Interagency_Quarterly_March_2016 Food - Food Security Cluster

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ACF, DRC, FAO, IOCC, IR Lebanon, INTERSOS, MCC, Mercy Corps, MoA, MoSA, Near East Foundation, PU-AMI, SCI, SHEILD, Trium
Food Security Quarter 1 Dashboard The quarterly dashboard summarizes the progress made by partners involved in the Lebanon Crisis Response and highlights trends affecting people in need. The Food Security sector in Lebanon is working to: OUTCOME 1) Promote food availability; OUTCOME 2) Promote food accessibility; OUTCOME 3) Promote food utilization; OUTCOME 4) Promote stabilization.

Targeted Population groups

2016 Funding Status as of 14 April 2016

Received 68.5 m

Population reached by cohort

1,4 m (People in Need)

Syrian 691,758 individual


Required $260.9 m


473.5 m

Poor Lebanese PRS PRL

1,1 m Targeted

618,071 30,523 42534 377

Progress against targets Activities


reached / target

# of individuals reached with cash based food assistance # of individuals reached with in-kind food assistance

660,920 / 889,120

28,503 / 50,100

First Quarter Data Amount of cash for food transferred through vouchers, ATM cards and e-cards

48.72 m / 334.87 m

reached / target

OUTCOME 1: Promote food availability # of individuals reached with in-kind food assistance # of farmers with enhanced farming production

28,503/50,100 1,629/22,700

OUTCOME 2: Promote food accessibility # of vulnerable people reached with cash based food assistance

660,920 /889,120

OUTCOME 3: Promote food utilization # of farmers trained/received material on sustainable agriculture and livestock production # of farmers trained on post-harvest management # of individuals benefitting from micro-gardens

1,628 / 22,724

487 / 16,446

# of individuals supported with nutritional practices (trained+gardens)

460 / 10,000

OUTCOME 4: Promote stabilization # of national institutions involved in food security supported


460 / 10,000 0%

# of new gardens created and provided with equipment/inputs



Age/Gender breakdown # of national institution staff trained

128 / 500 48% 52%



# of farmers trained/received material on sustainable agriculture and livestock production.

Poor Lebanese

# of individuals benefitting from micro-gardens

45% 55%

Displaced Syrians

Custom analysis Amount of USD injected in the cash based food assistance system


# of farmers trained/received material on sustainable agriculture and livestock production North 110

$18.3 $15.2


Akkar 262


Mt. Lebanon 212


Bekaa 555

8 4 0




South 489

Prepared by the Interagency Information Management Unit- UNHCR | For more information contact the Food Security coordination Nadine Abdel Khalek ; Pardie Karamanoukian ; Elena Rovaris

Sector progress Vulnerable families continue to live in a state of uncertainty. By providing assistance to those families and removing the worry about where the next meal will come from, combined sector activities instill a sense of hope and allow families to focus on their day-to-day activities. During the first quarter of 2016, the Food Security sector assisted up to 691,000 vulnerable individuals with food assistance and agricultural support. Food accessibility through the use of food assistance (Outcome 2) has been promoted for up to to 660,920 persons through vouchers and e-cards. Beneficiaries assisted include up to 590,801 displaced Syrians, reached through e-cards (95%) and vouchers. In addition, up to 39,456 Palestine Refugees from Syria were provided with food assistance through ATM cards and 3,078 with vouchers. Up to 377 Palestine Refugees in Lebanon were assisted through vouchers, whilst up to 27,208 vulnerable Lebanese were also supported by the National Poverty Targeting Programme (NPTP). Aiming at promoting food availability and supporting sustainable agricultural production (outcome 1), the food security sector supported more than 1,628 farmers with training and material for sustainable agriculture production. Capacity building of 487 individuals (farmers, government staff and private sector) on management of food losses and management of plant diseases,. In-kind food parcels (outcome 1) and hot meals were provided to complement the food assistance for up to 28,503 refugees and host communities. Among those assisted, up to 2,616 households were served through community kitchens. In order to promote food utilization through diversified and quality food to improve food safety and nutrition practices ( outcome 3, ) as a pilot project, more than 60 micro-gardens were created (through provision and agricultural inputs and tools) and 92 vulnerable Lebanese and Syrian women were trained on good nutritional practices, providing 460 individuals with access to diversified and nutritious food, As part of promoting food stabilization through enhanced information on food security, coordination and support to national institutions, ( outcome 4 , more than 120 government staff received capacity building. MoA staff in the statistics and extension departments was trained on using mobile data collection tools to conduct the agricultural production survey for 2016. In addition MoA and customs staff were trained on surveillance and management on plant diseases.

In order to continue the work of providing technical guidance to the partners in promoting food stabilization (outcome 4), three subworking groups have been either established or re-activated: micro –gardening, community kitchens and M&E. All working groups met and discussed issues raised by partners such as: Standard Operational Procedures for Micro gardening, types of Micro Gardening (MG), Aim of MG, legal limitations, sustainability, feasibility & extension of activities. For the community kitchen sub-working group issues discussed were: who are the intended beneficiaries, what is the legal framework within the context of ensuring sanitation and hygiene, sustainability of such activities, food Safety & disposal, linkage to other type of assistance. For the M&E working group a mapping exercise of the different monitoring tools among the sector partners have been conducted to ensure all partners are collecting the sector agreed indicators. It resulted that partners are aligning to what proposed by the sector and the sector will advocate among partners the continued use of the harmonized approach in collecting the monitoring information to report against the LCRP established outcomes.

Facts and Figures 57%

of refugees HHs highly and severely vulnerable to Food insecurity1


of refugees HHs moderately vulnerable to Food insecurity1


of refugees depending on the e-car for food assistance as main livelihood source1


of refugees HHs adopting severe and crisis coping strategies1


of refugees HHs unable to cover SMEB (Survival Minimum Expenditures Basket)1


of Lebanese HHs vulnerable to food insecurity2


of Farmers in need of agriculture support2


of PRS food insecure population3

Data Sources: 1 2 3

Vulnerability Assessment of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon (VaSyr 2015) Food Security and Livelihoods Assessment of Lebanese Host Communities (FSLA 2015) PRS needs assessment 2015

Changes in context - first quarter The food security situation of the vulnerable group across Lebanon remains of concern. The VaSyr 2015 shows a decline in food security for all vulnerable groups: a significant worsening in overall food security since 2014 for Syrian refugees. Moderate food insecurity has doubled, while food secure households have fallen from 25 per cent to 11 per cent. The 2015 Food Security and Livelihoods Assessment (FSLA 2015) has provided a baseline of information on Lebanese household food security, indicating that 10 percent have a vulnerability to food insecurity. The UNRWA-AUB socio-economic survey conducted in June 2015 targeting PRS revealed that 94.5 percent of the total population are food insecure (63.2 percent severely food insecure and 31.3 percent moderately food insecure. According to the FSLA 2015, the agricultural economy and food production capacity has an impact across Lebanon. Farmers who have traditionally relied on agricultural inputs and services at subsidized/cheaper rates from Syria currently face an increase in input costs, and are struggling to keep up production. Furthermore, farmers and pastoralists are unable to cope with the escalating feed prices and decreasing prices of their animals and animal products, and are facing a high risk of outbreaks of pest and livestock contagious diseases. New donor contributions following the February “Supporting Syria and the Region Conference” in London, meant that WFP was able to fully reinstate its food assistance to displaced Syrians in Lebanon – and the region – from March. Eligible beneficiaries are now receiving US$27 per person per month, for up to a limit of five people per household. $27 per month was determined by WFP to be the amount required for one individual to be able to meet their basic food needs.

List of partners who reported on Activity Info in Q1 ACF, DRC, FAO, IOCC, IR Lebanon, INTERSOS, MCC, Mercy Corps, MoA, MoSA, Near East Foundation, PU-AMI, SCI, SHEILD, Triumphant Mercy, UNDP, UNRWA, URDA, WFP, WVI

Food Security Quarter 1 Organizations per district The achievements described in this dashboard are the collective work of the following 18 organizations: ACF, DRC, FAO, IOCC, IR Lebanon, Intersos, MCC, Mercy Corps, Near East Foundation, PU-AMI, SCI, SHEILD, Triumphant Mercy, UNDP, UNRWA, URDA, WFP, WVI



El Koura DRC, MoSA, WFP


Zgharta DRC, MoSA, WFP

Bcharre DRC, MoSA, WFP

El Batroun DRC, FAO, MoSA, WFP Jbeil FAO, MoSA, PU-AMI, WFP

Beirut FAO, IR Lebanon, MCC, MoSA, PU-AMI, UNRWA, WFP


Aley FAO, IR Lebanon, MoSA, PU-AMI, URDA, WFP Chouf FAO, IR Lebanon, MoSA, PU-AMI, WFP

El Meten FAO, IR Lebanon, MoSA, Near East Foundation, PU-AMI, Triumphant Mercy, WFP Zahle Baabda FAO, IOCC, IR FAO, MoSA, Lebanon, MoSA, PU-AMI, WFP UNDP, UNRWA, URDA, WFP, WVI

West Bekaa IOCC, Intersos, MoSA, UNDP, WFP


Jezzine ACF, FAO, IR Lebanon, WFP Saida ACF, FAO, IR Lebanon, MoSA, UNRWA, WFP


El Nabatieh FAO, MoSA, SHEILD, WFP

Baalbek-El Hermel Baalbek ACF, FAO, IR Lebanon, Mercy Corps, MoSA, WFP

Kesrwane FAO, MoSA, PU-AMI, WFP

Mount Lebanon


El Minieh-Dennie DRC, FAO, MoSA, UNRWA, WFP

Rachaya MoSA

Hasbaya FAO, IR Lebanon, SHEILD, WFP

El Nabatieh Marjaayoun FAO, SHEILD, WFP

Sour ACF, FAO, MCC, MoSA, UNRWA, WFP Bent Jbeil FAO, IR Lebanon, MoSA, SHEILD, WFP

Number of partner per district 1 2-4 5-6 7-9

Note: This map has been produced by UNHCR based on maps and material provided by the Government of Lebanon for UNHCR operational purposes. It does not constitute an official United Nations map. The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Prepared by the Inter-Agency Information Management Unit | For more information contact the Food Security coordination Nadine Abdel Khalek ; Pardie Karamanoukian ; Elena Rovaris