Intensive care unit length of stay: Benchmarking based on Acute

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Intensive care unit length of stay: Benchmarking based on Acute. Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) IV*. Jack E. Zimmerman, MD, FCCM; ...
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Intensive care unit length of stay: Benchmarking based on Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) IV* Jack E. Zimmerman, MD, FCCM; Andrew A. Kramer, PhD; Douglas S. McNair, MD, PhD; Fern M. Malila, RN, MS; Violet L. Shaffer, MA

Objective: To revise and update the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) model for predicting intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay. Design: Observational cohort study. Setting: One hundred and four ICUs in 45 U.S. hospitals. Patients: Patients included 131,618 consecutive ICU admissions during 2002 and 2003, of which 116,209 met inclusion criteria. Interventions: None. Measurements and Main Results: The APACHE IV model for predicting ICU length of stay was developed using ICU day 1 patient data and a multivariate linear regression procedure to estimate the precise ICU stay for randomly selected patients who comprised 60% of the database. New variables were added to the previous APACHE III model, and advanced statistical modeling techniques were used. Accuracy was assessed by comparing mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay for the excluded 40% of patients. Aggregate mean observed ICU stay was 3.86 days and


omparison of unadjusted outcomes among critical care units is usually unsatisfactory due to differences in patient and intensive care unit (ICU) characteristics. To adjust for these differences, three approaches have been used: First, outcomes for a single ICU have been examined over time. When patient charac-

*See also p. 2674. From the George Washington University, Washington, DC (JEZ); Cerner Corporation, Vienna, VA (JEZ, AAK, FMM) and Kansas City, MO (DSM); and Gartner, Inc, Stamford, CT (VLS). Supported, in part, by Cerner Corporation, Kansas City, MO. Dr. Zimmerman has received honoraria from and provides consulting services to Cerner Corporation. Drs. Kramer, McNair, and Ms. Malila are employees and stockholders of Cerner Corporation. Ms. Shaffer was a former employee and stockholder of Cerner Corporation. Address requests for reprints to: Andrew A. Kramer, PhD, 1953 Gallows Road, Suite 570, Vienna, VA 22182. Copyright © 2006 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins DOI: 10.1097/01.CCM.0000240233.01711.D9

Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10

mean predicted 3.78 days (p < .001), a difference of 1.9 hrs. For 108 (93%) of 116 diagnoses, there was no significant difference between mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay. The model accounted for 21.5% of the variation in ICU stay across individual patients and 62% across ICUs. Correspondence between mean observed and mean predicted length of stay was reduced for patients with a short (9.4 days) ICU stay and a low (80%) risk of death on ICU day 1. Conclusions: The APACHE IV model provides clinically useful ICU length of stay predictions for critically ill patient groups, but its accuracy and utility are limited for individual patients. APACHE IV benchmarks for ICU stay are useful for assessing the efficiency of unit throughput and support examination of structural, managerial, and patient factors that affect ICU stay. (Crit Care Med 2006; 34:2517–2529) KEY WORDS: intensive care unit; length of stay; patient outcome assessment; resource utilization; benchmarking; Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation

teristics are unchanged, outcomes can be meaningfully compared. Second, outcome data have been compared among patients and ICUs with similar characteristics. Third, statistical models have been used to generate predicted outcomes, that is, case-mix or risk-adjusted benchmarks that are compared with observed outcomes. Case-mix adjusted benchmarks for ICU length of stay were first developed using the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) III model, which was based on 1988 –1989 patient data (version H) (1). Assessment of this model’s calibration using 1993–1996 data revealed only small changes in ICU stay (2), but from 1998 onward significant reductions in ICU length of stay (C. Alzola, unpublished data) suggested that new policies and practices had reduced ICU stay. Because of these findings, APACHE III version H was updated and revalidated using patient data from 1993–1996 (APACHE III–version I) and later using 1996 –2001 patient data (APACHE III– version J) (C. Alzola, unpublished data).

Because how ICU stay is measured has a marked impact on accuracy (3), exact ICU stay (in minutes) was used for version J rather than calendar days. Due to these changes, predictions of ICU stay using APACHE III versions H and I are not directly comparable to later versions. Since their development, APACHE III ICU length of stay benchmarks have been used to compare ICU stay with a case-mix adjusted benchmark (4 – 6), assess differences in ICU stay among teaching and nonteaching hospitals (7), examine changes in ICU stay over time (2), and evaluate the impact of house staff inexperience (8, 9) and of night (10) and day of the week (11) admission on ICU stay. ICU length of stay benchmarks have also been used to assess policies and processes in ICUs with best practices in regard to survival and resource use (12–14), to assess the impact of ICU telemedicine on mortality and ICU stay (15), and to monitor improvements in ICU resource use in a multiple-hospital system (16). The objective of this study is to describe the development and validation of a new 2517

APACHE IV model for predicting ICU length of stay. These APACHE IV benchmarks use an updated database, new predictor variables, and refined statistical methods for model development. We also examine the impact of admission risk of death and duration of ICU stay on the correspondence between mean observed and mean predicted ICU length of stay.

METHODS Patient data were collected between January 1, 2002, and December 31, 2003, for a nonrandomized observational cohort of 131,618 consecutive ICU admissions at 104 intensive or coronary care units in 45 hospitals. Among the 45 hospitals, 17 (38%) were located in the southeast, 14 (31%) in the west, 9 (20%) in the midwest, and 5 (11%) in the northeast. Fifteen (33%) were members of the Council of Teaching Hospitals, 13 (29%) were teaching hospitals that were not members of Council of Teaching Hospitals, and 17 (38%) were nonteaching hospitals. The mean number of hospital beds was 478 (range 50 –1,030 beds). Among the 104 units, 40 were mixed medical-surgical, 17 coronary care, 14 surgical, 12 cardiothoracic, 11 medical, seven neurologic, and three trauma. The 104 units were included because each had installed a computerized APACHE system. Patient data were entered on site using a software program that included computerized pick lists, automated error checks, and calculation of physiologic means and gradients. Some units entered data via electronic interfaces with laboratory and clinical information systems. The procedures used for data collection were based on prior reliability studies (17, 18) and field experience (19). Our methods for training data collectors and for ensuring accuracy have been previously described (20). Informed consent was not obtained because of Institutional Review Board waivers during prior studies (12, 17). Patient Information. Patient data generated as a result of patient care and recorded in the medical record were collected concurrently or retrospectively for consecutive unselected intensive or coronary care unit admissions. The data collected for each patient included the age, chronic health conditions, and acute physiology score (APS) components of APACHE III (17). The APS was based on the worst measurement during the first 24 hrs in ICU (17). The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score, whether sedation or paralysis resulted in an inability to assess GCS, and PaO2/FIO2 were recorded as a part of the data collection for the APS. Also recorded were ICU admission diagnoses; admission source; length of stay before ICU admission; whether a patient received mechanical ventilation on day 1, had emergency surgery, or was an ICU readmission; and


whether a patient with acute myocardial infarction received thrombolytic therapy in the 24 hrs before or after ICU admission. A detailed description of the demographic, clinical, and physiologic variables has been reported elsewhere (21) and is available along with instructions for measurement, calculation, and use in predicting ICU length of stay at www.criticaloutcomes. Outcomes recorded for each patient included mortality at ICU and hospital discharge and the exact duration of hospital and ICU length of stay. We used mean ICU stay to reflect overall resource use and median ICU stay to describe the “typical” length of stay (22). ICU length of stay was calculated using the exact interval (measured in minutes) between the day and time of ICU admission and the day and time of ICU discharge. Exact ICU length of stay was expressed as days and fractions of days. This method was chosen based on a previous report (3), and analysis of the impact of measuring ICU length of stay using calendar days was compared with exact ICU stay. For 116,209 ICU admissions in 2002– 2003, we found that compared with the use of calendar days, exact measurement decreased mean observed ICU stay by 0.94 days (4.8 vs. 3.86 days) and median ICU stay by 1.03 days (3.0 vs. 1.97 days). Patient Exclusions. We did not collect data for and thereby excluded patients whose ICU stay was ⬍4 hrs, patients with burns, patients ⬍16 yrs of age, and except for hepatic and renal transplantation patients admitted after transplant operations. We excluded patients admitted after coronary artery bypass surgery because their ICU stay is predicted using a different model that includes additional predictor variables. We also excluded patients who were admitted from or discharged to another ICU to avoid errors in measuring a patient’s true duration of ICU stay and the bias caused by the impact of extensive prior life support on ICU day 1 physiologic measures. We did not, however, exclude patients who were discharged to an area providing a less intense level of care and then readmitted to the same ICU. Development of the APACHE IV Model for Predicting ICU Length of Stay. We used a multivariate linear regression procedure to predict ICU length of stay for each patient. Age, APS, and prior length of stay (measured as a continuous rather than an integer variable as was done in APACHE III) predictor variables were each expanded using cubic regression splines (23). Splines allow estimation of a nonlinear relationship between a variable and ICU stay and replace less accurate techniques that assume the relationship is linear. Cut points (knots) are chosen and a separate coefficient is included for each interval between knots. In this analysis, a restricted cubic spline transformation (24) was used to expand age and the APS to five nonlinear terms and previous length of stay to four nonlinear terms.

Nonsplined predictor variables included one of each of the following: the single highest weighted chronic health comorbidity (7), ICU admission diagnosis (116), admission source (3), and whether the patient had emergency surgery or was an ICU readmission. In addition, we tested four new predictor variables: a) whether a patient was mechanically ventilated on ICU day 1; b) whether a patient with acute myocardial infarction received thrombolytic therapy in the 24 hrs before or after ICU admission; c) the impact of inability to assess GCS due to sedation or paralysis; and d) an adjustment for the differing implications of the GCS and PaO2/FIO2 for ICU stay. The mechanical ventilation and thrombolytic therapy variables were tested because of their previously reported impact on ICU stay (25–28). The unable-to-access-GCS variable was tested in an attempt to reduce predictive inaccuracies caused by defaulting GCS to normal when assessment was not possible (20, 29). The GCS and PaO2/FIO2 were used as a part of the APS but, in addition, were included as rescaled variables based on findings that neurologic abnormalities and oxygenation should be more heavily weighted (C. Alzola, unpublished data). A description of these variables is published elsewhere (21) and is also available at The APACHE IV ICU length of stay equation was estimated using a randomly selected patient group that comprised 60% of the database (training set). We then compared mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay for individual patients within the excluded 40% (validation set). The reference patient (default categories with a zero coefficient) had the following characteristics for noncontinuous variables: admission diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (location, other), no emergency surgery, admitted to ICU directly or from emergency room or a step-down unit, no chronic health item, able to have GCS measured, GCS of 15, and not on a ventilator. To limit the impact of extremely influential length of stay outliers, defined as patients with an ICU stay ⬎30 days (1, 30), the ICU length of stay for 546 patients was rounded down to 30 days and then included in the analysis. The contribution of each variable to ICU length of stay prediction was measured based on its respective contribution to the overall sum of squares attributed to the model. All calculations were performed using SAS version 9.1 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC) and S-Plus 6.2 (Insightful Corporation, Seattle, WA). To compare observed and predicted ICU length of stay for all ICU admissions and across patient subgroups, we calculated a length of stay ratio by dividing the mean observed by the mean predicted ICU stay. Analysis of Accuracy. We used three methods to assess the accuracy of ICU length of stay predictions in aggregate and across patient subgroups (defined using each predictor variable) within the validation set. First, we assessed the degree of correspondence between

Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10

mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay using a paired Student’s t-test to assess the null hypothesis that mean predicted and observed stay were equal. A significance criterion of p ⬍ .01 was chosen because of the large sample size and the large number of statistical tests across multiple subgroups. Second, we calculated a coefficient of determination (R2) to measure the percentage of overall variability captured by the model for individual patients and for patient groups in ICUs with data for ⱖ100 admissions. Third, we examined calibration by graphically displaying mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay throughout the range of observed values. We have compared mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay across critical care units but will report these results in a future analysis. Impact of Predicted Duration of ICU Stay and Mortality Risk on Predictive Accuracy. The validation set was used to assess the impact of duration of ICU stay on predictive accuracy across ranges of predicted ICU stay. To do this we examined the ratio of mean observed to mean predicted ICU length of stay across ten deciles of predicted ICU stay. To assess the impact of risk of death on the accuracy of ICU stay predictions, we examined the relationship between risk ranges of ICU day 1 probability of hospital mortality (21) and predictive accuracy for ICU stay in the validation set. Patients were divided into three mortality risk groups: low risk (⬍20% mortality probability), medium risk (20 – 80% mortality probability), and high risk (⬎80% mortality probability). Within these three groups, the mean observed and mean predicted ICU length of stay was computed for survivors and nonsurvivors.

RESULTS To develop and validate the APACHE IV model for predicting ICU length of stay, 15,409 patients (11.7%) were excluded for the following reasons: a) patients admitted from another ICU (n ⫽ 3,145); b) patients discharged to another ICU (n ⫽ 2,135); and c) patients admitted after coronary artery bypass surgery (n ⫽ 10,129). These exclusions left 116,209 patients (88% of all patients, 96% of patients not undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. Patient Characteristics and Outcomes. The demographic and clinical characteristics of the 116,209 patients who had complete data and met inclusion criteria are shown in Table 1. The distribution of patients and association between the ICU day 1 acute physiology score of APACHE III and ICU length of stay are shown in Figure 1. Appendix 1 shows the 75 nonoperative and Appendix 2 the 41 postoperative ICU admission diagnoses used by the APACHE Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10

Table 1. Demographic and clinical characteristics of 116,209 patients admitted to 104 intensive care units (ICUs) between January 1, 2002, and December 31, 2003 No. (%) Mean ICU length of stay, days 3.82 Age, mean, yrs 61.7 16–44 20,408 (17.6) 45–64 58,770 (33.0) 65–84 49,727 (42.8) ⬎85 7,712 (6.6) APACHE comorbiditiesa None 103,685 (89.1) Immunosuppression 4,459 (3.8) Metastatic cancer 3,029 (2.6) Hepatic failure 1,667 (1.4) Cirrhosis 1,343 (1.2) Leukemia/myeloma 916 (0.8) Lymphoma 612 (0.5) AIDS 599 (0.5) Operative status Nonoperative 80,700 (69.4) Postoperative 35,509 (30.6) Elective 29,056 (25.0) Emergency 6,453 (5.6) Severity of illness (ICU day 1) Acute physiology score, mean 39.7 APACHE III score, mean 51.4 Prior length of stay, days 0.94 Admission source, location before ICU admission Emergency room 41,918 (36.1) Operating/recovery room 35,509 (30.6) Floor 19,765 (17.0) Other hospital 6,709 (5.8) Direct admission 6,619 (5.7) Intermediate care unit 5,689 (4.9) Other ICU NA ICU readmission 7,545 (6.5%) APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; NA, not applicable. a A trumping algorithm selected the single highest weighted comorbidity.

IV model. The most frequent nonoperative admission diagnoses were sepsis (n ⫽ 2,596), acute myocardial infarction (n ⫽ 2,261), congestive heart failure (n ⫽ 1,788), and rhythm disturbance (n ⫽ 1,373). The most frequent postoperative ICU admission diagnoses were carotid endarterectomy (n ⫽ 1,046), surgery for intracranial neoplasm (n ⫽ 818), surgery for gastrointestinal malignancy (n ⫽ 755), and thoracotomy for malignancy (n ⫽ 639). In aggregate, the 12 most frequent nonoperative ICU admission diagnoses accounted for 42% of all nonoperative admissions; and the 12 most frequent postoperative diagnoses accounted for 61% of all postoperative admissions. The 13 residual “other” categories (eight nonoperative and five postoperative) accounted for 13% of nonoperative and 19% of postoperative admissions.

Observed mortality rate for the 116,209 patients was 9.1% at ICU discharge and 13.5% in-hospital (first ICU admission only). Aggregate mean observed ICU stay was 3.86 days, median ICU stay was 1.98 days, and the total number of ICU days was 447,405 days. Figure 2 shows the utilization of ICU beds across four ranges of ICU stay. Patients with an ICU stay of ⱕ2 days accounted for 51% of admissions and 15% of total ICU days. In contrast, patients with an ICU stay of ⬎10 days accounted for 9% of admissions and 41% of total ICU days. Model for Predicting ICU Length of Stay. The APACHE IV model was developed using data for 69,652 patients and validated using data for 46,517 patients. Splined variables in the predictive model included the APS plus spline terms, age plus spline terms, and previous length of stay (square root plus spline terms). Figure 1 shows that an increasing APS is associated with an increased observed ICU length of stay until the score exceeds 75, at which point ICU stay declines. This decline in ICU stay when APS exceeds 75 is related, at least in part, to a higher death rate among patients with extensive physiologic abnormalities. The predictive model accounts for this relationship by using restricted cubic splines to transform the APS into five nonlinear terms. Table 2 shows the contribution of each splined predictor variable used in APACHE IV ICU length of stay model. Because splined variables generate predictions based on nonlinear terms, their contribution as predictors is displayed by examining predicted ICU stay over the ranges for each variable. Values are shown for age, APS, and previous length of stay. The influence of the APS was most pronounced, smaller for previous length of stay, and least for age. The nonsplined variables included emergency surgery, ICU readmission, mechanical ventilation, rescaled PaO2/FIO2 and GCS score, inability to assess GCS, thrombolytic therapy for patients with acute myocardial infarction, one of seven chronic health items (single highest weighted comorbidity), one of three variables for admission source, and one of 116 categorical variables for admission diagnosis. The median and mean observed and mean predicted ICU length of stay, p value, and regression coefficient for each nonoperative diagnosis in the validation set are shown in Appendix 1 and for each postoperative diagnosis in Appendix 2. Appendix 3 shows the median 2519

Figure 1. Distribution of acute physiology scores for 116,209 intensive care unit (ICU) admissions and the association between the ICU day 1 acute physiology score of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation III and mean observed ICU length of stay. Line connecting dots indicates mean observed ICU length of stay.

Figure 2. Utilization of intensive care unit (ICU) beds for 116,209 intensive care admissions according to distribution of ICU length of stay across four ranges. Square pattern, ICU stay of ⬎4 hrs to 2 days; gray, ⬍2 to 5 days; open, ⬎5 to 10 days; light gray, ⬎10 days.

and mean observed and mean predicted ICU length of stay, p value, and regression coefficient for the remaining nonsplined variables. Although differences for many ratios were statistically significant, this was mainly due to the large number of patients, which meant that a trivial difference had a p ⬎ .01. Most of the subgroups, however, had a mean observed to mean predicted ratio between 2520

0.90 and 1.10, with many between 0.95 and 1.05. Figure 3 shows the relative explanatory power for each of the model’s predictor variables. The greatest contributor was the APS (50%), followed by ICU admission diagnosis (17%), ventilator status (11%), and inability to access GCS due to sedation (11%). Analysis of Aggregate Calibration. For the validation set, the mean observed ICU

length of stay was 3.86 days and mean predicted 3.78 days for a length of stay ratio of 1.020 (p ⬍ .001). Although statistically significant, the difference between mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay was 1.9 hrs. The aggregate R2 was .215 across patients and .62 across ICUs, indicating that the model accounted for 21.5% of the variation in ICU stay for individual patients and 62% across ICUs in the validation set. Based on deciles of predicted ICU stay (Table 3), only the first and last decile differed by 0.5 days. In both instances, ICU stay was significantly underpredicted within these larger samples. Figure 4 graphically displays the same relationship between aggregate mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay with the cases divided into 25 equal-sized groups. Analysis of Calibration Within Subgroups. Among the 116 ICU admission diagnoses used in the APACHE IV model, three (2.6%) had significantly different (p ⬍ .01) ICU stay ratios. For 116 ICU admission diagnoses, 82 (71%) had a ratio of mean observed to mean predicted ICU stay of 0.90 to 1.10. The absolute difference between mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay was ⬍6 hrs for 59 (51%) and ⬍12 hrs for 95 (82%) of the 116 diagnoses. Among the three significantly different diagnostic groups, two (asthma and craniotomy or transsphenoidal procedure for neoplasm) had an ICU length of stay ratio ⬍1.0 and one (peripheral vascular disease) had an ICU length of stay ratio ⬎1.0. Each splined and nonsplined APACHE IV predictor variable and its regression coefficient are available at This Web site also provides the ability to automatically have spline terms calculated for APS, age, and previous length of stay and to apply both splined and nonsplined terms to arrive at an individual patient’s predicted ICU stay. Impact of Predicted Duration of ICU Stay and Mortality Risk on Predictive Accuracy. Based on deciles of day 1 predicted ICU stay (Table 3), the largest difference between mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay was for patients in the first and last decile. First decile patients had a difference of observed vs. predicted ICU stay of 15.2 hrs. Last decile patients had a difference in observed vs. predicted ICU stay of 22.2 hrs. The remaining 80% of the patients had a mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay of 3.47 days and 3.57 days, respectively. Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10

Table 2. Mean predicted intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LOS) for various values of the acute physiology score (APS), age, and previous LOS, given default or mean values for all other variables Predicted ICU Length of Stay, Days Acute physiology score 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Age, yrs 30 45 60 70 80 90 Previous length of stay 0 4 hrs 12 hrs 1 day 2 days 4 days



1.70 2.09 2.28 2.98 3.91 4.38 4.44 4.24 3.90 3.55


knot knot knot knot knot

⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽

10 22 32 48 89

0.443 ⫺0.00005830 0.0002970 ⫺0.0004044 0.000189233 ⫺0.0000235

2.67 2.89 2.95 3.00 2.73 2.15

Age Age, Age, Age, Age, Age,

knot knot knot knot knot

⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽

27 51 64 74 86

0.0176 ⫺0.00000768 0.0000396 ⫺0.000167 0.000228 ⫺0.0000932

2.42 2.61 2.80 2.97 3.15 3.30

Previous LOS Prv. LOS, knot Prv. LOS, knot Prv. LOS, knot Prv. LOS, knot

⫽ ⫽ ⫽ ⫽

0.121 0.423 0.794 2.806

0.45982 0.39779 ⫺0.94521 0.58865 ⫺0.04123

Prv, previous. Knot refers to the numerical position of cut points for each splined variable. Default disease group is acute myocardial infarction, other, thrombolytic therapy ⫽ 0, Glasgow Coma Scale score ⫽ 15, PaO2/FIO2 ⫽ 385.7, no chronic health items, direct admission, nonventilated, unable ⫽ no, and emergency surgery ⫽ no. Overall mean ICU LOS for reference patient ⫽ 2.95 days.

The risk of hospital mortality at ICU admission and observed hospital survival or death had a significant impact on the accuracy of ICU length of stay prediction. Figure 5 displays mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay for patients with a low (⬍20%), medium (20 – 80%), and high (⬎80%) mortality risk. These categories were further divided by actual mortality (yes/no). For 1,731 patients with a ⬍20% risk of death on ICU day 1 who did not survive hospitalization, ICU stay ratio was 1.55. For 124 patients with a ⬎80% risk of death on ICU day 1 who survived hospitalization, ICU stay ratio was 1.42. For the remaining 41,627 patients (20 – 80% risk), ICU stay ratio was 0.99. These findings suggest that ICU length of stay predictions are less accurate for high- and low-risk patients with unexpected outcomes, with underestimation of ICU length of stay. However, the 860 patients at high risk of mortality who did not survive hospitalization had an ICU length of stay ratio of 0.53.

DISCUSSION The APACHE IV model for predicting ICU length of stay provides clinically useCrit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10

ful contemporary benchmarks for critically ill patients admitted to U.S. ICUs. For 46,517 patients in the validation data set, aggregate mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay differed by only 1.9 hrs, and the difference between mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay was ⬍6 hrs for 59 (51%) and ⬍12 hrs for 95 (82%) of 116 ICU admission diagnoses. We attribute the relative accuracy of these predictions to several factors: a) precise measurement of ICU stay using the exact time of ICU admission and discharge; b) addition of new predictor variables such as mechanical ventilation, thrombolytic therapy, and adjustment for the impact of inability to assess GCS score due to sedation or paralysis; c) improved diagnostic specificity; and d) use of cubic regression splines, which allowed estimation of the nonlinear relationship between ICU stay and predictor variables such as age, APS, and previous length of stay. Although the preceding factors improved predictive accuracy, they also increased the complexity of collecting data and calculating predicted ICU stay. We believe this complexity is best addressed

by training and information technology. Careful training of data collectors, automated identification of worst physiologic values, and calculation of derived values improve data reliability. Information technology reduces data collection effort through the use of computerized pick lists, electronic capture of laboratory data, and automated calculation of ICU stay predictions for individuals and groups. In addition, the value of the collected data is magnified because the data are also used to generate benchmarks for hospital mortality and other measures of ICU resource use such as hospital length of stay, duration of mechanical ventilation, and risk for receiving life-supporting therapy. To facilitate the use of APACHE IV ICU length of stay benchmarks, they are being placed in the public domain via this publication and are also available at www.criticaloutcomes.cerner. com. This Web site provides a data collection training manual and a spreadsheet that supports manual data entry, provides regression coefficients, and automatically calculates spline terms and predictions of ICU stay and hospital mortality for individual patients. ICU day 1 APACHE IV benchmarks for ICU length of stay are clinically useful for patient groups, but they were neither designed nor intended to predict ICU stay for individual patients. This is because an individual patient’s ICU stay is influenced by differences in unit structure, management, and patient factors such as response to therapy and complications, which cannot be included in a day 1 predictive model. It is likely that the absence of these factors is why the APACHE IV model accounts for only 21.5% of the variation in ICU stay for individual patients and 62% of variation across ICUs in the validation set. We believe that the .62 R2 across ICUs supports the primary purpose of these benchmarks, the comparison of mean observed and case-mix adjusted ICU stay for patient groups. We view these unit-level benchmarks for ICU stay as a starting point for evaluating whether structural managerial or patient factors might be causing discrepancies between observed and expected ICU stay and assessing whether changes are needed. Our analysis of the impact of prognosis, outcome, and duration of stay on the accuracy of ICU stay prediction provides insight about the potential influence of structural, managerial, and patient-related factors. First, ICU stay predictions were less accurate for patients with the shortest 2521

Figure 3. Relative contributions of predictor variables to intensive care unit length of stay prediction. The acute physiology score (APS) category includes the APS of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation III, rescaled Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), and rescaled PaO2/FIO2 ratio. The diagnosis category includes 116 mutually exclusive primary reasons for intensive care admission, emergency surgery, and thrombolytic therapy for patients with acute myocardial infarction. The GCS category refers to an inability to assess GCS score due to sedation or paralysis. The miscellaneous category includes the age and chronic health items of Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation III and intensive care unit readmission.

Table 3. Deciles of predicted intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LOS) and associated mean observed ICU LOS for 46,517 patients in the validation set Decile of Predicted ICU LOS, % 0–10 11–20 21–30 31–40 41–50 51–60 61–70 71–80 81–90 91–100

Mean Observed ICU LOS, Days

Mean Predicted ICU LOS, Days

Difference of Observed-Predicted, Hrs

1.400 1.718 1.934 2.315 2.704 3.302 4.035 5.045 6.710 9.404

0.765 1.396 1.814 2.309 2.938 3.645 4.479 5.420 6.552 8.479

15.2 7.7 2.9 0.1 ⫺5.6 ⫺8.2 ⫺10.7 ⫺9.0 3.8 22.2

(mean ⱕ1.7 days) ICU stay. These patients typically have elective surgical or nonoperative diagnoses with a course characterized by rapid improvement and infrequent complication (30). We speculate that a substantial proportion of the difference in ICU stay ratios for patients with diagnoses characterized by a short stay are related to variations in ICU structure and management, particularly differences in discharge practices and the availability of intermediate care or floor beds. In addition, there is innate random2522

ness in ICU stay, particularly for shortstay patients because few are discharged between 10 pm and 7 am. Second, we found that ICU stay predictions were less accurate for patients with the longest (mean ⱖ9.40 days) ICU stay. These patients typically have diagnoses characterized by less rapid improvement, uncertain prognosis, and a tendency to develop complication (30). We speculate that less accurate predictions for patients with a long ICU stay might have been influenced, at least in part, by differences in

response to therapy and the frequency and timing of complications. Third, unexpected outcomes had an adverse impact on the accuracy of ICU length of stay predictions. Deaths among low (⬍20%) mortality risk patients (ICU stay ratio ⫽ 1.55) and survival among high (⬎80%) risk patients (ICU stay ratio ⫽ 1.42) had a marked impact on predictive accuracy. In contrast, ICU stay ratio was .99 for the remaining 41,627 patients with a 20 – 80% mortality risk (89.5% of the validation set) regardless of outcome. These findings are supported by previous reports about the impact of uncertain prognosis on ICU resource use (31, 32). Our findings support and expand those of previous studies. The APACHE IV aggregate R2 of .215 across individual patients and .62 across ICUs in the validation set represents an improvement over the .15 for the APACHE III version H model (1) and .19 for the APACHE III version J model (C. Alzola, unpublished data). These results also compare favorably with the R2 of .21 across individuals and .53 across ICUs reported by Render al. (33) and the .53 across ICUs reported by Rapoport et al (34). That transfer from another hospital was associated with a significant increase in ICU stay is consistent with findings from previous studies (25, 35, 36). Inclusion of a variable in the APACHE IV model that adjusts for the impact of transfer from another hospital means that performance benchmarks for tertiary referral ICUs need not be adversely affected. That ICU readmission is associated with an increase in ICU stay has been reported previously. The 6.5% ICU readmission rate for this 2002–2003 database is higher than the 4.6% in our 1988 –1990 (1) and 5.6% in our 1993– 1996 (20) databases but lower than the 7% average reported for North America and Europe (37). Our analysis also confirms the superiority of calculating ICU stay using exact date and time rather than calendar days (3, 33). The ability to compare mean observed and mean predicted ICU stay in hours and minutes is particularly useful for benchmarking diagnostic groups with a short ICU stay. For units unable to measure the exact date and time of ICU admission and discharge, we recommend using midnight bed occupancy-days because this value most closely approximates exact ICU length of stay (3, 33). That the relationship between APACHE III score and ICU stay is not linear is supported by the findings of others (3, 25). This nonlinear Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10

Figure 4. Calibration curve comparing mean observed and mean predicted intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LOS) for the 46,517 patients in the validation data set for 25 equal-sized groups. Straight line indicates perfect predictive ability. The line connecting dots plots predicted ICU length of stay.

Figure 5. Mean observed and mean predicted intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay (LOS) across day 1 hospital mortality risk and outcome. Low, ⬍20% risk; medium, 20 – 80% risk; high, ⬎80% risk.

relationship is why the APACHE IV model uses cubic splines to adjust for the age and physiologic components of the APACHE III score. The primary use for APACHE IV ICU stay benchmarks is the assessment and comparison of efficiency of patient Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10

throughput across ICUs. ICU length of stay is the most important determinant of ICU cost and resource use (38, 39), and the highest utilization (40 – 42) occurs for the small proportion of patients with a longer ICU stay (Fig. 2). The process of evaluating patient throughput using

APACHE IV benchmarks should begin with an examination of ICU stay ratios in aggregate and for frequent diagnostic groups. Based on the experiences of users, clinical consultants, and the need to generate statistically meaningful results, analysis should include ⱖ200 patients or a 3-month period, but we prefer data for ⬎500 patients to reduce randomness. Evaluation of ICU length of stay benchmarks should include comparison to best-demonstrated practices in addition to whether ICU stay ratios are significantly above or below 1.0. Analyses of length of stay outliers (ICU stay ⱖ2 days above predicted), ICU readmission rate, and ICU stay by specialty service can also provide useful information. For patient groups with an observed ICU stay that significantly exceeds expected, further evaluation should focus on identifying structural, managerial, and patient factors that might be affecting ICU stay. Structural factors that might account for a mean observed ICU stay that significantly exceeds the expected benchmark and are subject to change include variations in type of ICU physician staffing (25, 43–45), nurse to patient ratio (46), open vs. closed unit (47), and the availability of intermediate care (14, 48) and floor beds (48–50). Managerial factors include differences in discharge policies and practices (48, 49, 51), the use of protocols for sedation and neuromuscular paralysis (52, 53), weaning (54), and transfer to long-term acute care facilities (14, 55). Patient-related factors that might account for an observed ICU stay that exceeds expected include differences in patient risk of death at ICU admission (25, 38), unexpected death or survival (31, 32), end-of -life care preferences (25, 56, 57), and the development of complications. Complications that have a documented association with increased ICU stay include ventilator-associated pneumonia (26, 58), multiple organ system dysfunction (26, 59), critical illness polyneuropathy (60), catheter-related bloodstream infection (61), and gastrointestinal bleeding (62). APACHE IV benchmarks for ICU length of stay represent a starting point for determining the need to assess these factors. Potential alterations in unit structure, management, and clinical processes that are associated with reductions in ICU stay or influence the frequency of complications have been reviewed elsewhere (14, 63). APACHE IV benchmarks for ICU stay have several limitations. First, their accuracy is likely to deteriorate over time. 2523

This is because future changes in clinical policies, use of protocols, end-of-life care, and interhospital transfer practices are likely to alter ICU stay. Second, their usefulness is probably limited to U.S. ICUs. This is because international differences in hospital and ICU structure, management, and patient care are likely to have an adverse impact on predictive accuracy. Third, our data may not be nationally representative because their collection was limited to ICUs that had purchased an APACHE system. Fourth, ICU day 1 APACHE IV predictions of ICU stay are limited in their ability to identify individual patients at risk for a prolonged ICU stay. This is due to uncertainty about response to therapy, prognosis, and the development of complications. To address this limitation we have developed and will describe elsewhere an ICU length of stay predictive model that is based on ICU day 1 and ICU day 5 patient data. Fifth, we are uncertain about the impact of missing values on APACHE IV benchmarks for ICU stay. The effect of missing values would be to underpredict ICU stay. Sixth, the accuracy of ICU stay predictions is limited by heterogeneity within diagnostic groups. For example, the difference between mean observed (3.84 days) and mean predicted ICU stay (3.45 days) for patients admitted after surgery for gastrointestinal malignancy reflects average stay for patients admitted after operations for esophageal, gastric, small bowel, colon, and rectal malignancy. In the future, data for a greater number of patients with each specific type of surgery for gastrointestinal malignancy should improve predictive accuracy.

CONCLUSIONS APACHE IV provides clinically useful ICU length of stay benchmarks for critically ill patient groups. Comparison of aggregate and disease-specific ICU stay benchmarks provides a useful method for assessing the efficiency of a unit’s patient throughput. A mean observed ICU stay that is significantly higher than expected supports a need to assess structural, managerial, and patient-related factors that may be affecting ICU stay. Continued monitoring of these benchmarks for ICU stay is useful for assessing the impact of changes in structure and process in reducing ICU stay. 2524

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank William A. Knaus, MD, and Douglas P. Wagner for suggestions and discussion regarding this manuscript. We also thank Randall K. Spoeri PhD for technical suggestions for the manuscript.



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Appendix 1. Relationship between predictor variables used in Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation IV and intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay for patients in validation set: Nonoperative diagnostic groups ICU Length of Stay, Days

Diagnostic Group Cardiovascular diagnoses Acute myocardial infarction Anterior Inferior/lateral Non-Q Other

Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10

No. of Patients

Observed Median

Observed Mean

Predicted Mean


p Value


531 838 611 281

1.91 1.55 1.85 1.83

2.77 2.09 2.55 2.65

2.53 2.08 2.41 2.68

1.09 1.00 1.06 0.99

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01

0.85768512 ⫺0.036016015 ⫺0.057916835 Reference


Appendix 1.—Continued ICU Length of Stay, Days

Diagnostic Group Cardiac arrest Cardiogenic shock Cardiomyopathy Congestive heart failure Chest pain, rule out AMI Hypertension Hypovolemia/dehydration (not shock) Hemorrhage (not related to GI bleeding) Aortic aneurysm Peripheral vascular disease Rhythm disturbance Sepsis (by infection site) Cutaneous Gastrointestinal Pulmonary Urinary tract Other location Unknown location Cardiac drug toxicity Unstable angina Cardiovascular, other Respiratory diagnoses Airway obstruction Asthma Aspiration pneumonia Bacterial pneumonia Viral pneumonia Parasitic/fungal pneumonia COPD (emphysema/bronchitis) Pleural effusion Pulmonary edema (noncardiac, ARDS) Pulmonary embolism Respiratory arrest Respiratory cancer (oral, larynx, lung, trachea) Restrictive lung disease (fibrosis, sarcoidosis) Respiratory disease, other GI diagnoses GI bleeding, upper GI bleeding lower/diverticulitis GI bleeding, varices GI inflammatory disease Neoplasm Obstruction Perforation Vascular insufficiency Hepatic failure Intra/retroperitoneal hemorrhage Pancreatitis GI, other Neurologic diagnoses Intracerebral hemorrhage Neurologic neoplasm Neurologic infection Neuromuscular disease Drug overdose Subdural/epidural hematoma Subarachnoid hemorrhage, intracranial aneurysm Seizures (no structural disease) Stroke Neurologic, other Trauma involving the head Head trauma with either chest, abdomen, pelvis, or spine injury Head trauma with extremity or facial trauma Head trauma only Head trauma with multiple other injuries Trauma, chest and spine trauma Trauma, spine only


No. of Patients

Observed Median

Observed Mean

Predicted Mean


p Value


975 244 105 1,788 345 411 395 94 130 360 1,373

2.76 3.27 2.56 2.23 0.99 1.69 1.96 1.57 2.06 1.97 1.61

4.75 5.81 4.32 3.68 1.30 2.44 3.15 2.40 4.05 2.81 2.52

4.75 5.62 4.21 3.72 1.37 2.42 3.05 2.84 4.28 3.25 2.50

1.00 1.03 1.03 0.99 0.94 1.01 1.03 0.85 0.95 0.87 1.01

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬍.01 ⬎.01

⫺0.751470488 0.329989886 0.557005388 ⫺0.219091549 ⫺0.520128136 ⫺0.067961418 ⫺0.067961418 ⫺0.389881468 1.310621507 0.844326529 ⫺0.302546395

185 358 544 596 410 503 136 1,035 781

3.64 3.25 4.36 2.72 2.98 3.37 1.47 1.13 1.67

6.18 6.16 7.10 4.55 5.63 5.78 2.34 1.53 2.93

5.91 6.37 7.38 4.41 5.27 5.28 2.55 1.57 2.79

1.04 0.97 0.96 1.03 1.07 1.09 0.92 0.98 1.05

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01

1.56421957 1.245313673 1.926647999 0.453137242 0.649077107 0.402590257 ⫺0.882634505 ⫺0.368981979 ⫺0.132883369

246 260 535 1,342 75 54 937 197 372 408 546 141 115 1389

1.87 1.65 4.25 3.68 3.09 2.62 3.01 5.20 1.97 3.38 3.02 3.06 3.00

3.82 2.53 6.65 6.15 5.64 9.19 4.27 5.08 8.30 3.85 5.85 4.36 5.29 5.49

4.23 3.11 6.35 6.21 5.41 7.34 4.25 5.51 7.45 3.51 5.81 4.78 6.05 5.12

0.86 0.81 1.05 0.99 1.04 1.25 1.00 0.92 1.11 1.09 1.01 0.91 0.875 1.07

⬎.01 ⬍.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01

0.347148464 ⫺0.542185912 0.860258427 1.306744601 1.156064757 1.619700546 ⫺0.446092483 0.810093029 1.44275094 0.106834049 ⫺0.053291846 ⫺0.140474342 1.024903996 0.240490909

1,282 613 202 119 52 100 70 50 242 86 185 141

1.85 1.88 2.09 2.62 2.77 2.50 3.63 2.90 2.72 2.31 3.35 1.99

2.90 2.54 3.18 4.24 4.76 5.18 6.67 6.22 4.26 3.77 7.65 3.52

2.95 2.64 3.64 4.41 5.02 6.16 6.93 6.42 4.53 3.87 6.77 3.95

0.98 0.96 0.87 0.96 0.95 0.842 0.96 0.97 0.94 0.973 1.13 0.89

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01

0.021360405 0.185696594 ⫺0.083385343 0.532982522 1.336831287 2.06861446 2.208699567 1.944060834 0.194945835 0.165265635 2.762688675 0.556588745

968 123 162 93 1,117 301 510 571 896 322

2.52 1.99 2.84 2.95 1.35 2.39 3.82 1.85 2.24 1.49

4.51 3.20 4.50 5.98 2.22 3.68 6.45 3.07 3.60 2.65

4.35 3.38 4.74 7.14 2.14 3.70 6.02 3.35 3.28 2.84

1.03 0.95 0.95 0.84 1.04 0.99 1.07 0.92 1.09 0.93

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01

0.86329482 0.974847187 1.16556532 3.92566043 3.92566043 1.195315097 3.00860876 ⫺0.330810671 0.313233793 0.357504381

170 185 640 273 120 122

2.73 2.10 1.78 4.04 3.16 2.62

6.42 4.85 3.94 7.43 6.53 6.19

5.47 4.32 3.82 7.80 6.27 4.69

1.17 1.12 1.03 0.95 1.04 1.32

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01

2.128908172 0.860033343 0.834081141 3.637560295 2.574268317 2.168142671

Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10

Appendix 1.—Continued ICU Length of Stay, Days

Diagnostic Group Multiple trauma (excluding head trauma) Metabolic/endocrine diagnoses Acid-base, electrolyte disorder Diabetic ketoacidosis Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma Metabolic/endocrine, other Hematologic diagnoses Coagulopathy, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia Hematologic, other Genitourinary diagnoses Renal, other Miscellaneous diagnoses General, other

No. of Patients

Observed Median

Observed Mean

Predicted Mean


p Value








185 609 354 208

1.80 1.45 2.27 1.62

3.38 1.97 3.80 2.92

2.96 1.83 3.85 2.76

1.14 1.08 0.99 1.06

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01

⫺0.382017407 ⫺0.58421484 ⫺0.081962609 ⫺0.363969853






























AMI, acute myocardial infarction; GI, gastrointestinal; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Appendix 2. Relationship between predictor variables used in Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation IV and intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay for patients in validation data: Postoperative diagnostic groups ICU Length of Stay (Days)

Diagnostic Group Cardiovascular surgery Valvular heart surgery CABG with double or redo valve surgery CABG with single valve surgery Aortic aneurysm, elective repair Aortic aneurysm, rupture Aortic aneurysm, dissection Femoral-popliteal bypass graft Aorto-iliac, aorto-femoral bypass graft Peripheral ischemia (embolectomy, thrombectomy, dilation) Carotid endarterectomy Cardiovascular surgery, other Respiratory surgery Thoracotomy, malignancy Neoplasm, mouth, larynx Thoracotomy, lung biopsy, pleural disease Thoracotomy, respiratory infection Respiratory surgery, other GI surgery GI malignancy GI bleeding Fistula, abscess Cholecystitis, cholangitis GI inflammation GI obstruction GI perforation GI, vascular ischemia Liver transplant GI, surgery, other Neurologic surgery Craniotomy or transsphenoidal procedure for neoplasm

Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10

No. of Patients

Observed Median

Observed Mean

Predicted Mean


p Value


587 109

1.30 3.10

3.04 5.89

2.83 5.67

1.07 1.04

⬎.01 ⬎.01

⫺2.076438218 ⫺0.332456954

484 745 113 61 297 272

1.95 2.08 4.53 3.97 1.22 1.92

3.98 3.60 7.92 7.13 2.18 2.78

4.11 3.75 9.20 6.72 2.03 3.16

0.97 0.96 0.86 1.06 1.07 0.88

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01

⫺1.358289429 0.773946463 2.77663888 1.110021457 ⫺0.204188913 0.52392239








1046 898

0.95 1.56

1.29 2.96

1.24 2.66

1.04 1.11

⬎.01 ⬎.01

⫺0.14649332 ⫺1.28358348

639 244 135

1.29 1.88 1.79

2.43 2.74 2.72

2.21 2.78 3.16

1.09 0.99 0.86

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01

⫺0.140474342 ⫺0.053892181 0.185974867















755 92 97 198 47 415 416 168 139 696

2.05 2.81 2.84 1.91 2.00 2.83 3.63 3.03 2.94 2.02

3.84 5.19 5.74 3.30 4.26 5.13 6.68 5.54 4.19 4.41

3.45 4.57 4.87 3.15 4.44 4.59 6.04 5.86 4.75 4.07

1.11 1.14 1.18 1.05 0.96 1.12 1.11 0.95 0.88 1.08

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01

0.324865875 ⫺0.045403893 0.719937797 ⫺0.588512311 0.686936442 0.187304735 1.055374625 ⫺0.848656603 0.62069525 0.217044719









Appendix 2.—Continued ICU Length of Stay (Days)

Diagnostic Group

No. of Patients

Observed Median

Observed Mean

Predicted Mean


p Value

Intracranial hemorrhage Subarachnoid hemorrhage (aneurysm, arteriovenous malformation) Subdural/epidural hematoma Laminectomy, fusion, spinal cord surgery Neurologic surgery, other Trauma surgery Head trauma only Multiple trauma sites including the head Surgery for extremity trauma Multiple trauma (excluding the head) Genitourinary surgery Renal/bladder/prostate neoplasm Renal transplant Hysterectomy Genitourinary surgery, other Miscellaneous surgery Amputation, nontraumatic

115 162

4.09 1.84

7.07 4.21

6.89 4.71

1.03 0.89

⬎.01 ⬎.01

2.949869569 2.599592539

206 497

2.64 1.48

4.67 2.34

4.53 2.09

1.03 1.12

⬎.01 ⬎.01

1.342344962 ⫺0.251392367








116 117


5.62 8.26

6.55 8.41

0.86 0.98

⬎.01 ⬎.01

2.102182643 3.20631279

148 530

1.70 2.92

2.98 6.01

2.62 6.17

1.13 0.97

⬎.01 ⬎.01

⫺0.481004907 1.485430308








224 69 106

1.75 1.85 1.88

2.07 3.20 3.10

2.18 2.79 2.50

0.95 1.15 1.24

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01

⫺0.556650506 ⫺0.162493249 ⫺0.58901834









CABG, coronary artery bypass graft; GI, gastrointestinal.

Appendix 3. Relationship between predictor variables used in Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation IV and intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay in validation data set: Nonsplined variables other than diagnosis ICU Length of Stay, Days

Variable ICU readmission Yes No Emergency surgery Yes No Unable to assess GCS Yes No Ventilated on ICU day 1 Yes No Thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction Yes No Rescaled GCS (15-GCS) 15-GCS ⫽ 0 15-GCS ⫽ 1,2,3 15-GCS ⫽ 4,5,6 15-GCS ⫽ 7,8,9 15-GCS ⫽ 10,11,12 PaO2/FIO2 ratio ⱕ200 201–300 301–400 401–500 501–600


No. of Patients

Observed Median

Observed Mean

Predicted Mean


p Value


3,011 43,506

3.28 1.93

5.82 3.72

5.68 3.64

1.02 1.02

⬎.01 ⬍.001


2,596 43,921

2.87 1.95

5.68 3.75

5.67 3.66

1.00 1.03

⬎.01 ⬍.001


3,734 42,783

4.04 1.90

6.95 3.59

7.03 3.49

0.99 1.03

⬎.01 ⬍.001


16,755 29,762

3.52 1.65

6.13 2.57

6.02 2.52

1.02 1.02

⬎.01 ⬍.001


557 45,960

1.65 1.99

2.11 3.88

2.20 3.80

0.96 1.02

⬎.01 ⬍.001


28,270 9,939 3,688 2,368 2,252

1.78 2.11 3.59 4.21 1.97

3.25 3.96 6.02 6.67 4.50

3.29 3.68 5.25 5.86 5.71

0.99 1.08 1.15 1.14 0.79

⬎.01 ⬍.001 ⬍.001 ⬍.001 ⬍.001

7,728 5,033 31,004 2,000 752

3.98 3.03 1.69 2.80 2.37

6.82 5.57 2.78 4.67 3.91

6.54 5.50 2.77 4.45 3.46

1.04 1.01 1.00 1.05 1.13

⬍.001 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 p ⬍ 0.01



Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10

Appendix 3.—Continued ICU Length of Stay, Days

Variable Chronic health items AIDS Cirrhosis Hepatic failure Immunosuppressed Lymphoma Leukemia, myeloma Metastatic cancer None Admission source Floor Other hospital Operating/recovery room Other

No. of Patients

Observed Median

Observed Mean

Predicted Mean


p Value


225 513 677 1,781 265 376 1,183 41,497

2.76 2.44 2.82 2.73 2.41 2.69 2.22 1.94

5.07 4.29 4.70 4.96 4.54 4.76 4.05 3.77

5.09 4.61 4.63 4.86 4.49 4.31 4.32 3.67

1.00 0.93 1.02 1.02 1.01 1.10 0.94 1.02

⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬎.01 ⬍.001

⫺0.102859942 0.362658613 ⫺0.16012995 ⫺0.07438064 ⫺0.28079854 ⫺0.803754341 ⫺0.491932974 Reference

7,883 2,678 14,209 21,747

2.72 2.63 1.83 1.91

4.88 5.05 3.48 3.59

4.70 4.91 3.34 3.59

1.04 1.03 1.04 1.00

⬍.01 ⬎.01 ⬍.001 ⬎.01

0.006529382 0.855505043 ⫺0.599591763 Reference

GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale score.

Crit Care Med 2006 Vol. 34, No. 10