan Chipman, John Karat, Wendy Kellogg, Bob Mack, and Linda Tetzlaff for comments on this work. ORIGINAL PUBLICATION INFORMATION Carroll, J.M., Singley, M.K. & Rosson, M.B. 1992. Integrating theory development with design evaluation. Behaviour and Information Technology, 11, 247-255. REFERENCES Bellamy, R.K.E. & Carroll, J.M. (1990). Redesign by design. In D. Diaper, D. Gilmore, G. Cockton & B. Shackel, (Eds.), Human-Computer Interaction: Interact’90. (27-31 August, Cambridge, England). New York: North-Holland, pp. 199-205. Bellamy, R.K.E. & Carroll, J.M. (1992).Structuring the programmer’s task. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, in press. Carroll, J.M. (1990). The Nurnberg Funnel: Designing Minimalist instruction for practical computer skill. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Carroll, J.M., & Campbell, R.L. (1989). Artifacts as psychological theories: The case of human-computer interaction. Behaviour and Information Technology, 8, 247-256. Carroll, J.M., Kellogg, W.A., & Rosson, M.B. (1991). The task-artifact cycle. In J.M. Carroll (Ed.), Designing interaction: Psychology at the human-computer interface New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 74-102. Carroll, J.M. & Rosson, M.B. (1991). Deliberated evolution: Stalking the View Matcher in design space. Human-Computer Interaction, 6, 281-318. Carroll, J.M., Singer, J.A., Bellamy, R.K.E., & Alpert, S.R. (1990). A view matcher for learning Smalltalk. In J.C. Chew & J. Whiteside (Eds.) Proceedings of CHI’90: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 431-437, New York: ACM. Carroll, J.M., Singley, M.K., & Rosson, M.B. (1991). Toward an architecture for instructional evaluation. In L. Birnbaum (Ed.), Proceedings of the International Conference on the Learning Sciences 1991, (Chicago, 4-7 August),Charlottesville, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, pp. 85-90. Card, S.K., Moran, T.P., & Newell, A. (1983). The psychology of human-computer interaction. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Gagne, R.M., & Briggs, L.J. (1979). Principles of instructional design. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Goldberg, A. 1990 (July). Information models, views, and controllers. Dr. Dobb’s Journal, #166, 54-61. Hewett, T. (1986). The role of iterative evaluation in designing systems for usability. In M.D. Harrison & A.F. Monk (Eds.), People and computers: Designing for usability. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Holleran, P.A. (1991). A methodological note on the pitfalls of usability testing. Behaviour and Information Technology, 10, 345-357. Howard, S. & Murray, D.M. (1987). An outline of techniques for evaluating the human-

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perceived complexity of Smalltalk, but experienced programmers may be frustrated by not having access to all classes and to code, and this could cause negative transfer in the full system environment (1d) specifying the function but not the message name in procedures forces learners to infer or retrieve the connections between goals and methods, but they might not have access to enough information to reason successfully and may become anxious about bearing such responsibilities (1e) working with the model first provides a foundation for working with the model-view aggregate, but may disappoint expectations about working with graphical applications (1f) permanent display and coordination of tools with the blackjack game focuses and motivates learners in the context of error diagnosis and recovery, but interpretation can be obstructed by the complexity of the display (1g) developing a single example in some depth promotes an understanding of the context in which Smalltalk programming skills are exercised, but the learner doesn’t see components in a range of contexts (1h) organizing methods and classes into projects provides a task-oriented rubric for reusing them by analogy, but may not cover the Smalltalk domain evenly and thoroughly (1i) emphasizing browsing and code comprehension skills equips the learner to search for and reuse code, but other skills like code generation may not be developed (1j) specifying the function but not the message name in an exercise strengthens connections between goals and methods, but the methods generated and practiced may be non-optimal (1k) emphasizing the model-view distinction helps the programmer differentiate between an application object and its presentation, but may encourage a programming style that proliferates objects and message-sends (1l) self-directed exploration of BlackJack classes makes browsing skills more robust and accessible, but learners may pursue unproductive goals Table 2: Psychological claims embodied in the minimalist model (2a) working on a realistic task provides the learner with an appropriate framework for integrating and applying learning experiences, but realistic tasks may be too difficult and there may be too many kinds of task settings to support (2b) working on a familiar task orients and motivates learners by engaging prior knowledge, but may encourage context-specific learning, and engage inappropriate prior knowledge (2c) incorporating planning and acting throughout the learning experience helps orient the learner to applying knowledge and supports skill transfer, but increases task complexity (2d) retrieval, elaboration, and inference-making engage and sustain learners’ attention and make skills more robust and accessible, but learners might not have access to enough information to reason successfully, and learners may be anxious about bearing such

responsibilities (2e) diagnosing and recovering from errors focuses and motivates learners and helps sharpen a concept of correct performance, but errors can be frustrating and disrupt task goals Table 3: Psychological claims embodied in the systems approach model (3a) clearly specifying the immediate learning objective and the performance criteria to be used in assessing success helps the learner orient to the instructional situation and recognize when learning has occurred, but the learner may focus too narrowly on meeting performance criteria, and this may highlight the learner’s failures to meet criteria (3b) decomposing target objectives into component enabling objectives and training each of these in turn allows complex target objectives to be systematically built up from parts, but this organization may not facilitate retrieval and application in task settings, and the learner may reject a learning objective that fails to be personally meaningful (3c) keeping directive instructions and learner practice in lock-step contiguity allows the learner to know exactly what to do and when, but this does not promote reflection or analysis on the part of the learner, and learners must relinquish control (3d) repetitive practice clarifies correct discriminations and smoothes performance, but complex tasks are not scripts (3e) making a pleasant, familiar experience contingent on a target performance reinforces the target performance, but this can undermine the intrinsic motivation for achievement