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Interference Minimization in Wireless Communication. Systems by Optimal Cell Site Selection. Kurt Tutschku. Institute of Computer Science, University of.
to be presented at the 3rd European Personal Mobile Communications Conference, 9 - 11 March 1999, Paris, France.

Interference Minimization in Wireless Communication Systems by Optimal Cell Site Selection

Kurt Tutschku Institute of Computer Science, University of Wurzburg Am Hubland, D-97074 Wurzburg, Germany Tel.: +49-931-8885511, Fax: +49-931-8884601 E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: This paper presents two automatic cellular network design algorithms which determine the favourable positions of transmitters with respect to co-channel interference (CCI). The proposed methods are capable of maximizing the average CCI ratio in the planning region while optimizing the covered teletrac demand. Additionally, we investigate how the proposed algorithms can be extended for locating micro- and macro-cells.

1 Introduction

The cellular concept introduces frequency reuse for FDMA/TDMA wireless networks to increase the trac capacity of the radio part of these systems. Users in geographically separated areas are simultaneously employing the same carrier frequency. However, the frequency reuse introduces co- and adjacent-channel interference which limits the theoretical capacity gain of the reuse if the geographical separation of cells with the same frequency is too small. The high capacity design of a cellular network requires that, after selecting the cell site, frequencies are allocated to the cells in such a way that the co-channel and the adjacent channel interference in the cells is minimized. Due to the inhomogeneous trac distribution and the irregular shape of the cell boundaries, however, the frequency allocation procedure is extremely dicult. In order to decrease the complexity of this engineering task, already the selection of cell sites should be carried out with regard to interference. Especially, the worst case scenario of cochannel interference (CCI), has to be addressed in an early stage during the cellular design. Moreover, an additional capacity gain can be achieved by including the cell cite selection into the optimization process. In this paper, we present two automatic cellular network design algorithms which determine the location of transmitters with respect to co-channel interference. The proposed methods are capable of maximizing the average CCI ratio in the planning region while optimizing the covered teletrac demand. As solving methods for the optimization problem we suggest two methods: a) a Greedy-based heuristic (GH) and b) an approach based on Simulated

Rudolf Mathar and Thomas Niessen Department of Mathematics, Aachen University of Technology Wullnerstr. 3, D-52056 Aachen, Germany Tel.: +49-241-804576, Fax: +49-241-8888130 E-mail: [mathar niessen] j

Annealing (SA). Additionally, we investigate how the proposed methods can be extended for locating micro- and macro-cells. We would like to mention that the work presented in this paper is a signi cant extension of the research described in Tutschku (1998b) The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we rst discuss the interference minization objectives and introduce the Demand Node Concept (DNC), which facilitates the application of automatic cellular network design algorithms. We then formulate the base station location task as a discrete covering problem, and subsequently then demonstrate how interference minization can be formalized as a constrained optimization task. Additionally, we describe the two solution methods based on the Greedy Heuristic and Simulated Annealing. Furthermore, we present results from two case studies. In Section 3, we demonstrate how the interference minimization can be extended to micro/macro cell design. In Section 4, we summarize our presentation and give an outlook to further extensions of the proposed method.

2 Interference minimizing radio network design Prior to introducing the two interference minimizing design algorithms, we outline the basic RF objectives for automatic radio network engineering and the calculation of the co-channel interference (CCI) ratio in cellular systems.

2.1 RF design objectives

Most automatic cellular network design algorithms consider the received signal power level ( ) at certain test points as their main design objective, cf. Calegari et al. (1997) and Chamaret et al. (1997). However, the consideration of this value as the sole design criterion is insucient for real world planning cases. The provision of a usable radio link requires at least the ful llment of two constraints: a) the received signal level ( ) has to obey the threshold ( ) , de ned by the link budget, cf. Faruque dB


th; dB

. . .. ..... . . . . ..... . . . ... . ... ... ..... . . . . . . . . . ..... .... ....... .. . . . . . . . .. ............ .......... . . . . . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . .... ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . .... .. . . . . . .

Figure 1: Interferer scenario

Figure 2: Demand node concept: node distribution


( ) > ( ) ; (1) b) the co-channel interference ratio ( ) must exceed the interference threshold  ( ): ( ) >  ( ): (2) The threshold  ( ) is de ned by the receiver sensitivity. However, the usage of the interference value as a design criterion for a single base station is quite a challenge: the interference measured at a certain location depends rstly on the signal disturbance introduced by an investigated new base station, and secondly on the con guration of other interfering, already located, transmitters.

given constraints. Second, automatic selection algorithms accelerate the engineering process. A preliminary network con guration is synthesized by the algorithm. It serves as a starting point for the actual design. Hence, the network designer has not to deal with invalid sites. The engineer can immediately start with the detailed determination of the system parameters. A rst demand-based automatic network design algorithm was introduced by Tutschku (1998a). This approach will be extended such that it also accounts for interference. The application of the proposed algorithms is enabled by the employment of a discrete population model for the trac description, the Demand Node Concept (DNC), cf. Tutschku et al. (1996) and Tutschku and Tran-Gia (1998). The application of the concept allows for formulating the transmitter location task as a Maximal Coverage Location Problem (MCLP), which is well known in economics for modeling and solving facility location problems.


th; dB


th; dB


th; dB

th; dB

2.2 Co-channel interference

Figure 1 depicts a typical cellular scenario. A mobile unit MU at distance d0 receives the strongest signal from base station Tx0 , which is denoted as the best server. The reception of this signal is disturbed by three surrounding interferers Tx ; k = 1; : : : ; 3. Additionally, it is assumed that the interferers are transmitting on the same frequency as the best server. The average downlink CCI ratio at the location of the mobile unit is, cf. Stuber (1996): k


( ) = ( )(d0 ) , 10 log10 f dB




10 dB ( k ) 10 g; (3) (

) d


where ( ) (d ) is the received signal power level from transmitter Tx , d is the distance of the mobile unit to the transmitter and N is the number of interferers. dB





2.3 Automatic cellular network design algorithms

Automatic cell site selection algorithms facilitate the deployment of mobile systems in two signi cant ways. First, they are capable of optimizing the network con guration. An automatic method can verify a huge number of di erent sites until the optimal set of sites is selected under the

2.3.1 Demand Node Concept

The core technique of the concept is to represent the spatial distribution of the demand for teletrac by discrete points: De nition 1: A demand node represents the center of an area that contains a quantum of demand from a teletrac viewpoint, accounted in a xed number of call requests per time unit. The DNC leads to a discretization of the trac demand in both space and demand. An example of a demand node distribution is shown in Figure 2. It depicts an area of size 15km  15km around the city of Wurzburg, Germany, also showing the Main river. The DNC is not only useful for the mobile subscriber characterization, it also enables a new de nition of the term coverage area: De nition 2: The coverage area of a transmitter is the set of demand nodes which are provided with a usable radio link according to Eqn.(1) and Eqn.(2). An appealing feature of the DNC, together with De ni-

tion 2, is the fact that the validation of the RF performance of a new base station requires only the calculation of eld strength values at positions where mobile subscriber stay with high probability. It is not anymore neccessary to compute the performance values at every location within the service area. Thus, the DNC leads to a signi cant speed up of the design of cellular systems.

Algorithm 1 (Optimize con guration) variables:

2.3.2 Network optimization Problem de nition: Due to De nition 2, supplying users

algorithm: 1 proc optimize net()  2 begin 3 S all con gurations ; 4 C ;; 5 nd 2 S : if cover(C + ) is max; 6 C C+ ; 7 S S, ; 8 if kCk = _ if cover(C ) required % 9 then return C ; 10 else goto 5; 11 12 end

with a mobile radio service is equivalent to covering demand nodes. An optimization algorithm has to determine the location of transmitters such that the proportion of demand nodes within the permitted service range is maximized. The service range is de ned by Eqn.(1) and Eqn.(2). Hence, the base station locating task is reduced to a Maximal Covering Location Problem (MCLP), which is mathematically de ned as: X Maximize Y = a y (4) i

subject to:



2 i



x  y 8i 2 I ^ j








x = p 8i 2 I; 8j 2 J: (5)







Objective function for interference minimization: An interference minimizing design of a cellular network requires that the decision variable y , which indicates whether a demand node is covered or not, obeys the two constraints given by Eqn.(1) and Eqn.(2). Hence, we de ne auxiliary variables z by: 8 1 9j 2 N : ( (i; j ) >

>< ( ) ( )) ^(( ) (i) >  ( )(i)) ; (6) z = > : 0 otherwise where ( )(i; j ) is the received signal strength at demand node i from transmitter j , and ( )(i) is the co-channel interference according to Eqn.(3). Taking account of the interference is now included by the additional constraints: i





th; dB


th; dB



y  z 8i 2 I: i



con guration of a transmitter at location with index set of all potential transmitter con gurations set of selected transmitter con gurations set of all demand nodes i



Si ; DN





Algorithm 1: Optimize Con guration


Here, x ; y 2 f0; 1g, J is the set of potential facility sites (indexed by j ), I is the set of demand nodes (indexed by i), Y is the objective function (i.e. the weighted coverage), x = 1 indicates that there is a facility at location with index j , y is the decision variable denoting whether demand node i is covered or not, a is the population represented by demand node i (i.e. the teletrac demand), N is the set of base stations which are providing sucient signal strength at demand node i, and p is the number of transmitters to be deployed. i



Greedy Heuristic solution (GH): Due to its exibility,

easy implementation, and short running time, a Greedy algorithm based on the proposal by Vohra and Hall (1993) was chosen as a rst method for solving the MCLP. The

algorithm imposes no restriction on the maximum number of potential base station locations. The heuristic is based on the assumption that the desirability of using con guration j in an optimal solution increases with the number of covered demand nodes. The complete algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1 and the function for calculating the number of covered demand nodes is depicted in Function 1. Simulated Annealing solution (SA): The second method investigated for solving the the MCLP is a Simulated Annealing (SA) approach. SA is a competing approximate method to solve large scale combinatorial optimization problems (see, e.g., Aarts and Korst (1990) for a representation of theory and applications of this method). An instance of a combinatorial optimization problem is given by a pair (V ; f ), where V is a nite set and f : V ! R is a cost function. The aim is to nd an element in V minimizing or maximizing f , respectively. The basic ingredients of SA are a subroutine, commonly called generate(), and an appropriate cooling schedule for a control parameter, called temperature. The procedure generate creates from the current state C 2 V at random with probability pCC a new state C 0 2 V . The set fC 0 2 V j pCC > 0g is called the neighborhood of C 2 V . The MCLP problem under interference constraints is obviously of combinatorial nature, and hence SA can be applied. The state space can be described by V = S , where S and p are as above. Therefore, C = (c1 ; : : : ; c ) 2 V corresponds to building base station con gurations c1 ; : : : ; c (neglecting duplicates). Hence, at most p base stations can be selected in a solution. The cost function measures the amount of served trac with respect to the average CCI ratio. 0





Function 1 (Coverage under interference constr.) variables: T set of investigated con gurations set of all demand nodes demand node with index weighted coverage

DN dni


algorithm: 1 funct if cover(T 2 begin c

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


for all



; DN





best server 0 nd 2 T : ( ) ( ) ( ) ^ ( ) ( ) is max; /* Eqn.(1) */ ; if best server 0 then ( ) inter( best server T ); /* Eqn.(3) */ if ( )  ( ) /* Eqn.(2) */ then + ; Tj

i; j


best server


th; dB

i; j




dni ;



od return ; end


th; dB



(a) Experiment 1




Function 1: Compute coverage under interference constraints A careful choice of neighborhoods and transition probabilities is essential for the performance of SA. Roughly speaking, neighboring states should not di er too much so that updated states are improved slowly step by step. To meet this requirement, for each con guration i a set of con gurations C (i) is de ned. Given a current state C = (c1 ; : : : ; c ), the procedure generate() rst chooses with probability 1=p an index j 2 f1; : : : ; pg. Thereafter, the component c of C is replaced by c0 2 C (c ), where c0 is chosen with probability 1= j C (c ) j. The output of generate() is the state C 0 = (c1 ; : : : ; c ,1 ; c0 ; c +1 ; : : : ; c ). generate() is thus completely described by the sets C (i). SA performed best on the investigated instances, when each C (i) contains M , 50  M  150, di erent con gurations serving a set of demand nodes close to that of i. Closeness is measured by the number of commonly served demand nodes. It turned out that the above version of SA behaves instable, in the sense that the initialization determines the quality of the nal solution. This can be explained as follows. Good solutions tend to have a small number of base stations each serving a large amount of trac whereas the remaining base stations serve only trac in small areas. This is a natural micro/macro cell design. However, if once the temperature is low, SA unlikely changes the number of micro and macro cells in the solution, since this could p










(b) Experiment 2 Figure 3: Transmitter locations in single-stage-design using the Greedy Heuristic (GH) only be achieved by a temporary huge decrease of the cost function. To overcome the problem we restricted the temperature such that with a probability of at most 1% a worse state is accepted.

2.3.3 Results

To prove the capability, the proposed interference minimizing design methods were integrated into the ICEPT planning tool prototype of the University of Wurzburg, cf. Tutschku et al. (1997), and tested on a real world planning case. The task is to nd the optimal locations of seven transmitters in the region around the city center of Wurzburg, cf. Figure 2. The value seven for the number of transmitters is the real number of base stations deployed in the Wurzburg region by a German cellular network op-

erator. We performed several case studies with di erent interference constraints and di erent sets of potential base station con gurations. The teletrac in the service region is described by 1127 demand nodes. We considered three instances for the set of potential transmitter con gurations. In the basic instance, the number of potential con gurations (i.e j Sbasic j) was 2960. This instance was generated by overlaying the service region with an equally spaced grid of 400m  400m and using two power levels. The second and the third instance were modi cations of the basic one. In the second instance, all potential con gurations serving more than 50% of the total demand nodes were eliminated (since such con gurations might not be desirable), i.e. seven base stations were removed. In the third instance, all con gurations serving more than 33% were eliminated (a total of 74). In a rst series of experiments, the coverage criterion was only de ned by Eqn. (1), i.e., a demand node was considered as covered if and only if it measures a sucient signal strength. The results of GH and SA look typically as depicted in Figure 3 (a). The positions of the selected con gurations are marked by the  symbol. The lines indicate the convex hulls around the set of demand nodes with are supplied by the selected con gurations. We see that con gurations with very large coverage areas are preferred, which yields a large amount of interferences. In the second series of experiments, the coverage criterion was de ned by Eqns. (1) and (2), i.e., interference constraints were considered. We call demand nodes that satisfy both requirements totally covered. A typical result for this situation is shown in Figure 3 (b). Con gurations with large, middle and small coverage areas are selected. The results of GH and SA di er not very much in the rst series of experiments, but the gap increases when con gurations are eliminated (see Table 1). Interestingly, SA achieved almost GH SA basic instance 1029 (91.3%) 1033 (91.7%) modi ed instance 1006 (89.3%) 1026 (91.0%) 50% restriction modi ed instance 987 (87.6%) 1025 (90.9%) 33% restriction Table 1: Demand coverage of Experiment 1. the same quality in all instances. In the second series of experiments, GH and SA di ered not very much for the basic instance, but signi cantly under the 50% restriction (see Table 2). This is due to the non-iterative nature of GH. If the rst two or three selected con gurations do not allow further good choices, then GH fails. Therefore, the additional amount of computing e ort when using SA (which we limited to one hour of computing time) is strongly recommended.

GH SA basic instance 839 (74.4%) 852 (75.6%) modi ed instance 732 (65.0%) 821 (72.8%) 50% restriction modi ed instance 769 (68.2%) 803 (71.3%) 33% restriction Table 2: Total coverage of Experiment 2.

3 Micro/Macro Cell Design

A common method to increase the teletrac capacity of cellular networks while reducing interference is to use micro- and macro-cells. In areas of high teletrac, microcells should be deployed to reduce interference and to obtain a higher spatial frequency reuse, whereas macro-cells should be employed for the provision of area coverage. Motivated by the results obtained in the previous section, it is of interest how the interference minimizing technique proposed above can be extended to an explicit \micro/macro" cell design, i.e. a method which rst deploys small and then large cells.

3.1 Two-stage cellular design

The micro/macro cell engineering principle was transformed into a two-stage-design algorithm for the Greedy Heuristic. An extension of this principle to SA was not considered since it is a self-steering heuristic. The two-stage Greedy Heuristic was integrated into the ICEPT tool prototype in two di erent ways:

 Stage 1: place micro-cells.

A certain number of micro-cells should be placed in such a way that the demand coverage under constraints of Eqn.(1) and Eqn.(2) is maximized. Microcells are de ned by the transmitting power and should operate at a low power level.

 Stage 2: place macro-cells.

A given number of \macro" cells should be deployed in such a way that the remaining unsupplied trac is covered. For the experiments, two versions of Stage 2 were implemented in the ICEPT prototype: a) only \macro" cells (i.e. cells with a high transmitting power) were allowed to be deployed. b) those \macro" and \micro" cells, which were not selected in Stage 1, were allowed to compete.

3.2 Results

Two case studies were carried out for the Wurzburg planning scenario. In experiment 3, a micro/macro cell design was performed with version a) of Stage 2. At the rst stage, ve transmitters were allowed, using a power level of 40dBm. At the second stage two transmitters were deployed, with a power level of 55dBm. The computed transmitter locations are shown in Figure 4. The power levels of


40 dBm

40dBm 55dBm


40dBm 55dBm

Figure 4: Transmitter locations in a two-stage-design using the Greedy Heuristic (experiment 3) the transmitters are noted next to the  symbol. The algorithm selects two macro-cells whose coverage area is very similar to that of the two selected micro-cells, cf. Figure 4. Table 3 shows that the deployment of the additional high power \macro" cells does not improve the solution. This behavior results from our de nition of the term \macro" cell which is based on the distinction of cell types according to their power level. However, a low power cell can also have a large area extension. Thus, using a sophisticated placement, it is possible to obtain the same performance with low power cells as it is possible with high power ones. To prove this statement, we performed experiment 4 using version b) of Stage 2. Now the high power macro-cells had to compete with the low power micro-cells. The algorithm obtained the same solution as in experiment 2. Instead of deploying high power cells, it uses low power ones. However, we have to mention that the results obtained by the modi ed two-stage Greedy Heuristic are not superior to the results obtained by SA. Due to its self-steering ability, SA chooses automatically the best mix of transmitter con gurations.

4 Conclusion This paper presented two automatic cellular network design algorithms which determine the locations of transmitters with respect to covered trac and co-channel inExp. 3 Exp. 4 demand coverage (Eqn.(1) only) 77.0% 77.1% demand coverage (Eqn.(1) and 61.4% 67.4% Eqn.(2)) average CCI ratio at covered 11.1 dB 13.3dB demand nodes Table 3: Interference minimization in two stage design

terference (CCI). The proposed methods are capable of maximizing the part of well served trac (totally covered demand nodes) while keeping the covered teletrac demand at a high level. A simulated annealing based method selects a good combination of micro and macro cells automatically, however, at the price of large computing times. Additionally, we investigated how the Greedy Heuristic can be extended for locating micro- and macro-cells. It turns out that the two-stage-design does not perform better under the given constraints. Nevertheless, we expect that for a di erent de nition of the term \micro cell" - i.e. a restriction of the area extension or the covered trac in conjunction with the low power constraint - the two-stage-sequence will perform better than the single-stage-algorithm. This is an open issue and will be investigated in the future. Acknowledgment: The authors would like to thank Marius Heuler, and Dirk Staehle for their programming support and Kenji Leibnitz, Michael Schmeink, and Dr. Oliver Rose for fruitful discussions during the course of this work.


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