Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions (ICAS) has served complicated ... used pipe stress analysis software; PV Eli
Intergraph PP&M Greater China CAU2013
Meeting site
Chemical Plant Project completed by Huitong Chemical Engineering Technique Co., Ltd. With CADWorx
Incorporation, CNOOC Offshore Oil
of Intergraph PP&M Greater China and
Engineering Co., Ltd., Engineering
constitute the most complete solution
Company of Beijing General Research
in the industry with other products
Institute of Mining & Metallurgy,
and solutions. Over the years,
Shandong Heat Energy and Electric
analysis software has received a good
Power Design Institute, Northwest
reputation in the industry and has
Electric Power Design Institute, China
been supported and known by users.
Huanqiu Contracting & Engineering
Next, we will further promote user’s
Corporation, and Siemens China.
application level and range to drive
Users praised the event and raised
business growth. CADWorx is flexible
expectations for ICAS products.
and convenient and is quite suitable
Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions (ICAS) has
with customers, promoting application level, and delivering
served complicated plant design and engineering for
better service. This is the first technical meeting for ICAS
In the last two years, ICAS has shown
over 25 years. The ICAS products allow design and
users after the establishment of Intergraph Greater China
strong outperformance all over the
engineering to share relevant information seamlessly,
region. Given the increasing influence of ICAS in the
world. In 2012, the growth rate of
thereby maintaining accuracy and improving efficiency.
Chinese engineering industry, ICAS US headquarters has
the overall ICAS product line reached
appointed a number of technical experts, together with
21%. Growth of CADWorx for the
domestic experts, to communicate with Chinese users
first quarter of 2013 increased 395%
and pass on their knowledge, experience and skills with
over the same period. Meanwhile,
respect to engineering application of the software.
the growth rate of analysis products
They include CADWorx Plant Design Suite for AutoCAD®-based intelligent plant design modeling, process schematics and automatic production of plant design deliverables; CAESAR II, the world's most widely used pipe stress analysis software; PV Elite for vessel and exchanger design and analysis; and TANK for the design and analysis of oil storage tanks. While almost all leading owner operators and EPC companies throughout the world use our products, small and medium enterprises also benefit from powerful and scalable solutions researched and developed by Intergraph.
reached 142%. This is inseparable The Conference attracted more than 200 users of 60
from the outstanding features of
organizations from petroleum, process, power, marine,
ICAS and world-wide comprehensive
shipbuilding, machinery manufacturing, gas heat, utilities
technical supports.
and other industries. Participating organizations, among other engineering companies and design institutes, include China Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd. (CPE), Beijing
Beijing, April 25-26, 2013 – Intergraph PP&M Greater
Office, China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Corporation
China CAU2013 is held for enhancing communication
(CPPE), SINOPEC Nanjing Engineering & Construction
Mr. Welch Sun, General Manager of Intergraph PP&M Greater China, gives the welcome speech
for small and medium customers and projects. From investment return, CADWorx is the best choice for small and medium projects.” As the global economy recovers, number of projects increases and China further promotes the development of the engineering sector, Intergraph China brings out the “to be with you” theme to express the concern for Chinese users of Intergraph as a global leading
Mr. Welch Sun, General Manager
enterprise engineering software
of Intergraph PP&M Greater China
provider. Intergraph China seeks
attended the Conference and gave an
to work with Chinese users and
important speech. He said, “analysis
maximize safety level, productivity and
software and CADWorx are a key part
benefits of projects together.
Mr. Rick Allen, Intergraph PP&M VP, Intergraph CAS President & CEO, delivers the keynote address