InTer-exAmIner relIAbIlITy When. uSIng The obJecTIve STrucTured. prAcTIcAl exAmInATIon (oSpe). mArk SheeT for phySIoTherApy. prAcTIcAl exAmInATIonS.
Research Article
Inter-examiner reliability when using the objective structured practical examination (OSPE) mark sheet for physiotherapy practical examinations Abstract: Background: The Objective Structured Practical Olivier B (MSc Physiotherapy) (Wits)1 Examination (OSPE) format is used during practical exami nations as part of the physiotherapy undergraduate curriculum Naidoo V (MSc Physiotherapy) (Wits)1 at the University of the Witwatersrand. Various factors influence Humphries C (MSc Physiotherapy) (Wits)1 inter-examiner reliability and investigating the inter-examiner Godlwana L (MSc Physiotherapy) (Wits)1 reliability when using the OSPE can lead to improvement of the Romm M (MSc Pain) (King’s College London) examination process. The aim of this study was to establish interNtsiea V PhD (Wits) examiner reliability when using the OSPE mark sheet. Van Aswegen H (PhD) (Wits)1 Methods: Twelve examiners participated in this study. Thirty Myezwa H (PhD) (Wits)1 three second year PT students were examined at six stations and Roos R (MSc Physiotherapy) (Wits)1 by two examiners at each station. The Spearman’s correlation Mudzi W (PhD) (Wits)1 test was used to establish inter-examiner reliability. Results: The general inter-examiner reliability of the OSPE Potterton J (PhD) (Wits)1 mark sheet was high. There was a high correlation between Watt B (BSc Physiotherapy) (Wits)1 examiners who had the same level of experience (r=0.79 to Maleka D (PhD) (Wits) r=0.93; p5