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JURNAL ETIKA. Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2010: 169-181. Integritas Diri dan Etika Lingkungan. 169. INTEGRITAS DIRI. DAN. ETIKA LINGKUNGAN. 1. GunardiĀ ...

Vol. 2, No. 2, November 2010: 169-181


INTEGRITAS DIRI DAN ETIKA LINGKUNGAN1 Gunardi Endro Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta [email protected]

Abstract By nature, human being has capacity to transcend himself from his natural environment, and yet is unable to escape from the fact that he is a being immanent in it. These two facts are essential to be simultaneously considered. But most thoughts in environmental ethics tend to emphasize one to the detriment of the other, viz. reducing human nature into either a transcendent being or an immanent being. In this paper, I argue that thoughts in environmental ethics that are based on such a reductive account of human nature are defective. Thus I propose an alternative account of environmental ethics that is based on integrity development, by integrating the transcending capacity and the immanent nature of human being with regard to his natural environment. At individual level, integrity is valuable in the process of ethical decision making, while at institutional level it is useful for understanding how negotiation process and balance are required by society in dealing with natural environment. Keywords: self-integrity, transcendent, immanent, environmental ethics


Tulisan ini pernah disampaikan pada Konferensi HIDESI Ke XX di Wisma Makara UI, tanggal 25-26 Juni 2010, dan disesuaikan untuk keperluan Jurnal Etika.

Integritas Diri dan Etika Lingkungan