Intent for General Education Certificate - Dyersburg State ...

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Instructions for Receiving the General Education Core Certificate ... one of which must be in literature) must be completed from the following: ART 1030, ARTH.
DYERSBURG STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Instructions for Receiving the General Education Core Certificate General Education Core Certificate – Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degree – 41 credit hours in specific courses, depending on the student’s area of emphasis. General Education Core Certificate – Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree – 15-17 credit hours in specific courses, depending on the student’s concentration. For the student:  Make an appointment with your academic advisor who will assist you in completing this form. With the assistance of your advisor, review your transcript and the appropriate curriculum (listed below.)  After you and your advisor have checked your transcript and have completed this form, please return it to the Office of Admissions and Records. Retain this sheet for your information.  Please be aware that, in addition to the specific course requirements, the certificate requirements are as follows: o At least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the certificate must be obtained through DSCC instruction. o You must have a cumulative GPA of 2.00 in college-level courses. General Education Core Certificate (AA/AS) The General Education Core certificate provides students with the required coursework in the general education core for the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science degrees offered at each community college in Tennessee and also fulfill the general education core requirements at each Tennessee Board of Regents university. Semester Hours ENGL 1010 Composition I 3 ENGL 1020 Composition II 3 SPCH 1010 Fundamentals of Speech Communication 3 Humanities/Fine Arts Electives* 9 Social Sciences Electives** 6 History Electives*** 6 Natural Science Electives**** 8 Mathematics Elective**** 3 41 *The Humanities/Fine Arts electives (three courses, one of which must be in literature) must be completed from the following: ART 1030, ARTH 2010, ARTH 2020, ENGL 2110, ENGL 2120, ENGL 2210, ENGL 2220, ENGL 2310, ENGL 2320, MUS 1030, MUS 2110, MUS 2120, PHIL 1030, PHIL 1040, PHIL 2030 or THEA 1030. **The Social Sciences electives (two courses) must be completed from the following: ECON 2010, ECON 2020, GEOG 2010, POLS 1030, PSYC 1030, PSYC 2120, PSYC 2130, SOCI 1010, SOCI 1020 or SOCI 2010. ***Students who lack the required one unit (one year) of American History from high school as an admissions requirement must complete six semester hours of American History or three semester hours of American History and three semester hours of Tennessee History to fulfill the history requirement in general education. Otherwise, students must complete two courses from the following: HIST 1110, HIST 1120, HIST 2010, HIST 2020, or HIST 2030. ****Students should consult the catalog of their transfer institution for guidance in selecting elective hours. Students pursuing an Associate of Arts degree will be required to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language equivalent to completion of one year of college-level work.

General Education Core Certificate (AAS) The General Education Core certificate (AAS) provides students with the required coursework in the general education core for the Associate of Applied Science degrees offered at each community college in Tennessee. ENGL 1010 Composition I Humanities/Fine Arts Electives* Social Sciences Elective** Mathematics/Natural Science Elective*** General Elective****

Semester Hours 3 3 3 3-4 3-4 15-17

*The Humanities/Fine Arts elective (one course) must be completed from the following: ART 1030, ARTH 2010, ARTH 2020, ENGL 2110, ENGL 2120, ENGL 2210, ENGL 2220, ENGL 2310, ENGL 2320, MUS 1030, MUS 2110, MUS 2120, PHIL 1030, PHIL 1040, PHIL 2030 or THEA 1030. **The Social Sciences elective (one course) must be completed from the following: ECON 2010, ECON 2020, GEOG 2010, POLS 1030, PSYC 1030, PSYC 2120, PSYC 2130, SOCI 1010, SOCI 1020 or SOCI 2010. ***If transferring, students should consult the catalog of their transfer institution for guidance in selecting elective hours. These hours must be selected from the list of approved general education core courses. ****Students must select one additional course from the categories of Communication, Humanities/Fine Arts, Social Sciences or Natural Science/Mathematics.



Phone Number ______________________ (home)

__________________ (work)

____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle) (Former) Advisor

Date You First Entered DSCC __________________________


Dept/Course No. ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Credits ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

COURSES NEXT SEMESTER (If Applicable) _____Sem. _____Year Dept/Course No. Credits ______________ _______ ______________ _______ ______________ _______ ______________ _______ ______________ _______

COURSES THE FOLLOWING SEMESTER (If Applicable) _____Sem. _____Year Dept/Course No. Credits ______________ ________ ______________ ________ ______________ ________ ______________ ________ ______________ ________

I am scheduled to complete requirements for the following General Education Certificate: (Check One) ____ AAS General Education

____ AA/AS General Education

The catalog under which I am completing this certificate covers the academic year which the student plans to complete cannot be more than five years old.

. NOTE: The catalog under

I expect to meet all requirements at the end of Semester Year. Spring and Summer candidates must notify the Office of Admissions and Records by February1 (November 1 for Fall completion) if the term of completion differs from the above term.

I have read the attached information sheet and have met with my advisor. _______________________________________________ Student's Signature

__________________________________________ Advisor's Signature

FOR ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS USE ONLY: Date Form Submitted to Admissions and Records Total College Level Hours Completed

Cumulative GPA ____________________________ Forms/GenEdComplete/03/30/12