Intelligent Workflow Techniques for Distributed Group Facilitation

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Distributed group facilitation is to manage the meetings ... intelligent agents, many group facilitation tasks can be ..... Phoenix, AZ USA, Pages 81-90. 4. Decker ...
Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2002

Intelligent Workflow Techniques for Distributed Group Facilitation J. Leon Zhao Department of MIS University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 [email protected]

Jay F. Nunamaker, Jr. Department of MIS University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 85721 [email protected]

Abstract Distributed group facilitation techniques are becoming a necessity because many of the face-toface facilitation techniques are no longer suitable in a distributed environment. Although the concept of distributed group facilitation has been proposed a decade ago, few distributed facilitation techniques have been successfully employed in the real world. We propose a new method of automating distributed facilitation functions that is built on the workflow management paradigm and intelligent agent techniques. Our research goal is to develop an open and flexible environment that allows easy configuration of facilitation techniques to fit various business contexts. In this paper, we develop the concepts of process monitoring and control for distributed group facilitation, establish the basic principles of distributed facilitation support, and illustrate the design of a prototype system in the context of the EasyWinWin requirements negotiation method.



The emergence of network economy has led to more and more virtual organizations, and distributed activities and processes within and among businesses are becoming increasingly dominant in corporations around the world (Sheth, Aalst, Arpinar, 1999). As a result, more business decisions are made through distributed meetings. Distributed meetings are also referred to as virtual meetings because the meetings are frequently attended by participants who are physically separate and rely on networked computers to interact with one another although teleconferencing facilities might be used simultaneously to provide a virtual view of one another. Henceforth, we will use the terms of distributed and virtual meetings interchangeably. Four variations of distributed meetings are possible, depending on the mode of time and distribution as shown in Table 1 (See appendix). Distributed group facilitation is to manage the meetings to improve the quality of outputs and the morale of the participants where meeting participants are in different locations (Bubs and Hayne, 1992; Niederman, Beise, and Beranek, 1993; Ngwenyama et. al, 1996; McQuaid

et. al, 2000; Briggs et al., 2001). In a distributed meeting, the conventional techniques of group facilitation are no longer effective because those techniques are deeply rooted on measures that require line of sight between the facilitator and the meeting participants. The ability of the facilitator to monitor and control of the meetings is greatly diminished due to the loss of the rich face-to-face media among the facilitator and all participants. Furthermore, the quality of distributed meetings is difficult to control because the meeting participants have problems of bounding with other participants and may lead to low level of interest and energy during the meetings. As a result, distributed meetings are difficult to facilitate manually (Romano, jr. et al, 1999). With the recent advances in workflow management and intelligent agents, many group facilitation tasks can be automated, at least partially to increase the bandwidth of group communication and the ability of the facilitator to monitor and control the meeting process. Workflow management is the technology that has the systematic facilities to model work processes, coordinate activities among multiple participants, access various information systems (including software agents), alerting meeting participants, and routing messages. Workflow models can also be modified relatively easily in comparison with more conventional programming techniques. Consequently, there is no question that group facilitation processes can be modeled and executed with the use of workflow techniques. A workflow component can be either tightly integrated into or loosely combined with a virtual meeting system. Intelligent agents are software modules that can take directions from a human, and then work autonomously to perform a task. A very important feature of intelligent agent is its ability to communicate and negotiate with human and other software agents. As shown in the paper, we will take advantage of these features to develop flexible facilitation models that can be modified and configured for various facilitation tasks. Our research goal is to propose a novel framework of distributed facilitation and develop the associated

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Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-35’02) 0-7695-1435-9/02 $17.00 © 2002 IEEE

Robert O. Briggs GROUPSYSTEMS.COM 1430 E. Fort Lowell Rd. #301 Tucson, AZ85721 [email protected]


Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2002

intelligent workflow techniques. In this paper, we explore ways to integrate workflow techniques into a virtual meeting system to manage the facilitation process and automate a large number of facilitation tasks and to integrate intelligent agent techniques with the workflow paradigm for the purpose of automating group facilitation. The contributions of this research include a customizable facilitation workflow model among human and agent facilitators, an extensible modular approach to integrating the facilitation into a distributed group system, an outline of specific process facilitation techniques, and an analysis of the basic principles of distributed facilitation. The reminder of the paper is structure as follows. Section reviews the relevant literature. Section 3 gives an overview of our process-centric distributed facilitation framework. Section 4 discusses the architectural design of the component of intelligent group process facilitation and analyzes how to integrate this new component with a distributed group system. Section 5 presents various intelligent workflow techniques for distributed facilitation. Section 6 summarizes the guiding principles of distributed group facilitation and outlines future research directions.

2. 2.1.

Literature Review Distributed Facilitation

There have been numerous studies in the literature about distributed facilitation during the past decade (Bubs and Hayne, 1992; Niederman, Beise, and Beranek, 1993; Miranda and Bostrom, 1997; Antunes and Ho, 1999; Ho and Antunes, 1999; McQuaid et. al, 2000; Briggs et al., 2001). For instance, researchers who have had extensive field experiences found the eight rules-of-thumb in distributed facilitation process (Romano et. al, 1999). The key issues embedded in the rules-of-thumb include assurance of high user motivation, intimate channel of communication between the facilitator and the participants, a separate channel of process control, and a firm schedule of synchronous interaction. Researchers in group systems have recognized seven typical collaborative reasoning tools: divergance [brainstorming], convergance [extracting discussion topics], organization [examining relationships among concepts], elaboration [giving more details of concepts], abstraction [deriving more general statements], evaluation [understanding the value of

concepts for achieving a goal], and building consensus [achieving more agreement] (Briggs et al., 2001). Real world lessons about virtual meetings have been found that facilitating a virtual meeting is difficult because there is communication barrier over a distance, thus making the meeting environment difficult to manage for users and the facilitator (Mittleman et al., 2001). We will coin the word “group space” to refer to the collection of people, team, event, time, process, and other artifacts. That is, the group space in a distributed environment is difficult to visualize and manage. 2.2.

Monitoring and Control Concepts

According to Dubs and Hayne (1992), monitoring is to observe and keep track of what is happening in a meeting, who is participating and how much, relationships between participants, and tools being used and the technology. Control is to interact with tasks such as start a task and stop a task, and the follow of the meeting is maintained through adhering to or adjusting the time constraints, the participant behaviors, the tools used, the technology or the agenda. Control activities are dependent of the monitoring activities that indicate the maturity of each session and may point out potential problems to be dealt with. Each task has three phases: stating the task objective, performing the task, and closing the task. All participants should be given instructions at the beginning of a task about the expected outcome and how to perform the task. During the closure of a task, the participants should be given feedback regarding the level of success of the task. In our study, we classify the facilitation tasks into three categories, tool tutorial, behavior modification, and transition management and take a process management approach to group facilitation. The next section will present the details for this classification. 2.3.

Workflow Management as a Computing Paradigm

In recent years, organizations have deployed workflow management systems to support routing of documents and tasks in electronic form, thereby enabling the automation of business processes across teams, functional departments, customers, and suppliers (Georgakopoulos et al., 1995; Kumar and Zhao, 1999). Workflow techniques can be applied to automation of various activities in a GSS session, including route activities, monitoring activities, and control activities.

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Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2002

In our research, we explore how to model the group facilitation process and to manage the monitoring and control activities among human and software agents. Our workflow modeling and execution facilitates will alleviate the information overloading problem the leader confronts in a distributed meeting. In addition, the workflow facility will help users to manage their communication channels as well by routing appropriate messages to various users automatically by advanced information agent techniques. 2.4.

Intelligent Agents

Intelligent agents represent one of the most recent advances in software technology that attempts to develop modularized software component with unique knowledge processing capabilities. There are clear contrasts between agents and traditional AI systems Traditional AI systems have usually been designed to operate under a user's immediate control, while agents act autonomously, usually on their owners' behalf (Spector, 1997). Intelligent agents have been built in research labs (Maes, 1994) and for commercial applications (Etzioni and Weld, 1995), such as electronic mail handling agents, meeting scheduling agents, and Internet searching agents. Intelligent agents have been considered as a means for building more flexible software systems in general (Decker and Sycara, 1997) and workflow systems in particular (Zhao, 1998). For instance, Edmonds et al. (1994) suggested that multiagent systems be deployed to support design with a range of heterogeneous functions. These agents can be tailored to serve the heterogeneous needs of the users and can function without user supervision. Mahling, Craven, and Croft (1995) presented their most recent generation of office work system that uses the power of goal-based knowledge representation to assist in planning, monitoring, and repairing workflows. Combining the idea of components-based architecture and intelligent agents, Sull (1998) proposed a distributed environment for lightweight workflows suitable for distributed organizations. A multiagent architecture was developed in the ADEPT (Advanced Decision Environment for Process Tasks) project to design agent-oriented business process management by means of cooperating and autonomous agents (Jennings et al., 1996). 2.5.

implementation. The framework includes eight stages: (1) Refine and expand negotiation topics. (2) Brainstorm stakeholder win conditions. (3) Converge on win conditions. (4) Define a glossary of key terms. (5) Prioritize win conditions. (6) Surface issues and constraints. (7) The WinWin tree: win conditions, issues, options, and agreements. (8) Organize negotiation results. In this study, we use the EasyWinWin method as the base for a facilitation workflow model. The three types of facilitation tasks will be situated in the eight stages.


A Process-Centric Facilitation Framework

Group facilitation has been regarded as an individual art by talented facilitators in the past in face-to-face meetings. However, in order to advance group facilitation in distributed meetings, we need to take a more scientific view and a more technical approach. For this purpose, we classify the basic tasks of distributed group facilitation into the following three types of tasks, which lead to the three barriers to distributed facilitation: (1) Coaching the users about how to use the group system tools are needed in order to alleviate the lack of user friendliness of meeting tools. This is necessary because the group systems are not that all user friendly and new users require sufficient training to use the system tools effectively. Distributed meeting systems typically require even more training because the inherent complexity of a distributed meeting environment. To the facilitator, this need for more user friendliness in distributed group system is a barrier to distributed facilitation. (2) Motivate and guide the users with procedural and behavioral matters in a distributed environment where users are difficult to visualize and interact with one another. The facilitator must maintain a healthy tempo of a group meeting in order to keep the meeting productivity high. This because more difficult when the facilitator does not see all participants, neither do all participants see the facilitator and one another. This difficulty of giving immediate guidance is the second barrier to distributed facilitation.

The EasyWinWin Method

Recently, Gruenbacher and Briggs (2001) described a new method for software engineering called EasyWinWn. The process was developed on the existing generation of GSS, which does not support a workflow approach. However, an examination of the process suggests that it lends itself well to a workflow

(3) Manage the transitions between meeting phases where user participation is vital to make the meeting more successful. In distributed meeting, the facilitator can no longer have the transition cues that were relied upon in face-to-face facilitation. This loss of transition cues result in the third barrier to distributed facilitation.

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Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2002

Although these three barriers of distributed facilitation are difficult, if not impossible, to resolve in the near term given the current technologies using in distributed group systems, we will investigate how to move towards solutions to the barriers by proposing a distributed facilitation model with intelligent process management techniques. This process orientation of our approach is based on the observation that the three types of facilitation tasks, i.e., tool coaching, behavior control, and transition management are process-dependent. That is, the particular facilitation measures and techniques the facilitator should focus on at various times depend on the particular stage of the meeting process. For instance, in the brainstorming stage of a group meeting, specific facilitation tasks include quick tutorial of the brainstorming tools, making sure a healthy throughput of good ideas, and the determination the proper moment of transiting to the stage of ranking the key issues. We will show next how we integrate workflow and intelligent agent techniques to develop a processoriented group facilitation approach. This approach will allow us to take advantage of the past research advances in workflow and AI and develop practical distributed facilitation techniques based on proven software tools.

4. 4.1.

Architectural Design of Intelligent Group Process Facilitation

The basic facilitation activities include monitoring all messages among the participants, the facilitator and the group system, providing suggestions to the facilitator about necessary interventions, giving certain participants needed tutorials or behavior-modifying comments, and dispatching intelligent agents for special tasks. The facilitation techniques are given in the following sections. 4.2.

The Active Method Model for Configuring Distributed Group System

In order to incorporate the workflow management facilities into a distributed group system for automating certain group facilitation tasks, we need to understand the based architecture of distributed group systems. In this study, we use the Active Method model of GroupSystems AM as the exemplary environment for the discussion although other similar distributed group systems can also be used for purposes of our research. The Active Method model refers to the easily configurable client/server environment that integrates various system components used by group members to achieve a specific task. The Active Model approach is to enable collaborative software applications tailored to a specific mission-critical task comprised of a series of steps for accomplishing the task. In each step, the group system should contain just the right software tools, configured in just the right way, with just the right online guidance, and to just the right people in the group.

System Architecture Human Facilitator


GDSS Communication Network


GroupSystems AM uses the latest in scalable, faulttolerant and modular technologies in its three basic modules, The ActiveStudio framework, The common API, and the data access and repository services as indicated in Figure 2.


ActiveStudio Framework

Software Agents


Group System

Figure 1. Architecture of Intelligent Group Process Facilitator. Figure 1 illustrates the system architecture for intelligent group process facilitation. Essentially, the workflow management system will provide the platform for coordinating the facilitation process by interacting with all components including the leader (i.e., the group facilitator), the software agents, the group participants, and the group system.

Group Systems AM (Active Method)

Data & Repository Services

Figure 2. The architecture of GroupSystems AM. The activeStudio is a standalone application designed to run on a single workstation. It is built, however, on a framework that allows for infinite extensibility through the use of modular interfaces and controls. All layers

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Common API


Proceedings of the 35th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - 2002

of the portal architecture in GroupSystems AM are bound by a common API set, which can be linked to any 3rd party component such as authentication, JSP, task listing, user profiling, and other services. The data and repository services module provides a layer of abstraction to both the underlying databases and method repositories. It allows for the user of multiple database engines and architectures, as well as multiple document repository architectures. The intelligent workflow components for distributed facilitation given in the next section will take advantage of the open and modular architecture of GroupSystems AM to monitor group processes and communicate with the leader and other group participants.

5. 5.1.

Intelligent Workflow Distributed Facilitation


By this user profiling technique, we will also enable the leader to focus on different groups of users in different stages of the distributed meeting for various issues. For instance, to sense the mood and the direction of the meeting, information about the current state of mature and expert users would be more important than that about novice and intermediate users. On the other hand, to determine if the group system is user friendly, information about novice users will be more pertinent.

for 5.3.

The Facilitation Process

We use the EasyWinWin method as the context for developing the techniques for distributed group facilitation. The facilitation process for an EasyWinWin session will include all eight steps in a high-level model in Oracle Workflow as shown in Figure 3 (see Apendix). Note that each of the eight steps (excluding the start and the end nodes) is a subprocess, which includes specific process tasks. Figure 4 (see Appendix) illustrates a subprocess for Step 1, where a formal subprocess is defined for facilitation tasks related to the step of “Refine and Expand Negotiation Topics”. Note that there are several types of software agents are employed in the step, task monitoring agent, participant monitoring agent, facilitation agent, and query agent. This requires the integration of the workflow technology and intelligent agent technology in the context of distributed group facilitation. The workflow process and the software agents embody the facilitation principles discussed next. 5.2.

The user profiles will be classified into four types, i.e., novice, intermediate, matured, and expert. Each of the four types of users will be monitored during the group meeting in unique ways and special classes of intelligent agents will be deployed to give special helps when needed.

User Profiling

In order to enable the development of single purpose intelligent facilitation agents, we create user profiles at the start of the group session by asking the user simple questions such as: “how many times have you used the group system before?” “What is your confidence level of various group system tools?” The system will also maintain user history so that an existing user will be spared of the user survey and use the exiting profile instead.

Agent-Based Signal Processing

The monitoring and control in distributed group facilitation may be viewed as a form of signal processing, similar to what is done in machine control in manufacturing. During a typical group session, participants generate inputs to the group decision tasks via a computing device. As such, group facilitation can tap into the inflow of information streams from each participant and each subgroup. The collected information flow can then be analyzed to detect potential problems using the following techniques: •

Ranking the input rate of each participant and each subgroup. By doing so, it is possible to identify potential issues because if a participant is less motivated, having difficulty of using the system, or experiencing network delays, the input rate is likely to be on the lower end. This can be done by means of monitoring agents.

Filtering the input streams for typical signs of tardy participants such as very short sentences, flaming phrases in the text, or overuse of question marks. This can be done by means of intelligent agents as well.

Querying the participants and the subgroups that are showing potential problems by means of intelligent agents. As shown in Figure 2, intelligent agents can be dispatched automatically to interact with “potentially tardy” participants to get a first-cut estimate of the potential problem.

Alerting the facilitator when the intelligent agents have identified potential problems or having difficulties of resolving certain problems.

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leader will be spared of routine tasks and focus on other more important tasks.

Task-Dependent Agents

We have presented the process model for one example task, and the process model in the other seven steps should be very similar. However, the design of software agents in different steps should be different. This is because the input contents in different steps can be dramatically different and the potential problems in different steps can also vary. As a result, we expect that software agents should be developed for different steps uniquely although it is possible that it suffices that similar agents can be equipped with different knowledge bases to deal with step-dependent monitoring and facilitation tasks.

• Automatic updates to users of important events: The intelligent process facilitation system should distribute important new events to participants on as needed basis. For instance, if a participant logs out of the system because of unanticipated reasons, other relevant participants should be informed of this fact automatically. This will require the system maintain a dependency network showing how participants are related to one another. Note that the dependency network should not be an N by N network where N is the number of participants to avoid information overloading.



Message Monitoring Techniques

Besides the group facilitation techniques outlines above, we are also experimenting with several specific message monitoring techniques: • Volume watch: Simply monitoring the volume of messages generated from a participant can be a very useful indicator for the normality of the participant’s activities. For instance, a very low throughput of messages from a participant might indicate a troubled participant and some attention might be needed from the leader. To ascertain the situation, an inquiry software agent might be dispatched automatically to interact with the participant while alerting the leader of the participant’s standing. Furthermore, a significant drop of collective message volume in the group might be a signal for the maturity of the current stage of meeting. This will alert the leader that a stage transition is brewing. • Content analysis: Special filters may be useful for detecting the attitude changes or a flaming situation. While a leader could do the filtering by sampling user messages, automatic filtering techniques will add to the leader’s capability.

Although this work focuses on process-centric group facilitation in a distributed environment, there are some inherent standards that should be taken as guiding principles of designing future generation of group systems: •

Make the system as easy to use as possible through real-time tutorials: What we propose in this paper is in fact to replace part of the leader’s responsibility by using software agent to monitor with the user and perform initial help. The software techniques we propose in this work will make group systems easier to user as they are incorporated into future group systems. Group systems can learn a great deal from computer game software, which does not require voluminous user instructions and can attract users’ full attention for hours each time. Further investigation of this principle is needed to determine how the success of game software can be transferred into group systems.

Monitor the participant’s behavior by just-in-time reminders: The way we combat the second barrier to group facilitation (namely, difficulty of immediate guidance) is to use workflow techniques to schedule task-based reminders and agent-based message monitoring techniques. This is also a knowledge flow management by reminding the user necessary procedures and guidelines of proper group activities as they are needed. This principle should also be considered as a generic software design principle, useful for other software systems beyond group systems.

Manage the knowledge of process transition by means of a facilitation process model. Another principle is that separating the process model from the process execution will make the software system more powerful. This principle lays the foundation of

• Agent activity monitoring: The activities of the software agents should also be monitored to detect problematic trend in a distributed meeting. For instance, if a group meeting is moving smoothly, there should be relatively low level of agent activities, and conversely, the attention of the leader will be needed if too many software agents are being dispatched to deal with or to ascertain user problems. • Dynamic scheduling of reminders to participants: The workflow management facility should be used to send important reminders and other messages following an event-based schedule. For instance, the basic requirements of users should be reminded at the start of each new stage automatically so that the

Discussion and Concluding Remarks

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Distributed And Parallel Databases, V3, N2, 119153, 1995.

workflow management in the context of distributed group facilitation. In sum, we have proposed a novel framework for distributed group facilitation by integrating workflow and intelligent agent techniques into a GSS environment. Our ongoing work includes developing detailed algorithms for the concepts and implementing a prototype based on the intelligent process facilitation model in the context of EasyWinWin. We will also investigate the effectiveness of distributed facilitation based on intelligent workflow automation, the implication of automated virtual meetings, and potential theoretical underpinnings governing the design and use of automated group facilitation functions.

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Appendix Partially distributed

Completely distributed

Same time

Meetings are conducted synchronously among several local groups.

Group sessions are done among participants who are all in different locations.

Different time

Meetings are conducted asynchronously where some subgroups have face-to-face discussions.

Meetings are conducted asynchronously with all participants in different locations.

Table 1: Types of Virtual Meetings.

Figure 3. The Overall Workflow Model for an EasyWinWin Session.

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Figure 4. An Example Model for Step 1.

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